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Try It On


It is made digestible

and more palatable with





Soups, Fish, Steaks, Roast Meats, Chops, Game, Gravies, Chafing Dish Cooking and
Salad Dressings are greatly improved by its use.

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"This is a genuine hunter-naturalist's narrative. Its historical and scientific facts are savored with the spice of the camp fire story teller's style. All the beauty and glory of life in the open permeate this book.-Philadelphia Ledger.

Handbook of Alaska: Its Resources, Products and


By MAJOR-GENERAL A. W. GREELEY, U. S. A. Illustrated with Maps and Tables, $2.00; net Postpaid $2.20 "There is no book in print that so fully summarizes the latest facts regarding that wonderful country as does General Greeley's Handbook."-Review of Reviews.

"The best work on the subject extant."-Philadelphia Inquirer.




[graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][merged small][merged small][graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed]

Old Soldiers,


Any old Soldier who made a homestead entry of 40, 80 or
120 acres in any state in the Union before the year of
1874, has a claim coming to him from the government
provided he has never sold this right or taken up another

It does not make any difference whether he proved up on
his original homestead entry or simply left it.

A soldier who never made a homestead entry or one who entered land after June 22, 1874, has nothing to sell.

WE BUY THESE CLAIMS. The widow or heirs of a soldier can also sell these rights.

R. H. Peale & Co.,

Judge Building,

Salt Lake City, Utah.

[blocks in formation]

S. & Q. Safe and

Send Us $1.00 for it Today. It is Shipped Prepaid to Your Door It's a most practical gift-something she needs. The S. & Q. Alcohol-Gas Stove will boil a quart of water, milk or any other liquid within twelve minutes. And can be used for hours at a time at the cost of but a few cents for denatured Alcohol. How handy and convenient she'll find the S. & Q. Alcohol-Gas Stove during the day! And what an infinite amount of trouble it will save for her at night-particularly if there's a sick person or baby to care for! There'll be no more hal -dozen trips to the kitchen to heat the needed water. She can get it ready on her It's S. & Q. Alcohol-Gas Stove without leaving her room. lighter than an ordinary flat-iron, and therefore just as portable. Strongly made; nothing to get out of order; can't possibly explode. And the price is only one dollar. The man in the home, too, will share in its convenience-quickly heated water for his morning shave.

SEND ONE DOLLAR TODAY-money, money-order
or stamps-and we'll ship an S. & Q. Alcohol-
Gas Stove, prepaid, to any part of the U. S.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


beauty, and defies detection.

It has



test of 61

years; no other

has, and is




taste it to be sure it is properly made.

Accept no counterfeit of similar name. The distin

guished Dr. L. A. Sayre said to a lady of the haut-ton (a patient): "As you ladies will use them, I recommend 'Gouraud's Cream' as the least harmful of all the skin preparations."

For sale by all druggists and fancy goods dealers.

Gouraud's Oriental Toilet Powder For infants and adults. Exquisitely perfumed. Relieves skin troubles, cures sunburn and renders an excellent complexion. Price 25c. by mall. Gouraud's Poudre Subtile

Removes Superfluous Hair. Price $1 by mail. FERD T. HOPKINS, Prop'r, 37 Great Jones St. New York City.

[graphic][merged small][subsumed][merged small]

An Illustrated Monthly Magazine written and published by men in the U. S. Navy


YOU are interested in our great American Navy; all Loyal Americans are, but you do not get the inside news-the real facts about the life aboard ship. You do not get close enough to the men with their joys and troubles. You may know the movements of all the Naval Vessels each month. You may know what their crews are doing-what they are seeing. You may follow the great fleets around the world. You may read Naval news written by Naval men who know what they are writing. In short, you may be on the inside of everything pertaining to the great battleships and the men who run them. by reading the navy magazine, "Our Navy." Published monthly at the Naval Training Station, San Francisco, California.

The Advertising Medium that reaches the Navy

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