267; recommitted and members added, 267; report of majority, 267; minority outmanœuvred, 267; fifteen delegates retire, 267; remaining members continue the sitting, 267; form a constitution, 268; action of convention, 268; adjournment, 268; absentees return, 268: form a new convention, 268; new committees, 268; unseat four other members, 268; conflict of the parties, 268; proceedings of the military, 268; reorgan- ization of convention, 269; constitution formed, 269; its provisions, 269; on suffrage, 269; equality of ne- groes, 269; declaration of rights, 269; candidates for office nominated, 270; order for a general election, 270; result of the elections, 271; meeting of the Legis- lature, 271; surrender of the government to the civil authorities, 272; military changes, 272; second session of the Legislature, 272; proclamation of the Governor, 273; veto message, 273; bill passed, 273; the Governor impeached, 273; proclamation of the Lieutenant-Gov- ernor, 274; declares Legislature adjourned, 274; Gov- ernor Reed disregards the impeachment, 274; applies to the Supreme Court, 274; another proclamation of the Lieutenant-Governor, 275; judges sustain the Governor, 275; quo warranto issued against the Lieu- tenant-Governor, 275; his proceedings, 275; new Legislature meet, 275; impeachment set aside, 275; its proceedings, 276; message of the Governor, 276; finances, 276; taxation, 276; public lands, 277. FORCE, PETER.-Birth, 277; death, 277; pursuits, 277. France.-Area, 278; decrease of agricultural population,
278; population of each department, 279; colonial possessions, 279; budget, 279; debt, 280; army, 280; navy, 280; its condition, 280; commerce, 281; rail- roads, 281; Legislature, 281; discussion of the budget, 281; reorganization of the army, 282; new loan, 282; elections, 282; claims of the Napoleonic dynasty, 282; treaty with Mecklenburg, 283; between France and Siam, 283; Eastern question, 283; France and the United States, 284; remonstrances on behalf of native Christians of Japan, 284.
France, The Press of, in 1868.-The press law, operation of, 284; papers and circulation, 284; letter of the Emperor, 284; new press law submitted to the Corps Législatif, 285; how received, 285; by the press, 285; debates, 285; passed, 285; instructions to prefects of departments, 286; new papers started, 287; La Lan- terne, 287; imitators, 287; prosecutions, 287; change of the Moniteur Universel, 287; press trials, 288; Siècle, 288; Temps, 288; Avenir National, 288; Patrie, 288; weeklies, 288.
French Exhibition.-One of the awards, 289; how awards
given, 289; Pacific Mills Relief Society, 289; object, 289; organization, 290; success, 290.
GATES, General WILLIAM.-Birth, 291; death, 291; ca- reer, 291.
Geographical Explorations and Discoveries.-Limited re-
sults of the year, 291; death of explorers, 291; ex- plorations in the Arctic region, 292; Swedish expe- dition, 292; German expedition, 292; Captain Hall, 292; exploration of Greenland, 293; do. of Iceland, 293; Alaska, 293; coast of Labrador, 293; British Co- lumbia, 294; United States, 294; the Western region, 295; Lower California, 295; mountain elevations in Mexico and Central America, 296; railroad explora- tions from Lake Nicaragua to the Atlantic Ocean, 297; explorations of the Belize River, 297; rain record of Hayti, 297; population and trade of South American States, 297; gold-fields of Venezuela, 298; statistics
of Brazil, 298; scientific excursion from Curico in Chili, 298; railway from Cordova to Jujuy, 298; Bol- laert's explorations in Southern Peru, 299; earth- quakes in South America, 299; statistics of Europe, 299, 300; do. of Asia, 301, 302; explorations in China, the East-Indian Archipelago, Africa, Australia, etc., 303, 304. Georgia.-Reassembling of the convention, 305; subjects of discussion, 305; resolutions relative to powers, 305; constitution drafted, 306; declaration of princi- • ples, 306; military order, 306; the elective franchise, 306; elections, 306; education, 307; finances, 807; measures of relief, 307; judiciary, 307; order of the convention, 307; military interference, 308; resolt- tions relative to political disabilities, 308; assassina. tion of Ashburn, 308; election, 308; military order, 309; opposition convention, 309; nominations, 309; address, 3810; committee proceedings, 310; orders of General Meade, 310, further orders, 311; result of the election, 311; Legislature convened, 312; eligibility of members, 312; action of Congress, 312; change of military districts, 312; negro members of the Legis lature, 313; legislated from their seats, 313; details, 313; proceedings, 314; Senators to Congress, 314; acts of the Legislature, 314; report on the state of the republic, 314; extract, 314; action of the Democrats, 315; military organizations, 315; Governor's prac lamation, 315; Republican mass meeting, 315; in- vestigation of disturbances, 316; Governor's procla mation, 316; order of General Meade, 316, 317; ad- dress of Democratic General Committee, 317; finances, 318.
Germany.-Population, 318; North-German Confeders- tion, 819; area, 319; population, 319; army, 319; fleet, 319; convention with the United States, 319; budget, 820; Parliament, 320; South-German States, 320; con- vention of Radical party, 320; resolutions, 330; labor question, 320; universities of Germany, 321. Germany, The Press of, in 1868.-Number of political papers, 321; do. in proportion to population, &1; important events in the history of the German press, 322; changes in the laws, 322; action of Saxony, 32; do. of Wurtemberg, 322; do. of Bavaria, 32; do, of Prussia, 322; do. in Mecklenberg-Schwerin, 323; the German provinces of Austria, 323. GIBSON, WILLIAM.-Birth, 323; death, 323; pursuits, 323. GILLESPIE, WILLIAM M.-Birth, 323; death, 323; pursuits,
GILMER, JOHN A.-Birth, 324; death, 324; pursuits, 324. GORTCHAKOFF, Prince PETER D.-Birth, 324; death, 321; career, 324.
GRANGER, FRANCIS.-Birth, 324; death, 324; career, 325. GRANT, General U. S.-Order relative to the oath of
members of the Louisiana Legislature, 434; letter relative to disturbances in Louisiana, 438, 439; 00- respondence with the President relative to the office of Secretary of War, 648; letter on the statements of members of the Cabinet, 656; retires from the War Department, 742; letter to the President, 72; *> cepts the Republican nomination for President, 70; elected President, 753.
GRAYSON, WILLIAM.-Birth, 326; death, 326; pursuits,
question, 223; action of Parliament, 328; resignation of the ministry, 329; new ministry, 329; finances, 330; expenditures, 330; army and navy, 330; com- merce and trade, 331; shipping, 331; vital statistics, 331; pauperism and crime, 331; educational statistics,
Greece.-Government, 332; area, 332; population, 332; budget, 332; army and navy, 332; address of the King, 332; Chambers dissolved, 332; deputies from Crete appear at Parliament, 333; visit of the Metropolitan to the American minister, 333; sympathy with Crete, 333; Greek answer to the Turkish ultimatum, 333. Greek Church.-Statistics, 334; invitation from the Pope, 334; address of the Patriarch, 334; his views on the Ecumenical Council, 335; letter from Moscow, 335; Greek Church of Russia, 335; new archbishop, 336; Church in Bulgaria, 336.
GREENE, ALBERT G.-Birth, 336; death, 336; pursuits,
GRISWOLD, JOHN A.-Representative from New York, 124; on the repeal of the cotton tax, 198.
HALL, JAMES.-Birth, 336; death, 336; literary career, 336. HALL, WILLIS.-Birth, 336; death, 336; pursuits, 336. HALPINE, Major-General CHARLES G.-Birth, 337; death, 337; career, 338.
Hamburg.-Population, 338; budget, 339; debt, 339; im-
ports, 339; exports, 339; army, 339; emigration, 339. HANCOCK, Major-General WINFIELD S.-Message of the President to the Senate relative to, 126; in command of Fifth Military District, 727.
HAWKS, CICERO S.-Birth, 339; death, 339; career, 339. Hayti.-Area, 339; population, 339; revenues, 339; debt,
339; loans, 339; coffee monopoly, 339; civil war, 339; proclamation of Salnave, 340; appeal to the clergy, 340; Salnave-his history, 340, 341.
HEAD, EDMUND W.-Birth, 341; death, 341; career, 341. HENDERSON, JOHN B.-Offers amendment to the Arkan- sas bill, 173.
HENDRICKS, THOMAS A.-Senator from Indiana, 125; on the bill to secure equal rights in the District of Co- lumbia, 126; on the veto of the court bill, 191. Hesse Darmstadt.-Government, 341; area, 341; popula- tion, 341; budget, 341.
HOLMAN, WILLIAM S.-Representative from Indiana, 124; on the impeachment of the President, 140. HOPKINS, JOHN HENRY.-Birth, 342; death, 342; career, 342.
HOWELL, ROBERT B. C.-Birth, 342; death, 342; pursuits, 343.
HUBBARD, RICHARD D.-Representative from Connecti-
cut, 124; on the Supreme Court quorum, 188, 189. HUGHES, BALL.-Birth, 343; death, 343; career, 343. Hungary.-Population, 343; divisions, 313; ministry,
343; budget, 344; Diet, 344; Croatian delegation, 344; address of the King to the army, 344; speech to the Diet, 344; elections, 345; the political programme, 345.
Hydrogenium.-Base of hydrogen, 315; investigations, 345; conclusions, 345.
Illinois.-Area, 316; resources, 346; geological report, 346; product of the mines, 346; receipts and ship- ments of stock, 347; sales, 347; assessed property of the State, 347; public debt, 347; new plans for inter- nal improvement, 317; Illinois and Michigan Canal,
348; river tunnel, 348; new State-house, 348; peni- tentiary, 348; insane hospital, 348; school for feeble- minded, 348; deaf and dumb institution, 348; schools, 319; university, 349; Democratic State Convention, 349; resolutions, 349; Republican Couvention, 350; resolutions, 350; results of the election, 351; Legis- lature, 351. Impeachment.-House Committee on, 145; resolution of the House to impeach President Johnson, 352; letter of Chief-Justice Chase to the Senate, 352; articles of impeachment, 352-354; rules of procedure and practice in the Senate when sitting on the trial of impeachments, 355; organization of the Court, 357; managers, 357; counsel of the President, 358; answer of the President to the articles, 358-366; replication of the House, 366; proceedings of the trial, 367, 368; testimony in defence, 369-371; testimony in rebuttal, 371; acquittal, 372.
India, British.-Ares, 372; population, 372; taking a new census, 372; financial exhibit, 373; public instruc- tion, 373; report of the English Society, 373; do. of the Normal School, 373; report on Indian railways, 374; post-office department, 374; army, 374; scheme of military barracks and forts, 374; a General Durbar, 375; native States of India, 375; the Hindostan Wa- babees, 375; arrests, 376. Indiana.-Political parties, 377; Democratic Convention, 377; nominations, 377; resolutions, 377; Republican Convention, 377; nominations, 378; resolutions, 378; the political canvass, 378; election, 378; State debt, 378; claims against the Federal Government, 378; House of Refuge, 379; Lynch law, 379; hanging of express robbers, 379.
Indian War.-Efforts of peace commissioners, 379; trea- ties made, 379; principal object of the treaties, 380; one cause of complaint with the northern Indians, 380; military division of Missouri, 380; order of Gen- eral Sherman, 380; outrages committed, 381; do. in Kansas and Colorado, 381; localities, 381; activity of troops, 381; skirmishes, 382; destruction of a Ca- manche village, 382; number of Indians, 382; sugges- tions of General Sheridan, 382; peace commission- ers' meeting, 383; resolutions, 383. INGERSOLL, JOSEPH R.-Birth, 383; death, 383; pursuits, 383.
Iowa.-Area, 383; wheat crop, 383; population, 383; the
Legislature, 383; resolutions on woman's suffrage, 383; on impeachment of the President, 383; on the right of expatriation, 384; importation of cattle pro- hibited, 384; State railroads, 384; Reform School, 381; treatment of delinquents, 385; act of registra- tion, 385; distinction between aliens and citizens abolished, 385; constitutional amendment, 385; Dem- ocratic Convention, 385; resolutions, 385; Republican Convention, 385; resolutions, 386; election, 386. Italy.-Government, 386; area, 386; population, 386; budget, 386; debt, 386; army, 386; navy, 386; univer- sities and students, 386; silk-trade, 386; woollens, 387; iron-mines, 387; marble, 387; agriculture, 387; tonnage, 387; railroads, 387; ministry, 387; finances, 387; report on, 387; financial measures, 388; meeting of Parliament, 388; the Roman question, 388; treaty with Switzerland, 389; letter of Mazzini, 389; letter of Garibaldi, 389.
Japan.—Area, 390; population, 390; commerce, 390; im- portation of arms, 390; foreign tonnage, 390; products of Japan, 390; imports and exports, 390; resignation
of the Tycoon, 390; opening of the ports, 391; con- spiracy of Daimios, 391; conflicts, 391; further trou- bles, 392; interference of foreign ministers, 392; in- terview with the Mikado, 392; his ultimatum to the Tycoon, 393; his decree, 393; his friendly attitude, 393; settlement of the difficulties, 394; finances, 394; decree against the Christians, 395; effort to change the state religion, 396.
JESSUP, WILLIAM.-Birth, 396; death, 396; pursuits, 396. JEUNE, FRANCIS.-Birth, 396; death, 396; career, 397. JEWETT, CHARLES C.-Birth, 397; death, 397; pursuits, 397.
JOHNSON, ANDREW.-Message relative to General Han- cock, 126; message to the Senate relative to the Dis- trict of Columbia Bill, 128; letter removing Secretary Stanton, 137; veto of the Arkansas Bill, 174; veto of Supreme Court Bill, 190; veto of joint resolution rel- ative to the electoral college, 194; trial on impeach- ment, 352; message at the second session of the Fortieth Congress, 641; correspondence with Gen- eral Grant relative to the office of Secretary of War, 648; letter to the members of the Cabinet as to the conversation with General Grant, 653; message on the removal of Secretary Stanton, 657; message sug- gesting changes in the Constitution, 659; letter ap- pointing General Thomas Secretary of War, 742; do. to E. M. Stanton, 742; vote in the Convention, 748; letter to Mr. Seymour on entering the presidential canvass, 752; amnesty proclamation, 753. JOHNSON, HEMAN.-Birth, 397; death, 397; pursuits, 397. JOHNSON, REVERDY.-Senator from Maryland, 124; on the bill to secure equal rights in the District of Co- lumbia, 127; on President's reply to resolution of Senate, 128; on reconstruction, 156; on the action of Ohio, 196; on the Arkansas Bill, 171; minister to England, 216, 329.
JUNCKER, HENRY D.-Birth, 398; death, 398; pursuits, 398.
JUNKIN, GEORGE.-Birth, 398; death, 398; pursuits, 398.
Kansas.-Action of the Legislature, 399; financial con- dition, 399; claims against the Federal Government, 400; taxable property, 400; productions of 1867, 400; new capitol, 400; penitentiary, 400; condition of the public schools, 400; railroads, 400; bore the brunt of the Indian War, 401; Republican Convention, 401; Democratic Convention, 401; elections, 401. KEAN, CHARLES J.-Birth, 401; death, 401; carcer, 402. KEARNY, LAWRENCE.-Birth, 402; death, 402; career, 403.
KELLY, WILLIAM D.-Representative from Pennsyl-
vania, 124; on the impeachment of the President, 138; on suffrage to blacks, 185. Kentucky.-Legislative sessions, 404; acts and resolu- tions, 404; memorial to Congress against the exclu- sion of representatives, 404; resolutions on a general amnesty, 404, 405; penitentiary, 405; insane asylums, 405; school system, 405; State expenses, 405; politi- cal conventions, 405. KRUMMACHER, FRIEDRICH W.-Birth, 405; death, 405; pursuits, 406.
LEUTZE, EMANUEL.-Birth, 406; death, 406; career, 406. Liberia.-Government, 407; area, 407; population, 407; public officers, 407.
Liechtenstein.-Area, 407; population, 407; revenue, 407. LINCOLN, LEVI.—Birth, 407; death, 407; pursuits, 407. LINSLEY, JOEL H.-Birth, 407; death, 407; pursuits, 407.
Lippe.-Government, 408; area, 408; population, 408; budget, 408.
Literature and Literary Progress.-Number of works, 408; improvement in the trade, 408; most successful, 408; classification of books, 409; biographies, 409; special do., 409; genealogical works, 410; historical works, 410; revolutionary period, 411; more recent, 411; ecclesiastical, 412; polemic theology, 412; didac- tive or narrative religious books, 413; physical sci- ence, 415; natural philosophy, 415; chemistry, 415; zoology, 415; geographical, 415; mineralogy, 415; political economy and political science, 417; mechan- ical science and technology, 418; mathematical sci- ence, 418; education and philology, 419; classical works, 420; law books, 420; medical treatises, 421; poetry and the drama, 422; foreign poems, 423; re- views and works of criticism, 424; novels, 424; juve- nile books, 425; illustrated works, 426; music and music collections, 426; travel and discovery, 477; agriculture, 427.
LOGAN, JOHN A.-Representative from Illinois, 124; on the impeachment of the President, 139. LORD, DANIEL.-Birth, 428; death, 428; career, 428. Louisiana.-The Constitutional Convention, 428; taxa-
tion, 428; applications to the military commander, 428; social rights, 428; citizenship, 429; qualifications of voters, 429; eligibility to office, 429; contraction of debt, 429; orders of General Hancock, 430; re- moval of city officers, 430; finances, 430; orders rela- ting to registration, 431; do. relating to elections, 431; Democratic Convention, 432; resolutions, 432; order relative to political organizations, 433; order rea- tive to the discharge of freedmen, 433; result of the election, 433; municipal election in New Orleans, 433; admission of Louisiana to the Federal Union, 434; oath of members of the Legislature, 434; Grant's order, 434; Democrats admitted to seats, 434; adop- tion of the Fourteenth Amendment, 434; the govern ment transferred to the civil authorities, 434; charge of commanding officers, 435; acts of the Legislature, 435; school system for the State, 435; finances of New Orleans, 436; registration law, 436; qualifica- tions of voters, 436; interpretation of the law, 437; notice of election, 437; Democratic Convention, 457; resolutions, 437; disturbances in other parishes, 438; letter of the Governor to Washington, 438; remarks of the press, 438; instructions from Washington, 438; relations of the military forces to the civil authori- ties, 439; riotous demonstrations, 439; dispatches to and from Washington, 439; outbreaks, 440; conflict at St. Bernard's, 440; orders of the Secretary of War, 440; address of General Rousseau, 440; chief of po lice, 440, 441; presidential election, 411; the crops, 441.
LOVER, SAMUEL.-Birth, 441; death, 441; writings, 441. LOWRIE, WALTER.-Birth, 441; death, 441; pursuits, 442.
Lubeck.-Area, 442; population, 442; religions, 442; bud- get, 442; commerce, 442; shipping, 442. Lutherans.-Statistics, 442; Convention of the General Synod, 443; reports, 443; article of doctrine, 443; General Council, 443; test of membership, 443; dec- laration of principles, 443; statistics in Europe, 444; General Conference, 445; Synod of Sweden, 445. Luxemburg.-Government, 445; area, 445; population. 445; debt, 445; army, 445.
MACBRIDE, JOHN D.-Birth, 445; death, 445: pursuits, 445.
Madagascar.-Government, 446; Constitution, 446; meas- ures against foreigners, 446. Magnetic Needle, Variations of.-Commission appointed under Maine Legislature, 446; report, 446; details respecting variation, 446. Maine.-Population, 447; real and personal estate, 447; manufactures, 447; railroads, 447; State finances, 447; schools and scholars, 447; State Reform School, 447; Maine liquor law, 447; the death penalty, 448; views of the Governor, 448; Democratic Convention, 448; nominations, 448; resolutions, 448; Convention of Conservative soldiers, 449; Republican Conven- tion, 449; nominations, 449; resolutions, 449; Sol- diers and Sailors' Convention, 449; election, 449. MANLY, BASIL.-Birth, 450; death, 450; pursuits, 450. MANN, ABIJAH, Jr.-Birth, 450; death, 450; pursuits, 450.
MARSH, JOHN.-Birth, 450; death, 450; pursuits, 451. Maryland. - The Legislature, 451; subject of public schools, 451; new system, 451; funds, 451; studies, 451; school year, 452; commissioners, 452; trustees, 452; Normal School, 452; taxes, 452; school fund, 452; acts of the Legislature, 452; Sunday law, 452; protest relative to the case of Senator Thomas, 453; Freedmen's Bureau, 453; letter relative to colored people, 453; Republican State Convention, 453; reso- lutions, 453, 454; its action repudiated, 454; a Bolters' Convention, 454; Soldiers and Sailors' Convention, 454; Democratic Convention, 455; resolutions, 455; nominations, 455; election, 455; finances of the State, 455; assessed value of property, 455; property of the State, 455; damages by floods, 456. Massachusetts.-A long Legislative session, 456; sale-of-
liquor regulation, 426; Governor's views, 456; act of the Legislature, 456; message, 456; censure of the Governor, 456; proceedings of the committee, 457; Temperance Convention, 457; effect of the prohibitory law, 457; State constabulary, 457; attempt at repeal, 457; failure, 457; suffrage for women, 457; resolu- tions of Federal relations, 458; appropriations, 458; Hoosac Tunnel, 458; railroads, 458; institutions of reform and charity, 458; schools, 459; finances, 459; Democratic Convention, 459; resolutions, 459; resolu- tions of Republican Convention, 460; elections, 460. MATTISON, HIRAM.-Birth, 460; death, 460; pursuits, 460. MCCALL, GEORGE A.-Birth, 461; death, 461; military ca- reer, 461.
MCCARDLE.-His case in Congress, 192.
MCCARTHY, DENNIS.-Representative from New York, 124; on the repeal of the cotton tax, 199. MCDOWELL, Major-General IRWIN.-Takes command of the Fourth Military District, 514; removes the State officers, 514.
MCRAE, JOHN J.-Birth, 461; death, 461; pursuits, 461. Mecklenburg-Government, 462; area, 462; population,
462; debt, 462; army, 462; change of old institutions, 462; Diet, its action, 462; complaints against the new system, 462, emigration, 463. Melodeon, The Silent.-By whom invented, 463; its fea- tures, 463; its scope, 463.
cold on metals, 466; science of alloys, 467; new mode of toughening and refining gold, 467; desilvering lead by zinc, 467; reduction of oxide of copper by sugar, 467; refining copper, 468; tinning copper vessels, 468; crystallized tin foil, 468; the Heaton steel process, 468, 469; the Siemens-Martin steel process, 470; other new steel processes, 470; Bessemer process and spectrum analysis, 470; the Ellerhausen wrought-iron pro- cess, 471; coating iron with copper, 472; purification of iron, 472; decarbonizing cast iron, 473; alloy of tungsten and iron, 473.
Meteoric Iron.-Description of a specimen, 474; analysis of varieties, 474.
Meteors.-The November shower, 474; report of Professor
Newton, 474, 475; other reports, 475, 476; report from Dudley Observatory, 476; from the National Observatory, 477; from the Greene Spring School, 477; extraordinary meteor in Brazil, 477; explosion of a meteoric body in Kansas, 478. Methodists.-Annual Conferences and statistics of the Meth. Epis. Church, 478; statistics of principal so- cieties, 478, 479; appropriations, 479; General Confer- ence, 479; report on lay delegation, 480; Church South, 480; Methodist Protestant, 480; Wesleyan Connection, 480; Free Methodists, 480; Evangelical Association, 480; statistics, 481; African Episcopal, 481; Zion Church, 481; Methodists in Canada, 481; Wesleyan Connection in Great Britain, 481; British Primitive Methodists, 482; United Free Churches, 482; New Connection, 482; Bible Christians, 482; Church Methodists, 482.
Mexico.-Area, 483; population, 483; States in their order, 483; surface of the country, 483; rivers and lakes, 483; geographical formation, 484; climate, 484; vege- tation, 484; races of population, 485; aboriginal in- habitants, 485; products of the soil, 485; mineral re- sources, 485; manufactures, 486; education, 486; insurrections during the past year, 487; plot to assas- sinate the President, 487; revolutionary movements, 487; pretensions of Martinez, instructions to him, 487; his proceedings, 488; rebellion in Sinaloa, 488; grounds of complaint, 488; address of Rivera, 488; pronunciamiento, from Sierra Gorda, 489; other in- surrections, 488; one cause of dissatisfaction, 490; Congress, 490; judiciary, 490; Romero, 490; quiet in the summer, 490; release of Ortega, 491; fate of Pa- toni, 491; address of the President to Congress, 491; finances, 491; treaties, 491.
Michigan.-Receipts and expenditures, 492; debt, 492; receipts from taxes, 493; the domain granted by the Federal Government, 493; Republican State Conven- tion, 493; resolutions, 493; vote on the revised con- stitution, 494; do. on biennial sessions, 494; do. on the anti-license section, 494; Democratic Convention, 494; resolutions, 494; election results, 495; the Legis- lature, 495; penitentiary, 496; allowance to prisoners, 496; House of Correction, 496; State Reform School, 497; Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Asylum, 497; Insane Asylum, 496; wheat crop, 497; salt, 498; gypsum, 498; Sault St. Marie Canal, 498; iron-mining, 498; copper-mining, 498; schools, 499; State University,
Military Commissions.-Case of Surratt, 499; do. of Jef- ferson Davis, 499; McArdle case, 499. MILMAN, HENRY H.-Birth, 499; death, 499; career, 500.
MERVINE, WILLIAM.-Birth, 463; death, 463; naval career, Minnesota.-Population, 500; finances, 501; debt, 501; 463.
Metals.-Rhodium, 464; vanadium, 464; molybdenum
and chromium, 465; niobium and tantalum, 466; aluminium bronze, 466; magnesium, 466; effect of
war expenditures, 501; taxable property, 501; school statistics, 501; university, 502; grant of Congress, 502; Historical Society, 502; Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 502; Reform School, 502; State Prison, 502; soldiers'
bounty, 503; charitable institutions, 503; supplies for sufferers in the British possessions, 503; land under cultivation, 504; mineral wealth, 504; railroads, 501; manhood suffrage in the Legislature, 504; manner of voting on it, 504; Democratic Convention, 505; reso- lutions, 505; Republican Convention, 506; acts of the Legislature, 506.
Mississippi.-Vigor of military rule relaxed, 506; orders, 506; delusions of freedmen, 506; convention to frame a constitution, 506; the Conservative element, 506; memorial to Congress for power to declare civil offices vacant, 507; protest, 507; extract, 507; proc- lamation of the Governor relative to conspiracies to seize State lands, 508; his statement, 508; state of the treasury, 508; relief measures, 508; the constitution, 509; bill of rights, 509; suffrage qualifications, 509; political equality, 510; efforts to effect a compromise, 510; school system, 510; lotteries, 510; preparations for election, 510; ordi- nance relative to contracts, 511; opposition con- vention, 511; resolutions, 511; action of the Democrats, 511; Republican platform, 511; Demo- cratic Convention, 511; resolution on the enormities of the radical party, 512; disclaimer as to slavery, 512; resolutions on the Constitutional Convention, 512; address to associations, 513; another conven- tion, 513; address to freedmen, 513; military order as -to elections, 513; McDowell in command, 514; order removing State officers, 514; resistance of the Gov- ernor, 514; correspondence with the Provisional Governor, 514, 515; results of the election, 515; fail- ure of the constitution, 515; proposal to choose pres- idential electors forbidden, 516; claims of the Re- publicans, 516; statements, 516; resolutions, 516; convention of land-owners, 516.
Missouri.-Population, 517; immigration, 517; assessed value of property, 517; railroads, 517; aid of the Legislature, 517; penitentiary, 518; public schools, 518; registration act, 518; its features, 518, 519; Demo- cratic Convention, 519; Republican Convention, 520; resolutions, 520; second convention, 520; resolutions, 520; Democratic Convention, 521; nominations, 521; resolutions, 521; registration, 521; result of the elec- tion, 521; taxation, of the State University, 521; opinion of the court, 521; statue of Thomas H. Ben- ton unveiled, 522.
MONAGAS, JOSÉ T.-Birth, 522; death, 522; career, 522. MOREHEAD, CHARLES S.-Birth, 522; death, 522; career, 522.
MORRILL, JUSTIN S.-Senator from Vermont, 124; on the cotton tax, 200.
MORTON, OLIVER P.-Senator from Indiana, 124; on re- construction, 153.
NARVAEZ, RAMON N.-Birth, 523; death, 523; career, 523. Navy of the United States.-Reduction of the force, 524; European squadron, 524; ships, 524; commander, 524; cruise of Admiral Farragut, 524, 525; Asiatic squadron, 525; ships, 525; commander, 525; visits to Japan, 525; change of commanders, 525; North Atlantic squadron, 526; ships, 526; commanders, 526; South Atlantic squadron, 526; ships, 526; commander, 526; North Pacific squadron, 526; ships, 526; com- mander, 526; South Pacific squadron, 527; ships, 527; commander, 527; earthquake on South American coast, 527; tidal wave, 527; standard for the navy, 527; academy, 527; surveys, 527; receipts and expendi- tures, 527.
Nebraska.-Area, 528; population, 523; new capital, 529; railroads, 528; assessments, 529; condition and re- sources, 529; school lands, 529; coal-fields, 529; inter- nal improvements, 530; railroads, 530; immigration, 530; organization of the militia, 530; Attorney-Gen- eral's office, 531; education, 531; Normal School, 531; State Library, 531; insane, 531; penitentiary, 532; Republican Convention, 532; resolutions, 52; Democratic Convention, 532; suffrage qualifications, 532.
Netherlands.-Area, 532; population, 532; army, 532; navy, 532; debt, 532; commerce, 532; railways, 553; elections, 533; opening of the Chambers, 533; pro- ceedings, 533; new ministry, 533. Nevada.-Elections, 533; suffrage question, 533; liabili ties in the transport of passengers, 533; opinion of Justice Miller, 534; railroads, 534; mining operations, 534; White Pine district, 534; its features, 534; yield, 534; the ore, 534.
New Hampshire.-Finances, 535; war bounties, 535; organization of the militia, 535; report of the Adja- tant-General, 535; codification of the laws, 585; rate of interest, 535; common schools, 536; statistics, 506; Agricultural College, 536; State Geological Survey, 537; State Library, 537; Asylum for the Insane, 537; deaf and dumb, 537; penitentiary, 538; convicts, 538; commutation of punishment, 538; State Reform School, 533; banking institutions, 538; insurance commissioners, 538; agricultural resources, 539; pres- ervation of fish, 539; Democratic Convention, 539; resolutions, 539; Republican Convention, 540; elec- tions, 540.
New Jersey.-Proceedings of the Legislature, 540; with- drawal of assent to the fourteenth amendment of the Federal Constitution, 540; declaration of the preamble, 540; objections to the amendment, 540; veto of the Governor, 541; passage over the veto, 541; action of Congress, 541; indignation of the Legislature, 541; its resolutions, 541; the question of negro suffrage, 541; repeal of the registry law, 542; Republican Con- vention, 542; resolutions, 542; Democratic Conven- tion, 542; resolutions, 542, 543; second convention, 543; results of election, 543; duties from railroads, 543; State finances, 543; children, 544; bridging the Delaware, 544; rights of the Episcopal clergy, 544; penitentiary, 544.
New York.-Constitutional Convention, 544; features of the new constitution, 544; session of the Legis- lature, 545; resolutions, 545; general legislation, 545; railroad claims for help, 545; action of the Legislature, 545; veto, 545; mismanagement of the Erie Railroad, 516; reports of investigating com mittee, 546; charges made by a member of the House, 546; proceedings, 546; the canal system, 545 a Canal Convention, 547; resolution, 547; the action recommended, 547; action of the Legislature, 547; report of a committee to the Republican Convention, 547; views of Democratic and Republican Conven- tions, 548; impeachment of a canal commissioner, 548; convention to protest against British imprison ment, 548; Republican Delegate Convention, 548; Working-men's Convention, 549; Republican Nomi nating Convention, 549; resolutions, 549; Democratic Nominating Convention, 549; resolutions, 549; elec tions, 550; decision of Court of Appeals on test-caths, 550; revenues of the State, 551; debt, 551; finances of the canals, 551; salt-springs, 551; penitentiaries, 551. North Carolina.-State Constitutional Convention, 553; exclusion of reporters, 552; bill of rights, 552; time of elections, 552; oaths, 552; judiciary, 552; elective
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