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Book Concern, and in 1860 principal agent. To this office he was reelected in 1864, and only his failing health in 1868 prevented his being commissioned again.

June 29.-HOLE-IN-THE-DAY, a distinguished Indian chief, head of the Chippewa tribe, was assassinated by Indians at his residence at Crow Wing, Minnesota, aged 40 years. He was a man of great influence, and one of the wealthiest men in Minnesota, his property being estimated at about $2,000,000. At the commencement of the late Indian war in Minnesota, when some of the young Chippewa warriors were disposed to join the murderous Sioux in their assaults upon the whites, Holein-the-Day proved himself to be the friend of the white man, and by his eloquence and great influence restrained his people from aiding the Sioux, and persuaded them to espouse the cause of the white man. During one of his visits in Washington, upon his business as chief, he became interested in an Irish woman, whom he afterward married.

June 29.-MOISE, E. WARREN, a prominent politician of Louisiana, died at Jefferson City, aged 57 years. He was a native of Charleston, S. C., whence he emigrated to Woodville, Miss., and for a time engaged in the practice of medicine. Subsequently he removed to New Orleans, La., and took up the practice of law. He served several terms in the Legislature, in the Democratic interest, was repeatedly Speaker in the House, and was at one time Attorney-General of the State. After the secession of the State in 1861, he was Circuit Judge.

July 2.-BAKER, Brigadier-General LAFAYETTE O., chief of the detective force during the late civil war, died in Philadelphia, Pa., aged 42 years. He was born at Stafford, Genesee County, N. Y., October, 1826. When twelve years of age he emigrated to Michigan with his father's family, but upon attaining his majority removed to New York City, where he remained till 1850, and then went to Philadelphia. In 1853 he migrated to California, and, when the state of society rendered the organization of a Vigilance Committee necessary, he was prominent among its members, his efforts contributing much to the final establishment of law and order in the State. In 1861 Colonel Baker returned to New York City, and during the late civil war was placed at the head of the secret detective service, his subsequent success proving him to be eminently qualified for that position. He was the author of a work on the Detective Service.

July 2.—BOYD, Jony H., died at Whitehall, N. Y. He was a native of New York, and a Representative in Congress from that State from 1851 to 1853. In 1840 he was a member of the State Assembly, from Washington County.

July 2.-VAN BUREN, Major LAWRENCE, died in Kinderhook, N. Y., aged 85 years. He war a brother of President Van Buren, and

was for many years postmaster of Kinderhook.

July 6.-HULL, A. COOKE, M. D., a distinguished homoeopathic physician of Brooklyn, N. Y., died at his summer residence in Catskill, aged 50 years. He received his classical education at Union College, N. Y., and subsequently graduated at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York. About 1848 he removed to Brooklyn, where he soon obtained an extensive practice, and became identite with the welfare and progress of the city. He was an eminent musical connoisseur, and, for many years, a prominent member of the Board of Directors of the Philharmonic Society. He was also a Director of the Academy of Musie Historical Society, and Art Association; and s member of the Board of Education. He was connected with the Homoeopathic Society of Kings County, and was a regent of the Lunatic Asylum.

July 7.—BENNETT, MILO LYMAN, LL. D., an eminent Vermont jurist, died in Taunton Mass., aged 78 years. He was a native c Sharon, Connecticut; studied at Williams College and also Yale College, where he grad uated in the class of 1811. He studied law at the Litchfield Law School, and entered upon the practice of his profession in Burlington Vt., where he continued to reside until his death. Rapidly rising in his profession, he be came, in 1839, one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the State, and retained that position for twenty years. As a judge h was careful and patient, prompt in his de sions, not very popular with evil-doers, bat much respected by his brethren of the bench and bar. He was the author of several legal ter?books, the last of which was the "Verton Justice." Judge Bennett received the degree of LL. D. from Dartmouth College, in 1851.

July 7.-CAGGER, PETER, a prominent De ocratic politician and political leader of the State of New York, was killed by being thrown from his carriage in the Central P New York, aged 53 years. He was born iz Albany, N. Y., of Irish parentage, was educated at St. John's (Fordham) and Montreal Colleges and commenced the study of law at an early are Entering upon the practice of his profession he subsequently enlarged his plans for business, the firm becoming "Hill, Cagger, and Porter, afterward known as one of the most successful law firms in the State. By his devotion to his profession, Mr. Cagger accumulated a large fortune, and liberally dispensed to the need and helpless. Though seeking no politi office himself, he exerted a powerful influence in politics.

July 7.-COLES, EDWARD, one of the early Governors of Illinois, died at his residence a Philadelphia. He was born in Albemar County, Virginia, December 15, 1786; graduated at William and Mary College, Va., in 15% and in 1810 was appointed private secretary to President Madison, with whom he remained

six years. In 1817 he was sent to Russia by Mr. Madison, on a diplomatic mission, as auxiliary to the resident minister, to adjust certain difficulties that had arisen, either while James A. Bayard or William R. King was ambassador to that country. Returning in the following year, he soon after removed to Illinois, taking with him his slaves, whom he liberated. In 1822 he was elected Governor of Illinois, and served until 1826. Since 1833 he had resided in Philadelphia.

July 7.-FREEMAN, Edmund B., an eminent jurist of North Carolina, died at Raleigh, aged 73 years. He was for thirty-five years Clerk of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and no man in that State was more familiar with the statutes and decisions of its courts than himself.

July 9.-DISOSWAY, GABRIEL P., an author and antiquarian, died at "The Clove," Staten Island, N. Y. He was of Huguenot origin, and was born in New York, December 6, 1799. He graduated at Columbia College. Having married in Virginia, he resided several years in Petersburg, but subsequently returned to New York and engaged in mercantile business. He was a man of fine literary attainments, and a frequent contributor to the newspaper and periodical press. He was one of the founders of Randolph Macon College, Va., was a prominent member of the New York Historical Society, and an efficient manager of the American Bible Society.

July 11.-MILLER, Commodore JAMES F., U. S. Navy, died of African fever, at Charlestown, Mass. He was a son of General Miller, who distinguished himself at Lundy's Lane, and was born in New Hampshire, but became a citizen of Massachusetts, from which State he was appointed to the Navy in 1826. He cruised with Commodore Hull's squadron in the Mediterranean four years, and afterward went to the Western Coast of Africa, where he was prostrated by the African fever, from which he never fully recovered. He served in the Mexican War of 1848, and was afterward stationed off the coast of Brazil. In 1853 he was incapacitated from active service, and in 1855 was placed on the retired list. In 1861 he was made commodore.

July 12.-HOWARD, Colonel JosHUA, U. S. A., a gallant soldier and formerly U. S. Marshal of Michigan; died at Detroit, Mich. He was born at Easton, Mass., April 17, 1793, and before the completion of his twentieth year was appointed third lieutenant in the 9th U.S. Infantry. In December, 1816, he was appointed second lieutenant of Ordnance, and ordered to the arsenal at Pittsburg, Pa. He afterward served at various posts, aided in the construction of two arsenals, and in 1834 received the commission of captain, resigning in 1835. In 1838 Captain Howard was elected a member of the Michigan Legislature, and was reelected in 1839. In 1841 he was appointed United States Marshal for the District of Mich

igan, and served in that capacity until 1844, when he was removed by President Tyler. The Mexican War breaking out, he was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the 15th U.S. Infantry in 1847, and reached Vera Cruz with his regiment in June of that year. At the battle of Churubusco, Colonel Morgan, commanding the regiment, was disabled, and the command devolved upon Lieutenant-Colonel Howard. For gallant and meritorious service at the battle of Chapultepec he was made colonel by brevet, and served thereafter until the disbanding of his regiment in 1848. Colonel Howard was elected Sheriff of Wayne County in 1855, for a term of two years, and served as paymaster in the United States Army from June 1, 1861, to July 31, 1865.

July 14.-HowARD, Rev. HOSEA, a Baptist clergyman and formerly missionary to Burmah, died in Bloomington, Ill. He was born in West Springfield, Mass., October 30, 1799, studied for the ministry in Hamilton, N. Y., and was ordained in April, 1834, sailing for Burmah in July of the same year. After laboring three years in Rangoon and thirteen years in Maulmain, ill-health compelled his return to this country in 1850. He resided in New York, Pittsfield, Mass., and a short time in Missouri, but in 1858 removed to Bloomington, Ill., where he remained until his death.

July 14.-MATHER, HIRAM FOOT, died in Chicago, Ill. He was born in Colchester, Conn., February 13, 1796, graduated at Yale College in 1813, studied theology at the Andover Seminary two years, but, afterward turning his attention to the law, studied at Auburn, and commenced the practice of his profession at Elbridge, N. Y. From 1828 to 1832 he was a member of the State Senate, during the time when it constituted the Supreme Court of Errors, and from this circumstance obtained his title of Judge. In 1844 he removed to Niles, Michigan, and in 1853 to Chicago, continuing in the practice of law until his death.

July 15.-GANSEVOORT, Commodore GUERT C., U. S. N., died at Schenectady, N. Y. He was born in New York State in 1812, became a cadet in 1823, and was assigned active duty as a midshipman. He was a lieutenant on the brig Somers at the time when Commander Slidell Mackenzie arrested and executed young Spencer for mutiny, and was one of the council of officers who sustained and approved the course of the commanding officer. He rose to prominence during the Mexican War, in which he was actively engaged, and while in command of the John Adams distinguished himself. During the Indian war of 1856 he also made his mark, particularly at the battle of Sitka on the Pacific coast. For some time after the outbreak of the recent civil war he was chief of the Ordnance Department at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, and was subsequently in command of the ironclad Roanoke. His last cruise expired in September, 1864, and on the 28th of September, 1866, he was commissioned a commodore, and

on the 28th of January, 1867, he was placed on the retired list. From that time Commodore Gansevoort spent most of his time "waiting orders," and was registered as at his residence in Schenectady. His total service in the navy comprised forty-five years, four months, and twelve days, of which eighteen years were spent at sea.

July 15.-MORTON, WILLIAM THOMAS GREEN, M. D., a celebrated dentist and the reputed discoverer of etherization, died suddenly in New York. He was a native of Charlton, Mass., born August, 19, 1819. He commenced the practice of dentistry in Boston in 1841, and about 1846 turned his attention to the use of sulphuric ether as an anesthetic. His claims to the discovery were denied by other rivals for the honor, and his life was in some degree imbittered by the protracted and zealous controversy of those claimants. He put forth a defence of his pretensions to the discovery in two volumes, one published in 1859 under the title of "Trials of a Public Benefactor," by Nathan P. Rice; the other prepared by Mr. C. S. Weyman, and which was just ready for publication at the time of his death.

July 16.-EVANS, HUGH DAVY, LL. D., an eminent jurist of Baltimore, died there, aged 76 years. Early bred to the law, and possessing a mind capable of grasping and delighting in its great principles, he took rank, while yet a young man, with the great lawyers of the Maryland bar; with Pinckney, and Wirt, and Thomas, and Reverdy Johnson, and attained a conspicuous position as a great constitutional lawyer. He was very active also in religious matters, and his counsels were greatly valued in the conventions of the Episcopal Church, in which he was a worthy communicant.

July 16.-HOOPER, JOHN W., a prominent jurist of Georgia, died in Dade County, aged 70 years. In 1833 he was appointed Judge of the Cherokee Circuit, which then embraced all the territory north of the Chattahoochee River, except, perhaps, Cobb County. In 1836 or 1837 he moved West, and was absent from the State some ten years. He always maintained a high and honorable position as a lawyer, and was a most excellent citizen in all the relations of life. He was remarkable for his warm-hearted kindness and the generosity of his disposition.

July 21.-FRENCH, ELI, a teacher, publisher, and book-collector, well known in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, died in Portsmouth, N. H., aged 68 years. He was a native of Dummerston, Vt., and graduated at Dartmouth College in the class of 1827. On leaving college he took charge of the principal school of Dover, N. II., where he was eminently successful. But, love of books being his ruling passion, he devoted himself first at Dover, then at Philadelphia, and subsequently, for the past thirty-eight years in New York, to supplying public and private libraries with the choicest works; his fine scholarship and

thorough knowledge of literature rendering him peculiarly fitted for this work. As a collector of rare books at home and abroad he was unequalled, and in the prosecution of his duties he was brought in contact with many of the leading scholars in this country. He was a man of indefatigable industry, remarkable purity of character, and a cheerful. happy nature which kept him from depres sion through many years of severe physical suffering.

July 21.-WEEKS, JOSEPH, an eminent New York merchant, died in Islip, Long Island, at the advanced age of 97 years. He was born in New York in 1771, and entered the mercantile business in that city about 1788. It wa his fortune to be personally acquainted with Lafayette, Pulaski, Kosciusko, Washington, Greene, Wayne, and many other officers of the Revolution. His mother was descended from the Huguenots, and spoke the French and English languages with equal fluency. While our French allies were encamped in an orchard connected with his estate, she was often seea walking with Washington and Lafayette, acting as an interpreter. When the British evacuated the city, November 25, 1783, Mr. Weeks was twelve years old, and he assisted in hauling down the British flag at the Battery.

July 22.-FROST, Judge EDWARD, formerly Judge of the Supreme Court of South Carolina. died in Charleston, aged 67 years. He was s native of that city, and having been admittel to the bar in 1823, entered upon the practice of his profession under the most favorable sspices. At an early period of his life he repre sented Charleston in the Legislature, and w twice elected chairman of the Judiciary Co mittee of the House. His administration of its important functions was marked by ability, learning, and judgment, and commanded the applause and unqualified consideration of the distinguished lawyers who were from time to time his colleagues in that committee. As evidence of the estimation in which he w held by the bar, and the people of the State. after twenty years' practice of his profession he was elevated, in the year 1843, to the bench of the Supreme Court of the State, until 1853, when he retired to private life.

July 25.-WRIGHT, Mrs., a venerable lady of Watertown, N. Y., died at the age of 10 years.

July 28.-NOYES, JOSEPH C., died in Portland, Me. He was born in that city, in 1795, and was a merchant by occupation. He was a Representative in Congress, from Maine, from 1837 to 1839, serving as a member of the Committee on Agriculture. From 1841 t 1843 he was Collector of the Passamaquoddy District, and was subsequently Treasurer of the Portland Savings Bank.

Aug. 2.-DRAPER, HENRY, director of English opera comique and classical e certs, died in Providence, R. I. He had studied music in France and Italy, and was

considered one of the best baritone singers in this country.

Aug. 3.-BREWSTER, CHARLES W., editor and publisher, died in Portsmouth, N. H., aged 67 years. He commenced life as an apprentice in the office of the Portsmouth Journal, to which paper he devoted his attention for more than half a century, thirty-five years of which he was its proprietor. He served several terms in the State Legislature, and was a member of the last Constitutional Convention. Mr. Brewster was the author of an interesting volume entitled "Fifty Years in a Printing-Office."

Aug. 3.-WILSON, JOHN, an eminent American printer, died in Cambridge, Mass., aged 66 years. He was born in Glasgow, Scotland, where he learned his trade. He was the author of a very useful work on punctuation, and published several treatises on Unitarianism. His taste and the execution of his work were admirable, and he ranked as one of the very best printers in the U. S. He was also a remarkably accurate and critical proof-reader, and authors of important historical, classical, or scientific works often stipulated that their books should be set up and printed by him, that they might have the advantage of his critical examination. The degree of A. B. was conferred upon him by Harvard College.

Aug. 4.-WAU-NE-PE-WINK-A (Pretty Bird), an Indian princess, daughter of the Winnebago chief, Dandy, died at Tunnel City, Wis., from injuries received by being run over by the cars at La Crosse. Seeing one of her children in imminent danger of being crushed by a locomotive, she sprang, with a mother's instinct, and saved it by the sacrifice of her own life.

Aug. 5.-GELSTON, Captain ROLAND, died in San Francisco, Cal., aged 67 years. He commanded the first square-rigged craft that ever ascended the Sacramento River, and upon arriving at Sacramento, in April, 1849, he gathered together what books and tracts he had on shipboard, and, collecting the few children he saw, held the first Sunday-school in that region. Soon afterward he established a commercial house, and in the course of a few years acquired a large fortune, with which he returned to New York. Meeting with reverses, he returned to California in 1860, but soon after lost his health, which he never fully regained.

Aug. 5.-KING, YELVERTON P., formerly minister to New Grenada, died in Greene County, Ga. He was born in that county, in 1794, and, after receiving a law course, was admitted to the Ocmulgee bar. He was State Superintendent of the public lands in 1830, during the controversy between the State and Federal Governments, as to the right of jurisdiction over the Cherokees then occupying those lands; was frequently a member of the Legislature, was one of the electors who cast the vote of Georgia for Taylor and

Fillmore in 1848, and was, in 1850, appointed by President Fillmore minister to New Grenada, where he represented the United States acceptably for two years, resigning at the end of that time on account of his ill-health. His last public service was as a member of the Georgia Constitutional Convention in 1865.

Aug. 11.-MENKEN, ADAH ISAACS, a noted actress, died in Paris, aged 36 years. She was a native of New Orleans; her father, Ricardo Fuertos, being a Spanish Jew, and her mother, a native of Bordeaux. Her maiden name was Dolores Adios Fuertos. About the year 1856 she married Mr. John Isaacs Menken. Subsequently, she married Mr. Robert H. Newell, of the New York Sunday Mercury, which alliance, like several others, was speedily followed by a separation. In 1860 she was introduced to the New York stage, and during the early part of the late civil war filled several engagements in the Southern States. Subsequently she went to London, and accepted an engagement at Astley's. She also played in Paris, to crowded houses. She was the author of a volume of poems entitled "Infelicia."

Aug. 11.-WADE, General MELANCTHON, 8 brigadier-general of volunteers in the late war, died at Avondale, Mo., aged 66 years. He was of Revolutionary stock, his father having been imprisoned in the Jersey Prison-ship and the old Sugar-house in New York. He had taken a deep interest in military affairs from early youth, and had risen to a brigadier-generalship in the Ohio militia about 1840, and continued in command till 1849. He offered his services to the Government in 1861, was commissioned as brigadier-general of volunteers by President Lincoln, and was for some time in command of Camp Dennison. He was also a prominent member of the Pioneer Association.

Aug. 13.-GLOINE, Count DE LA, a colonel of the National Guard, under the first Napoleon, died in New York, aged 84 years. He was a descendant of one of the noblest families of France, but was driven from his native country during the first French Revolution, and resided for a long time in Austria. Returning to France early in the consulship of the Emperor Napoleon, he entered the National Guard, and attained the rank of colonel, and continued in the service until the overthrow of the empire. Having become involved in some difficulties, which resulted in a duel, he was forced to leave France, and, after a short residence in England, migrated to America, and subsequently lived in New York, upon an annuity which was left him from the estates of his mother.

Aug. 16.-CARHART, JEREMIAH, of the firm of Carhart & Needham, New York. Born in Dutchess County, N. Y., in September, 1813, his first years were spent upon a farm. A mechanic, however, by nature, he, at the age of fifteen years, left the farm, and learned cabinet-making, becoming a skilful workman, and especially an adept in the use of the lathe.

Removing to Buffalo, N. Y., he, in the ten years, 1836 to 1846, made several inventions. Those by which he is known are the expansionbellows and tubular reed-board now used by all American makers of reed-instruments. Joined by Mr. E. P. Needham, who supplied the necessary financial ability, the firm established the manufacture of melodeons in Buffalo. He invented very ingenious machinery for making reeds and reed-boards, and they removed to New York City, and commenced this manufacture for the trade, adding that of melodeons and organs. His manners were genial, and his career in business quite successful.

Aug. 16.-COMSTOCK, Captain JOSEPH, long a popular commander of the Collins steamers, died in New York. He was well known as a careful, faithful, and vigilant seaman, and was selected by Mr. Webb to take the ram Dunderberg to France.


17.- VANDERBILT, Mrs. SOPHIA, wife of Commodore Vanderbilt, died in New York, aged 73 years. She was a woman of uncommon loveliness of character, united to strength and energy of purpose, and much of her husband's success in business is owing to her early efforts as a helpmeet and counsellor.

Aug. 19. BONNEY, Judge BENJAMIN WEST, a politician and jurist, died in New York, aged 68 years. He was a native of New Hampshire, and graduated at Dartmouth College, in the close of 1824. Having studied for the law, he was admitted to the bar of his State, and practised his profession more than forty years, and throughout his whole career enjoyed the confidence of a very large class of financial men in the State. He was one of the trustees of Dartmouth College, and one of the commissioners of the Board of Audit, from the date of its organization. In politics Judge Bonney was a Whig, and afterward a Republican. He was a man of unquestioned integrity, and eminently faithful in the discharge of his duties both public and private.

Aug. 22.-IRVING, EBENEZER, a brother of Washington Irving, died at Sunnyside, aged 93 years. He was a merchant by occupation, and manager of his brother's property. A man of the strictest integrity of character, and greatly beloved.

Aug. 25.-FINNEY, DARWIN A., a member of Congress from the fourth Pennsylvania district, died in Brussels, Belgium, while travelling in Europe for his health, aged 54 years. He was a native of Shrewsbury, Vt., but took up his residence in Pennsylvania while yet a young man. He graduated at Alleghany College, in Meadville, about 1841, and soon after commenced the practice of law in that place. He was originally a Whig, and on the demise of that party was an early champion of the Republican party. He represented his district two terms in the State Senate, serving one term as Speaker. After a protracted contest, he was nominated and elected to Congress in 1867. He was a man

of pure character, stern in integrity, faithful in his friendships, and generous in his impulses, As a lawyer, he had few equals in Western Pennsylvania.

Aug. 26.-MANN, JAMES, member of Congress from the second congressional district of Louisiana, died in New Orleans, aged 46 years. He was a native of Maine, and resided in Gorham many years, commencing life as a teacher. In politics he was a Democrat, and was honored by his party with positions in both branches of the Maine Legislature. When the war commenced he joined the Federal Army, having obtained a captain's com mission in a Maine regiment. He immediately went into the field. Subsequently he was made paymaster, with the rank of major, and was assigned to duty in New Orleans, whither he went in 1863, remaining there until the close of the war. When the war had been closed, he was appointed by President Lincoln Treas ury agent in connection with the customs, and subsequently by President Johnson Treas ury agent in connection with the Department of Internal Revenue. These appointments indicate clearly the confidence that was placed by both Presidents in his ability and integrity, In 1867 Colonel Mann entered heartily into the attempt to reorganize the Democratic party in Louisiana, and worked strenuously to effect that object. His labors were so highly appreciated by his party that they rewarded his tidelity to the cause by nominating and electing him from the second congressional district of the State, in which capacity he served during the last e sion. His sincerity and honesty made for hir friends, even among those who were opposed to him in their political views.

Aug. 26.-YEOMANS, EDWARD D., D. D... Presbyterian clergyman, died at Orange, New Jersey, aged 39 years. He was a gradustes. Lafayette College; was first settled in the Listry at Warrior Run, Pa., afterward at Tren ton, N. J., and Rochester, N. Y., from whi latter place he was called to Orange, aborta year since, upon the organization of the churc of which he became the pastor. He devotel himself with great assiduity and success to the work of building up the church, and the mem bership was doubled within the year. He was at the same time, engaged as one of the translators of Lange's Commentary, and the overtaxing of his brain doubtless induced the disease which caused his death.

Aug. 29.-SMITH, General WILLIAM R... ↑ prominent politician of Wisconsin, died at Quircy, Ill. He was born in Montgomery County, Pa., August 31, 1787 received a liberal ed cation, and studied law. In 1837 he removed to Wisconsin and became identified with the history of the State. In 1853 he was elected Attorney-General of the State. For many years he was President of the State H torical Society. He also wrote the documet? ary history of the State, under authority of the Legislature.

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