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eleven, entitled "An act relating to conservation of land, forests, waters, parks, hydraulic power, fish and game, constituting chapter sixty-five of the consolidated laws," as added by chapter three hundred and eighteen of the laws of nineteen hundred and twelve and last amended by chapter seventy-four of the laws of nineteen hundred and twenty-four,1 is hereby amended to read as follows:

§ 279. Nets in Hudson and Delaware rivers and adjacent waters. Shad and herring may be taken with nets from March fifteenth to June fifteenth, both inclusive, in the Delaware river and in the Hudson river. From March fifteenth to June fifteenth no net, except a fyke net or a minnow net used in taking minnows for bait, shall be set, placed or drawn, or fish taken therefrom between sunset on Friday and one hour before sunrise on Monday. Fish, except salmon, black bass, trout, pike-perch, and except also during March and April, pickerel and pike, may be taken with nets in the Hudson river. Sturgeon may be taken in the Hudson river with nets from July first to April thirtieth, both inclusive. Smelts may be taken with nets in the Hudson river below Ver Planck's Point from March first to April fifteenth, both inclusive. Tom-cod may be taken with nets in the Hudson river below Ver Planck's Point from November first to March first, both inclusive. Nothing in this section shall apply to the marine district.

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.


AN ACT to amend the conservation law, in relation to the possession of nets. Became a law February 10, 1925, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

ch. 647,

Section 1. Section two hundred and eighty-two of chapter six L. 1911, hundred and forty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and § 282 eleven, entitled "An act relating to conservation of land, forests, amended. waters, parks, hydraulic power, fish and game, constituting chapter sixty-five of the consolidated laws," as added by chapter three hundred and eighteen of the laws of nineteen hundred and twelve and last amended by chapter one hundred and nineteen of the laws of nineteen hundred and twenty-four, da is hereby amended to read as follows:

§ 282. Nets to be destroyed. Seines, fykes, pounds, traps and other nets prohibited by law, had, set or used in or upon any of

1 Previously amended by L. 1918, ch. 143; L. 1919, ch. 292; L. 1922, ch. 159. 2 Words "operated by hand only" omitted.

3 Word "in" substituted for words "that part of.”

4 Words "below the dam at Troy" omitted.

5 Sentence to here formerly read: "No such net."

6 Words "below the dam at Troy at any time," omitted.

7 Formerly read: "June first to September first."

1a Previously amended by L. 1913, ch. 508; L. 1922, ch. 146; L. 1923, ch. 83.

L. 1911, ch. 647, $236, subd. 2 amended.

the inland or tidal waters of the state or on the shore thereof, or islands surrounded by said waters are hereby declared to be public nuisances, and shall be summarily seized, abated and destroyed by any game protector or may be sold by the commission at public auction to the highest bidder under rules and regulations established by it; provided, however, the commission may direct a game protector to retain certain nets or seines for the use of the state hatcheries. Possession of nets at any time by any person in or on or within one-half mile of any waters of the state or in or on or within two miles of any waters of Lake Keuka, except nets licensed as provided for by Part VIII and except nets possessed under a permit issued by the conservation commission, is prohibited.

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.


AN ACT to amend the conservation law, in relation to the taking of sauger. Became a law February 10, 1925, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assemb do enact as follows:

Section 1. Subdivision two of section two hundred and thirtysix of chapter six hundred and forty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and eleven, entitled "An act relating to conservation of land, forests, waters, parks, hydraulic power, fish and game, constituting chapter sixty-five of the consolidated laws," as added by chapter three hundred and eighteen of the laws of nineteen hundred and twelve and last amended by chapter four hundred and eighty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred and seventeen,1 is hereby amended to read as follows:

2. Blue pike percha of any size may be taken at any time and in any number or quantity in Lakes Erie and Ontario and in the Niagara river, and when so taken may be possessed, bought and sold. Saugers of any size may be taken at any time, in any number or quantity, and possessed, bought and sold.

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

2 Words "other than as provided for by part eight," omitted.

3 Remainder of sentence formerly read: "shall be presumptive evidence

that the same were unlawfully used."

1 Previously amended by L. 1916, ch. 403; L. 1917, ch. 300.

2a Words "and saugers" omitted.

• Following sentence new.


AN ACT to amend the conservation law, in relation to the taking of coots

and gallinules.

Became a law February 10, 1925, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

ch. 647,


Section 1. Subdivision one of section two hundred and thirteen L. 1911, of chapter six hundred and forty-seven of the laws of nineteen § 213, hundred and eleven, entitled "An act relating to conservation of subd. 1 land, forests, waters, parks, hydraulic power, fish and game, constituting chapter sixty-five of the consolidated laws," as added by chapter three hundred and eighteen of the laws of nineteen hundred and twelve and last amended by chapter one of the laws of nineteen hundred and nineteen, is hereby amended to read as follows:

1. Open season. Sora and other rails, except coot and gallinules, may be taken from September first to November thirtieth, both inclusive. They may be possessed from September first to December tenth, both inclusive.

Coot and gallinules may be taken from September twenty-fourth to January seventh,1 both inclusive, except on Long Island, where they may be taken from October sixteenth to January thirty-first, both inclusive. They may be possessed from September twentyfourth to January seventeenth, both inclusive. When lawfully taken on Long Island they may be possessed from October sixteenth to February tenth, both inclusive.

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.


AN ACT to amend the conservation law, in relation to licensing of dogs. Became a law February 10, 1925, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

ch. 647,

Section 1. Section one hundred and ninety-three of chapter six L. 1911, hundred and forty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and 193 eleven, entitled "An act relating to conservation of land, forests, amended. waters, parks, hydraulic power, fish and game, constituting chapter sixty-five of the consolidated laws," as amended by chapter ninety-two of the laws of nineteen hundred and twenty-four, is hereby amended to read as follows:

1 Formerly read: "September sixteenth to December thirty-first."


2 Formerly read: September sixteenth to January tenth." * Added by L. 1916, ch. 521.

L. 1911, ch. 647, § 216,

subd. 3 amended.

§ 193. Dogs to be licensed. No dog of either sex shall be taken into the Adirondack or the Catskill park, or into forests inhabited by deer, or harbored or possessed therein, unless the owner shall first obtain a license for such dog from the commission, and pay a fee of one dollar therefor. The license shall be issued by the commission in its discretion and under such rules and regulations as it may deem advisable and shall terminate with the calendar year in which issued. A metal tag marked with a number corresponding to the number of the license shall be issued with the said license, and shall be attached to a collar and shall be at all times worn by the dog so licensed.

Dogs of either sex shall not run at large in the Adirondack or Catskill park or forests inhabited by deer, unaccompanied by the


Any act committed or done contrary to the provisions of this section, or the neglect to perform any duty provided therein, shall be deemed a violation thereof for which the owner shall be liable.

Any person may and it shall be the duty of every game protector, forest ranger and member of the state police to kill any dog of either sex pursuing or killing deer, or any dog of either sex running at large in the Adirondack or Catskill park or forests inhabited by deer, and no action for damages shall be maintained against the person for such killing. The prohibitions of this section shall not apply to dogs upon lands actually farmed or cultivated by the owner of such dog, or within the limits of an incorporated village.

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.


AN ACT to amend the conservation law, in relation to the taking of Wilson snipe or jacksnipe.

Became a law February 10, 1925, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

Section 1. Subdivision three of section two hundred and sixteen of chapter six hundred and forty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and eleven, entitled "An act relating to conservation of land, forests, waters, parks, hydraulic power, fish and game, constituting chapter sixty-five of the consolidated laws," as added by chapter three hundred and eighteen of the laws of nineteen hundred and twelve and last amended by chapter one of the laws of nineteen hundred and nineteen,1 is hereby amended to read as follows:

3. Wilson snipe or jacksnipe may be taken from September twenty-fourth to January seventh, both inclusive, except on

4 Words "forest ranger and member of the state police," new.

1 Previously amended by L. 1913, ch. 508; L. 1916, ch. 521.

[ocr errors]

2 Formerly read: September sixteenth to December thirty-first."

Long Island, where they may be taken from October sixteenth to January thirty-first, both inclusive. A person may take during the open season therefor not to exceed twenty-five Wilson snipe or jacksnipe in any one day.

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.


AN ACT to amend the conservation law, in relation to possession and sale of fish, birds and quadrupeds.

Became a law February 10, 1925, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

ch. 647,


Section 1. Subdivivsion* two of section one hundred and fifty- L. 1911, nine of chapter six hundred and forty-seven of the laws of nineteen § 159. hundred and eleven, entitled "An act relating to conservation of subd. 2 land, forests, waters, parks, hydraulic power, fish and game, constituting chapter sixty-five of the consolidated laws," as amended by chapter two hundred and eighty-two of the laws of nineteen hundred and eighteen,1 is hereby amended to read as follows:

2. The commission may also issue a license revocable at pleasure License. to any person, permitting such person to possess any species of fish, birds, quadrupeds or aquatic animals, protected by this chapter, for propagation purposes, upon payment of a license fee of Fee. one dollar. The commission may, in its discretion, require a bond Bond. from such person, in such sum as the commission may determine, conditioned that he will not avail himself of the privileges of said license for purposes not herein set forth.

and sale.

The commission may issue permits to enable persons to ship shipment fish, birds, quadrupeds or aquatic animals lawfully taken and possessed for propagation, scientific or educational purposes, under such regulations as the commission may prescribe.

Fish, birds, quadrupeds or aquatic animals lawfully possessed under this section may be sold at any time, by any person receiving a license under this section, for propagation, scientific, educational or exhibition purposes only.

Persons receiving a license under this section must report the Reports. result of operation thereunder annually to the commission, at the expiration of the license. Such license shall be in force for one Duration of year only from the date of issue and shall not be transferable.

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

* So in the original. [Word misspelled.]

1 Added by L. 1912, ch. 318. Previously amended by L. 1913, ch. 508;

L. 1914, ch. 92.

2 Words "take and" omitted.

Word "game" omitted.


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