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Amending E.O. 9, Jan. 17, 1873, to

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permit officers of the Public Health Service to hold local offices to cooperate with State or local health departments and to permit local public health officers to hold Federal appointments. Exempting from E.O. 9, Jan. 17, 1873, positions in local colonial councils in the Virgin Islands. Amending E.O. 9, Jan. 17, 1873, to enable employees of the National Park Service to accept appointments as State deputy sheriffs without compensation. Amending E.O. 9, Jan. 17, 1873, so as to permit officials and employees of the Indian Service, DepartIment of the Interior, to serve in a medical or sanitary capacity in State, county, or municipal positions without additional compensation. Amending E.O. 9, Jan. 17, 1873, so as to permit State employees to serve as district advisors in grazing districts when appointed by the Secretary of the Interior. Amending E.O. 9, Jan. 17, 1873, to permit employees of the Virgin Islands to be appointed as immigration inspector for the Virgin Islands.


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IX, and X.

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Promulgating the Civil Service
Rules replacing those promul-
gated May 6, 1896, and the
amendments thereof.
Amending Civil Service Rule II...
Amending Civil Service Rule II,
and schedule A, subdivision VII
of the Civil Service Rules.
Promulgating the Civil Service
Rules replacing those promul-
gated May 6, 1896, and the
amendments thereof.

Amending Civil Service Rule IX.
Amending Civil Service Rule II..
Promulgating the Civil Service

Rules replacing those promul-
gated May 6, 1896, and the
amendments thereof.
Including in the regular competitive
classified service of the United
States all artisan positions under
the jurisdiction of the Navy.
Classifying Federal employees in
the Philippines.

Amending E.O. 758, Feb. 20, 1908, prescribing strict procedure in submitting recommendations affecting the method of appointment to classified positions. Making provisions for appointments to executive offices in accordance with Civil Service Rules.

Promulgating the Civil Service Rules replacing those promulgated May 6, 1896, and the amendments thereof.

See footnotes on p. 192.

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Sept. 7, 1932


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Authorizing examinations for appointment to United States Military and Naval Academies. Prohibiting instruction of any person for special preparation for examinations for the Diplomatic and Consular Service by an employee of the Government. Prohibiting instruction of any person for special preparation for United States Civil Service examinations by an employee of the Government.

Amending Rule III, subsection XI,
of schedule A, and subsections
and II of schedule B of the Civil
Service Rules.

Promulgating the Civil Service
Rules replacing those promulgat-
ed May 6, 1896, and the amend-
ments thereof.

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June 15, 1936


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Promulgating the Civil Service
Rules replacing those promul-
gated May 6, 1896, and the
amendments thereof.
Providing for reinstatement of
former Federal employees in
order to receive benefits of retire-
ment under certain conditions.
Promulgating the Civil Service
Rules replacing those promul-
gated May 6, 1896, and the
amendments thereof.
Amending schedule A, subdivision
VIII, paragraph 5 and schedule
B, subdivision I, paragraph 1, of
the Civil Service Rules.
Allowing reinstatement to classified
employees who have lost their
health in line of duty without
regard to ordinary requirements.
Amending E.O. 4031, June 19, 1924,
which amends rule IX of the Civil
Service Rules, with regard to re-
instatement of persons allocated
to positions outside their status.
Authorizing priority to employees
dropped or furloughed in reduc-
tion of force.

Promulgating the Civil Service Rules
replacing th ose promulgated May
6, 1896, and the amendments

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