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to violate natural law at any or all times. The greatest need of factory and tenement reform is for parents and teachers to make a religion of Nature Fore and to instill its principles in the minds of children. Parents and teachers must live the natural before they can make children love the natural. Parents and teachers cannot possibly be natural in this day, cannot live or love natural law unless they know the machinery by which their communities are combating conditions prejudicial to health, morals, and civic efficiency.


Adenoids. See Mouth breathing
Administration, health: steps in evo-
lution, 11-22; knowledge of needs,
220; machinery, 302-309; in com-
bating alcoholism, 362; depart-
ments of health: (1) New York
City, 26, 27, 47, 48, 61, 71, 84,
296-298, 302; (2) general, 265, 281
Advertisements: motives for, 8; for
dental parlors, 100; for consump-
tives, 234; by physicians, 281;
educational, in newspapers and
magazines, 323; "no smoking"
signs, 365; of patent medicines,
369; that promote health, 378-383
Agassiz, Louis, 398, 400
Air, night, 216. See Fresh air
Alcoholism, 343-362; compulsory

instruction in, 3; insurance com-
panies against, 7; disqualifies for
railroad service, 193; depletes
vitality, 201; results, 209; Hart-
ley's fight against, 253; injures
the tuberculous, 274; ineffective
ways of combating, 343; incited by
bad living conditions, 348; injury
to negroes, 350; so-called moderate
use, 358; labor unions blacklist
drunkards, 361; social dangers,
386; mental hygiene, 392, 396
Animal sanitation, 252, 260, 307
Association for Improving the Con-
dition of the Poor, New York,
177, 236, 253

Babies. See Milk

Bathing: motives for, 8, 13; a social

requirement, 14; cold-water, 214
Beauty, reason for health, 15
Bibliography: A Bureau of Child

Hygiene (Bureau of Municipal
Research), 298; Annals of a Quiet
Neighborhood (MacDonald), 110;
Aristocracy of Health (Hender-
son), 208; Bitter Cry of the Chil-
dren (Spargo), 33, 167; Bulletins

of Emmanuel Church, 391; Bu-
reau of Municipal Research, pub-
lications, 298; Care of Dependent,
Defective, and Delinquent Chil-
dren (Folks), 174; Charities and
the Commons, 325; Child Growth
(Newsholme), 120; Children of
the Nation (Gorst), 33; Children's
Diseases, 326; Clean Milk for New
York City, 255; clippings, 370,
382; white-plague scrapbook, 250;
Committee on Physical Welfare
of School Children, programme,
166, three studies, 168; Crusade
against Tuberculosis (Flick), 229;
Dangerous Trades (Oliver), 203;
Dental Catechism, 94; Dentistry,
lectures and treatises, 274; Dete-
rioration, Physical, report on, 339;
Development of the Child (Op-
penheimer), 110; Dietetic and
Hygienic Gazette, 326; Efficient
Life (Gulick), 208; Environment
of Child at School (North), 142;
Pure Food (U.S. Department of
Agriculture), 379; Good Health,
326; Health of the School Child
(Mackenzie), 132; Heredity
(Thompson), 336; How to Give
Wisely, 355; International Con-
gress, Tuberculosis, programme,
246-249; Journal of Nursing, 326;
Making a Municipal Budget (Bu-
reau of Municipal Research), 306;
Milk Industry, 252; Municipal
Sanitation in the United States
(Chapin), 304; National Hospital
Record, 326; New Basis of Civili-
zation (Patten), 33; New Jersey
Review of Charities and Correc-
tions, 325; Pediatrics, 326; Physi-
cal Culture, 326; Poverty (Hunter),
167; press and magazines, 322-
328; Prevention of Tuberculosis
(Newsholme), 229; Principles of
Relief (Devine), 174; Principles

of Sanitary Science and the Pub-
lic Health (Sedgwick), 304; Psy-
chological Clinic, 106, 326, 330;
Real Triumph of Japan (Seaman),
23; Religion and Medicine (Em-
manuel Church), 391; reports of
schools, 166; reports of schools
and health, 310-321; reports of
institutions and societies, 327;
reports of state and national con-
ferences of charities and correc-
tions, 327; reports of United States
bureau of labor, 203; Sanitation
of Public Buildings (Gerhard), 139;
School Reports and School Effi-
ciency (Snedden and Allen), 311;
Social Order and the Saloon
(Fox), 351; Study of Children
and their School Training (War-
ner), 110; Study of School Build-
ings in New York City, 289;
Teeth and their Care (Hyatt),
94; Training of the Human Plant
(Burbank), 120; Typhoid Fever
(Whipple), 13, 16; Uncommercial
Traveller (Dickens), 46; Uncon-
scious Mind (Schofield), 110;
Vital Statistics (Newsholme), 131
Biggs, Hermann M., M.D., 237, 251,
271, 274, 295

Boston, 34, 155, 161, 241, 250, 290,

Boston Society for the Relief and

Study of Tuberculosis, 155
Boyd, Emma Garrett, 355
Brannan, John Winters, M.D., 240
Breath, bad, 360, 379

Brightness, abnormal, 104-106
Bronchitis, 67
Brookline, 34

Budget: should provide for cleans-
ing, 61; and tuberculosis, 2373
annual health programme, 306;
reforms in New York City, 350
Burbank, Luther, 120
Bureau of Municipal Research, 298,

Butler, Nicholas Murray, LL.D.,
330, 332

Cabot, Richard C., M.D., 181
Calmette's Eye Test, 238
Carnegie Foundation, 285

Caroline Rest, 70, 267
Catching diseases: cost of, 16; un-
enforced laws, 30; steps in eradi-
cating, 31; germ sociology, 57, 71;
favorable soil at school, 58; in-
struction concerning, 62; mouth a
breeding ground for, 63; informa-
tion for bathers, 64; dangers of,
131; reasons for national board of
health, 135; cost of, in New York
City, 272; remedies urged, 384
Charity Organization Society, New
York, 236, 239
Chicago, 34
Chicken pox, 64

Child Hygiene, Bureau of: working-

paper tests, 192; established, New
York City, 298; programme, 299
Child labor: compulsory school at-
tendance, 140; welfare or age test,
142; movement's limitations, 185;
national and local committees, 33,
192; physical-fitness tests, 194
Children's Aid Society, New York,

Child-saving agencies: coöperation
with schools, 174-183; do-nothing-
ism in, 332

Chorea. See Nervousness
Christian Science, 276, 392
Christmas shopping, 227
Cigarettes. See Tobacco
Cincinnati, 118

Cleanliness: acquired taste, 14;
beauty of, 96; personal uncleanli-
ness, 210; cost of, 216; dry clean-
ing dangerous, 244; in fighting
tuberculosis, 250

Cleveland, Ohio, 294

Clippings: scrapbook, 250; envelope
method, 324; advertisements, 382
Coffee, strong, 401
Colds, 63-69

College, physical tests, 39
Committee on Physical Welfare of
School Children, New York, 39-
41, 166, 168, 178, 286, 290, 311
Compulsory laws: school hygiene, 3;
purpose of, 33; registration of
catching diseases, 57; removal of
tuberculosis cases, 237; notifica-
tion of tuberculosis, 237, 274; hy-
giene, for private schools, 283; to

remove physical defects, 288;
restricting alcoholism, 343
Conference on Summer Care of
Babies, New York, 260
Congestion evils avoided, 290; and
alcoholism, 348

Conjunctivitis, 71. See Eyes
Connecticut's school reports, 318
Constipation, 210, 216, 347, 357
Consumption. See Tuberculosis
Corsets, 381, 401

Cost: of preventable diseases, 16;
of bad breath, 98; of diseases to
nation, 135; of tuberculosis, 245
Crampton, C. Ward, M.D., 129, 289

Dangerous trades, 191
Darlington, Thomas, M.D., 297
Death rates of bronchitis, 67; of
pneumonia, 67; how to reduce, 131
Defects, physical: index of commu-
nity needs, 33-44; removable, of
children, 22; schools manufacture,
139; income distribution, 169
Delinquency, and mouth breathing,


Dental Hygiene Council, 95
Dental sanitation, 89-103; surface
for breeding germs, 63; dentists,
93; state organizations, 95; clin-
ics needed, 171; insurance com-
panies treat teeth, 204; family
instruction, 245; indigestion, 272;
early treatises, 274; advertising
parlors, 281

Devine, Professor Edward T., 174
Diet: cooking lessons at home, 180;
overeating, 201, 347; improper,
210; proper and regular, 212;
adapted to need, 214, 401; kitch-
ens, 267; irregular eating, 272, 347
Diet kitchens, 267
Diphtheria, 18, 65

Dispensaries and hospitals: dental
supervision, 102; cooperate with
schools, 174-183, 185; welfare
nurse, 188; emergency, 227; to
prevent duplication, 239; lack of,
240; teach baby feeding, 261; inef-
ficient, 278; social interest of, 292
Doing things at school, 159–165;

free meals, 44, 161, 171; may
hurt, 181; cripple social agencies,

185, 189; danger of malpractice,
184, 189; analogous to model
tenements, 186

Do-nothing ailments, 329-334

Ear trouble, 83-85; periodic tests
for, 201, 207
Edinburgh, 70
Ellis Island, 238

Environment: health problem, 9;
tests, 120, 320; injurious school,
139-150; effect on physique, 203;
and tuberculosis, 229-251; do-
nothing ailments, 329; within our
control, 336; in combating liquor,
Epidemics, 18, 38
Epilepsy, 47, 49
Ergograph, 125-127
Erysipelas, 65

Ethics, professional, 81, 101, 281
Eugenics, and heredity, 336
European remedies, 159-165
Eye trouble, 72-82; in high school,
40; catching diseases, 69–71;
caused by bad teeth, 89; eye-
glasses, free, 161, 164, 171, 184;
in business, 193; examination for
adults, 201; tuberculin test, 238;
inefficient inspection of, 300;
teachers' test, 301
Examination, physical: of school
children, 33-138; best test of
health needs, 33-44; individual
record of, 35, 312; Snellen test,
73, 77; of teachers, 153; for work
certificates, 190-200, 237, 301; by
railroads, 193; at West Point, 199;
periodic after school, 201-207,
218, 228; semiannual, 202; tuber-
culin tests, 240; stripped, at Leip
sic, 289; follow-up work, 295-300;
of teachers and sex hygiene, 389

Family unit of social treatment,

174; examining parties, 237, 241;
tuberculosis histories, 241
Fear and bodily disorders, 392
Flick, Lawrence F., M.D., 229
Follow-up work, 295–301
Fox, Hugh F., 351

Fresh air: others' standards of, 9;
fiends, 66; outings, 176, 178;

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