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Aug. 31.—BISHOP, HIRAM N., D. D., an Episcopal clergyman of remarkable ability and eloquence, died in Paris, France, from the effects of sun-stroke, aged 45 years. He was rector of St. John's Episcopal Church, Chicago, but had accepted a call to the rectorship of St. John's, Cincinnati, and was spending a few months in Europe before entering upon the duties of his new charge, when he was suddenly taken away by congestion of the brain induced by sun-stroke experienced at Lucerne, Switzerland.

Aug. 31.-KRAFT, HENRY, Ph. D., an accomplished German chemist, died in Brooklyn, N. Y. He was born in 1801, in Bavaria, and emigrated to America in 1844. He was a private pupil of Professor Fuchs, of the University of Landshut, from which institution Professor Kraft graduated. He was eminent as a chemist, and pursued his profession with a zeal which his ardent enthusiasm for natural science fostered. His contributions to science were mostly published in Germany. His correspondence with the prominent scholars of this country and Germany testifies to the esteem in which he was held by that class of true philanthropists.

Aug.--ANDROS, R. S. S., an American editor, poet, author, and Government official, died at Berkeley, Mass. He was the son of Rev. Thomas Andros, author of "The Jersey Prison Ship," and in early life was editor of several newspapers, and contributed a number of poems of exquisite beauty to the Democratic Review, then under the charge of Mr. O'Sullivan. He was for several years Deputy Collector of the port of Boston, and prepared a codification of the Revenue Laws or Customs Guide, which is the standard authority with all having business at the CustomHouse. Since the war, he had acted as the confidential agent of the Treasury Department in organizing custom-houses in the South.

Aug. --POSEY, Mrs. RACHEL, the widow of a Revolutionary soldier, and herself a Revolutionary pensioner, died at Valley Forge, Pa., nged 103 years. Her recollections of the sufferings of the army under General Washington, at Valley Forge, in the terrible winter of 177778 were very vivid. Her husband, to whom she was married just after the war, was many years her senior, and fought through the war, being wounded and taken prisoner, and suffering many hardships. He lived till 1827. Mrs. Posey had had 248 descendants, five of them in The sixth generation.

Aug.--SMITH, Brevet Brigadier-General BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Major 27th Infantry, C.S. A., died at Fort Reno, Wyoming Territory, ged 37 years. He was born in Trenton, New Jersey, in 1831, appointed to West Point by Ion. J. E. Edsall, in 1849, and graduated in 53, thirty-ninth in his class. He served on he frontier, in Texas, Nebraska, Utah, Kanas, California, Nevada, Washington Territory, Montana, etc., till the war, and was promoted o a captaincy, May 14, 1861, was colonel of

the 1st Regiment Ohio Volunteers, and took part in the battle of Shiloh; was transferred to the Army of the Potomac, and fought through the Peninsular campaign; assigned to command of 126th Ohio Volunteers, and in West Virginia operations, much of the time as brigade commander, to June, 1863, and subsequently in Central Virginia, till the close of the war; brevetted brigadier-general U. S. Volunteers for services before Petersburg; after the war Provost Marshal-General, Department S. C., in autumn of 1865; acting Assistant Commissioner Freedmen's Bureau and commander of post of Georgetown, S. C., till August, 1866; subsequently on recruiting service, and on frontier duty at Forts Philip Kearny and Reno till his death. He was promoted to be major of 27th Infantry, U. S. A., July 28, 1866. He was greatly beloved by all his associates for his amiable manners and kindliness of heart.

Sept. 1.-SIMEON, BENJAMIN, a wealthy and philanthropic citizen of Elmira, N. Y., died at Riverhead, L. I. He was born at Riverhead, in May, 1792. He engaged in mercantile business in his native town and in New York City, and, having been greatly prospered, removed in 1835 to Elmira, and invested largely in real estate in that then small village. The steady advance of this property laid the foundation of his large fortune. His philanthropic disposition led him to take a deep interest in the religious and charitable enterprises of the day, being particularly interested in the cause of education. He was one of the founders of the Elmira Female College, to which he gave in all $80,000. He also gave largely to the Auburn Theological Seminary, Hamilton College, home and foreign missions, and various other objects.

Sept. 1.-WHITTLESEY, Judge THOMAS T., an able jurist, died in Madison, Wis. He was born in Fairfield County, Conn., in 1798, and passed his youth in Danbury; entered Yale College when fifteen years of age, and graduated with honor in the class of 1817. He represented his district in Congress from 1836 to 1839, and commanded the highest respect of his associates and constituents. He also held the position of Judge of the Supreme Court of Connecticut. After the death of his wife, some years since, he retired from public life, and, removing to Madison, Wisconsin, devoted himself to the improvement of his estate, building mills, and encouraging the settlement and improvement of the country. In 1852 he was elected State Senator by a large majority.

Sept. 2.-HALL, GEORGE, a Connecticut philanthropist, died in Norwich, aged 80 years. He was a native of Hartford, but was for many years a resident of Savannah, Ga. He was a bachelor, and devoted the greater part of his very large property to charitable objects.

Sept. 3.-SMITH, Brevet Brigadier-General JOSEPH R., U. S. A., died at Monroe, Mich. He was born in Sandy Hill, Washington County, N. Y., in 1802; graduated at West

Point, in 1823, as second lieutenant in the Second United States Infantry, and in 1832 was promoted to be first lieutenant. In 1838 he was made captain. He was first assigned to duty at Sault St. Marie, and afterward served in the Florida War from 1837 to 1842. In the Mexican War he distinguished himself, and was brevetted major for gallant conduct at Cerro Gordo, and lieutenant-colonel for his gallantry at Contreras and Churubusco. In the latter action he was severely wounded in the left arm, and never afterward recovered its use. In 1851 he was made major of the Seventh Infantry. On account of his wounds, received in the service, he was placed on the retired list in 1861, but in the following year he was made mustering and disbursing officer for Michigan, and was assigned headquarters at the lakes. On the breaking out of the late war he offered his services to the Government. They were accepted, and in 1862 he was appointed, on the death of Colonel Backus, as chief mustering officer of Michigan. In 1863 he became military commissary of musters. This position he held under various generals. For his long and valuable services he was brevetted brigadier-general in 1865.

Sept. 4.-DUNNELL, Dr. Henry G., a homœopathic physician of New York, died, in that city, of heart-disease. He was born at Albany, N. Y., in 1803, and removed to New York when about nineteen years of age. In 1828 he graduated at the New York Medical University, and, after a few years' practice in his profession, adopted the views of Hahnemann and practised accordingly. He was appointed City Inspector, March 10, 1837. He was the author of a biography of the Dunnell family, from the time of their settlement in New England in the seventeenth century.

Sept. 4.-FORSYTHE, Rev. W. H., a home missionary of Kentucky, died in Harrison County, aged 66 years. For twenty-five years he preached the gospel in destitute regions, most earnestly and faithfully, without fee or reward, often giving large sums of money to aid in the erection of houses of worship and

benefit the distressed.

Sept. 4.-FRENCH, Colonel GEORGE, a colored man, well-known in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., died in that city, at the advanced age of 106 years. Sept. 14. JONES, LEONARD, better known as "Live Forever Jones," a monomaniac, died in Louisville, Ky. He was born in Henderson County, in 1798, his family being noted for their intelligence and high moral standing. When about twenty years of age, he exhibited symptoms of monomania, wandering about from place to place, preaching the doctrine that by prayer and fasting a man would live always. He made frequent journeys to Washington, being an aspirant for every high office, State and Federal.

Sept. 17.-FENDALL, CLARENCE, officer of the U. S. Coast Survey, died at Norfolk, Va., aged 33 years. He was a graduate of Georgetown

College, and subsequently was for fifteen years attached to the Coast Survey. During the war he was detailed for service, under General Grant and Admiral Porter, for duty as an engi neer on the Mississippi, in the neighborhood of Vicksburg, where he contracted the disease. chronic diarrhoea, of which he died. At the time of his death, he was an assistant in command of the surveying schooner Hassler, which recently had been employed in surveying the Potomac.

Sept. 17.-OLDS, Rev. M. S., D. D., rector of Christ Church, Washington, D. C., died in that city, aged 40 years. Early in life he moved from Ohio to Wisconsin, where he studied and practised law. He served gallantly as a liertenant during the Mexican War, and at its close returned to Wisconsin. A few years after, he studied for the ministry, and in 185 was ordained by Bishop Whipple, with who he was always a great favorite. He was pastor of a church in Wisconsin for some years, and afterward in Trenton, New Jersey, from whence he received a call, in 1864, to Christ Church, which he accepted, and has since acted as its rector, until prostrated by sick


Sept. 20.-QUINER, Miss JOANNA, a selftaught sculptor, died in Lynn, Mass. She wg born in Beverly, Mass., August 27, 1796. In 1843, while visiting friends in Boston, she sa a sculptor modelling in clay, and being deeply interested resolved to make the attempt her self. She did so, and her success was ste that she at once devoted herself to the art.

Sept. 21.—ABBe, Hon. Joshua G., Commis sioner of the Metropolitan Fire Department. died in Windham, Conn. He was born in tast town, in June, 1828. He was one of the earlier settlers of Nebraska, and was for a time a member of the Territorial Legislature. S sequently he removed his residence to New York, and became connected with the Fire Department at the time of its organization.

Sept. 22.-LELAND, HENRY PERRY, an Amer can author and magazine writer, died in Phila delphia, Pa. He was born in that city, Oc ber 28, 1828. He was a gentleman of many natural gifts, which had been cultivated by travel and by extensive and various study, He was a frequent contributor, in prose and verse, to the newspapers and magazines. He had a fresh vein of genial humor, and, if his healt had been preserved, he would undoubted have risen to high eminence in literature A few years ago he published a volume of sketches of foreign travel, "Americans in Rome," which was full of delightful reading He also published a volume of humores sketches under the title of "The Gray Bay Mare." During the war he served as a lieutenant in the 118th Pennsylvania regiment, and was pros trated by a sun-stroke, from the effects of which he never fully recovered.

Sept. 22.-MORSE, RICHARD CARY, one of the founders of the New York Observer;

died in

Kissengen, Germany, while travelling in Europe for his health. He was a son of Rev. Jedediah Morse, of Charlestown, Mass., where he was born, June 18, 1795. At the age of nine years he was sent to Phillips Academy, Andover, and there he remained during his whole course preparatory for admission to college. He entered Yale College in 1808, when he was in his fourteenth year, and graduated in 1812, the youngest member of his class. The year immediately following his graduation he spent in New Haven, being employed as the amanuensis of President Dwight, and living in his family. In 1814 he entered the Theological Seminary at Andover, and, having passed through the regular three years' course, was licensed to preach in 1817. The winter immediately succeeding his licensure he spent in South Carolina as a supply of the Presbyterian church on John's Island. On his return to New England, he was associated with his father for some time in a very successful geographical enterprise; and, in the spring of 1823, enlisted with his brother in another enterprise still more important-the establishing of the New York Observer, of which he was associate editor and proprietor for thirty-five years; and during this long period he contributed largely to its columns, especially by translations from the French and German. In 1858 he retired from active life, and a few years since removed to New Haven, with special reference to superintending the education of his sons.

Sept. 23.-BEECHER, Lieutenant FREDERICK, U.S. A., a brave and gallant young officer, was killed by the Indians on the upper Republican River, Kansas, aged 28 years. He was a son of the Rev. Charles Beecher, of Georgetown, Mass., and nephew of Henry Ward Beecher. He graduated at Bowdoin College, Maine, in 861, and immediately entered the service of us country as a sergeant in Company B, 16th Laine Volunteers. Subsequently he was pronoted to be second lieutenant and first lieuenant respectively. He was twice severewounded-at Fredericksburg, December 13, 862, and at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. The 1st time wounded he was even then suffering om the old wound, but could not be peraded to remain away from his command. he severe nature of his wounds necessitated is transfer to the Veteran Reserve Corps, in hich he served as lieutenant until commisoned in the regular army by President Linln in 1865. He served with distinction after 8 appointment in the 9th Cavalry. He had 1st been ordered to duty in the Signal-Office, it was killed before he could obey the order. Sept. 24.-PARKER, WILLIAM, Superintendent the Panama Railroad Company, was killed one of the employés of the company in his fice at Aspinwall. He was born at Perth mboy, N. J., about 1808; was educated at Military Academy at Norwich, Vermont. e built the Boston and Worcester Railroad in Essachusetts, and was appointed the first VOL. VIII.—37 A

superintendent of that road, a position which he held until his election as President of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. He held the presidency for about five years, and then took charge of the Boston and Lowell line in the dual capacity of agent and president. Subsequently he became the consulting engineer of the European and North American Railroad at St. Johns, New Brunswick, and left that to assume the high post of responsibility which he held under the Panama Railroad Company.

Sept. 26.-BEALL, S. W., was killed by an editor, at Helena, Montana. He was a native of Virginia, and a graduate of Columbia College, N. Y. Having removed his residence to Wisconsin, he became a member of the Constitutional Convention of that State, and was afterward elected Lieutenant - Governor, actting as Governor for three years, when that officer was elected to the United States Senate. From that time until the outbreak of the war, he held many important offices in the gift of his State and of the United States. Patriotic and ardent, in spite of his years, he entered the army as major of a Wisconsin regiment, and was afterward transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps, and made lieutenant-colonel. He never faltered in the discharge of his duty, and received for his gallantry both from General Grant and the lamented McPherson unsolicited testimonials of the most flattering character for his bravery and patriotism. He was well known throughout the country as a writer for the Atlantic and other magazines.

Sept. 26.-STUART, Rev. DAVID TODD, a Pres byterian clergyman and teacher, died at Shelbyville, Ky., aged 58 years. He was a native of Kentucky; was educated at Centre College, Danville, Ky., studied theology at Princeton in 1832, and after the completion of his course returned to Kentucky, and accepted the pastorate of the church of Shiloh and Olivet. Subsequently he took charge of the Shelbyville Female Seminary.

Sept. 27.-KING, ROBERT P., a distinguished printer and citizen of Philadelphia, died there aged 53 years. Beginning life poor, as a printer, he built up the large and respectable house of King & Baird, of which he was the head. He was an active member of the Republican party; during the war was President of the National Union Club, President of the Soldiers' Home, and of the Mount Moriah Cemetery Company. Though wielding great influence in the party, he never aspired to office.

Sept. 28.-FESSENDEN, T. A. D., M. C. from Maine, died at Lewiston. He was born in Portland, January 23, 1826; graduated at Bowdoin College in 1845, became a lawyer, and was a member of the convention that nominated John C. Fremont for the presiden cy. In 1858 he was appointed aide-de-camp to Governor Morrill; in 1860 he was elected to the Maine Legislature, and in 1861 he was made Attorney for Androscoggin County. In

1862 he was elected to represent the second district of Maine in the Thirty-seventh Congress, to complete the unexpired term of the Hon. C. W. Walton, who had resigned.

Sept. 28.-HINDMAN, General THOMAS C., an officer in the Confederate service, was assassinated by one of his former soldiers at Helena, Ark., aged 50 years. He was born in Tennessee, in 1818; served as a second lieutenant of Mississippi Volunteers in the Mexican War, and was a Democratic Representative in the Thirty-sixth Congress from the First District of Arkansas. He was reelected to the Thirtyseventh Congress, but when the war broke out he entered the Confederate service, was early made a brigadier-general, and served at Bowling Green until the evacuation. After the battle of Shiloh, in which he participated, and from which his commission as major-general dated, he was transferred to Arkansas, and commanded in that State at the time of its occupation by General Curtis. His military administration was severely criticised for his severity in enforcing conscription and in maintaining discipline among his troops. After the close of hostilities he went to the city of Mexico, where he remained until the spring of 1867, when he returned to his home in Helena. Sept. 29.-ANDREWS, Rev. LORRIN, a missionary, teacher, judge, and author, died at Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, aged 73 years. He was born in East Windsor, now Vernon, Conn., April 29, 1795; educated at Jefferson College, Pa., and Princeton Theological Seminary; sailed for the Hawaiian Islands in November, 1827, and preached at Lahaina. In 1831 established Lahainaluna Seminary, which subsequently became the Hawaii University, in which he was a professor for ten years. He translated a part of the Bible into Hawaii; resigning his connection with the American Board, in 1840, from antislavery scruples, he was for some time seamen's chaplain at Lahaina. In 1845 he was appointed judge under the Hawaiian Government, and was also Secretary of the Privy Council. These offices he held for ten years. Since 1855 he had prepared a large Hawaiian dictionary and several works on the literature and antiquities of the Hawaiians.

Sept. 30.-GURLEY, Rev. PHINEAS D., D. D., an eminent Presbyterian clergyman, Chaplain of the United States Senate, died in Washington, D. C. He was born in Hamilton, Madison County, N. Y., November 12, 1816, and graduated at Union College in 1837, and at the Theological Seminary at Princeton, N. J., in 1840. He was immediately settled as the pastor of a Presbyterian church at Indianapolis, where he remained for nine years, and subsequently removed to the First Presbyterian Church at Dayton, Ohio. In 1853 he was called to Washington, D. C., and became pastor of F Street Presbyterian Church in that city. In a few years a union was effected with another congregation, and a new and handsome edifice

on New York Avenue was erected for the joint bodies. At this church Mr. Lincoln attended, and Doctor Gurley, as his pastor, preached the sermon on the occasion of the funeral solemnities of the lamented President. He was a man of fervent piety, and his manner of presenting the truths of the gospel was peculiarly attractive.

Sept.-.-CHUN-LOCK, better known as CHTLUNG, a noted Chinese merchant in San Francisco, died recently in that city. He went to San Francisco in 1850, and immediately bega business as a merchant, importing teas, opium, silk, and lacquered goods, Chinese groceries, etc., extensively, and soon built up a large wholesale and retail trade, which extended over a large part of California and the Pacific cost During our civil war he gave liberally toward the Sanitary Relief Fund. When the great Sacramento flood of 1861-'62 brought desolation and distress to so many American househols his liberality was manifested toward our people and his own alike. The firm had a house i Shanghai, one at Canton, another at Hog Kong, and recently one in Yokohama, in addition to that in San Francisco. A few days before his death he expressed his determinetion to visit New York and Chicago on the completion of the Pacific Railroad, with a view to establishing stores in those places.

Sept. --GAGE, GEORGE, a prominent lar yer of New Jersey, died at Dover, N. J., aged 31 years. He was an officer in the late war. and was a member of the Assembly, from Morris County, and a leader on the Repub lican side.

Oct. 1.-GERARD, WILLIAM, an old and en nent merchant of New York, died in that city aged about 80 years. He was born in Broek Street, and commenced his career as a clerk the shipping-house of Minturn & Champ where he early evinced such a decided busines capacity that at the age of eighteen he sent by the house to the East Indies, as supe cargo. Subsequently, he was in the employ Ebenezer Irving & Sons, where Washington ving was a fellow-clerk. He engaged in ba ness as junior partner in the firm of A. S Glass & Gerard, which finally became Gerar Betts & Co. In 1866 Mr. Gerard retired after a business career of sixty years, throughor which he was noted for his strict integrit correctness and probity in all his dealings, ar his sound judgment.

Oct. 3.-JAMIESON, GEORGE W., an actor of considerable ability, was killed by a railros? train, aged 58 years. He was a native of New York City, his mother being an American, a his father an Irish Protestant. His education was limited, but he held high rank as a Statspearian scholar. At an early age he was p prenticed to the trade of a lapidary, and his ear eos were models of artistic beauty. His taste however, were for the stage, and his first pr fessional appearance was made at the old Bery Theatre, in 1835, in his own farce, The

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Chameleon." He also played with great success at Niblo's Garden and at the Olympic.

Oct. 5.-HALSTED, SCHUREMAN, & prominent citizen and philanthropist of New York, died at Mamaroneck, N. Y., aged 63 years. He commenced his business career at the age of fifteen years, in a prominent dry-goods house, and by the time he had reached the prime of life had acquired an ample competence. From this period he devoted himself to the promotion of various religious and benevolent enterprises. It was by his personal efforts that the Legislature passed the act creating the Board of "Ten Governors," and having been appointed one of the original Governors, he devoted a large portion of his time to securing the successful working of that system. He was one of the principal patrons and supporters of the Old Ladies' Home in Forty-second Street, VicePresident of the American Bible Society, President of the Westchester County Bible Society, Manager of the Parent Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, founder and President of a savings bank, founder and for many years President of the Broadway Insurance Company, and held many other responsible positions both secular and religious.

Oct. 5.-WADE, Mrs. DEBORAH B. L., wife of Jonathan Wade, D. D., a missionary in Burmah, died at Tavoy. Her maiden name was Lapham, and she was born in Nelson, N. Y., January 10, 1801. At the age of 22 years she was married and sailed from Boston with her husband, June 20, 1823, arriving at Rangoon in the following December. Her missionary life extended over a period of forty-five years, during which she rendered a large amount of valuable service, and was eminently her husband's helper, in his evangelizing labors. In 1831, and again in 1848, she visited the United States with her husband. She was a woman of strong powers of mind, of sound judgment, and of remarkable piety.

Oct. 10.-LINDSLEY, NATHAN LAWRENCE, LL. D., an eminent philologist and belles-lettres scholar, died at Greenwood, Tenn., aged 52 years. He was the son of Philip Lindsley, for many years President of the Nashville University. His early educational advantages were superior, and in whatever department of literature he pursued his studies, he endeavored to explore the ground thoroughly. He became master of several of the dead languages, as well as the modern languages, and in matters of philology had justly earned a national reputation. As an educator he was eminently successful. Dr. Lindsley was of material assistance to his friend Dr. Worcester during his preparation of the valuable lexicon which bears his name, and had himself projected a great work in the department of lexicography, entitled "An Encyclo-lexicon of the English Language."

Oct. 15.-HINMAN, ROYAL RALPH, a politician and genealogist, died in New York City, aged 84 years. He was born in Fairfield

County, Conn., was a graduate of Yale College, class of 1804, studied law, and practised for nearly thirty years in his native county, was elected Secretary of State of Connecticut on the Conservative ticket in 1836, and after two years of service retired from public life. Subsequently he devoted his attention for many years to the history and antiquities of the State, and especially to tracing the genealogy of the original and early settlers, in the Hartford, Quinnipiac (or New Haven), Pequod (or New London), and Saybrook colonies. He published several volumes of these investigations. For the last fourteen or fifteen years he had resided in New York City.

Oct. 21.—Souder, Casper, Jr., editor of the Evening Bulletin, Phila., died in Philadelphia, aged 48 years. He had been a prominent member of the profession twenty years, during seventeen of which he was connected with The Bulletin. He was a man of fine culture and high literary attainments, and the author of several valuable works, including the "History of Chestnut Street," in which much research and impartial description earned him the high esteem of the Philadelphia public as a historian.

Oct. 22.-HINDS, JAMES, M. C. from Arkansas, was assassinated at Monroe, Ark. He was born in the town of Hebron, Washington County, N. Y., December 5, 1833; graduated at the Cincinnati Law College in 1856, and removed to Minnesota, where he entered upon the practice of his profession. Here he was appointed District Attorney, and was advanced from this position to that of presiding Judge. During the late war, he enlisted in an expedition which was sent by the Government against the hostile tribes of Indians on the Western frontier, and, at the close of the war in 1865, settled at Little Rock, Ark. Subsequently he was chosen a member of the convention which framed the constitution under which Arkansas was admitted to the Union; and at the election of State officers was chosen one of the three representatives in the national Congress. At the time of his death he was canvassing his State with relation to the congressional nomination of his district, and, although having no direct personal interest in the election, fell a victim to his political views.

Oct. 24.-FAIRCHILD, Brevet Brigadier-General CASSIUS, U. S. Marshal for Wisconsin, died at Milwaukee from the reopening of a wound received at the battle of Shiloh, aged 40 years. He was a representative in the State Legislature in 1860. During the war he was connected with the 16th Wisconsin regiment, of which he became colonel, and soon after its close was appointed U. S. Marshal, the duties of which position he continued to discharge with faithfulness until his death. Colonel F. had been married but two weeks when his death occurred.

Oct. 28.-TRACY, ANDREW, M. C. from Vermont, died at Woodstock, Vt. He was


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