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1797. NEGOTIATIONS at Lisle. Unsuccessful.-Distress arising from the want
of specie and failure of banks.-Warm debates relative to this subject.-
Mutinies in the fleet.-Naval victories.-Happy change of circumstances.

1798. Insurrections in different parts of Ireland.-United Irishmen.-Lord Corn-
wallis appointed lord lieutenant.-State of Ireland.-Invasion of it by the
French.-Measures for national defence.-Negotiations with foreign states.
1799.-Union of Ireland brought forward.-Debates on it.-Expedition to Holland.
1800.-Merits of the negotiation with France discussed.-Great Britain aids the
emperor with money. -Expedition against Holland discussed.-Suspension of
the habeas corpus continued. The union is accomplished.-Tumultuous pro-
ceedings in London. The king is fired at in the theatre. - (Note.)-A
negotiation with France.--Expedients adopted to remedy the dearth.

1801. Debates in parliament on the merits of the contest with Denmark.-

Change of ministry. - Negotiations with Denmark.-Expedition to the Baltic.

-Siege of Copenhagen. - Death of the emperor of Russia. -Treaty with

Denmark and Russia.-Negotiations with France. - Preliminaries of peace


1802.-Definitive treaty signed at Amiens. -State of Great Britain at the close of
the war compared with that of other kingdoms.


1797. STATE of the kingdom.-Events of the campaign in Italy. Transactions with
the pope and hard conditions of peace imposed on him.-Events of the cam-
paign continued.-Patriotism of the Austrian nobles, &c. -Treaty of Leoben.
-Military events in Germany. -Conduct of Venice and ruin of that repub-
lic.-Assigned to the emperor by the treaty of Campo Formio.-Formation
of the Cisalpine republic.-Naval war with England. - Contest with the
English in St. Domingo.--Naval events in the Channel.-Domestic events and
state of parties. - Strong measures of the prevailing party to confirm their
power.-Banishment of their adversaries.

1798. Means used to deceive the people. -Scheme for the conquest of Switzerland.

-Predisposing causes of its conquest. -State of the country.-Conduct of the

cantons towards France.-Events leading to a revolution in them. Irresolute

conduct of the council of Berne. --Military events. -The French reduce the

partisans of the old government.-New constitution.-Severe contributions.-

Reflections. Affairs of the see of Rome. Imprudent conduct of the pope

affords the French a plea for a revolution.-Pius is removed, first to Sienna

and afterwards to Florence. - Severe contributions.-Disappointment of the

people. Comparison of the late and present government.-Insurrections.-

Oppressive proceedings in the Cisalpine republic. -In Switzerland. In Hol-

land. Towards the king of Sardinia. The emperor and king of Naples

prepare again for war. Buonaparte's expedition to Egypt.-Reduction of

Malta and Alexandria. Subsequent successes.-Victory of the English fleet.

-King of Naples resumes his arms.-King of Sardinia oppressed.-Military

events in Italy.

1799. Congress of Rastadt.-Account of from the opening in 1798.-Offence given

to the French ambassador at Vienna. - Disastrous termination of the con.

gress. Suworow takes the field in Italy and the archduke in Germany.-

Events of the campaign on the Swiss frontier.-On the Rhine. The cam-

paign takes a turn in favour of France.-Events of the campaign in Italy.

-Campaign in Egypt.-Buonaparte's situation.-Model of government for

Egypt. The natives suspect his designs. Their enmity towards the French.

He marches towards Syria.-Affair of Jaffa.-Siege of Acre.----Means adopted

by Buonaparte to prevent the ill consequences of his repulse there.-Mea-

sures relative to arts and sciences.-He returns to France.-His reception.-

Characters of Buonaparte and Sieyes. Measures preparatory to the revolu-

this year.

1800. First consul's politic measures.-Affairs of the royalists.-Negotiations with
England. His object in them. -Effects of the emperor Paul's defection.-
Arrangements for the campaign.-Events of it in Germany.-In Italy.-
Affairs with the duke of Tuscany.-Armistice with the imperialists in
Italy. Close of the campaign and war in Germany. -The emperor treats
separately. State of Kleber's army in Egypt.-His good conduct. His
negotiations and treaty of El-Arisch.-Events of the campaign.-He is mur-
dered. Succeeded by Menou.

1801. Influence of the death of the emperor of Russia on the affairs of Europe..
-Expedition to Egypt.-Events of the campaign there. - Death of Aber-
crombie. Subsequent events. --Capitulation at Cairo. - At Alexandria.-Expe-
dition projected against England. - State of England.-Naval events.-War
with Portugal.-Negotiations for peace.-Preliminaries. Principles of Buona-
parte's domestic and foreign policy. -Treaties with Russia and the German
powers. Measures respecting a church establishment.

1802. Congress at Amiens. -Treaty of peace signed there. - Reflections on it.

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