EXECUTIVE ORDER 9976 AMENDMENT OF EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 9871 OF JULY 8, 1947, PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE GRANTING OF ALLOWANCES FOR QUARTERS AND SUBSISTENCE TO ENLISTED MEN OF THE ARMY, NAVY, MARINE CORPS, AND COAST GUARD, AND PER DIEM ALLOWANCES TO MEMBERS OF SUCH SERVICES AND COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY AND PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ON DUTY OUTSIDE THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES OR IN ALASKA By virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by sections 10 and 12 of the Pay Readjustment Act of 1942, as amended (56 Stat. 363, 364, 60 Stat. 858; 37 U. S. C. 110, 112), and sections 208 (c) and 305 (a) of the National Security Act of 1947 (61 Stat. 504, 508), Executive Order No. 9871 of July 8, 1947,2 prescribing regulations governing the granting of allowances for quarters and subsistence to enlisted men of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, and per diem allowances to members of such services and Coast and Geodetic Survey and Public Health Service on duty outside the continental United States or in Alaska, is hereby amended as follows: 1. The words "Air Force," are inserted after the word "Army," wherever such word occurs in the said order and in the title thereof. 2. Part I A 1, General, of the said order is amended to provide that the daily subsistence allowance therein authorized where government messing facilities are furnished shall be $1.50 instead of $1.20. 3. This order shall be effective as of July 1, 1948, and the said Executive Order No. 9871 as amended by this order shall continue in effect during the fiscal 13 CFR, 1944 Supp. 23 CFR, 1947 Supp. DISCONTINUING CERTAIN DISTRICT LAND OFFICES By virtue of the authority vested in me by sections 2251 and 2252 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (43 U. S. C. 126 and 121), and by section 1 of the act of June 19, 1878, 20 Stat. 178, 201 (43 U. S. C. 130), and as President of the United States, and upon the recommendation of the Director of the Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior, approved by the Secretary of the Interior, it is hereby ordered as follows: 1. The district land offices at The Dalles, Lakeview, and Roseburg, Oregon, shall be discontinued, and the business and necessary archives of those offices shall be transferred to and consolidated in a district land office which shall be established and maintained at Portland, Oregon. 2. The district land offices at Pierre, South Dakota, and Bismarck, North Dakota, shall be discontinued, and the business and necessary archives of those offices shall be transferred to and consolidated with the Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C. 3. This order shall become effective at the close of business on July 30, 1948. HARRY S. TRUMAN THE WHITE HOUSE, July 14, 1948. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9978 TRANSFER OF THE DISTRICT LAND OFFICES AT BLACKFOOT AND COEUR D'ALENE, IDAHO, TO BOISE, IDAHO By virtue of the authority vested in me by sections 2251 and 2252 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (43 U. S. C. 126 and 121), and upon the recommendation of the Director of the Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior, approved by the Secretary of the Interior, it is hereby ordered as follows: 1. The district land offices at Blackfoot and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, shall be discontinued, and the business and necessary archives of those offices shall be transferred to and consolidated in a new district land office which shall be established and maintained at Boise, Idaho. 2. This order shall become effective at the close of business on August 13, 1948. HARRY S. TRUMAN THE WHITE HOUSE, July 17, 1948. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9979 PRESCRIBING PORTIONS OF THE SELECTIVE SERVICE REGULATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF SELECTIVE SERVICE TO PERFORM CERTAIN FUNCTIONS OF THE PRESIDENT UNDER THE SELECTIVE SERVICE ACT OF 19481 By virtue of the authority vested in me by title I of the Selective Service Act of 1948, approved June 24, 1948, it is ordered as follows: 1. I hereby prescribe the following portions of the regulations governing the administration of title I of the said Act, which shall constitute portions of parts 602, 603, 604, 606, 609, 611, 612, and 617 of title 32, chapter VI, Code of Federal Regulations, such regulations to be known as the Selective Service Regulations: 602.10 Selective service law. 602.11 State. 602.12 Singular and plural. § 602.1 Definitions to govern. The definitions contained in section 16 of title I of the Selective Service Act of 1948 and the definitions contained in this part shall govern in the interpretation of the Selective Service Regulations. § 602.2 Aliens. (a) The term "alien" means any person who is not a national of the United States. 1 See also Ε. Ο. 9988, 9992, 10001, 10008, infra, and 32 CFR, Ch. VI. 819355-49-10 (b) The term "national of the United States" means (1) a citizen of the United States or (2) a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States. § 602.3 County. The word "county" includes, where applicable, counties, independent cities, and similar subdivisions, such as the independent cities of Virginia, the parishes of Louisiana, and the towns of the New England States. § 602.4 Delinquent. A "delinquent" is a person required to be registered under the selective service law who fails or neglects to perform any duty required of him under the provisions of the selective service law. § 602.5 Governor. The word "Governor" includes, where applicable, the Governor of each of the States of the United States, the Governor of the Territory of Alaska, the Governor of the Territory of Hawaii, the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia, the Governor of Puerto Rico, and the Governor of the Virgin Islands of the United States. § 602.6 Inducted man. An "inducted man" is a man who has become a member of the armed forces through the operation of the Selective Service System. § 602.7 Induction station. The term "induction station" refers to any camp, post, ship, or station at which registrants who have been designated by a local board to fill a call are received by the military authorities and, if found acceptable, are inducted into military service. § 602.8 Military service. The term "military service" includes service in the Army, the Air Force, the Navy, and the Marine Corps. §602.9 Registrant. Except as otherwise specifically provided, a "registrant" is a person registered under the selective service law. § 602.10 Selective service law. The term "selective service law" includes title I of the Selective Service Act of 1948 and all rules and regulations issued thereunder. §602.11 State. The word "State" includes, where applicable, the several States of the United States, the City of New York, the Territory of Alaska, the Territory of Hawaii, the District of Co Page 123 lumbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands of the United States. § 602.12 Singular and plural. Words importing the singular number shall inlude the plural number, and words importing the plural number shall include the singular, except where the context clearly indicates otherwise. PART 603-SELECTIVE SERVICE PERSONNEL IN GENERAL Sec. § 603.1 Citizenship. No person shall be appointed to any position, either compensated or uncompensated, in the Selective Service System who is not a citizen of the United States. § 603.2 Voluntary services. Voluntary services in the administration of the selective service law may be accepted and should be encouraged. § 603.3 Uncompensated services. The services of registrars (except as the Director of Selective Service may otherwise provide), members of local boards, members of appeal boards, government appeal agents and associate government appeal agents, medical advisors to the local boards, medical advisors to the State Directors of Selective Service, advisors to registrants, interpreters, and all other persons volunteering their services to assist in the administration of the selective service law shall be uncompensated, and no such person serving without compensation shall accept remuneration from any source for services rendered in connection with selective service matters. § 603.4 Oath of office and other forms. (a) Every person who undertakes to render voluntary uncompensated service in the administration of the selective service law shall, before he enters upon his duties, execute an Oath of Office and Waiver of Pay (SSS Form No. 400). (b) Every person who undertakes to render compensated service in the administration of the selective service law shall execute an oath of office in the form prescribed by the United States Civil Service Commission, Standard Form No. 61. (c) Compensated and uncompensated personnel appointed for duty in the Selective Service System shall execute such other forms as are required by law, Executive order of the President, the regulations of the United States Civil Service Commission, or the Director of Selective Service. (d) When executed in the manner hereinbefore provided, the Oath of Office and Waiver of Pay (SSS Form No. 400) and such other forms as may be required shall be filed in accordance with instructions issued by the Director of Selective Service. § 603.5 Termination of appointment. The appointment of any deputy, officer, agent, employee, or other person engaged in the administration of the selective service law, whether with or without compensation, may be terminated by resignation, death, or removal, or, in appropriate cases, by transfer or retirement. §603.6 Removal. (a) Any person, other than a compensated civilian officer or employee, engaged in the administration of the selective service law may be removed by the Director of Selective Service. The Governor may recommend to the Director of Selective Service the removal, for cause, of any person engaged in the administration of the selective service law in his State. The Director of Selective Service shall make such investigation of the Governor's recommendation as he deems necessary and upon completion thereof shall take such action thereon as he deems proper. (b) Any compensated civilian officer or employee engaged in the administration of the selective service law may be removed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the United States Civil Service Commission. § 603.7 Suspension. The Director of Selective Service may suspend any deputy, officer, agent, employee, or other person engaged in the administration of the selective service law, pending his consideration of the advisability of removing any such person. Suspensions of persons entitled to veterans' preference under the Veterans' Preference Act of 1944, as amended, shall be in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the United States Civil Service Commission pursuant to that Act. During the period that any 604.52 Composition and appointment. 604.54 Jurisdiction. MEDICAL ADVISORS TO THE LOCAL BOARDS 604.61 Medical advisors to the local boards. GOVERNMENT APPEAL AGENTS 604.71 Appointment and duties. NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION § 604.1 Director of Selective Service. The Director of Selective Service shall be responsible directly to the President. The Director of Selective Service is hereby authorized and directed: (a) To prescribe such rules and regulations as he shall deem necessary for the administration of the Selective Service System, the conduct of its officers and employees, the distribution and performance of its business, and the custody, use, and preservation of its records, papers, and property. (b) To issue such public notices, orders, and instructions as shall be necessary for carrying out the functions of the Selective Service System. (c) To obligate and authorize expenditures from funds appropriated for carrying out the functions of the Selective Service System. (d) To appoint, and to fix, in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, so far as applicable, the compensation of, such officers, agents, and employees as shall be necessary for carrying out the functions of the Selective Service System. (e) To procure such space as he may deem necessary for carrying out the functions of the Selective Service System by lease pursuant to existing statutes except that the provisions of the act of June 30, 1932 (47 Stat. 412), as amended by section 15 of the act of March 3, 1933 (47 Stat. 1517; 40 U. S. C. 278a), shall not apply to any lease so entered into. (f) To perform such other duties as shall be required of him under the selective service law or which may be delegated to him by the President. (g) To delegate any of his authority to such officers, agents, or persons as he may designate, and to provide for the subdelegation of any such authority. STATE ADMINISTRATION § 604.11 Governor. The Governor of each State is authorized to recommend a person to be appointed by the President as State Director of Selective Service for his State, who shall represent the Governor in all selective service matters. § 604.12 State Director of Selective Service. Subject to the direction and control of the Director of Selective Service, the State Director of Selective Service for each State shall be in immediate charge of the State Headquarters for Selective Service and shall be responsible for carrying out the functions of the Selective Service System in his State. The State Headquarters for Selective Service shall be an office of record for selective service operations only, and no records other than selective service records shall be maintained in such office. § 604.13 State Director of Selective Service for New York City. The Governor of the State of New York is authorized to recommend a person to be appointed by the President as State Director of Selective Service for New York City, who shall represent the Governor in all selective service matters within the City of New York. Subject to the direction and control of the Director of Selective Service, the State Director of Selective Service for New York City, if so appointed, shall be in immediate charge of the State Headquarters for Selective Service for New York City and shall be responsible for carrying out the functions of the Selective Service System within the City of New York. If a State Director of Selective Service for New York City be so appointed, the State Director of Selective Service for the State of New York shall have no jurisdiction in selective service matters within the City of New York. The State Headquarters for Selective Service for New York City shall be an office of record for selective service operations only, and no records other than selective service records shall be maintained in such office. § 604.14 Staff of State Headquarters for Selective Service. (a) Subject to applicable law and within the limits of available funds the staff of each State Headquarters for Selective Service shall consist of as many officers, either military or civilian, as shall be authorized by the Director of Selective Service. (b) In accordance with limitations imposed by the Director of Selective Service, the State Director of Selective Service is authorized to appoint such civilian personnel as he considers are required in the operation of the State Headquarters for Selective Service. APPEAL BOARDS § 604.21 Area. Each State Director of Selective Service shall establish one appeal board area which shall comprise the entire State, except if a Director of Selective Service for New York City is appointed one appeal board area shall be established for the entire State of New York excepting the City of New York, and an additional appeal board area shall be established for the City of New York. § 604.22 Composition and appointment. For each appeal board area an appeal board, normally of five members, shall be appointed by the President, upon recommendation of the Governor. The members shall be male citizens of the United States who are not members of the armed forces or any reserve component thereof; they shall be residents of the area in which their board is appointed; and they shall be at least 30 years old. The appeal board should be a composite board, representative of the activities of its area, and as such should include one member from labor, one member from industry, one physician, one lawyer, and, where applicable, one member from agriculture. If the num ber of appeals sent to the board becomes too great for the board to handle without undue delay, additional panels of five members similarly constituted shall be appointed to the board by the President, upon recommendation of the Governor. Each such panel shall have full authority to act on all cases assigned to it. Each panel shall act separately. The State Director of Selective Service shall coordinate the work of all the panels to effect an equitable distribution of the work load. § 604.24 Jurisdiction. The appeal board shall have jurisdiction to review and to affirm or change any decision appealed to it from any local board in its area or any decision appealed from any local board not in its area when such appeal is either transferred to it in the manner provided in these regulations, or is appealed to it by or on behalf of any registrant whose principal place of employment is located in its area or submitted to it in the manner required by law. MEDICAL ADVISORS TO THE STATE DIRECTORS OF SELECTIVE SERVICE § 604.31 Medical advisors to the State Directors of Selective Service. The President may appoint, upon recommendation of the Governor, from qualified physicians, one or more medical advisors to each State Director of Selective Service. It shall be the duty of such medical advisors to furnish such advice concerning the physical and mental condition of registrants as the State Director of Selective Service may require. ADVISORS TO REGISTRANTS § 604.41 Appointment and duties. Advisors to registrants shall be appointed by the Director of Selective Service upon recommendation of the State Director of Selective Service to advise and assist registrants in the preparation of questionnaires and other selective service forms and to advise registrants on other matters relating to their liabilities under the selective service law. Every person so appointed should be at least 30 years of age. The names and addresses of advisors to registrants within the local board area shall be conspicuously posted in the local board office. LOCAL BOARDS § 604.51 Areas. The State Director of Selective Service for each State shall |