OVERLAND LIMITED Crosses High Sierra, Great Salt Lake by Daylight CHICAGO IN THREE DAYS Electric lighted-Fast Flying Cross-country Train Careful and attentive dining service. Parlor Ob- Daily News Bulletins, Latest papers and Maga- SOUTHERN PACIFIC If You Have RHEUMATISM sign and mail this coupon to MAGIC FOOT DRAFT CO., Dept. 1234 E Jackson, Mich. Name Address Return mail will bring you a $1 Pair of Magic Foot Drafts to try Free. Read below. Upon receipt of above coupon we will send you by return mail, prepaid, a regular $1 pair of Magic Foot Drafts, Michigan's Great External Cure for Rheumatism of every kind-chronic or acute-Muscular, Sciatic, Lumbago, or Gout. No matter where the pain or how severe. Then, and only after you have given them a thorough trial and are fully satisfied with the benefit received, you can send us One Dollar. If not, you pay nothing. You decide and we take your word. Morgan & Wright Tires are Good Tires Scores of motorists who are THIS YEAR using Morgan & Wright Tires as EXCLUSIVE equipment on their cars were converted to them during the latter part of last season. They replaced one or more of their worn-out casings with Morgan & Wright's and carefully compared for the balance of the year, the service they gave with that given by other makes. Without doubt you will need a new tire or two to finish out this season. Put on Morgan & Wright tires and watch them closely. It will show you a simple method of cutting down your car maintenance bills for NEXT year. You can get them of most any good dealer at the same price you are asked to pay for other kinds. HOTEL MANX SAN FRANCISCO 300 rooms each connecting with bath. Built, equipped and conducted to please the really critical. Every convenience known to modern hotel keeping. Circulating ice water in each room. Excellent restaurant. Prices moderate. Metropolitan service. G. C. LARM, Manager C. E. BROOKS, the Discoverer. Brooks' Appliance, the blanks mailed free. Send C. E. BROOKS, 1655 Brooks Building, Marshall Mich. Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar Clears The Voice Sold by Druggists Pike's Toothache Drops |