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rence between them will be sufficiently apparent.

Mr. URBAN, London, July 8.

falsehoods contained in the pamphlet which Laicus has identified as his own; and surely, "in this day of light and liberty," it is not a crime to lay open to public view the "nefarious" practices of such men as your

I was with much surprize that I read T waswith much surprize that I read attack upon my humble efforts, under Correspondent Laicus, whose time

the signature of Laicus; and I trust that your known impartiality and éaudour will permit me to occupy a page of your widely-extended Miscellany, to vindicate myself from the aspersions which have been thrown out against me as the Editor of" The Orthodox Journal, or Catholic Intelligencer." Your Correspondent is not content with slandering a body of men, of whom Dr. Robertson, in his History of Charles V. says, "By the Improvements they have made in the methods for promoting the Instruction of Youth, they have contributed so much to the progress of polite lite rature, that on this account they have merited well of society;" your Correspondent is not satisfied with accusing the order of Jesuits of teaching and promulgating the most unheard-of and atrocious doctrines: but he has thought proper, through the medium of your pages, to assert that I and my friends have assimilated ourselves with that "nefarious Order," as he terms it. As a proof of the statement which he has made in p. 504, your Correspondent has referred your readers, in a note, to the Orthodox Magazine, or Catholic Journal.

Now, Mr. Urban, were I certain that your readers were also the perusers of my Journal, I should be content to pass over the charges of Laicus with silent contempt; but, as I am more confident that but few of your numerous subscribers see my work, I cannot permit the accusations brought forward against it to go unnoticed, as many of those who read your Correspondent's letter will possibly be led to suppose that the Orthodox Journal is established for the pur pose of advocating a system of Immorality and Impiety, when, in fact, its labours, however feeble, are voted to a defence of truth and justice. The fact, however, is, that, so far from having identified myself with men, "whose abominations of doctrine and practices, both ecclesiastical and political, the whole world had resounded for above two Centuries," I bave merely exposed the unstudied

seems devoted to blacken the charac ter of his unoffending fellow-subjects, and in breaking the Decalogue, by bearing false witness against his neighbours. I will not disgust your readers with a detail of the gross absurdities with which this pamphlet abounds, nor the horrid charges laid at the door of the Order, but will content myself with an observation upon an assertion made by this writer in his letter to you.-Laicus roundly asserts that the members of the Society of Jesus were publicly disgraced and suppressed by Pope Clement XIV. I have now before me a copy of Clement's Bull for the suppression of the Order; and I contend that it by no means disgraces the Society,but, on the contrary, it carries a convincing proof on the face of it, that the Jesuits were a body of men the very opposite to those pourtrayed by Laicus in his pamphlet.-In confirmation of my assertion, I shall beg leave to lay before your readers an extract or two from the said Bull, which will be sufficient evidence to confute my antagonist, and if he be not wholly incorrigible, bring him to repentance for his shameless slanders.-Clement, after enumerating the many attempts of his predecessors to restore peace to the Church, which had been torn by intestine divisions, and regretting that the attempts of the Society to regulate the conduct of its members were inef fectual in silencing the accusations and complaints made against Order, decrees the suppression abolition of the said company; but, so far from disgracing the members of it, the Bull says, "And whereas all our endeavours are directed to the great end of procuring the good of the

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de Church, and the tranquillity of nations:

and it being at the same time our intention to provide all necessary aid, consolation, and assistance, to the individuals or companions of the said Society, every one of which in his individual capacity we love in the Lord with a truly paternal affection; and to the end that they, being delivered on their part from the persecutions, dis


sentions, and troubles, with which they have for a long time been agitated, may be able to labour with more success in the Vineyard of the Lord, and contribute to the salvation of Souls; we grant them permission to quit the houses and colleges of the company, and to enter into any other regular. Order, already approved by the Holy See; or otherwise we do permit them to live at large, as secular priests and elerks and we declare, that as soon as the individuals thereof shall have quitted their houses and colleges, aud taken the babit of secular clerks, they shall be qualified to obtain, in conformity to the decrees of the holy canons and apostolic constitutions, cures, benefices without cure, offices, charges, DIGNITIES, and all employments whatever, which they could not obtain so long as they were members of the said Society, &c. Likewise we grant them the power, which they had not before, of receiving alms for the celebration of the mass, and the full enjoyment of all the graces and favours from which they were heretofore precluded as regular clerks of the Company of Jesus." From these extracts it is evident that the individuals composing the Society of Jesuits were not disgraced, when their company was suppressed; and from their being permitted to enter into any other regular order of the Catholic Church, it is equally evident that their moral conduct and practices were as pure as the members of the other monastic orders; or else we might suppose that Clement would have probibited this intermixture, for fear the other Societies should be corrupted, and consequently liable to the same accusations as were alledged against the Jesuits by their enemies. But what establishes, in a more striking degree, the innocence of the Society, is, that the Bull of Clement acknowledges that, although the superiors and other members of the Order dissented from the suppression, yet not one of them was heard, or cited, in its defence, and they were absolutely forbidden even to write or speak about the said suppression. Now will any one contend, if the members had been guilty of the atrocious charges attributed to them by the pamphlet of Laicus, that such close and arbitrary proceedings would have been adopted upon the occasion of the abolition of the Society? Do they not

speak volumes in favour of the suppressed Order? Do they not carry conviction to the mind of every unprejudiced man, that Clement, although he found it necessary to dissolve the Company, as the lesser of two evils. with which the Church was threatened, was yet so fully satisfied that the cause of truth and justice was on the side of the Jesuits, their opponents not being able to bring home a single charge against them, that he found himself under the necessity of enjoining silence upon the members of the suppressed body, in order to cover the weakness of his own decree? With respect to the observations of Laicus upon the Establishments for education at Castle Brown and Stonyhurst, I sball have occasion to make but a short remark. Indeed the language of Laicus conveys a greater compliment to the abilities of the superiors of these Seminaries than he isaware of; because, if these schools are filled with the children of the most eminent Catholic families, is it not a proof that the system of education is of a superior kind? For it can hardly be supposed that while the Catholics are endeavouring to obtain their just rights, and striving to remove the unfounded prejudices which unhappily exist among their dissenting countrymen against them, they would blast the hopes they are anxious to see realized, by placing their children under the care and superintendance of men, who, were they governed by the diabolical principles which Laicus accuses them of, would deserve to be banished from the pale of society, and execrated as the basest of mankind. But the opinion of my Lord Bacon of the merits of the Jesuits will carry a stronger conviction to the minds of your intelligent readers, than the flippant remarks of Laicus. This great and profound Philosopher, in his work on the Advantage of Learning, says, "That excellent part of ancient discipline, which consists in education, has been in some sort revived in late times in the schools of the Jesuits, in regard of which, and some other points concerning human learning and moral matters I may say, as Agesilaus said of his Enemy Faruabasus-Talis cum sis, utinami noster esses."-In another part of the same work he adds, "Codcerning the instruction necessary for youth, we can in one word give our





opinion-seek it in the schools of the Jesuits, for better than these do not exist.”—If such was the opinion of a protestant and philosophic Chancellor of England, and consequently no friend to the Catholic religion, can we wonder that those who profess that faith should entertain the same idea of the pre-eminence of the Jesuits' system of education; and it would be better for Laicus to lay proofs before your readers, instead of loose insinuations, that the moral and religious sentiments instilled into the minds of those under instruction at Castle Brown and Stonyhurst, are more inimical to the peace of society, and more at variance with the free principles of the British Constitution, than at any other Seminary in the United Empire. But, Mr. Urban, it is time I should close my letter; and I fear I have already trespassed too long upon your useful columns, and tired the patience of your readers. I shall therefore close with observing that had I not conceived myself unjustly attacked by your Correspondent Laicus, and held up as a man, who, taking advantage of the liberty of the Press, have used that invaluable blessing for the purpose of defending immoral doctrines and treasonable principles, I should not have presumed to trouble you with this letter. The charges: however I utterly deny, and fling them back with contempt in the teeth of Laicus. It is true I have exposed his malicious attacks against the Jesuits, and I have admitted the letters of Clericus in answer to Laicus into my journal, after they had been refused admission into The Times: but I trust a desire to give every aid in my power to elucidate the cause of truth, and lay open the shameful practices of anonymous slanderers, will not, “in this day of light and liberty," render me criminal in the eyes of a British Publick. Yours, &c.


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was mentioned by the Reviewer in your Magazine for March, p. 236. The second inscription (written by the late Rev. William Jones, of Nayland, in Suffolk) may be seen in the parish. Church of Epsom, in Surrey, engraved on a beautiful monument, which, was raised by conjugal affection and filial piety to the memory of the Rev. J. Parkhurst, late fellow of Clare Hall, in Cambridge.

Yours, &c. RICHMONDIENSIS. "Humili sub hoc tumulo

requiescunt cineres

Collegii Divi Jobannis
apud Cantabrigienses
quondam Socii;

deinde per annos 28 liberæ Schola Grammaticæ hujus Burgi Archididascali Qualis erat!

qualiterque doctrina, ingenio, verâ pietate et ingenua morum suavitate spectabilis !

testentur Alumni, testentur omnes sibi noti, sua hic vetat verecundia amplius promulgari.

Obiit 16 die Augusti,

anno Redemptionis nostræ 1750,
ætatis suæ 67..

"Glory to God alone. Sacred to the Memory of the Rev. JOHN PARKHURST †, A. M. of this Parish,

and descended from the Parkhursts of Catesby in Northamptonshire.

His life was distinguished not by any honours in the Church, but by deep and laborious researches into the treasures of Divine Learning : the fruits of which are preserved in

two invaluable Lexicons, wherein the original text of the Old and New Testament is interpreted with extraordinary light and truth. Reader! if thou art thankful to God

that such a man lived, pray for the Christian World, that neither the pride of false learning, nor the growth of unbelief, may so far prevail

as to render his labours
in any degree ineffectual.
He lived in Christian charity;
and departed in Faith and Hope
on the 21st day of February, 1797,
in the 69th year of his age.",

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AWSTON is a very pleasant vil

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ham, as representative of the Bohuns
and Mandevilles; one Roger held an
estate under Geoffrey de Mandeville,
when th
the survey of Domesday was

taken *."

SAWIST, ON is a very pleasant vil of Cambridge, and about eleven North-east from Royston. This parish is bounded on the East by Pampisford and Babraham on the West by Whittlesford and the two Shel fords on the North by Stapleford and Great Shelford; on the South by Pampisford and Whittlesford. "There are four manors in this parish, Pyrotts, Dernford, Dale, and Hunting tons; all now the property of Richard Huddleston, esq. The manor of Pyroits continued, until the year 1329, in the immediate descendants of Pirotus, who held it under Eudo Fitzhubert, Steward of the household to William the Conqueror. Sir Edmund de la Pole died seized of this manor and Dernford, in 1419. Mr. Huddleston's ancestor married Isabella* one of the coheiresses of John Neville, Marquis Montagu; aud in her right acquired these manors, which had descended from the De la Poles, through the Ingoldesthorpes, to the noble family of Neville. The manors of Dale and Houtingtons were purchased by Sir Edmund Huddleston, before the year 1580. The manor of Dale, or Le Dale, had been int the Sawstons, who held it under the manor of Pyrotts, by the service of finding an armed soldier, whenever the owner of that manor should attend the king to the wars. The manor of Huntingtons was purchased of the Moores, representatives of the Huntingtons, from whom it acquired its name. A paramount manor in Sawston was confirmed in the reign of Richard III. to the Duke of Bucking

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• «The lady Isabel [Ingaldesthorpe], John, her youngest son, died a minor, and was buried in 1480, at Sauston (sic) in Cambridgeshire. She had also one of hersons, John by name, Duke of Bedford; and five daughters, of whom Isabella was married to Sir William Huddleston.

Upon a division of the estates of the Ingal

desthorpes, &c. which was not till in or about the eleventh of Henry VII. on the death of Joan their grandmother, the manor of Rainham, with that of Wimbotsham, in Norfolk, Sauston, &c. in Cambridgeshire, came to Isabella aforesaid, who is said to have been relict of Lord Dacres, before her marriage with Huddleston." Blomefield's Norfolk. GENT. MAG. July, 1815.

William Huddleston, who settled at Sawston in consequence of his marriage with Isabella, one of the coheiresses of the Marquis Montagu, was of an antient family of Millum Castle, in Cumberland; his son, Sir John Huddleston, entertained the princess Mary at his house, immediately after the death of her brother, King Edward VI. and contrived her escape to Framlingham Castle, in Suffolk, for which his house was plundered by the mob, who took part with Lady Jane Gray. Thomas Fuller, in his "History of the University of Cambridge," tells us (page 130) that "the Lady Mary, after her brother's death, hearing Queen Jane was proclaimed, came miles off to Sir Robert Huddleston's†, where she heard inasse. Next day Sir Robert waited on her into Suffolk, though she, for the more secrecy, rode on horseback behind his servant; which servant (as I am most credibly informed) lived long after, the Queen never bestowing any preferment upon him. Whether because forgetting him (whose memory was employed on greater matters) or because she conceived the man was rewarded in rewarding his master. Indeed she bestowed great boons on Sir Robert, and amongst the rest, the stones of Cambridge castle to build his house at Salston." So says Fuller: but the old women of the village differ upon this point; they say that the aforesaid queen escaped the fury of the mob, by quit ting the house in a servant's dress with a milk-pail under her arm. When she had got a short distance from the village (perhaps on the cloud-capt top of Gog Magog) her conductor requested her to look back, and see how

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her enemies had served Sawston hall. No sooner had her Ladyship turned her eyes than she

"Beheld the satiate flames in sheets ascend the sky;" and immediately promised that, if ever she was made Queen of England,

* Lysons's Magna Britannia, vol. part I. p. 248.

t Qu. Sir John?



Sawston hall should be built with stone, and by that means defy the fury of the lawless element.

Beside the stones from Cambridge castle, Queen Mary rewarded her protector by bestowing on him the honour of knighthood, and making him vice-chamberlain.

It may be worth the while to ob serve that Sawston hall, now the seat of Richard Huddleston, esq. is partly built of brick; the date corresponds with the tradition, for it appears that it was built in 1557. In this house are several portraits of the Huddleston family; among which is that of Sir John Huddleston, the protector of Queen Mary, Sir Edmund, and many others of the family.

Several spear-heads and celts were discovered in a gravel pit near this village, a few years ago; some of them are in the possession of Richard Huddleston, esq. of Sawston, and Mr. James Farish, Surgeon, of Cambridge. A pretty extensive paper, and also a rope manufactory, are now carried on at Sawston.

It is supposed that here was for merly a market at Sawston: not many years ago a covered building stood near the road to the church; the Parishioners, not considering it of any use, ordered it to be pulled down: there yet remains a pillar on the place where the building stood. The wake or feast is kept on Easter Monday.

It appears, by the returns made under the act of parliament for ascertaining the population of this kingdom in 1801, that there were, in this village, 94 inhabited houses, 3 uninhabited, 120 families, and 466 persons, By the like returns in 1811, there were 87 inhabited houses, 2 building, 4 uninhabited, 132 families, and 603 persons.

The Church is dedicated to St. Mary. It is in the hundred of Wit tlesford, and deanery of Camps, valued in the King's books at 137. 10s. 21d. "The rectory of Sawston, which had belonged to the priory of St. John of Jerusalem, or rather to the preceptory of Shengay, which was subordinate to that priory, was granted by

King Henry VIII. to Sir Richard Long: it is now in moieties between Mr. Huddleston and Mr. Gosling, who are joint patrons of the vicarage. The impropriation and advowson had been divided into six parts, one of which had been in the Huddleston family more than a century; the other five were, in 1724, the property of Stephen Corby, of whose coheirs they were purchased by Mr. Gosling. Mr. Huddleston has since purchased two of these parts, in consequence of which he is become possessed of a moiety of the rectory, and has the alternate presentation. The parish of Sawston having been inclosed, pursuant to an Act of Parliament passed in 1802, the impropriators and the vicar have allotments of land in lieu of tithes +."

The Church is built of flint, stone, and brick; the exact time of its foundation I have not been able to trace out. It consists of a chancel, nave, side ailes, and North porch; at the West end of the nave stands a square embattled tower (crowned with a low wooden spire and weathercock) containing a clock and six bells, thus inscribed in capital letters:

1. Edward. Arnold. St. Neots. fecit. 1774. Richard. Robinson. and Richard. Furbank. C. Wardens.

2 and 3. Edward. Arnold. St. Neots. fecit. 1774. Richard. Robinson. Wm. Taylor. C. Wardens.

4. Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God. 1755.

5. John and Christopher Hodson maide me 1678. James Swan. John Corbe. Churchwardens.

6. J. H. S. Nazarenus Rex Judeorum Fili Dei Miserere mei. John Howell, andWilliamTaylor, Churchwardens, 1755,

The steeple is separated from the nave by a pointed arch; a clumsy, clock-case, which might have been placed in the second story, greatly. disfigures the appearance of the tower, and obstructs the light of the West window. Two tiers of windows on each side give light to the interior, one tier in the ailes, consisting of 6 in the North aile, including one at

the West end; and 7 on the South the arches on each side of the nave is side including one at each end. Over a row of five windows, divided into

* Eccl'ia de Sauston appropriata Priori et Fratribus Hospitalis Sti. Joh'is Jer'lm in Anglia, est ibi vic. ad pres. eorum." MSS. Baker. "Compositio inter Vic. et Paroch. de Sauston." Reg. Tho. de Arundel, fol. 195. P. 249.

+ Lysons's Britannia, vol. II. pt. k two

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