native of that State; educated a lawyer; and was a Representative in Congress from 1853 to 1855. He also served ten years in both branches of the State Legislature, and was Speaker from 1842 to 1845. Oct. 29.-MOVICKAR, Rev. JOHN, D. D., an eminent clergyman of the Episcopal Church, and late Professor in Columbia College, New York City, died at his residence in Bloomingdale, in the 82d year of his age. He was a native of New York State; graduated at Columbia College in 1804, and in 1811 was appointed to the parish at Hyde Park, N. Y. In 1817 he was appointed Professor of Moral Philosophy, Rhetoric, and Belles-Lettres, in Columbia College, the duties of which position he discharged for many years. He was obliged, on account of his health, to sever his connection with the college a few years since, and on retiring from active service was created Emeritus Professor. Dr. McVickar was the author of several valuable works. Among these were: "A Domestic Narrative of the Life of Samuel Bard; "Outlines of Political Economy;" "Early Years;" "A Memoir of Bishop Ho"The Professional Years of Bishop bart; Hobart." was deeply interested in the cause of educa tion, and the prosperity of the public schools of Alabama is in a great measure owing to his unwearied energies. He was President of the first Public School Board organized in Mobile, and held that position until in 1862 the Board ejected him in consequence of his political sentiments. In 1865 he was restored by order of General Meade. During the war Mr. Horton was persecuted for his adherence to the cause of the Union, but, after the riot in that city, he was appointed Mayor by order of General Meade, and held that office until his election as Probate Judge. Nov. 2.-ABBOTT, AMOS, formerly M. C from Massachusetts, died in Andover. He was born in Andover, September 10, 1786, and was educated at a district school, but spent most of his life as a trader and merchant. He served three terms in the Massachusetts Legis lature, and from 1840 to 1842 was a member of the State Senate. From 1843 to 1849 he represented his native State in Congress, serv ing on the Committee on the Militia and ca Manufactures. He was a member of the Horse during the trying period of the Mexican War and, though opposed to the war, voted with Mr. Winthrop for making the appropriations therefor. Oct. 30.-GUNTHER, CHRISTIAN GODFREY, an eminent merchant of New York City, died there, aged 73 years. He was the senior mem- Nov. 7.-WORTENDYKE, JACOB R., a prom ber of the firm of "Gunther & Sons," fur- nent lawyer of New Jersey, and formerly M.C dealers, and was a man of integrity and worth. from that State, died at Jersey City. He w Oct. 30.-PRITCHARD, DAVID, M. D., a prom- born at Chestnut Ridge, Bergen County, NJ. inent physician of Norwalk, Conn., died there, November 27, 1818; graduated at Rutgers Co aged 58 years. He was a native of Waterbury, lege in 1839; and was for several years teacher Conn., graduated at Yale College in the class of the classics and mathematics. In 1849 be of 1831, and afterward at the Yale Medical commenced the study of law, and was admitSchool, and entered upon the practice of his ted to the bar in 1852, commencing the pre profession in Madison. Subsequently he practice of his profession in Jersey City. He w tised in New Jersey, and in 1861 removed to Norwalk. He was a skilful physician, and was noted for his benevolence. Oct. -BLANCHARD, JOSHUA P., a remarkable philanthropist, the eldest Apostle of Peace in the United States, died in Boston, Mass., aged 86 years. He entered the service of the cause of peace at an early period, under the lead of Dr. Worcester, and in connection with the eminent Dr. Channing. For more than fifty years he bore that cause continually on his heart, and in many ways labored for its advancement. For it he gave money, time, thought, and the products of a vigorous pen. On the peace question he was one of the most radical; but to the credit of his memory it must be said that he was throughout consistent. Having settled upon the principle that Christianity not only discountenances but forbids all war, he accepted and advocated all the legitmate inferences to be drawn from it as binding upon the conscience. Oct.--HORTON, GUSTAVUS, Probate Judge of Mobile, Ala., was killed at Huntsville, aged 53 years. He was a native of Massachusetts, but for nearly thirty years had been a citizen of Mobile, his business a cotton-broker. He elected a Representative in the Thirty-fi Congress, from New Jersey, serving on thi Committee on Public Expenditures. Nov. 8.-FALES, Mrs. ALMIRA L., a noble phi lanthropist, of Washington, D. C., died in th city. She was a native of the State of New York, but in mature life removed to lows Her husband, Joseph T. Fales, having receive an appointment as examiner in the PatentOffice at Washington, she accompanied him and thenceforth made that city her home. 45 early as 1860, from her extended knowledge of Southern feeling and action, she foresaw predicted the struggle, and, much to the s prise of less discerning and incredulous friends, began the collection and preparation of arti cles for hospital use. When the war brake out, she entered, fully prepared, upon the dr ties embraced in the care of sick and word ed soldiers. At Pittsburg Landing, and c other battle-fields of the West, Mrs. Fales w busy in ministering to wounded and dying so diers. Through the entire war she devote her energies to this department of philanthr py. Appreciating her efficiency and som judgment, the Government placed an amb lance at her command, and with this laden with stores she was unremitting in her visits in the hospitals in the neighborhood of Washington, and to the remoter fields of action. At Fredericksburg, on the Peninsula, and elsewhere, her presence was a ministry of practical sympathy to thousands of the brave and suffering, and, wherever she appeared, the brightness of her smile and the cheerful tone of her voice at once dispelled the gloom of the scene. In the yard of her own house she early pitched a large hospital tent, into which she gathered the sick and disabled soldiers, and there ministered to their needs, until means could be provided to send them to their homes. For a considerable period Mrs. Fales was charged by the Government with the superintendence of sick and wounded soldiers sent from the hospitals in and around Washington, to the hospitals in New York and elsewhere. Amid all this activity she found time to correspond extensively, for the purpose of obtaining pecuniary and other contributions to carry on her benevolent work. Nov. 9.-REED, General HENRY E., an officer of the southern Army, a politician and lawyer of Louisville, Ky., committed suicide in that city, aged 44 years. He was born in Larue County, Ky.; was a blacksmith by trade, but studied law, and practised mostly in his native State. When the Mexican War broke out, he enlisted, and as ensign of a regiment of Kentucky Voltigeurs distinguished himself at Buena Vista, Chapultepec, and in other hard-fought battles. He it was who first planted the flag upon the heights of Chapultepec, but, in the moment of victory, he was struck down, severely wounded in several places. For this act, the General Assembly of Kentucky presented a sword and passed complimentary resolutions. On his return from the Mexican War, he was commissioned by Governor Powell a brigadier-general of militia. When the late war broke out, he went South, taking with him from Hardin County a considerable body of men for the Confederate army. He was elected a member of the Confederate Congress, representing the Provisional Government of Kentucky. He figured in several of the contests in Virginia, and, after the close of the rebellion, returned to the practice of his profession in Louisville. Nov. 11.-WOLF, FREDERICK, M. D., late Surgeon U. S. A., died at St. Louis, Mo. He began his military career on the battle-fields of Italy, and was connected for eight years with the Austrian service, where he won the reputation of an able physician. Being an excellent_linguist, he entered, after the battle of Bull Run, the Garibaldi Legion, served throughout the war, was once paroled, and became twice an inmate of Libby Prison. Nov. 13.-STOWE, Rev. PHINEAS, pastor of the Boston Baptist Seamen's Bethel, died there, aged 56 years. He entered the ministry rather late, and without the advantages of a collegiate education; but he possessed considerable talent, and exercised great tact in the position which he had chosen. He had much natural poetical ability, and his volume of hymns and spiritual songs was highly prized. He had also published two or three other small volumes. He was a great favorite with the seamen, and his influence over them was powerful for good. Nov. 19.-DOVE, Captain BENJAMIN MORE, U. S. N., Inspector of the Light-house Department, died at Key West, Fla. He was a resident of the District of Columbia, and was retired as a commander, October 1, 1864. Nov. 19.-MOUNT, WILLIAM SIDNEY, an artist of much merit, died at his residence in Setauket, L. I., aged 61 years. He was a native of Setauket, and passed his youth on a farm, but afterward removed to New York and engaged in sign and house painting, which soon developed into a capacity for a higher order of art. In 1829, having spent two years in the Academy of Design, he established himself as a portraitpainter. He subsequently achieved considerable reputation, both at home and abroad, through the engravings and colored lithographs of his pictures published by Goupil and others. Among the more renowned of his portraits are those of Bishop Onderdonk in his ecclesiastical robes, and of General Jeremiah Johnson, while Mayor of Brooklyn. Of his other pictures, "Farmers Mowing," "Raffling for a Goose,' "Mutual Respect," "The Power of Music," "The Banjo-Player," and some others, are well-known examples. He excelled in the delineation of rural and humorous scenes, and was particularly happy in representing scenes from negro life. Nov. 19. PENDLETON, JOHN S., M. C. from Virginia, died at Culpepper, Va. He was a native of that State, and represented the ninth district in the Twenty-ninth Congress, and again in the Thirtieth, as a Whig. In 1841 he was appointed chargé d'affaires to the Republic of Chili, and in 1851 President Fillmore made him minister to the Argentine Confederation, and authorized him to negotiate with Paraguay. Nov. 20.-BRYANT, Dr. JOEL, homœopathic physician and author of several medical treatises, died in Brooklyn, L. I. He was born in Suffolk County, L. I., November 10, 1813. He graduated at the Pennsylvania Medical College, entered upon his profession in his native village, but removed to Brooklyn in 1850, and became quite prominent as a practitioner. For some years previous to his death he was a great sufferer, and was unable to attend to his duties as a physician. He was the author of several treatises on homoeopathy, the best of which was "Bryant's Pocket Manual." Nov. 22.-BOYNTON, NEHEMIAH, a prominent citizen of Chelsea, and Boston, Mass., died in Chelsea. He was born in the present town of Rockport, near Gloucester, Mass., December 2, 1804. In 1825, he commenced business at St. George, Me., where, a few years later, he was elected a member of the Legislature. At the age of thirty he removed to West Thomaston, where he was in active business eleven years. In 1845 he commenced mercantile business in Boston, having his family residence in Chelsea, where for more than twenty years he held the love and respect of the community. In 1859 and 1860 he represented the first Suffolk district in the State Senate; and from 1862 to 1865 he was a member of Governor Andrew's Executive Council, for Suffolk County. In both these positions he commended himself by sound judgment and fidelity to the trusts committed to him. In 1853, when an important vacancy occurred in the Executive Committee of the American Baptist Missionary Union, he was elected to fill it, and, two years later, he was chosen Treasurer, which position he held nine years, giving to its duties gratuitously a large amount of time, thought, and personal service. Nov. 22.-HALL, DAVID P., an eminent lawyer of New York City, died there. He was born in Pomfret, Conn., July 15, 1798, and graduated with distinction at Harvard College in the class of 1820. For three successive years he gained the Bowdoin prize for English composition. Removing to New York City, he studied law under the late Mr. Wheaton, and was admitted to the bar in 1824. At one time he was in partnership with his brother, the late Jonathan Prescott Hall, and afterward practised alone. In the old Court of Chancery Mr. Hall gained a high reputation, and his name in the courts of law was equally well known. He practised much before the late Chancellors Kent and Walworth and Vice-Chancellor McCoun, and was much esteemed by them, as well as by his brethren of the bar, as a master of equity jurisprudence. Nov. 23.-THOMPSON, General WADDY, M. C. from South Carolina; died in Tallahassee, Fla. He was born in Pickensville, Pendleton District, S. C., on the 8th of September, 1798, and, having graduated at the South Corolina College, studied law and was admitted to the bar in December, 1819. He rapidly rose to the head of his profession. In 1826 he was elected to the State Legislature, and served until that body made him, in 1830, Solicitor of the Western Circuit. During the Calhoun nullification excitement the Legislature made him brigadier-general. In 1835 the Whigs of the third district elected him to Congress, and he was reëlected until 1841, serving in 1840 as Chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs. When Calhoun, who lived in his district, went over to the Democratic party, all the Whig members from South Carolina, but General Thompson, followed his lead. In 1842 President Tyler appointed him minister to Mexico, and, during his mission, he made two important treaties, and secured the liberation of more than two hundred Texan prisoners. On his return, he wrote a book entitled "Reminiscences of Mexico," which passed through several editions. He was an extensive and successful cotton planter in Florida, but spent the greater part of his time after his return from Mexico on his estate near Greenville, S. C. Nov. 24.-POLLARD, HENRY RIVES, editor of The Southern Opinion, was assassinated in Richmond, Va., aged 35 years. He was the son of Major Richard Pollard, formerly an officer in the U. S. Navy, and was born in Nelson County, Va., where he passed his early life. He finished his education at the Virginia Military Institute, whence he went to Washington. There he was employed for a time in the Post-Office Department. When the war broke out he was news editor of The Balti more Sun, but he immediately gave up that position, and, removing to Richmond, became one of the editors of The Examiner. Soon after the close of the War, Mr. Pollard, in connes tion with Mr. Charles H. Wynne, established The Richmond Times newspaper, and remained with it until the summer of that year, and then retired. In 1866 he revived The Eramiker, and controlled its editorial columns until some time in 1867, when he disposed of it to Thom as H. Wynne, Esq. He next established The Southern Opinion, and was until his death its editor and proprietor. He died by the hand of a young man, by the name of Grant, whe felt himself aggrieved by an article in Mr. Pollard's paper reflecting upon a member of Lis family. Nov. 25.-ARNOLD, MAYER, formerly an ennent merchant of Philadelphia, died in that city, aged 83 years. He emigrated to this country in 1805 from Wurtemburg, and at once engaged in the wholesale dry-goods trade in Philade phia, retiring from active business in 189 After that time he confined his attention to cha itable objects, and was president or treasure for a number of societies having for their of ject the amelioration of the condition of the poor. He was one of the founders of the Mar ufacturers' and Mechanics' Bank of Philade phia, and held a high position in the Maserit fraternity, having become a Master in that order in 1812. Nov. 27.-ELLIOTT, Major JOEL M., U. S. A. was killed in a battle with the Cheyennes, and Arrapahoes, on the Washita River, near Antelope Hills, Indian Territory. He was a brave and skilful officer. Nov. 27.-NICHOLS, Professor JOHN A., LL. D. of the College of New York, died at his resi dence, aged 47 years. He was well known as man of thorough scholarship and culture. In 1852 he was chosen to the chair of Experimen tal Philosophy, as the successor of General W B. Franklin, and the same year was transferred to that of Mixed Mathematics in the same in stitution. Nov. 28.-PETTICOLAS, Dr. ARTHUR E., Su perintendent of the Eastern Lunatic Asylum, Virginia, committed suicide at Williamsbur by leaping from a window. He was an onnent physician, and formerly professor in the Medical College there. He had been partially insane for some months. Nov. 30.- EVANS, Brigadier-General N. GEORGE, an officer in the Confederate service; died at Midway, Bullock County, Ala., where he was teaching, aged about 40 years. He was a native of South Carolina, and graduated at West Point in 1848, thirty-sixth in his class; was appointed brevet second-lieutenant, 1st Dragoons, and employed mostly on frontier service, in which he distinguished himself, and rose to be captain in the 2d Cavalry in 1856. He resigned in February, 1861, and was soon after promoted to a command in the Confederate army, in which he served throughout the war, and subsequently engaged in teaching. Nov.-.-HARTZ, Captain E. L., U. S. A., an able officer, died while on frontier duty at Fort Reno, Dakota Territory, aged 34 years. He was born in Pottsville, Pa., graduated at West Point in 1855, and served on the frontier in Texas from that time until 1861, then on staff and quartermasters' positions until 1864, when he was dropped from the Army. In 1866 he was reappointed captain of the 27th Infantry, in which capacity he was serving at the period of his death. Nov. - --ROYCE, STEPHEN, formerly Governor of Vermont; died in that State, aged 81 years. He was for twenty-five years Chief Justice of Vermont, and, from 1854 to 1856, Governor of that State. Dec. 3. HENDERSON, Mrs. JANE, an aged widow, died at Brooklyn, L. I. She was born in Monmouth County, N. J., in 1768, and her memory of the battle of Monmouth, in which her father participated, was very distinct. In 1817 she removed to New York. Her mental faculties were preserved until just before her death. Dec. 3.-MCCRAE, JAMES MAIZE, a veteran journalist of Washington, died in that city, in his 86th year. The active portion of his life was spent in literary pursuits. For some time he was editor of the New Orleans Tropic, at one time a leading Whig journal in that city, and at various periods subsequently was connected, as contributor or correspondent, with leading papers in different parts of the country, including the old Washington Union, the National Intelligencer, the New York Tribune, The New York Times, and some of the prominent Western journals. Dec. 3.-MAYNADIER, Brevet Major-General HENRY E., U. S. A., died at Charleston, S. C., aged 38 years. He was a native of Virginia; graduated at West Point, July 1, 1851, as brevet second-lieutenant 1st Artillery; served on garrison and frontier duty until 1857; accompanied the Utah Expedition in 1857-58; and from 1859 to 1861 was with the expedition for survey and exploration of the Upper Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers. During the war he participated in some most important engagements-the bombardment of Island No. 10; attack on Fort Pillow; naval action before Memphis; bombardment of Vicksburg, Mississippi; battle of Fredericksburg, etc., etc. In 1864 he was on the Board for inspecting hospitals in Michigan, and on special duty in the Adjutant-General's office at Washington, D. C. He also served in various other important positions. He was promoted to be brevet brigadier-general U. S. Volunteers, March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the rebellion," and brevet major-general, March 13, 1865, "for distinguished services on the frontier while operating against hostile Indians." Dec. 3.-RIVERS, HENRY WHEATON, M. D., an eminent surgeon of Rhode Island, died at Providence, R. I., aged 50 years. Having been educated at the Harvard and Pennsylvania Medical Colleges, he commenced practice in Providence in 1839. In 1845 he published a very useful little book on "Accidents and Poisons." At the breaking out of the war he was one of the first to volunteer, and remained in the service till after Lee's surrender. He was at various times detached as brigade surgeon of the Third Brigade, Department of North Carolina; surgeon to Third Division, Department of North Carolina; medical director of the army for the defences of Harper's Ferry, Virginia; surgeon to headquarters, Army of the Potomac; surgeon to headquarters, Department of the Ohio; and medical inspector of Third Division, Ninth Army Corps. At the close of the war he was brevetted lieutenantcolonel for meritorious services. Dec. 4.-OLMSTEAD, HAWLEY, LL. D., an eminent teacher of Connecticut, died at New Haven, Conn., in the seventy-fifth year of his age. He was a native of Wilton, Conn.; graduated at Yale college in 1816, and entered upon the work of instruction, first at the academy in his native town, and later as rector of the Hopkins Grammar School at New Haven, resigning his office in 1849, on account of illhealth. He represented Wilton four times in the State Legislature, and the second senatorial district once. Dec. 4.-PARVIN, Rev. ROBERT I., an Episcopal clergyman, Secretary of the Evangelical Educational Society, was lost on the steamboat United States, on the Ohio River, near Madison, Ind., aged 45 years. He received his theological education at the Virginia Seminary, and entered upon the work of the ministry at Leroy, N. Y. Subsequently he was rector of a church at Pittsfield and afterward at Chilton Hills, Pa. During the late war he accepted a general agency for the Christian Commission, whose organization he was largely instrumental in perfecting. On the organization of the Evangelical Education Society, he was appointed its first secretary, and it was while engaged in fulfilling an appointment in its behalf that he met his death. Dec. 4.-RISING, Rev. FRANKLIN S., an Episcopal clergyman, Secretary of the American Church Missionary Society, was lost on the steamboat United States, on the Ohio River, near Madison, Ind., aged 32 years. He was a graduate of the Virginia Seminary, and spent the early years of his ministry at Virginia City, Nev., where he built up a parish of much power and strength. Failing in health, he became Financial Secretary of the American Church Society, and was on a tour of official duty when he met his death. He was a man of singular sweetness of temper and purity of character. Dec. 4.-SMITH, Rev. JOSEPH, D. D., a Presbyterian clergyman and educator, died in Greenburg, Pa. He was born in Westmoreland County, Pa., July 15, 1796, and was descended from a family of clergymen. He graduated at Jefferson College, Pa., in 1815; entered the Princeton Theological Seminary in 1817; was licensed to preach in 1819, and was appointed a missionary for Culpepper, Madison, and Orange Counties, Virginia. In 1822 he entered upon pastoral duties and was also previous to 1832 principal of an academy at Staunton. About this period he removed to Frederick City, Md., where he had charge of the Presbyterian Church and a large academy. From thence he was called to a church in St. Clairsville, Ohio, which he relinquished that he might accept the presidency of Franklin College, at New Athens, Ohio. When the subject of slavery began to interest the community, his conservative views led him to resign his office, and, removing to his former home in Frederick City, Md., he resumed the charge of the church, and was also president of the college just organized there. In 1847 he accepted, under the direction of the Domestic Board of Missions, the office of General Agent for the synods embracing Western Pennsylvania, Northwestern Virginia, and Eastern Ohio, a field involving great labor. Subsequently he held pastoral charges in Roundhill, Pa., and Greensburg, Pa. Dr. Smith was the author of a volume entitled "Old Redstone," "being Historical Sketches of Western Presbyterianism, its Early Ministers, its Perilous Times, and its First Records," of which he had just completed in manuscript a new edition previous to his death. Dec. 6.-GOULD, GEORGE, an eminent jurist, formerly Judge of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, died at Troy, N. Y., aged about 59 years. He graduated at Yale College, and soon after went to Troy, and entered upon the study of law. Having thoroughly qualified himself, he entered upon the practice of his profession in that city with marked success. In 1852 he was chosen Mayor of Troy, and in 1855 was elected Judge of the Supreme Court. Upon the conclusion of his term in 1863, he resumed the practice of the law. As a lawyer, he was thoroughly master of his profession, and as a judge, dignified, prompt in decision, candid, and impartial. Dec. 7.-CAMPBELL, THOMPSON, a prominent politician of Illinois and California; died there. He was a native of Pennsylvania, and was educated for the law. In 1843, having previously become a citizen of Illinois, he was elected Secretary of State by the Democratic party, and served until 1846. In 1850 he was elected a representative in Congress from the Galena district, and served one term, from 1851 to 1853; subsequently he was appointed by President Pierce as Land Commissioner to California. for the purpose of adjusting titles under the treaty with Mexico, in accordance with grants made by the Mexican Government. He served in the California Legislature, and was a supporter of the Government during the late war. Dec. 12.-FLINT, HENRY M., a newspaper correspondent of the New York World, over the signature of "Druid," died at Camden, N. J. He was the author of a "Life of Stephen A Douglas," a work entitled "Mexico under Maximilian," and "The History and Statistics of the Railroads of the United States," lately published. Dec. 12.-SHEPARD, Rev. GEORGE C., D. D a Congregational clergyman and author, died in Amherst, Mass., aged 66 years. Dec. 13.-HUMPHREY, Mrs. SOPHIA, widow of the late Heman Humphrey, D. D., died st Pittsfield, Mass., aged 83 years. She wass sister of Rev. Noah Porter, D. D., of Farmington, Conn. Four of her sons were graduates of Amherst College, of which institution ber husband was president for twenty-two years. Dec. 14.-Exos, DEWITT C., M. D., a proinent physician and medical professor, of Brooklyn, N. Y., died suddenly in that city, of heart-disease. He had been visiting-surgeon of the City Hospital for some years, and t a short time previous to his death was Profes sor of Anatomy of the Long Island College Hospital. Dec. 14.-PATTERSON, Rev. A. O., D.D. 1 Presbyterian clergyman and home missionary, died at Oxford, Ohio. He was born in Fayet County, Pa., July 1, 1794; graduated at Wash ington College, Pa., and at Princeton The gical Seminary, and was licensed to preach 1820. His labors were varied and his pastor ates numerous. First as a missionary, he jorneyed from Pittsburg, through Steubenville Wheeling, Marietta, Oxford, Hamilton, Zare ville, Cleveland, and intermediate points preaching the Gospel. For the next fourteen years he was pastor at Mount Pleasant and Sewickly, Pa., when, after much persuasion, be engaged in home missionary work, only to re turn to the pastorate, laboring successively a Beavertown, Pa., New Lisbon and Bethel Ohio, West Newton, Pa., and since 1864 Oxford, Ohio. The record of his labors in al these places, and also in connection with the Board of Missions, gives full proof of his em nent usefulness and efficiency. Dec. 16.-CUMMINGS, ISAAC, M.D., an e nent physician of New York City, died from the effect of an overdose of morphine, aged years. He had been resident physician of the Demilt Dispensary for several years, and was for six months the surgeon of the Panaris |