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tist, but knew all the science of his time; Aristotle was not only a scientist, but he was also a philosopher and a critic of art. It would seem, therefore, that this plant of culture grew rapidly, reached one stage of its progress, flowered and fruited, but alas! be cause it was so quick in its growth, it exhausted itself in fruiting, and died. But its seed remained. It again sprung up, and has been growing for the last two thousand years. It has been growing in all directions; pushing its branches in the most diverse ways, and is even now making ready again for flowering and fruiting. And may we not believe that this time it will be like a perennial tree, fruiting and flowering every year, unexhausted and inexhaustible? As in the one case, rapid growth and simple structure was followed quickly by decay, so in the other, in proportion as its growth has been long, in proportion as its elements are more various, in the same proportion, evidently, will be the length of its life; and if it only unite within itself all the elements of humanity, then its life will be co-extensive with the life of humanity itself.

Only last night I heard a gentleman now present say, that if a subject was proposed to a man with whom he was well acquainted, he readily anticipated how he would treat

ples. The human race, commencing from a common origin, was soon scattered, each tribe separated and isolated; and yet not too much isolated, so as to be cut off from the influence of others. In these cradles of civilization the development of the races and the formation of national character took place, some in one direction and some in another, until these different characters were developed to their highest degree; and then comes the process of integration. Every nation now brings its precious matter into the common fund, and thus only can the highest type of humanity be reached. The ideal nation must combine everything that is valuable in any race and in any nation. Another illustration: All individuals also commence alike. It is possible that the eye of the mother may detect a difference between babies, but we who are not mothers cannot see any difference. They are all alike. Then from this common original, isolated within the walls of the sanctuary of the household, inclosed as it were in an eggshell, necessary for intellectual embryonic development, isolated and separate, the process of intellectual growth goes on, some in one direction and some in another; the individuality is developed to the highest degree; but at a certain point, not too early, not prematurely, all of these perfected results must be brought in contact and put into the common fund of society, and thus only the highest society can be formed. So it is, it seems to me, with culture. Commencing with Greek unity, it differentiated first into science, literature, and art, then into all the different departments of each of these in order to perfect details. And now at last must come the union of all these in a common culture. It is impossible that the best results of culture can be attained in any other way.

I suspect, therefore, that a good many here present already suspect the direction in which I am drifting. I am sure that the gentleman to whom I refer already anticipates that I see in all this an illustration of the law of evolution. For what is evolution? Evolution is a process of successive differentiations and integrations; and every differentiation is for the purpose of gathering and preparing material for integration upon a higher and nobler plane. Now in the most perfect type of evolution these two processes go constantly together, and the growth is steadily progressive. But in the higher Or I might put it still another way. This kinds of evolution and in the progress of is sometimes called a hard-working age. man there are periods of differentiation and It is a hard-working age. It is an age gathering of materials, and periods of inte- in which the struggle for life becomes gration and unification on a higher plane- greater and greater, until it is hard to see periods of growth and periods of fruitage. what will be the final result. But it I can make myself clearer by some exam- seems to me that the solution of the probVOL. I.-15.

lem is in the direction in which we have been looking. Life is not only a season of work, it is also a season of noble enjoyment and worship. We never can attain this until all departments of intellectual activity are combined; until the law of mutual help that I spoke of shall prevail-help between nations, mutual help between individuals, men and women, mutual help between all departments of intellectual activity. Our race was put here on this earth naked, houseless, exposed to what seems an unfriendly environment. It must make its own environment. The race has made its own environment-customs, habits, laws, government, political institutions, science, art, religion it has made these its most important environment. In other words, it cannot live beastlike in the open air: it must build a house, not only for protecting, but also in which to enjoy life, and to worship the author of our being.

Now, the Greeks built such a house, and in it they enjoyed life; in it they also worshiped the God of Nature in their own way; but the house became soon too small for the rapidly growing humanity. It must be pulled down; it has been pulled down and destroyed. And now we are scattered abroad in all directions, gathering material and finishing details, and in the mean time living in shanties. But now at last it seems to me we are bringing together these details with the purpose of building up a great and glorious temple. Already has commenced the laying of the foundations of that temple. Already I see in the air its glittering dome and its splendid spires. Alas! it is only in the air. But remember, never temple was built on solid ground until first it was built in the air. Clear conception must precede true execution.

Now, I am sure that this which I have given is the tendency of the intellectual movement of the age. I believe that the true mission of such an enterprise as that we inaugurate to-night is to help on this consummation. I am not so foolish as to imagine that we, assembled here together, are to bring on the golden age-that we shall indeed

build this glorious temple. But at least we may add our mite—we may at least bring a few bricks for the building.

"Our Readers."


I learn from what our kind host has said, and from the toast to which he has requested me to respond, that I am the only reader present; all the rest are contributors. I had hoped that the contributors read each other's articles. The reflection that I am the only reader among so many contributors is not calculated to inspire any particular courage. I hope, therefore, that I, standing here alone among you, will be tenderly treated. But outside, I am not alone There are plenty of readers who are not here. The constituency which I represent is large and it is rapidly growing, and I hope the next time the magazine's friends meet that that constituency will require more than one to make response for it. I think it is a good plan to have a toast to the readers of the magazine. It strikes me that it is a good omen that the readers should be consulted. I think I have known in my experience quite a number of magazines that have departed this life too early because they followed the cranks of their conductors rather than the wishes of their readers. It is a good plan to look to the readers as well as to the contributors. I do not sympathize with that view which takes the editor and the editorial sanctum as comprising the magazine. You must take the readers into account, upon whom ultimately must depend the success or welfare of your magazine. I do not pretend to be aware of the thoughts of my constituency; I cannot tell you how they will behave, but I am sure they will behave pretty nearly as well as you will. But I say it seems to me to be wise to consider the readers. The fact is, when you get down to the bottom, the readers make the magazine. We have you write; we tell you to write, and we don't care to read you if you don't write what we want. a great mistake not to consider the readers.

It is

A man's successes may be said to consist of his casualties—a poem, or an essay, or a piece of music; every time you shoot well you wing somebody, and by and by your wounded will make a roomful. That is the way appreciation comes; it is the only way it ought to come. But only being a reader, I ought not to spend so much time. I can only say, on behalf of the readers, I wish you all success. I wish you the brightest welfare, and I hope you will deserve the brightest welfare. I wish to thank you for being, as it were, invited in here as a sort of a masculine midwife at the new birth of the magazine that is to wear a crown that is already famous; and if pluck and that undying bravery that is not afraid of obstacles will win, I know you will have success.

"The Publishers of the OVERLAND.”

Contributors put too much on themselves; tedious work.
there is too much said in favor of the
creative faculty, and too little in favor of the
receptive faculty. It is as good to be able
to understand a good thing and to know a
good thing, a fine thing, or a beautiful
thing, as it is to create it; and it requires the
same faculty which enables the author to
create it. You might say, perhaps, that
there was more labor to the man who cre-
ated a thing that was worthy of appreciation,
but I assure you it is a good deal of labor
to hunt up something that is worthy of appre-
ciation and applause. I was just saying that
the readers make the magazine—they make
all art. Now here is a painting by Crayon;
he handles colors as if he had squeezed a
rainbow into vials, and understood their in-
most nature, and as if he were entitled to
play with sunbeams. He has a faculty of
drawing a sprig or a leaf in such fashion
that they look like the escaped toys of some
vagrant breeze. Well, what makes Crayon
paint so deliciously? It is because he has
my warm sympathy and appreciation. Just
so with Viola: he never would pour out
such delicious sounds unless it were for my
urging him and appreciating him into sud-
den enthusiasm, when melody runs from
him like a brook. So it is with all art. I
want to say right here, You need not be
afraid that if you appreciate your readers
they will fail to appreciate you. One great fall.
One great
error is in the fear of overshooting. I have
heard a great many men in California speak-
ing of overshooting their audiences, but in
my brief experience I have never discovered
that these unlucky marksmen were too
numerous. The reason why these over-
shooters do not hit is because there is not
force enough in their balls to cause them to
ricochet after they first strike the ground.
We are going to read other magazines; we
are going to compare one with the other; we
are going to keep you up as well as we can
to your work.
But do not be afraid. Appre-
ciation is like art; it is like everything else
worth having; it takes a long time to get it.
One brave endeavor must follow another
brave endeavor; it is long and sometimes


REMARKS OF HON. J. H. CARMANY. It is just seven years since the publication of THE OVERLAND MONTHLY ceased. was published for a period of seven and a half years—from July, 1868, to the close of 1875-the whole series numbering fifteen volumes, of which Mr. Roman published the first two. Of its inception, Mr. Roman can fully acquaint you, but it remains for me to give you a brief history of its rise and fall. This will necessarily lead me to speak more particularly of Mr. Harte, around whom, I must admit, centered all the phenomenal success that was attained by this literary undertaking. At the time I purchased this periodical from Mr. Roman, some little difficulty was experienced about the retention of Mr. Harte as editor. Why he was disposed to hold off or be somewhat indifferent I could never learn; but it was finally satisfactorily adjusted by the mediation of Mr. George B. Merrill, a most intimate friend of Mr. Harte's at that time. As the publication of the third volume proceeded, I became fully aware of the controlling literary position Mr. Harte occupied towards the magazine, which finally so strongly developed itself through his sudden

popularity that the importance of his re- ment to dramatize "The Luck" for Mr maining with the magazine was a constant Barrett. The negotiation was closed by subject of anxious thought on my part. his asking me, "Shall I ask $2,500?" to The production of those unique and truly which I answered, "Yes"; which he did, but wonderful Californian sketches, commenc- the work remains to be done to this very ing with "The Luck of Roaring Camp," day. As admiring visitors reached our city, attracted marked attention in the literary Harte was sought after and lionized; among world; but it was not until "Plain Language them came one Colonel Head, of Chicago, from Truthful James" made its appearance who became warmly attached to him, and that he advanced to the foremost rank of was most anxious to "locate" him in that literary fame. In this connection it may be city. I am satisfied that, when Mr. Harte stated that those remarkable sketches, which finally left, he had no settled convictions all pronounce the best work of his life so where he would make his abiding place in far-viz., "The Luck of Roaring Camp," the East, though Chicago was the ostensible "The Outcasts of Poker Flat," "Miggles," locality; for shortly before leaving he asked "The Idyl of Red Gulch," "Brown of Cal- me what I would take for the OVERLAND averas," and "Tennessee's Partner," and the (I naming $13,000 as the price); and the poems of "San Francisco from the Sea," subsequent action of prominent citizens of "Her Letter," "The Mountain Heart's-ease," Chicago, under the guidance of Colonel "Dow's Flat," "Chiquita," "Jim," and Head, upon Mr. Harte's arrival in that city, others all appeared before "The Heathen fully convinces me that he was delegated to Chinee," and the latter, under one impulsive ascertain what the publication could be public movement, carried him up with the bought for, with a view to its removal to tide. It was published in the fifth volume, Chicago. Further proof of this is found in which was the last under his editorial care. the fact that at that famous dinner projected When the halls of Congress resounded with in his honor, at which he did not appear, the apt words of the poem; when the literary the sum of $15,000 was distributed in world deluged the author and publisher checks of $500 apiece, under thirty covers, with the most complimentary letters; when as a surprise to the distinguished guest, as the news agents in the East doubled their the sum requisite to accomplish this removal. orders for the magazine-it was then that the most serious notes of alarm reached the ears of the publisher. While the wave of popularity was rising higher and higher, Bancroft & Co. were desirous of purchasing the magazine, for which I did not and would not name a price, being so well satisfied with the property: all of which received Mr. Harte's indorsement, though he would not at that time give me any assurance of remaining; and while Mr. Roman was constantly inquiring about its rapidly increasing circulation, and regretting that he had sold it to me, the East was becoming more and more clamorous to acquire this new and rising literary star. Letters from all the prominent publishers sought his services. I remember an offer from Horace Greeley of fifty dollars per letter, no matter as to length or subject. I was cognizant of the telegraphic arrange

Harte was always a slow producer of "copy," as we printers coldly and unartistically term it. When he announced the fact that he wanted space for a sketch in the next issue, I plied him early and late, so as to make it possible to complete the magazine at the stated monthly date for its issuance. As an example of the great attention he gave to his productions, particularly in closing them, I submit some "proof" of his which I came across the other day.

It is a fine point to decide whether the critical transition period of the magazine from Mr. Roman into my hands-for I question whether another number would have been issued after the close of the first year of its existence if I had not purchased it did or did not give Mr. Harte the full measure of his opportunity for literary fame. The opportunity would at least have been delayed, and

perhaps have passed forever. It has been often asserted that I did not appreciate Mr. Harte, and that I, more than any one, was the cause of his leaving. When the wave of popularity was mounting higher and higher, I suggested to him that we take a trip East on a lecture tour, the financial management to be in my hands. He was quite pleased with the idea, and I have no doubt we would have returned with increased fame for him and greater prosperity for the magazine. I would have given but one opportunity to each community to see and hear him, thus undoubtedly making a grand success. Mr. Bartlett, Mr. Williams, and several others kindly consented to manage the magazine in the mean time. But the plan failed; and as a final proposition, being so well assured of the success of the publication under his editorial care, I offered him a salary of $5,000 per annum, payable monthly; $100 for every story, and $100 for every poem he contributed, together with a quarter interest in the magazine.

It has been asserted, with a great deal of truth, that the OVERLAND evolved a new literature of this western world; to the establishment of which, from a less artistic point of view, though quite solid in its nature, I contributed no less a sum than $25,000 over and above all receipts of its publication; and the entire right, title, and interest of whichfor a not quite corresponding sum of money! -I now vest in the brilliant and persevering young editor, who, I hope, will be able to bring it to its full standard of excellence and consequent financial success.

"Our Poets."

MISS COOLBRITH'S POEM. To worthier hands this task should fall Than mine-the least among you all.

In Eastern lands, to the great kings
Of old, the precious offerings,
The frankincense, and balm, and myrrh,
Were borne by th' noblest messenger.
Greater the kings of Thought's domain;
Than royal blood, the royal brain—
Which rules no single, feeble clime,
Unbound of place, or tongue, or time,

The world yet swaying, when the clay
Which shrined it here has passed away!
Then to these loftier monarchs still,
How proud indeed the hand to fill
And bear the cup should be-to raise
And bind upon their brows the bays!

"Our poets." Do we claim alone
What time and country make our own?
Hear but the echoes, faint and few,
Struck from our western lyre?-too new
And strange, as yet, with voice and word
To sound the full, harmonious chord.
Not so: from the far past, else dumb
And sealed to us, their voices come.
Beyond the mystic veil of death
They sound the words of hore and faith.
About our daily pathways, clear
And sweet, their living tones we hear;
They lend our groping fancy wings
To soar aloft with nobler things;
They lift the lonely heart; they give
The sinking soul new strength to live.

Beneath these golden western skies,
Who knows what later bard may rise-
What king of Song, to which our own
Is but the feeble undertone,
The faint bird-twitterings of morn,
Ere melody's full burst is born;
Is as the tender, slender shoot
Pushed upward from the buried root,
To that which in its crowning hour
Unfolds the full and perfect flower.

Hail to the Master! In what far,
Dim hour may rise his natal star!
Within whose sleeping brain lies furled
The epic of our fair New World.
His be our unwon laurels; his
The perfect music which we miss,
Set to the onward march sublime
Of Progress with the steps of Time.
O, master touch! O, master voice!
How shall thy world in thee rejoice-
Worthy by Homer's self to stand
And clasp divinest Shakspere's hand.

Prof. Kellogg, in a very happy speech, responded to the toast, "The Friends of the OVERLAND," recalling the chief names that had been associated with the magazine as benefactors-Mr. Roman and Mr. Carmany as publishers; Mr. Harte, Mr. Avery, and Mr. Bartlett as editors; Gov. Stanford, Mr. Ralston, Mr. Baker, and others who had given financial help; and concluded with a warm expression of gratitude to the host of

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