50.11 Interstate Commerce Commission. (a) Five experts to be members of an advisory board under the Act of March 1, 1913, providing for the valuation of the property of carriers. [E.O. 1851, Oct. 29, 1913] (b) Five members of a board of engineers under said Act. [E.O. 1851, Oct. 29, 1913] (c) One director under said Act. [E.O. 1851, Oct. 29, 1913] (d) One supervisor of land appraisals under said Act. [E.O. 1851, Oct. 29, 1913] (e) One chief accountant under said Act.* [E.O. 1851, Oct. 29, 1913] 50.12 Department of Labor. (a) Commissioners of conciliation in labor disputes to be appointed by the Secretary of Labor whenever, in his judgment, the interests of industrial peace may require it. [E.O. 2166, Apr. 13, 1915] (b) One position of director of information and one position of administratíve assistant in the office of the Secretary. [E.O. 6488, Dec. 11, 1933] (c) Six district commissioners of immigration and naturalization. [E.O. 6489, Dec. 11, 1933] (d) One special assistant to the Secretary in the Office of the Secretary.* [E.O. 7393, June 19, 1936] 50.13 Veterans' Administration. (a) Three assistant administrators. [E.O. 5691, Aug. 21, 1931] (b) One solicitor. [E.O. 5691, Aug. 21, 1931] (c) One executive assistant to administrator. [E.O. 5691, Aug. 21, 1931] (d) One medical director. [E.O. 5691, Aug. 21, 1931] (e) One director of construction service. [E.O. 5691, Aug. 21, 1931] (f) One special counsel on insurance claims. [E.O. 5691, Aug. 21, 1931] (g) Two head attorneys (Grade 7 of the professional and scientific service). [E.O. 5691, Aug. 21, 1931] (h) Ten control officers. [E.O. 5691, Aug. 21, 1931] (i) Any local physician employed on a fee basis or a part-time basis, where, in the opinion of the Commission, the establishment of registers is impracticable. [E.O. 5691, Aug. 21, 1931] (j) Professional or technical specialists when employed temporarily for consultation purposes. [E.O. 5691, Aug. 21, 1931] (k) Persons employed as chefs, cooks, and bakers; attendants (including kitchen helpers, barbers, matrons, housekeepers, maids, laundry helpers, seamstresses, orderlies, waiters, and waitresses); where, in the opinion of the Commission, the establishment of registers is impracticable. [E.O. 5691, Aug. 21, 1931] This shall include the position of head waiter (§ 16.1). (1) Positions in national soldiers' homes, when filled by the members of such homes, if, in the opinion of the Veterans' Administration, the duties of the positions can be satisfactorily performed by the employment of such members. If the positions are filled other Page 58 *For statutory citation, see note to § 50.0. wise than by members, selection is to be made in accordance with civil-service rules and regulations.* [E.O. 5774, Jan. 13, 1932] 50.14 Office of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital. Retired enlisted men who have served in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, retired policemen and firemen of the District of Columbia, and retired United States park policemen may be appointed as guards when, in the opinion of the Commission, it is not expedient to make appointments from competitive examinations.* [E.O. 4165, Mar. 9, 1925] 50.15 Farm Credit Administration. (a) Private secretary or confidential clerk each to the three deputy governors, the general counsel, the five commissioners, and the heads of six major divisions. [E.O. 6134, May 18, 1933] (b) Not exceeding eight positions in the immediate office of the Governor in addition to the private secretary excepted under § 50.1 (q). [E.O. 6134, May 18, 1933] (c) Agents employed in the field positions the work of which is financed jointly by the Administration and cooperating persons or organizations outside the Federal service. [E.O. 1592, Aug. 26, 1912, E.O. 6084, Mar. 27, 1933]. Prior consent of the Civil Service Commission must be obtained for the appointment of such agents. A full report shall be submitted immediately by the Administration to the Commission, setting forth the name, designation, and compensation of the appointee, and a statement of the duties to which he is to be assigned, and of his qualifications for such duties, in such detail as to indicate clearly that the appointment is properly made. The same procedure shall be followed in the case of the assignment of any agent to duties of a different character.* [E.O. 5123, May 21, 1929] 50.16 Federal Power Commission. One position of assistant secretary.* [E.O. 6732, June 7, 1934] 50.17 Federal Communications Commission. One secretary of the Federal Communications Commission.* [E.O. 6083, Mar. 25, 1933] 50.18 National Railroad Adjustment Board. One private secretary or confidential clerk to each member.* [E.O. 6892, Oct. 30, 1934] 50.19 United States High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands. Junior messengers and under clerks with a salary range of $180 to $250 per annum in the office of the United States High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands.* [E.O. 7210, Oct. 24, 1935] 50.20 National Training School for Boys. (a) The Superintendent of the National Training School for Boys. [E.O. 7228, Nov. 18, 1935] (b) One physician-psychiatrist.* [E.O. 7228, Nov. 18, 1935] *For statutory citation, see note to § 50.0. Page 59 PART 51-SCHEDULE B: POSITIONS WHICH MAY BE FILLED UPON NONCOMPETITIVE EXAMINATION Section 51.0 Original appointments to positions which may be made through noncompetitive examination. The positions designated in this part are subject to noncompetitive tests of fitness.* [E.O. 1180, Mar. 23, 1910] *§§ 51.0 to 51.12, inclusive, issued under the authority contained in R.S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403; 5 U.S.C. 631, 633. 51.1 Interior Department. (a) Positions in the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washington, D. C., and in the field, not now excepted from examination under Part 50, where the applicants are of onefourth or more Indian blood. [E.O. 7423, July 26, 1936, 1 F.R. 885] (b) Any competitive position at an Indian school when filled by the wife of a competitive employee at that school. [E.O. 1180, Mar. 23, 1910] (c) Six field representatives to act as the immediate and confidential representatives of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, subject to such evidence of qualifications as the Civil Service Commission may prescribe after consultation with the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. [E.O. 1936, May 13, 1914] (d) One superintendent of irrigation in the Indian Service, who shall be competent to pass upon water rights. [E.O. 2107, Dec. 18, 1914] (e) Such administrative or custodial positions in the field service of the United States Housing Authority relating to the management or maintenance of Federal low-rent housing projects, which in the opinion of the Civil Service Commission cannot be filled satisfactorily through open competitive examination: Provided, That no positions shall be filled under this paragraph unless it is clearly demonstrated that the best interests of the service will be served thereby.* [E.O. 7872, Apr. 20, 1938, 3 F.R. 795] 51.2 Interstate Commerce Commission. (a) Not exceeding twenty special agents under the Division of Inquiry, subject to such evidence of qualifications as the Civil Service Commission may prescribe after consultation with the Interstate Commerce Commission: Provided, That should the Civil Service Commission at any time. have reason to believe that the privilege so afforded is abused, it may revoke it. [E.O. 1180, Mar. 23, 1910] (b) Five assistant engineers to be employed under the Act of March 1, 1913, providing for the valuation of the property of carriers.* [E.O. 1768, Apr. 23, 1913] Page 60 *For statutory citation, see note to § 51.0. 51.3 Department of Commerce. (a) Commercial attachés and assistant commercial attachés, trade commissioners and assistant trade commissioners, district managers and assistant district managers, experts, and commercial agents and special agents, to investigate trade conditions abroad and in the United States, Alaska, Philippines and other insular possessions, with the object of promoting the foreign and domestic commerce of the United States. [E.O. 6214-A, July 25, 1933] (b) The Director of Air Commerce, two Assistant Directors of Air Commerce, and not exceeding 10 consulting aeronautical experts qualified in some branch of theoretical or applied aeronautical science, aviation medicine, or aviation law, whose training and experience indicate the possession of qualifications necessary to discharge the duties to be assigned.* [E.O. 7853, Mar. 29, 1938] 51.4 War Department. (a) Positions of military storekeeper in the Signal Service at large when filled by retired noncommissioned officers of the Signal Corps. [E.O. 2481, Oct. 31, 1916] (b) Four positions of headquarters messenger at the headquarters of the Philippine Department, when filled by honorably discharged enlisted men who have been on duty at those headquarters. [E.O. 5777, Jan. 19, 1932] (c) Any person employed in an area outside the continental limits of the United States (except the Canal Zone and Alaska), when in the opinion of the Secretary of War the best interests of the service so require.* [E.O. 7405, July 6, 1936] 51.5 Department of Justice. Any competitive position at a United States penitentiary when filled by a paroled prisoner who is recommended for such employment by the officers of the penitentiary in which the employment is proposed, by the board of parole, and by the Department of Justice.* [E.O. 2435, Aug. 4, 1916] 51.6 District of Columbia. Surgeons of the police and fire departments of the District of Columbia.* [E.O. 3534, Aug. 16, 1921] 51.7 Treasury Department. Classified positions in the custodian service when filled by the promotion of unclassified laborers, subject to the approval of the Commission.* [E.O. 4018, June 4, 1924] 51.8 State Department. (a) Specialists in foreign relations, political, economic, and financial, whose proposed compensation is $3,200 or more, and whose training and experience along the lines of their proposed duties meet the standard minimum qualifications set up in open competitive examinations for positions in the professional service for corresponding grades. [E.O. 5171, Aug. 8, 1929] (b) Persons formerly employed abroad as United States diplomatic or consular officers of career or foreign-service officers of career for the period of at least four years, for service in the Department of State as administrative officers or executive advisers in positions comparable in salary with the associate professional grade or higher. [E.O. 5513, Dec. 13, 1930] 51.9 Navy Department. (a) Such positions of a professional, scientific, technical, or supervisory nature under the Naval Estab *For statutory citation, see note to § 51.0. Page 61 [467] lishment in the Philippine Islands, as may be agreed upon by the Secretary of the Navy and the Civil Service Commission. [E.O. 5170, Aug. 8, 1929] (b) Any person employed in an area outside the continental limits of the United States (except the Canal Zone and Alaska), when in the opinion of the Secretary of the Navy the best interests of the service so require. [E.O. 7404, July 1, 1936, 1 F.R. 714] (c) Classified positions in the field service of the Navy Department and the Marine Corps when filled by the promotion of unclassified laborers, subject to the approval of the Commission.* [E.O. 7661, July 17, 1937, 2 F.R. 1251] 51.10 Farm Credit Administration. (a) Attorneys of all grades. [E.O. 5248, Dec. 28, 1929] (b) Experts in all branches of agricultural science, economics, finance, law, statistics, accountancy, insurance, and business administration, whose training and experience along the lines of their proposed duties clearly indicate the possession of expert qualifications.* [E.O. 5248, Dec. 28, 1929] 51.11 Post Office Department. One postal rate expert. [E.O. 5922, Sept. 17, 1932] 51.12 National Training School for Boys. Cottage officers and cottage matrons.* [E.O. 7228, Nov. 18, 1935] PART 52-APPOINTMENT OF UNCLASSIFIED LABORERS Section 52.1 Authority. The Civil Service Commission is authorized to apply the regulations in this part to such cities or parts of the executive civil service as it may deem expedient. It shall be the duty of all officers in the executive civil service to aid the Commission in all proper ways in carrying said regulations into effect.** [Executive approval, June 5, 1922] **88 52.1 to 52.14, inclusive, issued under the authority contained in R.S. 1753; 5 U.S.C. 631. 52.2 Qualifications of applicants. Applicants must be citizens of the United States, physically and mentally qualified, of good character and habits, and not less than 18, nor more than 50, years of age, except for the position of boy laborer, for which applicants must be not less than 14 (except when a higher minimum is required by State laws) nor more than 18 years of age. These age limitations shall not apply to persons honorably discharged from the Army or Navy or Marine Corps, who may be admitted to examination without reference to age.** [E.O., June 5, 1922] Page 62 *For statutory citation, see note to § 51.0. |