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" ... a penalty of five dollars shall be Imposed upon the contractor for each laborer or mechanic for every calendar day In which such employee Is required or permitted to labor more than eight hours upon said work without receiving compensation computed... "
Cases Decided in the Court of Claims of the United States - Page 55
by United States. Court of Claims - 1941
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General Orders

United States. War Department - 558 pages
...every calendar day in which such employee is required or permitted to labor more than eight hours upo" said work, and all penalties thus imposed shall be withheld for the use and benefit of the United States ; provided that no penalty shall be exacted in case the President, by executive order,...
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Monthly Review of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Volume 5

1917 - 1442 pages
...mechanic for every calendar day In which said employee Is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours upon said work, and all penalties thus imposed shall be withheld for the use and benefit of the United States; provided, that the above proposition shall not be enforced nor shall any penalty be...
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Business Law for Engineers

Calvin Frank Allen - 1917 - 470 pages
...mechanic for every calendar day in which said employee is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours upon said work, and all penalties thus imposed shall be withheld for the use and benefit of the United States ; Provided, that this paragraph shall not be enforced nor shall any penalty be exacted...
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Business Law for Engineers

Calvin Frank Allen - 1917 - 468 pages
...mechanic for every calendar day in which said employee is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours upon said work, and all penalties thus imposed shall be withheld for the use and benefit of the United States ; Provided, that this paragraph shall not be enforced nor shall any penalty be exacted...
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Uniform Contracts and Cost Accounting Definitions and Methods ...

United States. Department of Commerce - 1917 - 56 pages
...mechanic for every calendar day in which said employee is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours upon said work, and all penalties thus imposed shall be withheld for the use and benefit of the United States; provided, that the above provision shall not be enforced nor shall any penalty be exacted...
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Urgent Deficiency Appropriations on Account of War Expenses, 1918: Hearings ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1917 - 994 pages
...mechanic for every calendar day in which said employee is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours upon said work, and all penalties thus imposed shall be withheld for the use and benefit of the United States ; provided, that this paragraph shall not be enforced nor shall any penalty be exacted...
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Monthly labor review. v. 5, 1917, Volume 5

1917 - 1434 pages
...for every calendar day In which said employee Is re•inired or iienultted to labor more than eight 1 8) hours upon said work, and all penalties thus Imposed shall be withheld for the use and benefit of the United States; provided, that the above proposition shall not be enforced nor shall uny penalty be...
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Urgent Deficiency Appropriations on Account of War Expenses: 1918, Hearing ...

United States. Congress. House. Appropriations - 1917 - 998 pages
...calendar day in which said iployee Is required or permitted to labor more than eight hours upon said jrk, and all penalties thus imposed shall be withheld for the use and benefit the United States, provided that this article shall not be enforced nor shall ly penalty be enacted...
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Sundry Civil Bill, 1919: Hearings Before Subcommittee of House Committee on ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1918 - 1584 pages
...mechanic for every calendar day in which such employee is required or permitted to labor more than eight hours upon said work, and all penalties thus imposed shall be withheld for the use and benefit of the United States: Provided, That no penalty shall be exacted in case the President, by Executive order,...
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Military Hospitals: Hearings Before the Committee on Public Utilities and ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds - 1919 - 146 pages
...mechanic for every calendar day in which said employee is required or permitted to labor more than eissht (8) hours upon said work, and all penalties thus imposed shall be withheld for the use and benefit of the United States: Prorided, That this paragraph shall not be enforced nor shall any penalty be exacted...
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