franchise, 552; right of suffrage, 552; education, 552;
homesteads, 553; constitutional amendments, 553;
objections, 553; election provisions, 553; military
order of General Canby, 553; Conservative Conven-
tion, 554; resolutions, 554; Republican Convention,
551; nominations, 554; election, 554; organization
of the State government, 554; protest of Governor
Worth, 554; Legislature convened, 555; reconstruc-
tion consummated, 555; resolutions of the Conserva-
tives, 556; militia act, 556; registration act, 556;
conventions, 557; elections, 557; railroads, 557; finances, 557; debt, 557.
NOYES, GEORGE R.-Birth, 557; death, 557; pursuits, 557.
Obituaries, American.-Barrows, Willard, 558; Sher-
man, Sylvester G., 558; Guidicini, Giuseppe, 558;
Bingham, Daniel H., 558; Cooley, Mrs. Nancy, 558;
Reed, Lieutenant John H., 558; Hasseltine, Miss A.
C., 558; Steele, General Frederick, 558; Huskins,
Mrs., 558; Campbell, John H., 559; Dick, James T.,
559; Dill, Vincent L., 559; Davis, James, 559; Van-
derbergh, Federal, 559; Lord, Nathan L., 559; Dean,
Amos, 559; Harvey, J. H., 559; Mott, James, 559;
Huntington, Charles P., 560.
Leeser, Isaac, 560; Marigny, Bernard de M., 560;
Lyons, James G., 560; Gilliams, Jacob, 560; Herrick,
Anson, 560; DeWitt, Richard V., 560; Richardson,
John F., 561; Gambell, Willard P., 561; Okee-wah,
Mrs. M., 561; Fendall, Philip R., 561; Simpson, Au-
gustus W., 561; Swain, William M., 561; Sewall,
Samuel, 561; Gannon, Mary, 561; Hall, George W.,
562; Taylor, Benjamin O., 562; Ford, Thomas H.,
562; Asboth, Major-General A. S., 562.
Holt, J. J., 563; Baxter, Portus, 563; Burroughs,
Charles, 563; Cooper, Mrs. Julia D., 563; Lincoln,
Isaac, 563; Andrews, Timothy P., 563; Carter, Josiah
M., 563; Freeman, Peyton R., 563; Goodrich, Chaun-
cey, 563; Quin, James M., 564; Gray, John, 564;
Hartstene, Henry J., 564; Parker, Edward G., 564.
Ashburn, George W., 564; Parker, James, 564;
Smythe, William E., 565; Howell, Robert B. C., 565;
Magee, John, 565; Stacy, Nathaniel, 565; Batchelder, John P., 565; Lundy, Francis J., 565; Prentiss, Com- modore George A., 565; Bartlett, George, 565; Dor- sheimer, Philip, 565; Cook, James M., 565; Hall, George, 566; Homans, John, 566; Field, Jonathan E., 566; Bronson, Charles P., 566; Buel, Alexander W., 566; Mason, Henry M., 566; Ward, Horatio, 566.
Pitts, Samuel, 566; Stohlman, Charles F. E., 566;
Ripley, Miss Marianne, 566; Ridgely, Commodore
Daniel B., 567; Pope, Burrell T., 567; Harrington,
George N., 567; Walcott, Charles M., 567; Deacon,
Benajah, 567; Wick, William W., 567; Dyckman,
Garrett W., 567; Lyon, John C., 567; Fagan, Peter C., 567; L'Heritien, André, 567; McMurray, William, 567.
Silliman, Gold S., 568; Bullitt, Alexander C., 568;
Cushing, General Stephen B., 568; Marsh, Marvin
M., 568; Case, Joel T., 568; Thomas, Benjamin C.,
568; Garner, Peter M., 568; Bradley, Warren J., 568;
Allen, William S., 569; Walbridge, David S., 569;
Collins, Mrs. Sarah, 569; Doty, Joseph M., 569; Tal-
cott, Enoch B., 569; Brinsmade, Thomas C., 569;
Kimball, Heber C., 569; Poe, Adam, 569; Hole-in-the-
day, 570; Moise, E. Warren, 570.
Baker, Lafayette C., 570; Boyd, John H., 570; Van
Buren, Lawrence, 570; Hull, A. Cooke, 570; Bennett,
Milo L., 570; Cagger, Peter, 570; Coles, Edward, 570;
Freeman, Edmund B., 570; Disosway, Gabriel P., 571;
Miller, Commodore James F., 571; Howard, Joshua,
571; Howard, Hosea, 571; Mather, Hiram F., 571;
Gansevoort, Commodore Guest, 571; Morton, William
T. G., 572; Evans, Hugh D., 572; Hooper, John W.,
572; French, Eli, 572; Weeks, Joseph, 572; Frost,
Edward, 572; Wright, Mrs., 572; Noyes, Joseph C.,
Draper, Henry, 572; Brewster, Charles W., 573;
Wilson, John, 573; Wan-ne-pe-wink-a, 573; Gelston, Roland, 573; King, Yelverton P., 573; Menken, Adah
I., 573; Wade, Melancthon, 573; Gloine, Count de la,
573; Carhart, Jeremiah, 573; Comstock, Joseph, 574;
Vanderbilt, Mrs. Sophia, 574; Bonney, Benjamin W.,
574; Irving, Ebenezer, 574; Finney, Darwin A., 574;
Mann, James, 574; Yeomans, Edward D., 574; Smith,
William R., 574; Bishop, Hiram N., 575; Kraft, Henry,
575; Andros, R. S. S., 575; Posey, Mrs. Rachel, 575;
Smith, General B. F., 575.
Simeon, Benjamin, 575; Whittlesey, Thomas T.,
575; Hall, George, 575; Smith, General Joseph R.,
575; Dunnell, Henry G., 576; Forsythe, W. H., 576;
French, George, 576; Jones, Leonard, 576; Fendall,
Clarence, 576; Olds, M. S., 576; Quiner, Mrs. Joanna,
576; Abbe, Joshua G., 576; Leland, Henry P., 576;
Morse, Richard C., 576; Beecher, Frederick, 577;
Parker, William, 577; Beall, S. W., 577; Stuart, David
T., 577; King, Robert P., 577; Fessenden, T. A. D.,
577; Hindman, General T. C., 578; Andrews, Lorin,
578; Gurley, Phineas D., 578; Chun-Lock, 578; Gage,
George, 578.
Gerard, William, 578; Jamieson, George W., 578;
Halsted, Schureman, 579; Wade, Mrs. Deborah B. L.,
579; Lindsley, Nathan L., 579; Hinman, Royal R.,
579; Souder, Casper, Jr., 579; Hinds, James M. C., 579;
Fairchild, General Cassius, 579; Tracy, Andrew, 579;
McVickar, John, 580; Gunther, Christian G., 580;
Pritchard, David, 580; Blanchard, Joshua, 580; Hor-
ton, Gustavus, 580.
Abbott, Amos, 580; Wortendyke, Jacob R., 580;
Fales, Mrs. Almira L., 580; Reed, General Henry E.,
581; Wolf, Frederick, 581; Stowe, Phineas, 581;
Dove, Benjamin M., 581; Mount, William L., 581;
Pendleton, John S., 581; Bryant, Joel, 581; Boynton, Nehemiah, 581; Hall, David P., 582; Thompson, General Waddy, 582; Pollard, Henry R., 582; Arnold, Mayer, 582; Elliott, Joel M., 582; Nichols, John A., 582; Petticolas, Arthur E., 582; Evans, General George N., 583; Hartz, E. L., 583; Royce, Stephen, 583.
Henderson, Mrs. Jane, 583; McCrae, James M.,
583; Maynadier, General Henry E., 583; Rivers,
Henry W., 583; Olmsted, Hawley, 583; Parvin, Rob-
ert I., 583; Rising, Franklin S., 583; Smith, Joseph,
584; Gould, George, 584; Campbell, Thompson, 584;
Flint, Henry M., 584; Shepard, George C., 584; Hum- phrey, Mrs. Sophia, 584; Enos, Dewitt C., 584; Pat- terson, A. O., 584; Cummings, Isaac, 584; Robertson, Anthony L., 585; Mitchell, S. Augustus, 585; O'Reilly,
William, 585; Price, Joseph M., 585; Jones, Joseph
H., 585; Gibbs, General Alfred, 585; Bishop, William
S., 585; Clark, Mosly, 585; Greaner, William, 585;
Washburne, Ichabod, 585; Byington, Cyrus, 586.
Obituaries, Foreign.-Doyle, John, 586; Regnault, Elias,
586; Tatem, Henry, 586; Morfey, Mrs., 586; Brother-
ton, General Thomas W., 586; Vining, Mrs. Mary,
586; Grey, John, 586; Davy, John, 587; White, Gen-
eral Michael, 587; Stifter, Adelbert, 587; Herapath,
William, 587; Jones, Admiral Theobald, 587; Ha-yah-
ta-kee, 587; Dawes, William R., 587; Combe, Mrs. George, 588; Daly, Sir Dominick, 588; Baker, B. B., 588; Flores, General Venancio, 588; Herapath, John, 588; Crowe, Eyre E., 588; Gibson, Sir James B., 588; Secretan, Charles F., 588; Townsend, Chauncey H., 589; Turck, Ludwig, 589; Wensleydale, James P., 589; Fourcault, Leon, 589; Anna Paulowna (Czarina of Georgia), 589; Gravier, Coulvier, 589.
Bentinck, Baron, 589; Byron, George A., 590; Olarte, General Vincente, 590; Tucker, Edward, 590; Neave, Sir Richard D., 590; Christmas, Henry, 590; Vander Hoeven, Jan, 590; Lee, Robert, 590; Feller, Mad. Henrietta, 590; Jesse, Edward, 591; Hashem, Gen- eral, 591; Monnais, Edouard, 591; Viriville, Vallet de, 591.
Chads, Sir Henry D., 591; McGee, Thomas D., 591; Wetherall, Sir George A., 591; Salisbury, Marquis of, 592; Bentley, Samuel, 592; Romer, Miss, 592; Pindar, John H., 592; Simpson, General James G., 592; Cop- ley, Miss Susannah, 592; Hereford, Lord Bishop of, 592; Le Saint, 593.
Abyssinia, Queen of, 593; Andrea, Cardinal, 593; Guinness, Sir Benjamin L., 593; Halford, Sir Henry, 593; Plucker, Julius, 593; Muhlfield, J. U. D., 593; Burnet, John, 594; Cormenin, Vicomte de, 594.
Ward, Nathaniel B., 594; Shrewsbury, Earl of, 594; Smith, Henry, 594; Crisp, T. S., 594; Ponsonby, Arthur E. V., 594; Arnot, Professor, 595; Bastianini, Giovanni, 595; Capendu, Ernest, 955.
Naylor, W., 595; Talon, Vicomte, 595; Kirwan, Antony L., 595; Pisaref, Dimitry, 595; Coyne, Joseph S., 595; Thomas, George H., 596; Garner, Thomas, 596; Limayrac, Paulin, 596.
Blakeney, Sir Edward, 596; Perthes, Boucer de Crevecœur, 596; Lushington, Stephen R., 596; Cooke, John D., 596; Higgins, Matthew J., 596; Van Lennep, J., 596; Hugo, Madame A. F., 597; Mohammed, Ish- mael, 597; Smith, George, 597; Bey, Clot, 597; Cat- termole, George, 597; Waagen, Gustav F., 597. Majoribanks, Edward, 597; Sefton, John, 597; Cor- dova, Filippo, 598; Reynolds, John, 598.
Viennet, M., 598; Sutherland, Duchess of, 598; Ciceri, Pierre, 598; Farrant, Francis, 598; Hilde- brandt, Edouard, 599; Siam, King of, 599; Tommy, 599.
605; resolutions, 605; Republican Convention, 606; election, 606; Legislature, 606; railroads, 606. OsGOOD, HELEN L. G.-Birth, 606; death, 606; pursuits,
PAGE, CHARLES G.-Birth, 607; death, 607; pursuits, 60%. PAIGE, ALONZO C.-Birth, 608; death, 608; pursuits, 608. Papal States.-Government, 608; area, 608; population,
608; budget, 608; debt, 608; commerce, 608; army, 608; attempt to recruit in the United States, 608; let- ter of the archbishops in opposition, 609; execution of prisoners, 609. Paraguay.-Government, 609; area, 609; population, 609; army, 609; war with Brazil, 609; efforts for peace, 610; basis, 610; reply of Paraguay, 610; strength of armies, 610; iron-clads, 610; attempt to capture, 610; change of tactics, 611; movements of steamers, 611; repulse before Humaita, 611; another repulse of the allies, 611; evacuation of Humaita, 612; nature of the fortress, 612; advance of the Bra- zilians, 613; attack on Villeta, 613; fighting in De- cember, 613; occupation of Villeta, 613; further en- gagements, 614; apprehensions of a conspiracy, 615: difficulty with the United States minister, 615; de- tails, 615, 616.
PARSONS, USHER.-Birth, 616; death, 616; pursuits, 616. Pennsylvania.-Finances, 617; debt, 617; public schools,
617; tuition, 617; absentees, 617; educational classi- fications, 617; Normal School, 618; Agricultural Col- lege, 618; soldiers' orphans, 618; meeting of the Le- gislature, 618; resolution on Federal relations, 618; relative to the removal of the Secretary of War, 618; on impeachment, 618; Democratic State Convention, 619; resolutions, 619; Republican State Convention, 619; resolutions, 620; registry law, 620; extract, 69); qualifications of voters, 621; opinion of the courts, 621; elections, 621; naturalization of foreigners, 621; presidential election, 622.
Persia.-Government, 622; population, 622; religions, 622; finances, 622; report of the British legation, 62; a peculiar practice of Persia, 623; railways, 623; the Green-Book, 623.
PERSOZ, JEAN F.-Birth, 623; death, 623; pursuits, 623. Johnson, John M., 599; Hastings, Marquis of, 599; Peru.-Government, 623; revenue, 623; debt, 624; army, Havin, Leonor Joseph, 599.
Schleicher, August, 599; Denoyer, Louis, 600; Beer- ski, John de, 600; Mayne, Richard, 600; Delavigne, Germain, 600; Mallefille, Félicien, 600.
624; navy, 624; tonnage, 624; commerce, 624; Asiatic immigrants, 624; railroads, 624; revolution, 624; ex- pedition up the river Ucayali, 624; free navigation, 625.
POMEROY, SAMUEL C.-Senator from Kansas, 194; on the bill to secure equal rights in the District of Co- lumbia, 127; on the cotton tax, 200. Portugal.-Government, 625; ministry, 625; area, 625; population, 625; revenue, 625; commerce, 625; new ministry, 626; crisis, 626.
OGLESBY, R. J.-Governor of Illinois, 141; telegraphic PICKERING, OCTAVIUS.-Birth, 625; death, 623; pursuits, dispatch on the impeachment of the President, 141. Ohio.-Meeting of the Legislature, 600; propositions in- troduced, 600; withdrawal of assent to the fourteenth amendment, 601; views of Governor Hayes, 601; reso- lutions of the Legislature, 601; further resolutions protesting against the reconstruction acts of Con- gress, 601; do. relative to the admission of Alabama, 602; action on the word "white," 602; the "visible admixture law," 602; other laws affecting the fran- chise, 602; provision regarding ballots, 603; prize- fighting, 603; Democratic Convention, 603; resolu- tions, 603; Republican Convention, 603; resolutions, 604; election in October, 604; address of the Dem- ocratic committee, 604; November election, 605; finances, 605; railroads, 605; schools, 605; cattle- fever, 605; burning of the Lunatic Asylum, 605. Oldenburg.-Government, 605; area, 605; population, 605; religions, 605; commerce, 605.
Oregon.-State of parties, 605; Democratic Convention,
Post-Office of the United States.-Origin, 626; postmas ters and dates, 626; growth of the service, 625; pos tal receipts, 626; deficiency, 626; receipts and ex- penditures, for each State, 626; organization of the Department, 627; post-roads, 627; finances, 627; postmasters, 628; franking and postage, 628; trans- portation of the mails, 629; letter-carrier system, 630; dead letters, 630; money-order office, 631; pos- tal cars, 631; registered letters, 631; oceanic mail service, 632; increase of postal facilities, 633. POTTER, CHANDLER E.-Birth, 633; death, 633; pursuits,
POUILAT, CLAUDE S. M.-Birth, 633; death, 633; pur- suits, 633. Presbyterians.-Statistics of the Old School, 634; General Assembly, 634; basis of reunion, 634; amendments, 635; New School statistics, 635; Presbyterian Church South statistics, 636; United Presbyterian Church statistics, 636; basis of union, 636; Associate Pres- byterians and Associate Reformed, 636; Reformed Presbyterians, 637; Cumberland Presbyterians, 637; Established Church of Scotland, 637; Free Church of Scotland, 687; United Synod of Great Britain, 637; Scottish Reformed, 638; English Presbyterians, 638; Irish Presbyterians, 638. Prussia.-Government, 638; ministry, 638; area, 638; population, 638; religions, 639; budget, 639; indus- try of the country, 639; technical schools, 639; mines, 639; commerce, 639; education, 640; Kiel harbor, 640; the Diet, 640; King's speech, 640; ac- tion, 640.
PRUYN, JOHN V. L.-On a quorum of the Supreme Court,
Public Documents.-Message of the President at the sec- ond session of the Fortieth Congress, 641-648; corre- spondence with General Grant relative to the office of Secretary of War, 648-651; letter to members of the Cabinet, and their replies as to the conversation between the President and General Grant, 653; letter of General Grant on the same, 656; message of the President on the removal of Secretary Stanton, 657; message of President Johnson suggesting changes in the Constitution, 659.
gan bishoprics, 672; statistics of monastic orders, 672; statistics in British dominions, 672; bull con- voking an Ecumenical Council, 672; letter addressed to Protestant and non-Catholic bodies, 674; allocu- tion of the Pope relative to the abolition of the Aus- trian Concordat, 675.
RossINI, GIOACCHINO A.-Birth, 676; death, 676; career, 676.
RosT, PIERRE A.-Birth, 677; death, 677; pursuits, 677. ROTHSCHILD, JAMES.-Birth, 677; death, 677; career, 677. Russia.-Government, 678; area, 678; population, 678;
religions, 678; budget, 678; nationalities, 678; army, 678; navy, 678; tonnage, 679; returns of trade, 679; union of Poland with the empire, 679; explosive pro- jectiles a treaty project, 680; how received, 680; re- organization of Turkestan, 680; feeling in Tartary against Russia, 680; war with the Ameer of Bokhara, 681; conflicts, 681; peace, 681.
Russia, The Criminal Code of.-Ukase of 1864, 681; re- port of the commission, 682; number of paragraphs in the code, 682; penalty of first class, 682; do. sec- ond class, 682; do. of third and fourth, 682; classes of correctional, 682; crimes enumerated, 683; offences against religion, 683; state crimes, 684; sedition and riots, 681; expatriation, 685; criminal procedure, 685.
Russia, The Press of, in 1868.-Papers and circulation, 685; dailies and weeklies in German, 686; persecu- tions thereof, 686; Baltic provinces, 686; old Rus- sian provinces, 686; clandestine papers, 686; rela- tions to the Government, 686; literary papers and periodicals, 687.
Railroads.-Length in the United States, 662; cost of construction, etc., 663; population per mile, 663; cost per mile, 663; do. in other countries, 663. RAPHALL, MORRIS J.-Birth, 664; death, 664; career, 664.
Reconstruction.-The committee on, 149. Reed Organs.-Growth of manufacture and sale, 664; how affected by temperature, 664; origin of the free reed, 665; first makers, 665; harmonica, 665; cabinet organ, 665; exhaustion bellows, 666; seraphine, 666; three sets of reeds, 666; three-banked reed organs, 667; little value of a patent, 667.
Reformed Churches.-Statistics of the Dutch Reformed,
667; missions, etc., 667; statistics of the German Re- formed, 668; Reformed Churches of Europe, 668. Resolution-Relative to printing extra copies of the Pres- ident's message, 125; relative to the District of Co- lumbia Bill, 128; to impeach Andrew Johnson, 129– 137; to appoint a committee on impeachment, 145; on the responsibility of Senators for their votes on impeachment, 146.
Reuss.-Government, 668; area, 668; population, 668; debt, 668; army, 668.
Rhode Island.-Democratic Convention, 663; nomina- tions, 668; Republican Convention, 668; election, 668; Legislature, 668; presidential election, 668; in- auguration of Governor, 669; election of Senator, 669; property qualification of voters, 669; insane asylum, 669; State prison, 669; report of commis- sioners on restocking rivers with fish, 669. RIVES, WILLIAM C.-Birth, 669; death, 669; career, 670. Roman Catholic Church.-Organization, 670; sees, 670;
dioceses vacant, 670; classification and names of re- ligious orders, 671; statistics of churches, priests, communities, etc., in the United States, 671; suffra-
San Domingo.-Area, 687; population, 687; commerce, 687; insurrection, 687. Saxe.-Government, 687; area and population, 687; re- ligions, 687; revenue and expenditures, 688; debt, 688.
Saxony.-Government, 688; area and population, 688; religions, 688; important acts of the Saxon Diet, 688.
Scandinavian Press, The.-Swedish press, 688; circula- tion, 688; dailies, 688; weeklies, etc., 688; dailies and weeklies in Stockholm, 689; press laws of Swe- den, 689; literary papers of Sweden, 689; Norwegian press, 690. SCHENCK, ROBERT C.-Representative from Ohio, 124; on the repeal of the cotton tax, 198. SCHOFIELD, Major-General JOHN M.-As Secretary of War, 724-743; reply to the application for aid from Tennessee, 724; on the obstacle of the test-oath in Virginia, 759; his orders, etc., 760; letter to General Grant, 761.
SCHÖNBEIN, CHRISTIAN.-Birth, 690; death, 690; pur- suits, 690.
Schwarzburg.-Principalities, 690; area, 690; popula- tion, 690; revenues, 690.
SERVIA, Prince of.-Birth, 690; death, 690; career, 690. SEWARD, WILLIAM H.-Secretary of State, 197; procla- mation of the adoption of the Fourteenth Amend- ment, 197.
SEYMOUR, THOMAS H.-Birth, 690; death, 690; career, 690.
SHERIDAN, Major-General.-Suggestions relative to the Indians, 382.
SHERMAN, Lieutenant-General W. T.-Order relative to the Indian tribes, 380.
SHERMAN, JOHN.-Senator from Ohio, 124; on the exclu-
sion of Alabama, 178; on the action of Ohio, 196; on the cotton tax, 199. Siphon of the Bridge of Alma.-Division of sewers of Paris, 691; entrance of main sewer, 691; object of the work, 691; how constructed, 691; operation, 692.
SLEMMER, General ADAM J.-Birth, 692; death, 692; ca- reer, 692.
SMITH, SEBA.-Birth, 692; death, 692; writings, 692. SOMMERS, CHARLES G.-Birth, 692; death, 692; pursuits, 692.
South Carolina.-Meeting of the State Convention, 693; organization, 693; address of Governor Orr, 693; subjects considered, 693; stay law, 693; resolutions relating to the Executive, 693; do. miscellaneous, 694; bill of rights, 694; oath of office, 694; State off- cers, 694; judiciary, 694; administration of justice, 695; qualifications of voters, 695; public and private schools, 695; registration, 695; regulations to pre- serve order, 695; Republican Convention and nomi- nations, 696; Democratic Convention and resolu- tions, 696; orders of the commanding general, 696; elections, 697; ground of Democratic opposition to the Constitution, 697; Legislature convened, 697; its proceedings, 698; State officers, 698; laws passed, 698; Democratic Convention and resolutions, 698; another convention, 699; resolutions, 699; address to the colored citizens, 699; elections, 700; State debt, 700; State property, 700. Spain.-Government, 700; ministry, 700; revenue and ex-
penditures, 701; area, 701; provinces, 701; population, 701; colonies, 701; Cortes, 702; divisions, 702; pro- ceedings, 702; grave situation, 702; sections, or fac- tions, 702; revolution expected, 702; pronunciamien- tos, 702; fighting, 702; triumph of Serrano, 703; de- parture of the Queen, 703; her protest, 703; Central Junta elected, 704; ministry, 701; circular to the peo- ple, 704; new electoral law, 701; decree of the Minister of Public Instruction, 705; financial statement, 705; liberty of the press, 705; Protestants, 705; the lead- ers, 706; their programme, 706; elections held, 706; candidates for the throne, 706; letter of the Duke de Montpensier, 707; address of Don Henry, 707; pro- visional government, 708; insurrection in Cadiz, 708; fight at Malaga, 708; insurrection in Cuba, 709; dec- laration of independence, 709; numerous engage- ments, 709; manifestoes, 709; proclamation of eman- cipation, 709.
SPALDING, BENEDICT J.-Birth, 710; death, 710; career, 710.
SPALDING, RUFUS P.-Representative from Ohio, 124;
on the impeachment of the President, 138; on the Supreme Court quorum, 187; on suffrage to blacks, 185; offers an amendment to the bill to admit Ala- bama, 168.
STANTON, EDWIN M.-Letter of removal, 137; letter to the Speaker of the House, 742; affidavit before the court, 743; letter to the President on retiring from the War Department, 743. STEVENS, THADDEUS.-Representative from Pennsylva- nia, 124; reports on the impeachment resolution, 137; on the impeachment of the President, 143; moves a new reconstruction bill, 149; moves to appoint committee on reconstruction, 149; on reconstruction, 167; reports a bill for the admission of Arkansas, 169; on the admission of sundry States, 176; on the republican State guarantee, 183; birth, 711; death, 711; career, 711.
STEWART, WILLIAM L.-Senator from Nevada, 124; on reconstruction, 148.
STOCKTON, THOMAS H.-Birth, 711; death, 711; par- suits, 712.
Suez Canal.-Route, 712; importance, 712; ancient cs- nal, 712; vestiges of, 712; engineers' report, 712; Lesseps, his relations to the Government, 713; stip- ulations with, 713; laborers, 713; interference of the Government, 714; progress of the canal, 714; de- tails, 714; surface sketch, 715; perpendicular sec- tion, 715.
Sugar Insect.-Where found, 716; its characteristics, 716; how detected, 717.
SUMNER, CHARLES.-Senator from Massachusetts, 194;
on printing extra copies of the President's message, 125; on securing equal rights in the District of Co- lumbia, 126; offers resolutions on the responsibility of Senators for their votes on impeachment, 146; on the action of Ohio, 196.
SWAIN, DAVID L.-Birth, 717; death, 717; pursuits, 717.
Sweden and Norway.-Government, 717; area, 717; pop- ulation, 717; debt, 717; army, 717; navy, 717; com- merce, 717. Switzerland.-Area, 717; population, 717; government, 718; army, 718; floods, 718; elections, 718.
Telegraphs on the European Continent.-Treaties relative to, 718; points agreed on, 718; charges, 718; how operated, 719; rules for calculating the number of words, 719; special regulations, 719; cost of dis- patches, 720; number of dispatches, 720. Tennessee.-Disturbed condition, 721; Republican Con- vention, 721; Conservative Convention, 721; resols- tions, 721; Ku-klux Klan, 721; letter of the Governor to General Thomas, and reply, 721, 722; legislative session, 722; resolutions of the Republican Conven- tion, 722; memorial of Confederate officers, 723; the question of organizing the militia, 724; sections of the act, 724; act relative to the Ku-klux, 794; com- mittee sent to Washington, 724; reply of Secretary Schofield, 724; allegations against the Governor, 78; finances of the State, 725; proclamation of the Gor- ernor, 725; penitentiary, 725.
Territories of the United States.-Wyoming organized, 725; Arizona, 725; surface of the country, 725; towns and inhabitants, 726; elections, 726; Colorado, 16; increased knowledge of the country, 726; its surface, 726; mining interests, 726; elections, 726; Dakot 726; growth, 726; Idaho, 726; immigration, 126; mines, 726; counties, 726; Montana, 726; population, 727; agriculture, 727; transportation, 727; New Mexico, 727; mines, 727; officers, 727; Utah, M: nature of the soil, 727; population, 727; Washing- ton, 727; Wyoming, 727; boundaries, 727; inhabit- ants, 727; Indian territory, 727. Test-Oaths. Decision of the New York Court of Appeals, 550.
Texas.-Military commanders, 727; Uvalde County, ;
General Hancock's views, 728; reply of Governor Pease, 728; registration, 728; memoranda of disquali- fications, 728; questions to be asked, 728; views of General Hancock, 729; number registered, 129; con- servative convention, 729; resolutions, 729; meeting of the State Convention, 729; organization, 19; Gov- ernor's message, 729; report on lawlessness in the State, 730; commission to Washington, 730; Demo- cratic Convention, 730; committee on the charges of lawlessness, 730; report, 730; order of General Rey-
nolds, 730; assigned to command, 730; Democratic Convention, 731; resolutions, 731; Republican Con- vention, 731; recommendation to vote for President, 731; order of General Reynolds, 731; State Constitu- tional Convention reassembled, 731; bill of rights, 732; Legislature, 732; State officers, 732; qualifica- tion of voters, 732; right of suffrage, 732; public schools, 732; general provisions, 732, 733. Thallium.-Analysis, 733; how best obtained, 733; prepa- ration of compounds, 733; extracted from flue-dust,
THOMAS, Major-General LORENZO.-Appointment as Sec-
THURSTON, ASA.-Birth, 734; death, 734; pursuits, 734. TOD, DAVID.-Birth, 734; death, 734; career, 734. TRUMBULL, LYMAN.-Senator from Illinois, 124; on re-
cratic Committee, 750; platform approved by him, 750; further progress of the movement, 751; Sey- mour's letter of acceptance, 751; Blair's letter of acceptance, 752; the October elections, 752; propo- sition of newspapers, 752; how received, 752; Mr. Seymour enters the canvass, 752; letter from Presi- dent Johnson, 752; result of the election, 753; am- nesty proclamations, 753, 754; Evarts appointed Attorney-General, 754; further details, 754. Universalists.-Numbers, 754; societies, 754; colleges, 754; Annual Convention, 754.
Uruguay.-Government, 755; area, 755; population, 755; revolution, 755; army, 755.
construction, 152; on a quorum of the Supreme VASSAR, MATTHEW.-Birth, 755; death, 755; pursuits,
Court, 186. Turkey.-Area, 734; population, 734; religions, 734; reve- nue, 734; countries subject to Turkey, 735; reform in the empire, 735; decree, 735; articles, 735, 736; new Council, 736; a conspiracy, 736; circular to lega- tions, 736; Candian insurrection, 736; Government dispatches, 737; relations with Greece, 738; assas- sination of the prince of Servia, 738; regency, 738; Parliament, 739; Montenegro, 739; Rumania, 739; Bulgaria, 739.
Unitarians.-Numbers, 740; receipts, 740; National Con- ference, 740; increase of churches, 740; Annual Con- vention, 740; Unitarians in Europe, 741.
VAUGHAN, ROBERT.-Birth, 756; death, 756; pursuits, 756. Velocipede, The.-Origin, 756; varieties, 756; do. for rail- roads, 756; length of courses, 756; races, 757; prizes,
Venezuela.-Government, 757; area, 757; population, 757; disturbances, 757; army of the eastern States, 757; movements, 757; new election, 757; lands for coloni- zation, 757.
Vermont.-Staidness, 757; expenditures, 757; cost of schools, 757; Agricultural College, 757; State prison, 758; Reform-school, 758; Republican Convention, 758; resolutions, 758; nominations, 758; Democratic Convention, 758; resolutions and nominations, 758; Legislature, 758.
tion, 758; bill of rights, 758; elective franchise, 758; how decided, 759; oath of office, 759; views of Gen- eral Schofield, 759; registration, 759; public schools, 759; delay of the election, 760; Republican Conven- tion, 760; resolutions, 760; Conservative Convention, 760; resolutions, 760; policy of General Schofield, 760; his orders, 760, 761; Governors, 761; Schofield's letter to Grant, 761; State debt, 762.
WADE, BENJAMIN.-Senator from Ohio, 121; president pro tem. of the Senate, 124. Waldeck.-Government, 762; area, 762; population, 762; budget, 762; debt, 762.
United Brethren.-Numbers, 741; Sunday-schools, 741; Virginia.-Meeting of the State Constitutional Conven- collections, 741; Historical Society, 741. United States.-The Fourteenth Amendment of the Con- stitution, 741; message of the President to the Senate, 742; letter of Grant on retiring from the War De- partment, 742; Johnson appoints Thomas Secretary of War, 742; removes Stanton, 742; proceedings of General Thomas, 742; message to the Senate, 742; excitement and action of the Senate, 742; Stanton refuses to vacate the office, 742; affidavit before the Supreme Court, 742, 743; Thomas arrested, 743; im- peachment of the President, 743; excitement, 743; dispatch of the Governor of Illinois, 743; do. of the Governor of Pennsylvania, 743; letter of Stanton on the President's acquittal, 743; General Schofield Secretary of War, 743; action of the Senate on his nomination, 743; reconstruction acts, 743; prepara- tions for the Presidential election, 744; call for a Republican Convention, 744; do. of soldiers and sailors, 744; do. for a Democratic Convention, 744; meeting of Soldiers and Sailors' Convention in Chi- cago, 744; resolutions, 744; do. of the National Re- publican Convention, 744; resolutions, 744; ballot- ings, 745; Grant's letter of acceptance, 745; Colfax's letter of acceptance, 745; letter to President Johnson as a candidate, 746; his reply, 746; letter of Frank P. Blair previous to the Democratic Convention, 746; Soldiers and Sailors' Convention in New York, 747; resolutions, 747; National Democratic Convention, 747; resolutions, 747; candidates and ballotings, 748; name of Seymour proposed, 748; his remarks, 748; nomination of Seymour by Ohio, 749; remarks of General McCook, 749; excitement, 749; remarks of Mr. Seymour, 749; Seymour and Blair nominated, 749; the votes for Mr. Chase, 749; how received, 749; the movement in his favor, 749; reply to verbal over- tures, 750; letter in reply to chairman of the Demo-
WALEWSKI, Count.-Birth, 762; death, 762; career, 762. WASHBURNE, ELIHU B.-Representative from Illinois, 124; on the impeachment of the President, 141; on the New Jersey resolutions, 196. WELCKER, FREDERICK G.-Birth, 762; death, 762; pur- suits, 762.
WELLS, SAMUEL.-Birth, 763; death, 763; career, 763. West Virginia.-Legislation, 763; registration, 763; loca- tion of the capital, 763; impeachment of Judge Hin- man, 763; extra legislative session, 764; its objects, 764; resolutions relative to the test-oath, 764; con- gratulating Virginia royalists, 764; on the impeach- ment of the President, 764; codification, 764; finances, 764; insane asylum, 764; schools, 764; Republican Convention, 764; resolutions and nominations, 765; Democratic Convention, 765; resolutions and nomina- tions, 765; election, 765.
WILLIAMS, GEORGE H.-Senator from Oregon, 124; on the admission of Southern States, 180. WILLIAMS, JOHN M.-Birth, 765; death, 765: pursuite,
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