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[blocks in formation]

Lagging of tides, 753.

Lagrange, his theorems respecting the
stability of the planetary system, 669.

Laplace accounts for the secular accele-
ration of the moon, 740.
Lassell, his discovery of the satellite of
Neptune, 524. Of an eighth satellite
of Saturn, Appendix. Re-discovers
two of the satellites of Uranus, 551.
Latitude, terrestrial, 88. Parallels of,
89. How ascertained, 119. 129. Rö-
mer's mode of obtaining, 248.
On a
spheroid, 247. Celestial, 308. He-
liocentric, how calculated, 500. Geo-
centric, 503.

Laws of nature how arrived at, 139.
Subordinate, appear first in form of
errors, 139. Kepler's, 352. 487...
Level, spirit, 176. Sea, 285. Strata, 287.
Leverrier, 506, 507. 767.
Lexell, comet of, 585.

Libration of the moon, 435. Of ap-
- sides, 694.

Light, aberration of, 331. Velocity of,
331. How ascertained, 545. Equa-
tion of, 335. Extinction of, in tra-
versing space, 798. Distance mea-
sured by its motion, 802... Of certain
stars compared with the sun, 817...
Effect of its motion in altering appa-
rent period of a double star, 863.
Zodiacal, 897.

[blocks in formation]


Magellanic clouds, 892...
Magnitudes of stars, 780...
and photometric scales of, 780... And

Maps, geographical, construction of, 273.
Celestial, 290... Of the moon, 437.
Mars, phases of, 484. Gravity on sur-
face, 508. Continents and seas of,
510. Elements (Appendix).
Masses of planets determined by their
satellites, 532. By their mutual
perturbations, 757. Of Jupiter's
satellites, 758. Of the moon, 759.
Menstrual equation, 528.
Mercator's projections, 283.
Mercury, synodic revolution of, 472.
Velocity in orbits, 474. Stationary
points of, 476. Phases, 477. Greatest
elongations, 482. Transits of, 483.
Heat received from sun, 508. Phy
sical appearance and description, 509
Elements of (Appendix).

Meridian, terrestrial, 85. Celestial, 101.
Line, 87. 190. Circle, 174. Mark,
190. Arc, how measured, 213. Arcs,
lengths of, in various latitudes, 216.
Messier, his catalogue of nebulæ, 865.
Meteors, 898. Periodical, 900... Heights
of, 904.

Metis, discovery of, 505.
Micrometers, 199...

Milky way. (See Galaxy, 302.)
Mimas, 550., and note.
Mira Ceti, 820.

Moon, her motion among the stars, 401.
Distance of, 403. Magnitude and
horizontal parallax, 404. Augmen-
tation, 404. Her orbit, 405. Revo-
lution of nodes, 407. Apsides, 409.
Occultation of stars by, 414. Phases
of, 416. Brightness of surface, 417.,


[blocks in formation]

Nabonassar, era of, 926.
Nadir, 99.

Nebula, classifications of, 868.879., note.

Law of distribution, 868. Resolvable,
870. Elliptic, 873. Of Andromeda,
874. Annular, 875. Planetary, 876.
Coloured, ib. Double, 878. Of sub-
regular forms, 881, 882. Irregular,
883. Of Orion, 885. Of Argo, 887.
Of Sagittarius, 888. Of Cygnus, 891.
Nebular hypothesis, 872.
Nebulous matter, 871. Stars, 880.
Neptune, discovery of, 506. 768. Per-
turbations produced on Uranus by,
analysed, 765... Place indicated by
theory, 767. Elements of, 771... Per-
turbing forces of, on Uranus, geo-
metrically exhibited, 773. Their
effects, 774...
Newton, his theory of gravitation, 490...
et passim.

Nodes of the sun's equator,_390.


the moon's orbit, 407. Passage of
planets through, 460. Of planetary
orbits, 495. Perturbation of, 620...
Criterion of their advance or recess,
622. Recede on the disturbing orbit,
624... Motion of the moon's theory of,
638. Analogy of their variations to
those of perihelia, 699.

[blocks in formation]

Obliquity of ecliptic, 303. Produces
the variations of season, 362. Slowly
diminishing, and why, 640.
Observation, astronomical, its peculiari-
ties, 138.

Occultation, perpetual, circle of, 113.
Of a star by the moon, 413... Of Ju-
piter's satellites by the body, 541.
Of Saturn's, 549.

Olbers discovers Pallas and Vesta, 505.
His hypothesis of the partial opacity
of space, 798.

Opacity, partial, of space, 798.
Oscillations, forced, principle of, 650.
Orbits of planets, their elements (Ap-
pendix) of double stars, 843. Of
comets. (See comets.)
Orthogonal disturbing force, and its
effects, 616. 619.
Orthographic projection, 280.

[blocks in formation]

Perihelia and excentricities, theory of, |

Perihelion, 368.
Passage, 496.
comets in, 592.
Period, Julian, 924. Of planets (App.).
Periodic time of a body revolving at the
earth's surface, 442. Of planets, how
ascertained, 486. Law of, 48. Of a
disturbed planet permanently altered,

Longitude of, 495.
Heat endured by

Periodical stars, 820... List of, 825.
Perspective, celestial, 114.
Perturbations, 602...



Peters, his researches on parallax, 815.
Phases of the moon explained, 416.
Mercury and Venus, 465. 477.
superior planets, 484.
Photometric scale of star magnitudes, 780.
Piazzi discovers Ceres, 505.
Pigott, variable stars discovered by,

Places, mean and true, 374. Geometric
and heliocentric, 371. 497.
Planetary nebulæ, 876...
Planets, 456. Zodiacal and ultra-zo-
diacal, 457. Apparent motions, 459.
Stations and retrogradations, 459.
Reference to sun as their center, 462.
Community of nature with the earth,
463. Apparent diameters of, 464.
Phases of, 465. Inferior and superior,
467. Transits of (See Transit) Mo-
tions explained, 468. Distances, how
concluded, 471. Periods, how found,
472. Synodical revolution, 472.
Superior, their stations and retrogra-
dations, 485. Magnitude of orbits,
how concluded, 485. Elements of,
495. (See Appendix for Synoptic
Table.) Densities, 508. Physical
peculiarities, &c., 509... Illustration of
their relative sizes and distances, 526.
Plantamour, his calculations respecting
the double comet of Biela, 583.
Pleiades, 865. Assigned by Mädler
as the central point of the sidereal
system, 861.

Plumb-line, direction of, 23. Use of, in
observation, 175.

Polar distance, 105. Point, on a mural
circle, 170. 172.
Poles, 83. Of ecliptic, 307.
Pole-star, 59. Useful for finding the
latitude, 171. Not always the same,
318. What, at epoch of the building
of the pyramids, 319.
Pores of the sun's surface, 387.
Position, angle of, 204. Micrometer, ib.

Precession of the equinoxes, 312 In
what consisting, 314... Effects, 313.
Physical explanation, 642...
Præsepe, Cancri, 865.

Priming and lagging of tides, 753.
Principle of areas, 490. Of forced
vibrations, 650. Of repetition, 198.
Of conservation of vis viva, 663.
Of collimation, 178.

Problem of three bodies, 608.
Problems in plane astronomy, 127...

Projection of a star on the moon's limb,
414., note.

Projections of the sphere, 280...
Proper motions of the stars, 852. Of
the sun, 853.
Pyramids, 319.


Radial disturbing force, 615...
Radiation, solar, on planets, 508. On
comets, 592.

Rate of clock, how obtained, 293.
Reading off, methods of, 165.
Reflexion, observations by, 173.
Refraction, 38. Astronomical and its
effects, 39, 40. Measure of, and law
of variation, 43. How detected by
observation, 142. Terrestrial, 44.
How best investigated, 191.
Repetition, principle of, 198.
Resistance of ether, 577.
Retrogradations of planets, 459.
nodes. (See Nodes.)
Rhea, 548., note.


Right ascension, 108. How determined,


Rings of Saturn, dimensions of, 514.

Phenomena of their disappearance,
515...Equilibrium of, 518...Multiple,
521, and Appendix. Appearance of
from Saturn, 522. Attraction of on
a point within, 735., note.
Rittenhouse, his principle of collimation,


Rosse, Earl of, his great reflector, 870.

Rotation, diurnal, 58. Parallactic, 68.
Of planets, 509... Of Jupiter, 512.
Of fixed stars on their axes, 820.


Saros, 426.
Satellites, of Jupiter, 511. Of Saturn,
518. 547. Discovery of an eighth
(Appendix). Of Uranus, 523. 552. Of
Neptune, 524. 553. Used to deter-
mine masses of their primaries, 532.

Obey Kepler's laws, 533. Eclipses
of Jupiter's, 535... Other phænomena
of, 540. Their dimensions and
masses, 540. Discovery, 544. Ve-
locity of light ascertained from, 545.
Saturn, remarkable deficiency of density,
508. Rings of, 514. Physical de-
scription of, 514. Satellites of, 547.
and Appendix. (See also elements
in Appendix.)

Sea, proportion of its depth to radius
of the globe, 31. Its action in mo-
delling the external form of the
earth, 227.

Seasons explained, 362... Temperature
of, 366.

Sector, zenith, 192.

Secular variations, 655.

Selenography, 437.

Sextant, 193...

Shadow, dimensions of the earth's, 422.
428. Cast by Venus, 467.

Of Ju-

piter's satellites seen on disc, 540.
Shooting stars used for finding longi-
tudes, 265. Periodical, 900. (See

Sidereal time, 110. 910. Year. (See
Year.) Day. (See Day.)

Signs of zodiac, 380.

Sirius, its parallax and absolute light,


Solar cycle, 921.

Sphere, 95. Projections of, 280.
traction of, 735., note.
Spheroidal form of Earth (see Earth)
produces inequalities in the moon's
motion, 749.
Spots on Sun, 389...

distribution of stars, 793. Discovery
of parallax of a Lyræ, 813.
talogue and observation of double
stars, 835.

Struve, Otto, his researches on proper
motions, 854.

great size on
Apparent mo-
Orbit elliptic,

Style, old and new, 932.
Sun, oval shape and
horizon explained, 47.
tion not uniform, 34.
349. Greatest and least distances,
350. Actual distance, 357. Mag-
nitude, 358. Rotation on axis, 359.
390. Mass, 360. Physical consti-
tution, 386. Spots, ib.... Situation of
its equator, 390... Maculiferous zones
of, 393. Atmosphere, 395. Tempe-
rature, 396. Expenditure of heat,
397. Eclipses, 420. Density of, 447.
Natural center of planetary system,
462. Distance, how determined, 479.
Its size illustrated, 526. Action in
producing tides, 751. Proper motion
of, 854... Absolute velocity of in space,

858. Central, speculations on, 861.
Sunsets, two, witnessed in one day, 26.
Survey, trigonometrical nature of, 274.
Synodic revolution, 418. Of sun and
moon, ib.


At-Tangential force and its effects, 618.
Momentary action on perihelia, 673.
Wholly influential on velocity, 660.
Produces variations of axis, ib. ...
Doubles the rate of advance of lunar
apsides, 686. Of Neptune on
Uranus, and its effects, 774.
Telescope, 154. Its application to as-
tronomical instruments, 117.
Telescopic sights, invention of, 158., note.
Temperature of earth's surface at diffe-
rent seasons, 366. In South Africa
and Australia, 369. Of the sun, 396.
Tethys, 548, note.
Theodolite, 192. Its use in surveying,

Stars, visible by day, 61. Fixed, 777...
Their apparent magnitudes, 778...
Comparison by an astrometer, 783.
Law of distribution over heavens,
785... alike in either hemisphere, 794.
Parallax of certain, 815. Discs of,
816. Real size and absolute light.
817. Periodical, 820... Temporary,
827. Irregular, 830. Missing, 832.
Double, 833... Coloured, 851., and
note. Proper motions of, 852. Ir-
regularities in motions not verified,
859. Clusters of, 864... Nebulous,
879... Nebulous-double, 880.
Stationary points of planets, 459. How
determined, 475. Of Mercury and
Venus, 476.

Stereographic projection, 281.
Stones, meteoric, 898. Great shower
of, ib.

Struve, his researches on the law of

Theory of instrumental errors, 141. Of
gravitation 490... Of nebulous subsi-

dence and sidereal aggregation, 872.
Tides, a system of forced oscillations,
651. Explained, 750... Priming and
lagging of, 753. Periodical inequal-
ities of, 755. Instances of very high,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

and secular, 655. Incident on the
epoch, 731.

Velocity, angular, of sun not uniform,
350. Linear, of sun not uniform,
351. Of planets, Mercury, Venus,
and Earth, 474. Of light, 545. Of
shooting stars, 899. 904.

Venus, synodic revolution of, 472. Sta-
tionary points, 476. Velocity of, 474.
Phases, 477. Point of greatest bright-
ness, 478. Transits of, 479. Phy-
sical description and appearance, 509.
Inequality in earth's motion pro-
duced by, 726. In that of the moon,
Vernier, 97.

Vertical, prime, 102. Circles, 100.
Vesta, discovery of, 505.


Weight of bodies in different latitudes,
322. Of a body on the moon, 508.
On the sun, 450.
Winds, trade, 240...


Year, sidereal, 305.

Tropical, 383.
Anomalistic, 384., and day incom-
mensurable, 913. Leap, 914. Of
confusion, 917. Beginning of, in
England changed, 932.


Vanishing point of parallel lines, 116. Zenith, 99. Sector, 192.

Line of parallel planes, 117.
Variation of the moon explained, 705...
Variations of elements, 653. Periodical

Zodiac, 305.

Zodiacal light, 899.

Zones of climate and latitude, 382.


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