1797. NEGOTIATIONS at Lisle. Unsuccessful.-Distress arising from the want 1798. Insurrections in different parts of Ireland.-United Irishmen.-Lord Corn- 1801. Debates in parliament on the merits of the contest with Denmark.- Change of ministry. - Negotiations with Denmark.-Expedition to the Baltic. -Siege of Copenhagen. - Death of the emperor of Russia. -Treaty with Denmark and Russia.-Negotiations with France. - Preliminaries of peace 1802.-Definitive treaty signed at Amiens. -State of Great Britain at the close of 1799.-INVASION of Holland by the English and Russians.--See England. 111 1797. STATE of the kingdom.-Events of the campaign in Italy. Transactions with 1798. Means used to deceive the people. -Scheme for the conquest of Switzerland. -Predisposing causes of its conquest. -State of the country.-Conduct of the cantons towards France.-Events leading to a revolution in them. Irresolute conduct of the council of Berne. --Military events. -The French reduce the partisans of the old government.-New constitution.-Severe contributions.- Reflections. Affairs of the see of Rome. Imprudent conduct of the pope affords the French a plea for a revolution.-Pius is removed, first to Sienna and afterwards to Florence. - Severe contributions.-Disappointment of the people. Comparison of the late and present government.-Insurrections.- Oppressive proceedings in the Cisalpine republic. -In Switzerland. In Hol- land. Towards the king of Sardinia. The emperor and king of Naples prepare again for war. Buonaparte's expedition to Egypt.-Reduction of Malta and Alexandria. Subsequent successes.-Victory of the English fleet. -King of Naples resumes his arms.-King of Sardinia oppressed.-Military 1799. Congress of Rastadt.-Account of from the opening in 1798.-Offence given to the French ambassador at Vienna. - Disastrous termination of the con. gress. Suworow takes the field in Italy and the archduke in Germany.- Events of the campaign on the Swiss frontier.-On the Rhine. The cam- paign takes a turn in favour of France.-Events of the campaign in Italy. -Campaign in Egypt.-Buonaparte's situation.-Model of government for Egypt. The natives suspect his designs. Their enmity towards the French. He marches towards Syria.-Affair of Jaffa.-Siege of Acre.----Means adopted by Buonaparte to prevent the ill consequences of his repulse there.-Mea- sures relative to arts and sciences.-He returns to France.-His reception.- Characters of Buonaparte and Sieyes. Measures preparatory to the revolu- 1800. First consul's politic measures.-Affairs of the royalists.-Negotiations with 1801. Influence of the death of the emperor of Russia on the affairs of Europe.. 1802. Congress at Amiens. -Treaty of peace signed there. - Reflections on it. 1797. FURTHER measures hostile to England. Degraded state of the Spanish monarch. 1799.-War is declared against Spain by the Russian emperor. 1797.-SEE French history state of the see of Rome. 1798. See French history for the particulars of the revolution at Rome, and events relative to Naples and Sardinia. 1799. The pope's removal to Valence and death. 1800.-Election of a pope by the name of PIUS THE SEVENTH. 1801. The infant duke of Parma is put in possession of the duchy of Etruria, with the title of king.-Congress of the deputies of the Cisalpine republic with the French consul at Lyons. Its constitution is settled. 1798.-FINAL subjection of Switzerland to the ascendency of France. See France 1798. Frederic William adheres to the system of neutrality. 4 1801. The king's conduct respecting the armed neutrality. See Great Britain. |