OF HAIR and a scalp free from dandruff come to those who use Frank Parker's Herbine Hair Preparations Sold by leading department and drug stores everywhere. Trade supplied by the C. N. Crittenton Co., 115 Fulton St., New York. Every woman should send to Frank Parker for his free circular on the care of the hair at the seashore. A special mail size of Herbine Tonic and Hair Food sent postpaid for 50 cents, money order or stamps. FRANK PARKER, 164 West 128th St., New York City. 11,126 MILES of railway east of Chicago, St. Louis and the Mississippi River, with eastern terminals at New York, Boston and Montreal, are embraced in the NEW YORK CENTRAL LINES. For No. 3 of the Four Track Series, containing a map showing this Central Railway System of America, send a two-cent stamp to George H. Daniels, General Passenger Agent, New York Central R. R., Grand Central Station, New York. Vose PIANOS are THE BEST have been established over 50 YEARS. By our system |