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Springfield, December 12, 1870.

JOHN M. PALMER, Governor of Illinois:

SIR-I have the honor to submit the following report, for the fiscal year commencing December 1, 1869, and ending November 30, 1870.

You will find the following items embraced in the report, viz:

1. Statement of Receipts and Disbursements of General Revenue Fund.

2. Statement of Receipts and Disbursements of Special State Funds. 3. Statement of Receipts and Disbursements of Local Funds for payment of principal and interest on Bonded Indebtedness of Counties, Townships, Cities and Towns.

4. General Statement of Warrants drawn on the Treasury for all purposes.

5. Detailed Statement of Warrants drawn on the Treasury for all purposes, and to what account and appropriation charged.

6. Statement of the amount of Auditor's Warrants outstanding unpaid, December 1, 1870.

7. Statement of the School, College and Seminary Funds.

8. Statement of State Indebtedness redeemed with Illinois Central Railroad Funds.

9. Statement of State Indebtedness redeemed and purchased with State Debt Fund.

10. Statement of the Accounts of the State Treasurer with the several State Funds, and the County, Township, City and Town Interest (bond) Funds.

11. Statement of State Taxes charged in the several Counties, amounts collected, etc., for the year 1869.

12. Statement of the State School Tax Fund, for the year 1869. 13. Statement of the Dividends of School Tax and Interest Funds to the several Counties, for the year 1869.

14. Statement of the condition of State Banks.

15. Statement of County, Township, City and Town Bonds, registered in the Auditor's Office.

16. Statement of the aggregate assessment of property in the State, for the year 1870.

17. Statement, showing the rate per cent. of addition and deductices termined by the State Board of Equalization, on the asse of the several Counties, for the year 1870.

18. Statement, showing the assessed and equalized valuations of several classes of property for State taxation, for the year l


The appropriations made by the 26th General Assembly, as set fr in my last Annual Report, made it necessary to levy for the parpot: meeting the ordinary expenses of the State Government for 18, to provide for the payment of the very large deficiency caused by appropriations aforesaid, a tax of eight mills for revenue purpose, one mill for interest on the State debt-which, added to the two for payment of principal of the State debt, and the two mills for supp of public schools, made a levy for State tax of thirteen mills, a assessment of 1869.

I am glad to be able to say that the estimates made at that timer proved to have been correct, and that the treasury of the State been for some time in a condition to pay all warrants when preser With a few exceptions, the county collectors have been more pro than they were last year, in paying over the tax when collected. E some little legislation will be required-and will be proposed-to ble the Auditor to enforce, when necessary, a faithful compliance, the part of county officers, with the revenue law.


On the basis of the equalized valuation of property for the year 18 I have levied a tax for State purposes, as follows: Two and one mills for revenue, which, in connection with the two mills for pay of State debt, and two mills for the support of public schools, make the total levy for State tax on the assessment of 1870, amount to and one-half mills; being just one-half of the levy of last year. proper to state, that but for the extraordinary expense occasioned by session of the recent Constitutional Convention to frame the present stitution, and the increased expense of the judiciary and other dep ments of State government, in consequence of the adoption of the ne constitution, the levy might have been made still smaller. When it remembered that the assessment of property in this State does not my opinion, exceed one-quarter of its actual value, it will be conced that the tax for State purposes is not burdensome, as compared with t taxes of other States.

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In making the levy aforesaid, I have only endeavored to provide snm sufficient "to meet the current expenses for the coming year. all known demands upon the treasury payable from revenue funds." making this levy, I have estimated the expenses from June 1, 187. to June 1, 1872, when the tax on the assessment of 1871 becomes di to the State Treasury. Section 18 of Article III of the Constitution, re quires that the "General Assembly shall provide for all the appropr tions necessary for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Gov ernment, until the expiration of the first fiscal quarter after the adjour ment of the next regular session, the aggregate amount of which sha not be increased without a vote of two-thirds of the members elected t

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