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(g) The term "document" means any Presidential proclamation or Executive order, and any order, regulation, rule, certificate, code of fair competition, license, notice, or similar instrument issued, prescribed, or promulgated by a Federal agency.

(h) The term "Federal Register" means the daily issue of the Federal Register.

(i) The term "person" means any individual, partnership, association, or corporation.** [Sec. I]

*§§ 2.1 to 2.24, inclusive, issued under the authority contained in sec. 6, 49 Stat. 501; 44 U.S.C., Sup., 306.

The source of §§ 2.1 to 2.24, inclusive, (except for amendments noted in the text,) is Federal Register Regulations, Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President, May 26, 1938, 3 F.R. 1013.

2.2 Documents required to be filed in the office of the Director and published in the Federal Register. There shall be filed in the office of the Director and published in the Federal Register:

(a) Such documents or classes of documents as may be required so to be published by Act of Congress.

(b) Such documents or classes of documents as the President shall determine from time to time have general applicability and legal effect, and such documents as the President shall direct to be published.

(c) (1) All Presidential proclamations, and (2) All Executive orders required to be published under section 5 (a) (1) of the Act and in addition thereto, the following documents or classes of documents which are hereby prescribed to be published under section 5 (b) of the Act, (3) Executive orders establishing, amending, or revoking Civil Service Rules, and (4) Executive orders which the President directs to be published in the Federal Register.

(d) The following documents or classes of documents, issued by the Federal agencies listed below, which are hereby determined pursuant to section 5 (a) (2) of the Act to be of general applicability and legal effect:



Regulations issued pursuant to the authority contained in:

Sections 2 and 8 of the Act of March 4, 1923 (42 Stat. 1509, 1510).
E.O. 6614, February 26, 1934.


Rules, regulations, and orders, except such as are applicable only to the Federal Reserve Banks, the Federal Reserve agents, or the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, or the officers, employees, or assistants of any of them, issued pursuant to authority contained in:

Section 2 of the Federal Reserve Act (38 Stat. 251).

Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended by section 3 (a) of the Banking Act of 1933 (48 Stat. 162, 163), and as otherwise amended.

Section 5 of the Federal Reserve Act (38 Stat. 251, 257), as amended by section 319 (a) of the Banking Act of 1935 (49 Stat. 684, 713).

Section 6 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended and reenacted by section

1 of the Act of April 23, 1930 (46 Stat. 250), as further amended.

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Section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended and reenacted by section 3 of the Act of June 21, 1917 (40 Stat. 232), as amended by section 401 of the Agricultural Credits Act of 1923 (42 Stat. 1454, 1478), as amended by section 9 of the Act of February 25, 1927 (44 Stat. 1224, 1229), as amended by section 5 of the Banking Act of 1933 (48 Stat. 162, 164), as amended by section 320 of the Banking Act of 1935 (49 Stat. 684, 713), and as otherwise amended.

Section 10 (b) of the Federal Reserve Act, as added by section 2 of the Act of February 27, 1932 (47 Stat. 56), as amended by section 204 of the Banking Act of 1935 (49 Stat. 684, 705), and as otherwise amended.

Section 11, subsection (i), of the Federal Reserve Act (38 Stat. 251, 262). Section 11, subsection (k), of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended and reenacted by section 2 of the Act of September 26, 1918 (40 Stat. 967, 968), as amended by the Act of June 26, 1930 (46 Stat. 814).

Section 11, subsection (m), of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended by section 7 of the Banking Act of 1933 (48 Stat. 162, 167), as amended by section 321 (a) of the Banking Act of 1935 (49 Stat. 684, 713), and as otherwise amended.

Section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended by the act of September 7, 1916 (39 Stat. 752), as amended by sections 4 and 5 of the Act of June 21, 1917 (40 Stat. 232, 234, 235), as amended by section 402 of the Agricultural Credits Act of 1923 (42 Stat. 1454, 1478), as amended by the Act of May 29, 1928 (45 Stat. 975), as amended by section 210 of the Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932 (47 Stat. 709, 715), as amended by section 403 of the Act of March 9, 1933 (48 Stat. 1, 7), as amended by section 9 of the Banking Act of 1933 (48 Stat. 162, 180), and as otherwise amended.

Section 13a of the Federal Reserve Act, as added by section 404 of the Agricultural Credits Act of 1923 (42 Stat. 1454, 1479), as amended by section 5 of the Act of May 19, 1932 (47 Stat. 159, 160).

Section 13b, subsections (b) and (c), of the Federal Reserve Act, as added by section 1 of the Act of June 19, 1934 (48 Stat. 1105), as amended.

Section 14 of the Federal Reserve Act (38 Stat. 251, 264), as amended by section 16 (b) of the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation Act (48 Stat. 344, 348), as amended by section 7 (b) of the Act of April 27, 1934 (48 Stat. 643, 646), as amended by section 10 of the Banking Act of 1933 (48 Stat. 162, 181), as amended by section 206 of the Banking Act of 1935 (49 Stat. 684, 706), and as otherwise amended.

Section 16 of the Federal Reserve Act (38 Stat. 251, 265), as amended.

Section 19 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended and reenacted by section 10 of the Act of June 21, 1917 (40 Stat. 232, 239), as amended by section 11 of the Banking Act of 1933 (48 Stat. 162, 181), as amended by sections 207 and 324 of the Banking Act of 1935 (49 Stat. 684, 706, 714), and as otherwise amended.

Section 22, subsection (d), of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended and reenacted by section 5 of the Act of September 26, 1918 (40 Stat. 967, 970).

Section 22, subsection (g), of the Federal Reserve Act, as added by section 12 of the Banking Act of 1933 (48 Stat. 162, 182), as amended by section 326 (c) of the Banking Act of 1935 (49 Stat. 684, 716).

Section 25 of the Federal Reserve Act (38 Stat. 251, 273), as amended by the Act of September 7, 1916 (39 Stat. 752, 755), as amended.

Section 25 (a) of the Federal Reserve Act, as added by the Act of December 24, 1919 (41 Stat. 378), as amended by the Act of June 14, 1921 (42 Stat. 28), and as otherwise amended.

Section 8 of the Act of October 15, 1914, as amended by section 329 of the Banking Act of 1935 (49 Stat. 684, 717), and as otherwise amended.

Section 32 of the Banking Act of 1933, as amended by section 307 of the Banking Act of 1935 (49 Stat. 684, 709).

Section 502, subsection (b), of the World War Adjusted Compensation Act (43 Stat. 121, 126), as amended.

Section 3 (b), 7, and 8, of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (48 Stat. 881, SS4, et seq.).

Section 23 (a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as amended by section 8 of the Act of May 27, 1936 (49 Stat. 1375, 1379).

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Section 5144 of the Revised Statutes, as amended by section 19 of the Banking Act of 1933 (48 Stat. 162, 186), as amended by section 311 of the Banking Act of 1935 (49 Stat. 684, 710).


Rules and regulations issued pursuant to the authority contained in:
Sections 5 and 7 of the Act of July 25, 1935 (49 Stat. 498, 499, 500).


Rules and regulations issued pursuant to the authority contained in: Section 4 of the Act of June 12, 1934 (48 Stat. 943, 945), and paragraph 3 of E.O. 6750, June 27, 1934.


Instructions issued pursuant to the authority contained in:

Section 7 of the Act of January 31, 1935 (49 Stat. 1, 4), as amended. E.O. 6340, October 16, 1933.

Sections 302, 381, 382, and 383 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 (52 Stat. 31).

Section 4 of the Act of March 8, 1938 (52 Stat. 107).


Rules, regulations, notices, and orders having general applicability and legal effect and not directed to and served upon particular persons, including in the term "orders" proclamations, determinations, and obligatory standards issued pursuant to the authority contained in:


Section 161 of the Revised Statutes.


Sections 8 (1), 8 (4), and 8 (5) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, as amended by sections 2 and 4 of the Act of August 24, 1935 (49 Stat. 750, 751, 753).

Section 8 (b) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, as amended by sections 2 and 4 of the Act of August 24, 1935 (49 Stat. 750, 751, 753), and as amended and reenacted and amended by the Act of June 3, 1937 (50 Stat. 246, 247).

Section 8 (c) and 8 (e) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, as added by sections 5 and 6 of the Act of August 24, 1935 (49 Stat. 750, 753, 761), as amended and reenacted and amended by the Act of June 3, 1937 (50 Stat. 246, 247), as amended by the Act of August 5, 1937 (50 Stat. 563) and the Act of April 13, 1938 (52 Stat. 215).

Section 10 (c) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, (48 Stat. 31, 37), as amended and reenacted and amended by the Act of June 3, 1937 (50 Stat. 246, 248).

Section 10 (i) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, as added by section 18 of the Act of August 24, 1935 (49 Stat. 750, 767), as amended and reenacted and amended by the Act of June 3, 1937 (50 Stat. 246).

Section 22 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, as added by section 31 of the Act of August 24, 1935 (49 Stat. 750, 773), as amended, and as reenacted by the Act of June 3, 1937 (50 Stat. 246), and E.O. 7233, November 23, 1935.

Titles I, II, III, and V of the Sugar Act of 1937 (50 Stat. 903, 904, 909, 915). Sections 8 to 17 of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, as added by the Act of February 29, 1936 (49 Stat. 1148, 1149, 1151), as amended by the Public Resolution of June 24, 1936 (49 Stat. 1915), by the Act of June 28, 1937 (50 Stat. 329), by title I of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938

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(52 Stat. 31-36), and by the Act of April 7, 1938 (52 Stat. 202), and as affected by section 7 (c) of title IV of the First Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year of 1936 (49 Stat. 1597. 1648).

Act of April 25, 1936 (49 Stat. 1239).

Title III and section 404 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 (52 Stat. 38-66, 71), as amended by the Act of March 26, 1938 (52 Stat. 120), and the Act of April 7, 1938 (52 Stat. 202).

The provisions of the item entitled, "Price Adjustment Payment to Cotton Producers" in the Third Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1937, (50 Stat. 762), as amended by section 381 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 (52 Stat. 66, 67), as amended by section 12 of the Act of April 7, 1938 (52 Stat. 202, 204).


Section 9 of the Alaska Game Law (43 Stat. 739, 743).

Section 11, subsections C and D of the Alaska Game Law (43 Stat. 739, 744), as amended by the Act of February 14, 1931 (46 Stat. 111, 112).


Section 5 of the United States Cotton Futures Act (39 Stat. 476). Sections 2, 7, and 8 of the United States Grain Standards Act (39 Stat. 482, 484, 485).

Section 28 of the United States Warehouse Act (39 Stat. 486, 490).

Section 19 of the United States Warehouse Act (39 Stat. 486, 489), as amended by the Act of February 23, 1923 (42 Stat. 1282, 1284).

Section 4 of the Standard Container Act of 1916 (39 Stat. 673, 674). Sections 6 and 10 of the United States Cotton Standards Act (42 Stat. 1517, 1518, 1519).

Section 3 of the Produce Agency Act of March 3, 1927 (44 Stat. 1355).
Section 3 of the Act of March 3, 1927 (44 Stat. 1373).

Section 3 of the Wool Standards Act of May 17, 1928 (45 Stat. 593, 594).
Section 9 of the Standard Container Act of 1928 (45 Stat. 685, 687).
Section 2 of the Tobacco Stocks and Standards Act of January 14, 1929
(45 Stat. 1079).

Section 15 of the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act of 1930 (46 Stat. 531, 537).

Sections 1 and 7 of the Export Apple and Pear Act of June 10, 1933 (48 Stat. 123, 124).

Sections 3, 5, 6, 8, and 14 of the Tobacco Inspection Act of August 23, 1935 (49 Stat. 731, 732, et seq.).

Sections 3, 4, and 6 of the Act of June 24, 1936 (49 Stat. 1898, 1899).

The Department of Agriculture Appropriation Act of 1938 (50 Stat. 395, 425).


Section 3 of the Act of May 29, 1884 (23 Stat. 31, 32), as amended by the Act of May 31, 1920 (41 Stat. 694, 699), as amended.

Sections 4 and 5 of the Act of May 29, 1884 (23 Stat. 31, 32), as amended by the Act of February 2, 1903 (32 Stat. 791).

Act of August 30, 1890 (26 Stat. 414), as amended by the Act of June 28, 1926 (44 Stat. 774), as amended.

Act of March 3, 1891 (26 Stat. 833), as amended by the Joint Resolution of May 28, 1928 (45 Stat. 789).

Act of February 2, 1903 (32 Stat. 791), as amended.

Act of March 3, 1905 (33 Stat. 1264), as extended by the Act of March 4, 1913 (37 Stat. 828, 831), as amended.

Act of June 30, 1906 (34 Stat. 669, 674-679), as amended by the Act of March 4, 1907 (34 Stat. 1256, 1260-1265), as amended by paragraph 545 of the Act of October 3, 1913 (38 Stat. 114, 159), as amended by the Act of July 24, 1919 (41 Stat. 234, 239-241).

Act of March 4, 1907 (34 Stat. 1256, 1260-1265), as amended.
Act of March 4, 1913 (37 Stat. 828, 832-833).

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