UNSIGHTLY COMPLEXIONS YIELD TO CUTICURA SOAP Assisted by Cuticura Ointment. For preserving, purifying and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair and hands, for clearing the complexion, for itching, scaly scalps with dry, thin and falling hair, for minor eruptions, rashes, itchings and irritations, for sanative, antiseptic cleansing and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are unrivaled. Depots: London, 27, Charterhouse Sq.: Paris, 10, Rue de la Chaussee d'Antin; Australia, R. Towns & Co., Sydney: India, B. K. Paul, Calcutta; China, Hong Kong Drug Co.: Japan, Z. P. Maruya, Ltd., Tokio; So. Africa, Lennon, Ltd., Cape Town, etc.; U.S.A., Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props., 3 Columbus Ave., Boston. 23 Post-free, 32-page Cuticura Book, an Authoron the Care and Treatment of Skin and Hair. The Melville Clark Piano Company are the originators of the 88-note player piano and the pioneers in that line of industry. For eight years the Apollo enjoyed a monopoly in this field and thousands of these instruments were sold before any other 88-note player was put on the market. No 88-note player piano is original unless the name MELVILLE CLARK APOLLO-PIANO appears on the fallboard. All other manufacturers of 88-note player pianos must follow. They cannot lead. There is NO OTHER PLAYER PIANO IN THE WORLD whose pneumatic fingers touch or strike the piano key as they are struck by the greatest pianists. The logic of the situation is this: the human touch in the MELVILLE CLARK APOLLO PLAYER PIANO secures the same delicately graduated expression that is obtained by the human touch in manual playing. The human mind is the guiding power back of the player piano operator as well as of the pianist. If that intelligence is rightly used, the same sensuous expression is the result in one case as in the other. The human touch that secures the distinctively human expression is the most prominent trait in the Melville Clark Apollo-Piano. Other important features are THE ADJUSTING AND TRANSPOSING DEVICE, that changes the music to any key; THE 88-NOTE RANGE, that covers the entire piano keyboard, and THE SELF-ACTING MOTOR that prevents the inartistic effects sure to follow any sudden change in the tempo. These superior phases in Apollo Player Piano construction give the Apollo a specific value and make it the most desirable player in the world for the musical home. Send for illustrated catalogue. Melville Clark Piano Company, 512 Steinway Building, Chicago. THE MELVILLE CLARK PIANO IN WHICH THE PLAYER ACTION IS PLACED IS A MODEL OF THE HIGHEST PIANO ARTISTRY. The West Coast of Mexico The NEW CALIFORNIA A Country Open For American Occupation Five million acres of the best land on earth-with the best climate on Great coastal plain from Guaymas to Esperanza. Light rain SINALOA Ample rainfall, supplemented by canal and inundation systems for alfalfa, sugar cane and garden truck. Watered by the great Fuerte and Sinaloa rivers. All the semi-tropical products, with sugar cane, alfalfa and corn as leaders. Sugar and alcohol industries. Fibre growing with cordage and hemp factories. Great areas in cultivation with many towns and pueblos and some American colonies. Two trunk line railways and the great port of Topolobampo. This district five hundred miles nearer the great Middle West markets of the U. S. than is Southern California. Climate delightful, tempered in the winter by the Japanese Current; modified in summer by the trade winds. The great garden spot of the West Coast. Our BAJONEA Colony in the center of the best of Sinaloa, near to railway at Los Mochis, and the port of Topolbampo, adjoining great German colony, surrounded by great haciendas of sugar cane, corn, alfalfa, with three large sugar factories within short haul. 10,000 acres subdivided into 100 acre lots and selling at $12.50 per acre. All level and all good. You may safely make your investments here, and your home and ranch right here. We own this property and can make terms to suit you. Write for further information. Pan-Pacific Coast Company Sail Tropic Seas include the New York---New Orleans S. S. Line in your itinerary when planning your trip to New York Two sailings weekly between New Orleans and New Let there be no misunderstanding! You neither agree to purchase my typewriter after trial nor to obligate yourself in any way to purchase. You make no first payment-no deposit you pay no express charges. This is a "show me" age, and I want you to find out for yourself, as hundreds of other shrewd business men have found out, just how superior the Fox Visible Typewriter is to every other typewriter on the market. I want to give youat my expense- the actual proof that your own eyes and common sense will vouch for. This is the way I sell typewriters. Don't you agree with me that it is a fair, honest, "square deal" way? I do not belong to any trust and no one dictates to me at what PRICE I shall sell nor on what TERMS I shall sell. It's no joke to successfully sell typewriters in competition with a big trust, and I have simply got to build my typewriter better than the others-not merely "just as good" or I wouldn't stand the ghost of a show in competition. My typewriter will substantiate every word I claim for it in my advertisements, and is the most durable and highly perfected Visible Typewriter in the world. Aside from the extreme durability of the Fox Visible Typewriter it has as many automatic features as can be found on all other makes combined. A two-color ribbon, back space key, tabulator, speed changeable instantly from regular to high, detachable platen, five different interchangeable carriages, automatic ribbon verse. oscillating ribbon movement, detachable ribbon reels, line and margin locks, adjustable type-bar hangers, stencil cutting device, and absolute visibility. re Free Trial Order Date.. W. R. FOX, President, Fox Typewriter Co., .19.... 4811-4821 Front St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Dear Sir-Please arrange for a free trial of a Fox Visible Typewriter at your expense-not mine-without any obligation on my part. I will return the typewriter to you within ten days, if I decide not to purchase it. Name Address Business |