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Q. That is your memoranda, although it wasn't a record book, consisted of daily slips on blue paper?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. Which showed the amount required for each ward each day?

[blocks in formation]

Q. And those are the slips that you put in evidence last time, are they?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. And when did you begin to keep those slips?

A. May 8, 1893.

Q. How did you happen to do that?

A. Why, I just started the hospital and I wanted to keep track, as far as I could, of what was going on, and I thought that that would be a good way to do it.

Q. And you had had some trouble with the milk before?

Mr. CURTIS. He didn't say so.

Mr. BRANDeis. Said he had trouble with the milk before the first of April, found trouble when he got there.

Mr. CURTIS. No, no such thing.

(The question was repeated.)

A. Well, the trouble that I had had with the milk didn't have anything to do with my starting these slips.

Q. (By Mr. BRANDEIS.) Didn't?

A. No, sir.

Q. Well, you started these slips in order to keep track?
A. And it is also a requisition for bread as well as milk.

Q. Yes. Well, now, I want to know whether these slips are the only record that was kept, or was there any other record of any kind kept of the amount ordered and the amount delivered each day?

A. The diet orders of the nurse and cook would show the amount that was ordered.

Q. Wouldn't show the amount delivered?

d. No, sir.

Q. But these slips here are the only thing that show the amount delivered?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. And it is these things that you always looked to in order to investigate whether the amount had been delivered when complaints were made in regard to shortage in milk?

A. There is a record of the amount of milk sent from the store to the hospital.

Q. Where is that?

A. That is in the storebook.

Q. Have you got that here?

A. Yes, sir; I think a have.

Q. Will you turn to that book, please? (The witness showed the book to Mr. Brandeis.) Now, doctor, the record to which you refer is in this storebook which I now have in my hand and

which appears



that is the store book to which

for identification I will simply refer to it the stamp of F. W. Barry, Beale & Co., on the first page.

is the book to which you refer

you refer?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. And that is the only other record you have which relates to milk during this period of 1893?

A. That is the only one I have been able to find.

Q. Well, you mean by that the only one you have ever known anything about?

4. Well, my impression is that there was another book that was a milk record, a milk record pure and simple, that I had sometime ago, and we have carted these books around so much, back and forth, that I can't find it.

Q. When did you have that?

A. Well, I remember to have seen it several times last year and sometime last winter.

Q. You mean several times during the year '93?

A. Yes, sir; quite a number of times.

Q. Have you seen it since this investigation began?

A. I think the last time that I saw it was at the time that you called for the books and pamphlets. That was after this investi

gation began. You called for a lot of records and things and I had all these things put away, and I haven't been able to find that book. There is another book that I can't find, either.

Q. Well, you never produced it here, did you?

A. Never produced it here because we weren't asked for it. Q. Well, then, you think there is some record book that you haven't got here?

A. I think there is a regular milk book.

Q. Well, by whom was that kept?

A. That was kept by Mr. Smith.

Q. In what capacity did he keep that book?

A. As storekeeper.

Q. When did he begin to keep it?

A. I think he was keeping it when I when there.

Q. Yes; and how long a time did that book cover?

4. That book covered a time up to a time,

the first of January.

Q. Of which year?

A. '94.

Q. Up to the first of January, '94?

some time about

A. Yes, sir; or the first of February, '94 - sometime along the first of the year.


Q. Well, did you ever use that book, that milk book, you speak

A. Have I ever used it?

Q. Yes, in any way?

A. I don't understand exactly what you mean.

Q. Well, did you ever use it for any purposes, or how often have you seen that book?

A. Well, I couldn't tell how often I had seen it, I am sure.

Q. When did you first see it?

A. I think I saw it pretty soon after I went there, when I was looking up the books.

Q. Pretty soon after you went there?

A. Yes, sir; very soon after I went there.

As soon as I could

I looked up all the books that they kept in the institution.

Q. Yes; and when did you see it next?

A. I don't remember, sir.

Q. On what occasions did you examine that book?

A. No special occasions.

Q. Have you used it in making up your argument here?

4. No, sir, I haven't.

Q. Did you use it in making up your answer to the visitors?

A. No, sir; I didn't.

Q. Well, have you ever used it?

A. No, sir; I don't think I have.

Q. Have you ever undertaken to foot up the figures in it, add

up the columns?

A. I have in one book, but not this one.

footed up this one.

Q. This last milk book?

A. No, sir.

Q. You never have. Well, now

I don't think I ever

Mr. CURTIS. You haven't that by mistake in your papers, have you, Mr. Brandeis?

Mr. BRANDeis. I have not been allowed to see any of the books or papers here up to this moment.

Mr. CURTIS. We have dragged them here at every hearing.

Mr. BRANDeis.

Never offered them te me.

You have never asked for them. They have been here all the time.

Q. (By Mr. BRANDEIS.) Well, this book; did anybody else write in that book except Smith?

A. I don't think that they did.

Q. Now, what kind of a looking book was this; describe the, book?

A. One of these what you call grocer's pass books, only it was reddish in color instead of black.

Q. Well, now, did that book show what milk went to the institution, what went to the officers' house, what went to your house, and what went to the hospital?

A. No, sir: I don't think it did.

Q. What did it show?

A. It showed the amount of milk that was received from the barn and it showed the amount of milk that was sent away from the island and the amount of milk that we had on hand, if I remember correctly.

Q. That is, the balance?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. What do you mean by "had on hand”?

A. Well, how much we had.

Q. That was a matter of subtraction of what you received and what you sent away?

[blocks in formation]

Q. But it doesn't show the disposition of that balance?
A. I don't think it did; no, sir.

Q. And that book has disappeared?

4. Yes, sir.

Q. Well, now, you were going to tell me about another book. Just tell me about that before we get on to anything else.

A. That is just a book showing the amount of milk that we received from the barn morning and afternoon.

Q. In addition to the one that Smith kept?

A. Smith kept this.

Q. Well, Smith kept the one that you described at length and which you say is lost. Now you say there is still another book in which some milk record was kept. I want to know what that other book was to which you refer?

4. It was just simply the record of milk from the barn night and morning and the number of cows.

Q. Yes.

A. It was kept to see, I suppose, how the cows were getting along, as to how much milk we got from the same number of


Q. How long a period of time did that book cover?

A. I couldn't tell you, sir; a long time before I went there.

Q. When did it end?

A. That ended when we began this book here.

Q. That ended when you began this book here in February?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. '94. Well, what has become of that book?

A. I don't know. I think it was down at the island somewhere.

Q. Sure you haven't brought it up here?

A. I wouldn't say that I have.

Q. Well, I wish you would look and see.

A. These books have been battered around so much that I can't exactly tell what I have got and what I haven't now (examining books).

Q. Then, Dr. Cogswell, you don't find that second book, either? No, sir.


Q. Is that lost, too?

A. I don't know whether it is or not. I presume like enough


Q. But that book doesn't show any disposition either, of milk?

A. No, sir.

Q. Doesn't show what milk went to the hospital?

1. No, sir.

Q. Neither of the books would show that?

A. No, sir.

Q. Now, the only book, then, which would show the amount of milk that went to the hospital was the book which you have already introducd into evidence here. Isn't that the fact?

A. It is that book there, yes, sir.

Q. Yes, which the Alderman has now.

time does that book cover?

Well, now, how long a

4. I think that book covers up to the middle of June. I haven't looked.

Q. Middle of June, '93?

A. Yes, sir; I haven't looked to see.

Q. And between June, 1893, and February, 1894, you have no book at all which bears upon this question?


A. I don't think that I have. I may, but I am not sure. didn't look up with that in view. I have got some books down there that I haven't got here.

Q. You have got some books?

4. Why, certainly.

Q. Are there any other books that contain records of the milk that went to the hospital besides that book here and these blue requisitions, papers, which we have?

A. I don't think that there are.

Q. Are you sure that you didn't use any other books in making up your argument which you presented here the other day and your answer to the visitors' report which you made up to the 1st of March?

A. No, sir; I think I took it entirely from those blue slips.
Q. Made up your answer entirely from the blue slips?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. That covers the whole period?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. That you testify to?

A. Those blue slips cover the entire period from May 8, '93, to date.

Q. And that is the only record on which you have based anything, is it?

A. It is the only record on which I based the amount of milk that was received in the hospital.

Q. And the amount delivered?

A. And the amount delivered, yes, sir.

Q. The amount ordered?

A. The amount ordered.

Q. Now, you stated in your argument that the only considerable shortage of milk was in May and October?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. Now, what was the shortage in May and what was the shortage in October?

A. The shortage in May, I think, averaged anywhere from four to eight quarts a day out of some eighty or ninety quarts.

Q. Yes.

A. And in October two days we fell about twenty quarts short because a man in wheeling the milk carryall from the barn to the institution tipped it over and we lost about 100 quarts of milk, and we were a little short for two days while making it up.

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