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Pacific Islanders, arming of, 64.
Painting. See FINE ARTS.
Palestine Exploration fund, 31.
Paley, Frederick A., sketch, 667.
Palgrave, William G., sketch, 667.
Palizzi, Joseph, sketch, 667.
Palmer, Courtlandt, sketch, 648.
Panama Canal, the, 177, 354.
Papal rescript, the, 394.
Paphos, temple at, 27.
Paraguay, 673.

Parker, Joel, sketch, 648.
Parker, Peter, sketch, 648.
Patents, 674.

Patrick, Marsena R., sketch, 648.
Patrons of Husbandry, 242.
Patton, Alfred S., sketch, 648.
Paul, J. H., nominated, 559.
Pauper immigration, 424.
Peabody, Elizabeth P., 11.
Pearson, John James, sketch, 648.
Peasant insurrection, 721.
Peculiar People, 676.

Péne, Henri de, sketch, 667.
Pennsylvania, 676.

Pensions, 618, 743, 772, 234.
Perkins, George L., sketch, 648.
Persia, 678.
Peru, 679.
Petroleum, 680.

Pharmacy, 687.

Phelps, George May, sketch, 648.
Phormium hemp, 248.

Photography, astronomical, 40.
Physiology, 689.

Pickering, Charles W., sketch,

Picture-galleries. See FINE ARTS.
Pierrepont, Henry E., sketch, 649.
Piersol, S. H., nominated, 841.
Pike-county disorders, 463.
Pilot-chart, 59.

Pinkney, Howard, sketch, 649.
Pishin, annexation of, 7.
Planchon, Jules Émile, sketch,


Plants, chemistry of, 146.
Plumfield, 11.

Poisons, 695.
Polaris, 57.

Poliakoff, Samuel, sketch, 667.
Political conventions, national.
See article UNITED STATES.
Poppy-oil, 145.

Portal, Mr., his mission, 2, 3.
Port Arthur, 170.

Porter, Elbert S., sketch, 649.

Porter, James, sketch, 649.
Porto Rico, 840.

Portraits, ancient, 29.
Ports, new, 257.

Portugal, 696.

Potts, Frederick A., sketch, 649.
Poussin, Nicholas, 269.

Powell, D. Frank, nominated, 846.
Powell, John W., his address, 44.

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Ship-channel in Lake St. Peter,283.
Shipman, V. J., nominated, 341.
Shurtleff, Stephen C., nominated,


Sibi, annexation of, 7.
Sibley, Hiram, sketch, 652.
Sicyon, excavations in, 26.
Sikkim, war in, 434.

Silver, 527; coinage, 590; chloride,

Simpson, Edward, sketch, 652.
Siout, tombs at, 31.
Sippara, temple at, 33.
Sisal hemp, 248.

Sliver, William A., sketch, 653.
Small-pox, 817.

Solar physics, 55.

Soldiers' homes, 558, 586.

Soldiers' orphans' schools, 677.
Soudan, fighting in the, 293.

South American Congress, 829.
South Carolina, 742.

Sovereigns of Industry, 242.
Spain, 744.

Spectroscopy, 56.

Salomon, Louis E. F., sketch, 668. Spofford, Richard S., sketch, 653.

Salvador, 729.

Samoa, 730.

Samoa, with map, 730.

San Marzano, Gen., at Massowah,

3; relieved, 4.

Squier, Ephraim G., sketch and

portrait, 663.

Stanley, of Preston, Lord, sketch

and portrait, 275.

Stars, double and binary, 53.

Sands, Henry Berton, sketch and Steamer lines, new, 35, 105, 176,

portrait, 735.

Santa Fé, 171.

Santo Domingo, 736.

Saratoga Springs, 172.

Sarmiento, D. F., sketch, 668.

Saturn, 53.

255, 415, 549, 832.

Steamships, new, 307; dimensions

of celebrated ones, 307.

Stearns, Silas, sketch, 653.

Stela of Fassiller, 33.

Stevenson, James, sketch, 653.

Savage, John, sketch and portrait, Stock market, 328.


Schleyer, Father, sketch, 669.

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Stone, James A. B., sketch, 654.
Storm, Theodor, sketch, 669.
Storms, 533.

Stoughton, W. L., sketch, 654.
Strikes in France, 849.

School-books. See TEACHERS' As- Strother, David Hunter, sketch


Scotland, Church of, 703.

Scrip, land, 472.

and portrait, 654.

Substances, new, 139.

Subways for wires, 311.

Respiration, 692.

Respiratory organs, 753.

Revenue reform, 194.

Rhode Island, 713.

Seawell, Washington, sketch of, Sulu Archipelago, the, 748.

Sculptures, early Christian, 31.

Suez Canal, 289.

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Richardson, John P., renominated, Seay, William A., sketch, 652.

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Taft, Royal C., nominated, 715.
Tanagra, discoveries at, 27.
Tarbox, Increase N., sketch, 654.
Tasmania, 67.

Tate, Richard, his defalcation, 462.
Taylor, Robert L., renominated,

Teachers' Association, 760.
Tehuantepec Ship-Railway, 549.
Temperance Society, Church of
England, 14.

Temperature, 531.
Tennessee, 763.

Terry, William, sketch, 655.
Texas, 764.

Textile fiber, new, 258.

Thieblin, Napoleon L., sketch, 655.
Thompson, Cephas G., sketch, 655.
Thunder-storms, 534.

Thurman, S. R., nominated, 832.
Tiffany, J. C., nominated, 601.
Tilden, Prof., his address, 45.
Tilton, John R., sketch, 655.
Tin, 526.

Tintinnabulum found in Peru, 24.
Tirard ministry, fall of, 345.
Tithe agitation, 392.

Tommasi, Salvatore, sketch, 669.
Tooting case, the, 187.
Torpedo-boats, 798.
Torpedoes, 796.

Tower, 172.

Transcaspian Railway, 309.
Treat, Charles H., nominated,

Treaties, new, 259, 287, 547, 674,
680, 759.

Trimble, Isaac R., sketch, 655.
Trinidad, 839.

Triple alliance, the, 69.
Troglodytes, caves of, 33.
Tryon, George W., sketch, 655.
Tulloch, Principal, quoted, 7.
Tunis, 353.
Tunkers, 77.
Turkey, 767.

Tuson, Richard Vine, sketch, 669.
Twin screw, 308.

Two Harbors, 173.

Underwood, Adin B., sketch, 655.
Underwood, John W. H., sketch,


Unitarians, 769.

United Brethren in Christ, 770.
United States, 771.

United States, finances of the, 782.
United States Navy, 787.
United States, presidential elec-
tions in, 799.
Universalists, 828.
Urmston, Capt., killed, 436.
Uruguay, 829.

Utah, 830.
Utes, the, 180.

Vancouver, 174.
Vanilla, 548.

Van Wickle, Simon, sketch, 656.
Vassar, John G., sketch, 656.
Venezuela, 832.
Vermont, 833.
Victoria, 174.

Vigono, Col., 3.
Virginia, 835.

Viticulture, 37, 105, 830.

Voorhees, Charles S., nominated,

Wadleigh, Lydia F., sketch, 656.
Wages in Japan, 453.

Wells, Clarke H., sketch, 657.
Wentworth, John, sketch and por-
trait, 658.

Westcott, Thompson, sketch, 658.
West Indies, 839.
West Virginia, 840.
Wetherspoon, William W., sketch,

White Caps, 441, 670.

Wight, Orlando W., sketch, 658.
Wilhelm I, Emperor of Germany,
sketch, 842.

Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany,
sketch and portrait, 845.
Willson, Davis, nominated, 569.
Wilmington, election in, 264.
Wilson, Col., his address, 46.
Wilson, Allen Benjamin, sketch,


Wilson, Daniel, case of, 350.

Wilson, Eugene M., nominated,559.
Winch, rope-maker's, 249.
Winds, 537.

Winnipeg, 174.

Wisconsin, 845.

Wister, Casper, sketch, 658.

Wolff, Sir Henry Drummond, 679.
Woman suffrage, 520, 838.
Worthen, Amos H., sketch and
portrait, 658.
Wright, H. G., 11.

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