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on the impeachment of the President, 138; submits a minority report, 161; on the repeal of the cotton tax, 198. BROOMALL, JOHN N.-Representative from Pennsylvania, 124; on the republican State guarantee, 182. BROUGHAM, HENRY.-Birth, 82; death, 83; public career, 83, 84.

der, 103; nitroglucose, 103; ozone and antozone, 101; microscopic crystallography, 104; crystallization of sulphur, 105; do. under the blow-pipe, 105; industrial preparation of oxygen, 106; oxychloride of silicium, 106; iodide of silicium, 106; persulphide of hydrogen, 107; new method of sugar manufacture, 107; analysis of British waters, 107; carbon tubes and crucibles, 108.

BROWN, JAMES.-Birth, 84; death, 84; pursuits, 84. Brunswick.-Government, 84; area, 84; population, 84; CHILDS, HENRY HALSEY.-Birth, 108; death, 108; purbudget, 84.

[blocks in formation]

California.-Population, 86; proportion of different races, 86; product of gold, 86; State government, 86; agricultural interests, 86; Indian corn, 87; cotton, 87; fruits, 87; stock, 87; manufacturing industries, 87. Candia, or Crete.-Area, 88; population, 88; religions, 88; insurrection, 88; assembly of delegates to discuss affairs, 88; report of the Grand-Vizier, 89; extracts, 89; measures adopted against the insurrection, 89; General Assembly convened, 89; condition of the island, 90; the insurgents, 90; provisional government, 90; battles between Cretans and Turks, 90; sympathy of Greece, 91; other facts, 736. CANTERBURY, Archbishop of.-Birth, 91; death, 91; career, 91.

CARDIGAN, Lord-Birth, 91; death, 91; career, 92. CARRELL, GEORGE ALOYSIUS.-Birth, 92; death, 92; career, 92.

CARSON, CHRISTOPHER.-Birth, 92; death, 92; adventurous career, 92.

Cattle, Diseases of.-Great mortality among cattle, 93; four epidemics, 93; splenic cattle fever, 93; symptoms, 93; progress and history of the disease, 93; destructiveness, 94; investigations of commissioners, 94; description of symptoms, 94; other descriptions, 94, 95; pleuro-pneumonia, 93; a disease in Iowa, 96; abortion, 96; epidemic among horses, 96; symptoms, 96.

Central America.-Divisions, 96.-Guatemala-ministry, 96; area, 97; population, 97; commerce, 97; public affairs, 97.-San Salvador-area, 97; population, 97; revenue, 97; commerce, 97.-Honduras-area, 97; population, 97; revenue, 97; commerce, 97.-Nicaragua-area, 97; population, 97; commerce, 97; treaty with the United States, 98.-Costa Rica-Government, 98; area, 98; population, 98; army, 98; commerce, 98. Cerium.-A metal-how obtained, 99; color, 99; malleability, 99.

CHASE, Chief-Justice SALMON P.-Letter to the Senate

on impeachment, 352; presides at the trial of President Johnson, 352; voted for in the National Democratic Convention, 749; how received, 749; his reply to verbal overtures, 750; reply by letter, 750; platform approved by him, 750; progress of the movement for the nomination of Chase, 751. Chemistry.-Artificial formation of organic substances,

99; fermentation and the source of muscular power, 100; the occlusion of hydrogen gas by metals, 100; the velocity of chemical changes, 101; Tyndall on molecular force, 102; action of light, 102; white gunpow

suits, 109.

Chili.-Revenues, 109; debt, 109; army, 109; navy, 109;

population, 109; commerce, 109; banks, 109; immigration, 109; Congress, 110; Indian troubles, 110; earthquakes, 110.

Chimney, The tallest.-Location, 110; dimensions, 110; flues, 111; foundation, 111; correction of inclination, 111.

China.-Area, 111; population, 111; revenues, 112; commerce, 112; shipping, 112; appointment of Mr. Burlingame as minister, 112; departure from China, 113; arrival in United States, 113; treaty with the United States, 113; its ratification, 114; relations with England, 114; the Shenandoah visits the coast of Corea, 114; fishing-junks, 114; missionaries, 115; riot, 115; Formosa, 115; coal-fields, 115; the rebels, 115. CLARK, LABAN.-Birth, 115; death, 115; pursuits, 116. COBB, HOWELL.-Birth, 116; death, 116; career, 116. COLFAX, SCHUYLER.-Representative from Indiana, 124;

Speaker of the House, 124; on demonstrations in the galleries, 130.

Colombia, United States of.-Government, 117; revenue, 117; debt, 117; area, 117; population, 117; the new President, 117; disturbances in Panama, 117; proclamation of General Ponce, 117; other proclamations, 118; finances, 118; railroad contract, 119; action of the Legislature, 119. Colorado.-(See Territories.) Commerce of the United States.-Continuance of the decline, 119; imports and exports for a series of years, 119; imports at New York for a series of years, 120; imports of dry goods, 120; receipts for duties at New York, 120; foreign imports, 120; exports from New York, 121; do. and the range of gold, 121; arrivals at the port of New York in 1868, 121; leading articles of export, 121; leading articles of import, 122. Congregationalists.-Numbers in America, 122; further statistics, 122; do. in the United States and British colonies, 122; Congregationalism in England, 122; do. in British Possessions, 123; do. on the Continent of Europe, 123.

Congress, United States.-Second session of the Fortieth, convenes, 124.

Resolution to print extra copies of the President's message, 125; motion to strike out the message, 125; it is a libel, 125; the evidence of a direct coalition between the President and the former rebels, 125; a successor of Jefferson Davis, 125; assault of the President upon Congress, 125; a desire to suppress arguments and information of the kind contained in the message, 125; what is this message? 125; motion to amend, lost, 126.

Message of the President in commendation of the conduct of Major-General Hancock, 126.

A bill for the further security of equal rights in the District of Columbia, considered, 126; the word "white to be stricken out of all laws and charters, or ordinances of cities, 126; bill ordered to be engrossed, 126; read, 126; vote for the same laws here that we would vote for our own people at home, 126; expression of opinion in the Northern States at the

recent election, 127. The number of blacks in this District is very large, and promises to become larger, 127; this privilege of voting may be exercised by them to the detriment of the rest of the public, 127; the colored people have rights, 127; bill passed in Senate, 127; do. in the House, 127; resolution to ask of the President whether the bill had gone to the Secretary of State, 128; reply of the President, 128; moved to refer it to Judiciary Committee, 128; error of the President's views, 128; what the Constitution requires, 128; further debate, 129; message referred, 129.

In the House, a resolution to impeach President Johnson considered, 129; threats of the Speaker to the galleries, 130; meaning of high crimes and misdemeanors, 130; the President has in his hands the immense patronage of the Government, 130; all facts point to one conclusion, that the President is guilty of using the great powers of the nation for the purpose of reconstructing the Government in the interests of the rebellion, 130; influence of Cabinet officers, 130; his proclamation of 1865, 131; not understood, 131; his motive concealed, 131; testimony of Matthews, of Ohio, 131; declared the country could not be saved except by the Democratic party, 181; that expression discloses his mysterious course to this day, 132; acts which disclose his guilt, 132; message of December, 132; speech of February, 1866, 132; his vetoes, 132; interference to prevent the ratification of the constitutional amendment, 132; suspends the test-oath, 132; surrender of abandoned lands, 182; turned over millions of captured railway property to its former owners, 132; holds Tennessee bonds, 133; appointment of provisional governors, 133; these are impeachable offences, 133; propositions laid down in his last message, 133; what is our condition to-day? 133; involved in financial diffculties, 134; substantially impossible to collect the taxes while the Tenure-of-Office Act is in force, 134; there is no remedy for grievances while Mr. Johnson is in office, 134; all rests here, 134; this House has the sole power of impeachment, 134; this body must be guided by the law, and not by that indefinite something called conscience, which may be one thing today, and quite a different thing to-morrow, 134; the facts advanced examined, 135, 136; it is feared the failure to impeach and remove the President will defeat the congressional plan of reconstruction, 136; we may not impeach for this, 136; the resolution rejected, 137.

In the House, a resolution to impeach President Johnson again offered, 137; referred without debate to the Committee on Reconstruction, 137; report of the committee, 137; resolution to impeach the President reported, 138; the fact of removing a man from office without the consent of the Senate, while it is in session, is of itself, and always has been, considered a high crime and misdemeanor, 138; why is this attempted? 138; the sacrifice of two or three branches of Government deemed indispensably necessary to keep the Republican party in power, 138; the President has thrown himself violently in contact with an act of Congress, 138; this is a vast question, 138; it is the construction of vital provisions of the Constitution of our country, 139; these proceedings of removal are necessary only for a usurper, whom the people have repulsed and thwarted time and again, 139; it is known that men ascend to power over bloody steps, and that they may do it in this country, and yet be tolerated, 139.

Call this question what we may, it is apparent the leaders of this Congress are prepared to take the final plunge into the sea of revolution, 139.

What has been the act of the President, is the question, 139; look at the evidence, and then read the law, 140; what are the relations of the President to the members of his Cabinet? 140; can the country hold him responsible, and yet render him powerless, by filling the high offices of his department with per sons hostile to the success of his administration? 140; the whole is a question of construction, 141.

The safety of the country, the cause of good gov ernment, the preservation of constitutional right and of public liberty, depend upon the prompt impeachment of the President, 141; nearly every department of the Government has become demoralized and corrupt to an extent which can find no parallel in the history of any country, in any age, 141; confronted as we are by this state of things, so threatening to our national existence, can there be any patriotic man who does not call upon Congress sternly to do its whole duty, and purge this capitol of the crimes which defile the nation? 142.

Your right to impeach is denied, 142; this Honse is not composed as the Constitution requires, 142; neither is the Senate composed of two Senators from each State, 142; you have no right to do it, 142; who believes this is a movement of the lovers of the Constitution? 142; why is Stanton so anxious to hold his office? 142; can the Government exist with warring departments? 143.

A grave subject, 143; the charges few and distinct, 143; what are the official misdemeanors of Andrew Johnson disclosed by the evidence? 143; his oath of office, 143; the animus with which this law was vio lated, 143; issuing the commission to Thomas, if it stood alone, would be an undeniable misdemeanor, 144; shall prove he was guilty of misprision of brib ery, 144; the final disposition of the Southern States belonged to Congress, 144; resolution adopted, 145; a committee appointed to draft articles, 145; im peachment laid before the Senate, 145; message referred, 146; resolution of instructions to committee on rules, 146; resolutions on the constitutional responsibility of Senators for their votes, 146. (See Impeachment.)

In the Senate, a bill introduced to amend the "set to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States," 147; to change the provision that requires a majority of all the registered votes, 147: amendment offered, 147; requiring certain qualifications of those who were not voters before the wa 147; the greatest issue ever before the people of the United States is now looming up-that is, whether this shall be a white man's Government, or a negro Government, 147, 148; it is said that a great sin has been committed by conferring the franchise upon the negro, 148; the charge repudiated that Congress has attempted to set up a negro Government, 148; s ject referred, 149.

In the House, a motion to refer the President's message, and accompanying documents relative to reconstruction, to a committee of nine, 149; passed, 149; the committee, 149; resolutions relative to reconstruction, 149; a bill to facilitate, etc., offered, 149; the bill explained, 150; first section restores the majority principle, 150; the second aids the existing law, 150; the third leaves the apportionment of rep resentatives as it was in 1860, 150; third section withdrawn, 151; constitutions will not be ratified

unless the first section be adopted, 151; bill passed,


In the Senate, the bill considered, 151; motion to refer to the Judiciary Committee with instructions, 151; it is assumed that it is the intention of Congress to place the governments of the South under negro control, 152; how many whites disfranchised, 152; the issue here is the same as that which prevails throughout the country, 153; at the end of the war, the rebel States were without State governments of any kind, 153; the Constitution declares that the United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government, 153; the jurisdiction of the United States attached when the war closed, 153; what constitutes the Government of the United States! 154; a law of Congress becomes the execution of the guarantee, and is the act of the Government, 154; a decision of the Supreme Court, 154; this clause of the Constitution can only be executed by Congress, 154; power of Congress to pass laws, 155; the Fourteenth Constitutional Amendment, 155; proceedings of Congress, 155; what was there left to do? 156.

Impossible to invoke the aid of this clause of the Constitution for the support of these measures, unless you interpolate into the clause a word not to be found in it, 156; object of the convention to preserve the republican form then existing, 156; what was the condition of each of the States? 157; views of Mr. Madison, 157; it was not thought there was included in this particular clause any power to interfere with the government of a State, 157; what is loyalty? 157; views of the power of the Constitution in former days, 158; can New York be brought under that clause? 158; the doctrine of secession forever ended, 159; other clauses of the Constitution, 159; what is the bill on the table? 159; motion to amend, lost, 160; committee report to strike out and insert a new bill, 160; agreed to, 160; amendment concurred in by the House, 160.

In the House, a motion to suspend the rules for the Committee on Reconstruction to make a report, 160; carried, 160; bill to admit certain Southern States reported, 160; report of the minority, 161; a bill to elect a President, 161; why violate the Constitution! 162; the bill presents few immediate practical results, 162; object of the bill, 162; what objection, 162; the issue which underlies this legislation, 162; the first proposition involved, 163; next, the appor. tionment of representation, 163; inviolability of the national debt, 163; is this a bill which we ought to pass? 163; acting outside of the Constitution, 164; where are the powers granted which it is sought to assume? 164; the Constitution requires a preexisting government to be guaranteed, 164; no power for this bill in the Constitution, 164; the first section in direct conflict with more than one provision of the Constitution, 165; meaning of the word guarantee, 165; the whole subject of observation, of inquiry, of judgment, is open to the United States, which means Congress, with the President coöperating, 166; no difficulty as to the constitutionality of our acts, 166; the matter of reconstruction is put into the hands of the General of the Army, 166; amendments reported and agreed to, 166; further amendment offered, 166; discussed, 167; rejected, 167; bill passed, 168.

In the House, a bill for the admission of Alabama reported, 168; amendment offered, 168; agreed to, 168; bill passed, 169.

In the House, a bill for the admission of Arkansas

reported, 169; bill passed, 169; amendment offered in the Senate, 169; Congress has the sole, exclusive, and discretionary power over the admission of States, 169; what is it to admit a State? 170; merely admission to a participation in the Government, 170; all States out are equally new States on their application for admission, 170; has not Congress a right to say when and how the Southern States shall be admitted? 171; to impose this condition on Arkansas is said to deprive her of equality, 171; gross mistake or perversion in all this talk about the equality of the States, 171.

The condition is that the right of suffrage shall not be changed after admission of the State, 171; the Government could not exist without an absolute equality in the States, 172; representation is founded on the idea of equality, 172; the General Government cannot interfere with the franchise in the States already in the Union, 172; the exercise of this power, therefore, would destroy the equality of the States, 172; if the power to impose a restriction on admission exists, why cannot other restrictions be imposed, 173; error of the other side, 173; amendment agreed to, 173; other amendments offered and rejected, 173; bills passed, 174.

Veto of President Johnson, 174; bill passed over the veto, 175; protest of the Democratic members, 175. In the House, a bill to admit North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Louisiana, considered, 176; what is the particular question, 176; they are republican in form, and we require they should remain so, 176; amendments offered, 177; adopted, 177; bill passed, 177.

In the Senate, the bill reported excluding Alabama and adding Florida, 178; hope we shall not exclude Alabama, 178; the vote on her constitution was taken at an unpropitious season, 178; we ought not to take advantage of our own mistake, not to say blunder, 178; Alabama complied with every stipulation save one, shall they be excluded on account of their inability to comply with that? 178; Alabama reinserted, 179; other amendments offered and rejected, 179; amendment to strike out the whole of the House bill and insert another, adopted, 179; other amendments offered, 179; what is this bill? 179; to sanction a reorganization of the Southern States upon two principles, 180; the two principles, 180; what else is attempted by these bills, 180; what is the object? 180; bill passed, 181; do. in the House, 181.

In the House, motion to reconsider the vote referring the bill to guarantee to the several States of the Union a republican form of government, 181; provisions of the sections, 181; the franchise in certain States limited to certain races, 182; no difference that the ruling class constitute the majority, 182; the cause of universal suffrage is the cause of the great laboring masses of the community, 182; this bill proposes the subversion of the fundamental law of every State that does not tolerate negro suffrage, 182; from the first, the right of suffrage was the conceded right of the States, 183; the bill proposes the Federal Government shall overturn the suffrage in the States, and force negro suffrage upon them, 183; this is a grave question, 183; what was that great right our fathers discovered, 184; we propose to go to universal and impartial suffrage, as the only foundation upon which the Government can stand, 184; the laws then intended to be universal must now be made universal, 184; the passage of this bill at this hour would be the death-knell of our hopes as a political party in the approaching presidential

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election, 185; regret the Republican party has not
risen to the height of applying its principles as a test
to all questions, 185; the bill under consideration
cannot have a shadow of legal authorization under
the Constitution of the United States as it stands to-
day, 186; no action taken on the bill, 186.

In the Senate, a bill reported declaring what shall
constitute a quorum of the Supreme Court, 186; the
reason for the bill, 186; read third time and passed,

In the House, the bill reported back from the com-
mittee with an amendment, 186; substitute offered
requiring unanimity, 186; as much argument for
unanimity as for two-thirds, 186; proposition of a
most extraordinary character, 187; is action of this
sort on the part of Congress by itself constitutional?
187; requiring too much that every judge should as-
sent, 187; amendment as to the number required to
declare an act unconstitutional offered, 187; the Court
holds power by virtue of the fundamental faw of the
land, and Congress can neither add to nor subtract
from it, 188; how is the Supreme Court constituted?
188; a principle of common law makes a majority
necessary for action, 188; Congress cannot alter the
rule applicable to the Court, 188; it has no authority
to say what shall constitute a quorum of the Supreme
Court, 188; the first section not challenged, 189; what
is the power of Congress over the Supreme Court?
last amendment requiring unanimity rejected,
190; amendment requiring a majority adopted, 190.
In the Senate, the bill was referred to the Judiciary
Committee and not further considered, 190.

In the Senate, a bill to amend the act of 1789 passed,
190; it took away the appeal from the Circuit Court,
etc., 190; amendment, 190; veto of President John-
son, 190; considered in the Senate, 191; the bill
repeals the clause which allows a party in any case
an appeal to the Supreme Court where his liberty is
withheld from him in violation of the Constitution or
any law or treaty, 191; a foreigner has this appeal in
similar cases before our courts, 192; the object of this
is to reach the McCardle case, 192; bill passed in the
Senate, 193.

In the House, the veto message considered, 193;
bill passed, 193.

In the House, a resolution reported from the Recon-
struction Committee relative to the representation of
the Southern States in the electoral college, 194;
adopted, 194; adopted by the Senate, 194; veto of
President Johnson, 194; passed by both Houses over
the veto, 195.

In the Senate, the resolution of the Legislature of
Ohio, withdrawing its assent to the fourteenth article
of the amendment to the Constitution presented, 196;
voice of a partisan majority in the General Assembly,
196; without a precedent in history, 196; accom-
plished nothing, 196; before the assent of three-
fourths, any State can withdraw its assent, 196; reso-
lution referred to the Judiciary Committee, 196.

In the House, a resolution offered that the resolution
of the New Jersey Legislature, withdrawing its assent
to the constitutional amendment, be referred to only
by its title in the journal, 196; adopted, 196.

In the Senate, a resolution declaring the adoption
of the fourteenth amendment, 197; adopted, 197;
adopted in the House, 197; proclamation by the Sec-
retary of State, 197.

In the House, a bill reported to repeal the tax on
cotton, 198; an exceptional tax, 198; the time has
arrived to remove it, 198; a bounty for the products

of India, Egypt, and Brazil, 198; a mistake, 198; time
of repeal discussed, 198; bill passed, 199.

In the Senate, the bill considered, 199; applies to
the future crop, 199; better to take the tax off manu-
factured cotton than from the raw material, 200; not
a political question, 200; amendments adopted, 201;
assent refused by the House, 201; conference com-
mittee not able to agree, 201; a new conference agreed
to, 201; report agreed to by the Senate and rejected
by the House, 202; further conference, 202; report
accepted, 202.

Other measures of Congress, 202; eight-hour law,
202; vacancy in the office of Chief Justice, 209;
Freedmen's Bureau, 202; expatriation, 202; oath of
office for restored people of Southern States, 902;
adjournment, 202.

CONKLING, ROSCOE.-Senator from New York, 201; on
the cotton tax, 201.
Connecticut.-Political movements, 202; Republican State

Convention, 202; resolutions, 202; Democratic Con-
vention, 203; nominations, 203; resolutions, 2013;
elections, 203; public schools, 203; closing of the
Normal School, 204; a Training School, 204; returns
of towns, 204; expenditures, 204; absenteeism, 204;
law of the State to prevent the evil, 204; State debt,
204; charitable institutions, 204.

COOKE, HENRY.-Birth, 205; pursuits, 205; death, 205.
COQUEREL, ATHANASE L. C.-Birth, 205; death, N; writ-
ings, 206.

Cotton.-Crop of the year, 206; increase, 206; exports,
206; quantity on hand, 206; consumption by Ameri-
can mills, 207; prices for a series of years, 207.
COVODE, JOHN.-Representative from Pennsylvanis, 194;
offers a resolution to impeach the President, 187.
CRANWORTH, ROBERT M. R.-Birth, 207; death, 207; par-
suits, 207.

CRAWFORD, JOHN.-Birth, 207; death, 207; career, M.
CUSHMAN, ROBERT W.-Birth, 208; death, 208; pursuits,

Customs (Zoll) Parliament.-How composed, 208; results

of the elections, 208; opening of the Parliament, 208;
division of parties, 208; speech of the King, 208; off-
cers, 209; debates on the electoral laws, 209; address
moved in reply to the King's speech, 209; treaty be
tween Prussia and Spain, 209; deficit in the budget,
210; tax on tobacco, 210; address of the King, 20;
festivities, 210; report of South-German deputies,


DANA, SAMUEL L.-Birth, 211; death, 211; career, 211.
DAVIS, GARRET.-Senator from Kentucky, 124; offers &

resolution on the incapacity of the Senate to try im-
peachment, 146; on reconstruction, 147.
Delaware.-Financial condition, 212; property of the
State, 212; income, 212; appropriations, 212; poll-
tics of the Legislature, 212; Democratic Convention,
212; resolutions, 212; Republican Convention, 219:
resolutions, 212; elections, 212.
Denmark.-The Government, 212; area, 212; population,
212; budget, 212; army, 212; navy, 212; commerce,
212; session of the Diet, 213; speech of the King. 93.
Denmark, The Press of, in 1868.-Number of journals in
the kingdom, 213; circulation, 213; largest daily,
213; sums paid to the press, 213; unparalleled sale,
214; two classes of papers, 214; difference between
them, 214; aggregate circulation, 214; the press
laws, 214; extension of telegraph lines, 214; literary
and scientific journals, 214.

Diplomatic Correspondence.-The Alabama claims in the
House of Commons, 215; speech of Shaw Lefevre,
215; arbitration proposed, 215; speech of Lord Stan-
ley, 215; views of W. E. Forster, 215; remarks of J.
S. Mill, 215; do. of Gladstone, 216; treaty negotiated
by Reverdy Johnson, 216; reception of the Chinese
embassy at Washington, 217; treaty, 217; case of ex-
tradition in northern New York, 217; opinion of
Judge Hall, 217; English commission to inquire into
the neutrality laws, 217; recommendations, 218; ne-
gotiations relative to naturalization, 218; trouble in
Paraguay, 218.

DIXON, JAMES.-Senator from Connecticut, 124; on print-
ing extra copies of the President's message, 125.
Dominion of Canada.-When created, 219; effect of the

act of Parliament, 219; fourteen governments in
twenty-three years, 219; act of 1840, 219; clergy re-
serves, 219; Toronto University, 219; remodelled,
219; abolition of feudal rights, 219; railways, 219;
state rights, 220; powers of the local and general
governments, 220; trouble in Nova Scotia, 220; ac-
tion of Parliament, 220; the post-office act, 220; vari-
ous other acts, 220; local legislation, 221; Intercolo-
nial Railway, 221; revenue of the Provinces, 222;
united debt, 222; banks, 222; public officers, 222.
DOOLITTLE, JAMES R.-Senator from Wisconsin, 124; on
reconstruction, 147; on reconstruction, 151.
DRAKE, CHARLES D.-Moves amendment to the Arkan-
sas bill, 169.

DUFFIELD, GEORGE.-Birth, 222; death, 222; career, 222.
Dynamite.-Nature, 223; how used, 223; force, 223; acci-
dents from nitro-glycerine, 223.


Earthquakes.-In the Island of Hawaii, 223; shocks, 223;
effects, 224; catastrophes, 224; other accounts, 224;
the tidal wave, 225; in South America, 225; first
shock in Peru, 225; numbers killed at Arica, 226;
other accounts, 226; curious effects at Arica, 226;
effects at Arequipa, 226; at Lima, 227; at Chincha
Islands, 227; other places in Peru, 227; disastrous
consequences in Ecuador, 228; at Quito, 228; at Val-
paraiso, 228; results, 228; tidal wave, 229; in Cali-
fornia, effects at San Francisco, 229-232; other shocks,
232; in other parts, 232; in Mexico, 233; in other
countries, 233.

Eastern Churches.-Definition, 234; statistics, 234; ad-
dress of the Pope, 234; the Armenians, 234; reply to
the Pope, 234; polygamy, 237.
Ecuador.-Area, 237; population, 237; commerce, 237;
elections, 237; arrangement with Chili, 237.
EDMUNDS, GEORGE F.-Senator from Vermont, 124; reso-
lution relative to the District of Columbia bill, 128;
on the President's reply, 128, 129.
Egypt.-Government, 237; ministers, 237; area, 237;
population, 237; army, 237; navy, 237; commerce,
237; speech of the Viceroy to the Assembly, 237;
contract with English Government, 237; slave-trade
Blue-Book, 238; declarations of the English consul, 238.
ELDRIDGE, CHARLES A.-Representative from Wiscon-
sin, 124; on the impeachment of the President, 142;
on the guarantee of a republican form of govern-
ment, 161.

Electricity.-Submerged uninsulated cables, 239; electric
lights for light-houses and ships, 239; light at Dunge-
ness, 240; value for signals, 240; experiments in
electrolysis, 240; new batteries, 241; electric piano,
212; magnetic alphabetical telegraph, 242; electric
apparatus for blasting purposes, 242; electro-capil-

lary paper, 243; an improved voltastat, 243; a new
exciting liquid, 244; decomposing action of the vol-
taic arc on certain substances, 244; color effects of
electric discharges, 244; the electric spark in a
vacuum, 245; magnetism and molecular changes,
245; the aurora borealis as a weather prognostic,
215; effects of lightning, 246.

ELLIOTSON, JOHN.-Birth, 246; death, 246; career, 246.
ELLIOTT, CHAS, L.-Birth, 246; death, 246; pursuits, 246.
ELLSWORTH, WILLIAM W.-Birth, 247; death, 247; pur-
suits, 247.

ENGLE, Rear-Admiral FREDERIC.-Birth, 247; death, 247;
career, 247.

Europe.-Aspect, 247; revolution in Spain, 247; move-
ments in Cuba, 248; English war in Abyssinia, 248;
Russia's advance eastward, 218; Candia, 248; Roman
question, 248; party of progress, 248; Liberal party
in France, 248; overthrow of Queen Isabella, 249;
area and population of countries, 249; progress of
statistical science, 250.

EVARTS, WILLIAM M.-Appointed Attorney-General, 754.

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FARNSWORTH, JOHN F.-Representative from Illinois,
124; on the impeachment of the President, 138; on
reconstruction, 151; reports a bill to admit Alabama,

FARRAGUT, Admiral D. G.-Commands the European
squadron, 524; his cruise in European waters, 521.
Finances of the United States.-Receipts of the Govern-
ment, 250; receipts and expenditures, 250; do. for
the year ending June 30, 1868, 251; increase of the
debt, 251; total receipts since the close of the war,
251; actual reduction of debt, 251; statement of the
indebtedness of the United States, 252; changes
made at the close of the war, 253; course pursued by
the Treasury Department, 253; questions of impor-
tance connected with the national debt presented
during the year, 253; currency for payment of five-
twenty bonds, 253; acts of Congress authorizing the
issue of five-twenty bonds, 254; act limiting the
amount of greenbacks, 255; the funding bill of 1868,
255; proposition to suspend the payment of the prin-
cipal of the debt, 255; coin contracts, 255; recom-
mendations of the Secretary of the Treasury, 256;
circulation of national banks, 256; irredeemable
paper, 256; commercial relations of the United States
to other countries, 256; increase in the products of
domestic industry, 257; all articles produced in other
countries at a greater profit than in the United States,
257; unusual condition of affairs, 257; influence of
irredeemable paper to increase the cost of manufac-
tures, 258; fluctuation of prices, 258; increase of
wages, 258; average weekly expenditure of families,
258; compared with average weekly wages, 259;
weekly wages, 259; modification of the system of
direct taxes, 259; basis of the tariff, 260; causes in-
terfering with the rapid development of the country,
260; aspect of financial affairs, 260; bullion, 260;
coinage, 260; fluctuation in prices of principal arti-
cles, 261; resumption of specie payments, 261; treas-
ure movement at New York, 262; prices of shares
at the Stock Exchange, 263; daily price of gold, 264;
Government securities, 265.

Florida.-Progress of reconstruction, 265; convention
called, 266; remonstrance of citizens, 266; order of
General Meade relative to the State courts, 266; or-
ganization of the State Convention, 266; discord com-
menced, 266; committee on elections, 267; report,

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