EXECUTIVE ORDER 9981 ESTABLISHING THE PRESIDENT'S COMMITTEE ON EQUALITY OF TREATMENT AND OPPORTUNITY IN THE ARMED SERVICES WHEREAS it is essential that there be maintained in the armed services of the United States the highest standards of democracy, with equality of treatment and opportunity for all those who serve in our country's defense: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, by the Constitution and the statutes of the United States, and as Commander in Chief of the armed services, it is hereby ordered as follows: 1. It is hereby declared to be the policy of the President that there shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services without regard to race, color, religion or national origin. This policy shall be put into effect as rapidly as possible, having due regard to the time required to effectuate any necessary changes without impairing efficiency or morale. 2. There shall be created in the National Military Establishment an advisory committee to be known as the President's Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services, which shall be composed of seven members to be designated by the President. 3. The Committee is authorized on behalf of the President to examine into the rules, procedures and practices of the armed services in order to determine in what respect such rules, procedures and practices may be altered or improved with a view to carrying out the policy of this order. The Committee shall confer and advise with the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of the Navy, and the Secretary of the Air Force, and shall make such recommendations to the President and to said Secretaries as in the judgment of the Committee will effectuate the policy hereof. 4. All executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government are authorized and directed to cooperate with the Committee in its work, and to furnish the Committee such information or the services of such persons as the Committee may require in the performance of its duties. 5. When requested by the Committee to do so, persons in the armed services or in any of the executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government shall testify before the Committee and shall make available for the use of the Committee such documents and other information as the Committee may require. 6. The Committee shall continue to exist until such time as the President shall terminate its existence by Executive order. HARRY S. TRUMAN THE WHITE HOUSE, July 26, 1948. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9982 EXTENDING THE PROVISIONS OF EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 9870 OF JULY 8, 1947, PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE GRANTING OF AND ACCOUNTING FOR CERTAIN FOREIGN SERVICE ALLOWANCES AND ALLOTMENTS By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Foreign Service Act of 1946 (60 Stat. 999) and by section 202 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (5 U. S. C. 156), the provisions of Executive Order No. 9870 of July 8, 1947, prescribing regulations pertaining to the granting of and accounting for certain foreign service allowances and allotments, are hereby extended and continued in effect to and including June 30, 1949. This order shall be effective as of July 1, 1948. THE WHITE HOUSE, HARRY S. TRUMAN July 29, 1948. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9983 [Exemption of Garland S. Ferguson From Compulsory Retirement for Age; Aug. 2, 1948; not published] EXECUTIVE ORDER 9984 REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE FURNISHING OF CLOTHING IN KIND OR PAYMENT OF CASH ALLOWANCES IN LIEU THEREOF TO ENLISTED PERSONNEL OF THE NAVY, COAST GUARD, NAVAL RESERVE, AND COAST GUARD RESERVE By virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by section 10 of the Pay Readjustment Act of June 16, 1942 (56 Stat. 359, 363), I hereby prescribe the following regulations governing the fur 13 CFR, 1947 Supp. 1. Enlisted men of the Navy and Coast Guard upon first enlistment or upon reenlistment subsequent to expiration of three months from date of last discharge; and enlisted men of the Naval and Coast Guard Reserves (including Fleet Reserve), and retired enlisted men, upon first reporting for active duty or upon recall to active duty subsequent to expiration of three months from date of last release therefrom, except, in the case of retired enlisted men and members of the Fleet Reserve, only one such entitlement shall accrue in a period of four consecutive years, and in the case of members of the Naval and Coast Guard Reserves (other than Fleet Reserves), only one such entitlement shall accrue during any one period of enlistment or reenlistment: (a) Chief petty officers, cooks, stewards, members of Navy, Naval Academy, or Coast Guard Academy Bands (band members)... (b) Enlisted men in other ratings.. 128.70 2. Enlisted men (except band members) upon advancement in rating to chief petty officer, cook, or steward: of enlistment or reporting for active duty. 171.30 20.00 4. Members of the Insular Force: (a) Required to wear blue clothing. Same as subsections (b) Not required to wear blue clothing. 11⁄2 rates in subsections Al and A2. Al and A2. 5. Members of the Samoan Native Guard and Band.. 6. Enlisted men undergoing training leading to a commission only as follows: (a) Aviation cadets: An issue of clothing in kind not to exceed in value. $20.00 $4.00 ing leading to a commission only as follows-Continued] (b) Those undergoing other training: (1) An issue of clothing in kind not to exceed in value. And in addition, (2) a temporary issue of Government-owned clothing not to exceed in net value.. 7. Temporary members of the Coast Guard Reserve on part time or intermittent active duty 8. Enlisted men held as prisonersat-large at shore stations, a temporary issue of Governmentowned clothing procured from authorization of the Chief of Naval Personnel, not to exceed in value. 9. Enlisted men of the Naval Reserve (inactive) when attached to or associated with organizations of the Organized or Volunteer Reserve, during any one four (4) year period of enlistment: (a) Chief petty officers, cooks and stewards, and other enlisted men upon advancement to these ratings, except cooks or stewards on advancement to chief cook or steward, a cash allowance not to exceed.. (Upon reporting for active duty, other than training duty, a further cash allowance equal to the difference between the cash allowance payable under subsection Al (a) hereof, and the amount payable herein, will accrue.) (b) Enlisted men in other ratings, a temporary issue of clothing not to exceed in value.... (Upon first reporting for active duty, other than training duty, clothing issued to enlisted men under this authority shall remain in their possession, and they shall be entitled to a clothing allowance equal to the difference in value between the clothing allowance prescribed in subsection Al (b) hereof, and the value of this issue of clothing.) 180.00 10. (a) Enlisted men serving as commissioned or warrant officers under temporary appointments, upon reverting therefrom to serve on extended active duty as chief petty officers, cooks, stewards, or members of the Navy, Naval Academy, or Coast Guard Academy Bands (band members); and enlisted men who are discharged while serving as commissioned or warrant officers under temporary appointments, upon reenlisting within three months following $30.00 180.00 Entitled only to an issue of clothing in kind not exceeding the amount of the applicable allowance prescribed in subsection A1. $10.00 160.00 80.00 such discharge to serve on active duty as chief petty officers, cooks, stewards, or members of Navy, Naval Academy or Coast Guard Academy Bands (band members); a cash allowance of $105.00 $20.00 (b) Enlisted men serving as commissioned or warrant officers upon temporary appointments, upon reverting therefrom to serve on extended active duty in any rating below that of chief petty officer, except cook, steward, or member of Navy, Naval Academy or Coast Guard Academy Bands (band members); and enlisted men who are discharged while serving as commissioned or warrant officers under temporary appointments, upon reenlisting within three months following such discharge to serve on active duty in any rating below that of chief petty officer, except cook, steward, or member of Navy, Naval Academy or Coast Guard Academy Bands (band members); a cash allowance of....... 100.00 Section B. Clothing Allowance. 12.00 1. The amount of the cash clothing allowances prescribed in subsection Al (b) hereof shall be payable on date of first enlistment or first reporting for active duty, and on date of reenlistment or recall to active duty subsequent to expiration of three months from date of last discharge or release from active duty, but shall not actually be paid prior to the expiration of ninety days from and including such date, or date of completion of recruit training, or date of advancement to chief petty officer or assignment to band, whichever is earlier. In closing the accounts of a man discharged or released from active duty within the ninety-day period, credit shall be made only of an amount equal to the value of the clothing actually drawn, but in no case to exceed the total allowance payable. 2. For the purposes of this order, an enlistment in any of the services mentioned in Section A subsequent to discharge from any other of such services shall be considered a reenlistment. An allowance under subsection Al shall not be payable upon reenlistment within three months from date of last discharge, or upon recall to active duty within three months of last release therefrom, except as specified in subsections 5, 6 and 7 of this section. A man reenlisted or recalled to active duty within three months of last discharge or release from active duty, who on date of such discharge or release was checked undrawn clothing allowance in accordance with subsection 1 of this section, shall be entitled to credit for such undrawn clothing allow ance. 3. The allowance under subsection A2 shall not be payable to (a) Enlisted men advanced in rating to chief petty officer while holding a temporary appointment to warrant or commissioned rank. (b) Cooks or stewards on advancement to chief cook or steward. (c) Members of Navy, Naval Academy, or Coast Guard Academy Bands (band members) upon advancement in rating to chief petty officer. 4. An enlisted man reduced in rating from chief petty officer, cook, or steward shall not be required to refund payment previously made in accordance with subsection A2; and shall not be entitled to a second payment on subsequent advancement, or to a payment of quarterly maintenance allowance prior to the date specified in subsection C1 (a) hereof. 5. An enlisted man first reporting for active duty in a status entitling him only to an issue of clothing in kind in accordance with subsection A6 and A9 (b) hereof, upon subsequent transfer to, or reenlistment within three months of last discharge in, another status which, in the case of first enlistment or reporting for active duty, would entitle him to a cash clothing allowance as prescribed in subsection Al hereof, shall be entitled to a credit of such cash clothing allowance without regard to issues in kind in the prior status, except that an enlisted man entitled to a clothing allowance under subsection A9 (b) on first reporting for active duty shall not be so entitled. 6. An enlisted man first reporting for active duty in a status entitling him only to an issue of clothing in kind in accordance with subsection A7 hereof, upon subsequent transfer to, or reenlistment within three months of last discharge in, another status which, in the case of a first enlistment or reporting for active duty, would entitle him to a cash clothing allowance as prescribed in subsection Al hereof, shall be entitled to a credit of such cash clothing allowance without regard to issues in kind in the prior status. 7. Enlisted personnel described in subsection A9 (a), upon discharge from the Naval Reserve (inactive) for the purpose of enlisting in the Regular Navy or Coast Guard within three months from date of such discharge, shall, if reenlisted in any of the applicable ratings, be entitled to a further cash allowance equal to the difference between the cash allowance payable under subsection Al (a) hereof, and the amount payable under subsection A9 (a), and such enlisted personnel shall, if enlisted in other ratings in the Regular Navy or Coast Guard, within three months from date of such discharge, be entitled to the cash allowances prescribed in subsection A1 (b) hereof. Section C. Quarterly Maintenance Allowance. 1. The quarterly maintenance allowance prescribed in section A hereof shall be payable on the first day of each quarter to: (a) Enlisted men entitled to a clothing allowance under subsections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 10 of section A, or subsections B5 and B7 hereof, or who were entitled to a clothing allowance under Executive Order 9356 of June 24, 1943,1 as amended, commencing with the first day of the quarter following the first anniversary of the date on which they were last entitled to such clothing allowance. (b) Enlisted men of the Navy and Coast Guard reenlisting within three months from date of last discharge, enlisted men of the Reserve components transferred to the regular Service, and enlisted men of the Regular and Reserve components on active duty transferred to the Reserve or to the Retired List and retained on active duty or recalled to active duty within three months of release therefrom, at the rate applicable prior to such discharge, transfer, retirement, or release, until entitled to a further clothing allowance. 2. Enlisted men of the Naval Reserve undergoing training leading to a commission, enlisted men of the Naval Reserve (inactive) and enlisted men holding temporary appointments to warrant or commissioned rank shall not be entitled to quarterly maintenance allowances. Enlisted men entitled to a clothing allowance on the first day of the quarter shall not be entitled to any 13 CFR, 1943 Supp. 23 CFR, 1946 Supp. $3 CFR, 1947 Supp. quarterly maintenance allowance otherwise due them on that date. This order shall supersede Executive Orders No. 9744B of June 29, 1946, No. 9785 of October 1, 1946, and No. 9869 of June 30, 1947, and shall be effective as of July 1, 1948, and continue in effect for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1949. HARRY S. TRUMAN THE WHITE HOUSE, EXECUTIVE ORDER 9985 [Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Margaret E. Batick to a Competitive Position Without Compliance With the Requirements of the Civil Service Rules; Aug. 16, 1948; not published] EXECUTIVE ORDER 9986 SALE OF VESSELS OF THE NAVY By virtue of authority vested in me by section 5 of the act of March 3, 1883, 22 Stat. 599 (34 U. S. C. 492), it is hereby ordered as follows: 1. Vessels of the Navy stricken from the Navy Register pursuant to section 2 of the act of August 5, 1882, 22 Stat. 296 (34 U. S. C. 491), and not subject to disposition under any other law, may be sold at public sale to the highest acceptable bidder, pursuant to section 5 of the said act of March 3, 1883, regardless of their appraised value, after being advertised for sale for a period of not less than thirty days. 2. This order supersedes Executive Order No. 9641 of October 15, 1945, entitled "Sale of Certain Combatant Vessels of the Navy." THE WHITE HOUSE, HARRY S. TRUMAN August 16, 1948 EXECUTIVE ORDER 9987 CREATING A BOARD OF INQUIRY TO REPORT ON CERTAIN LABOR DISPUTES AFFECTING THE MARITIME INDUSTRY OF THE UNITED STATES WHEREAS there exist certain labor disputes (other than those referred to in Executive Order No. 9964 of June 3, 1948, entitled "Creating a Board of Inquiry to Report on Certain Labor Disputes Affecting the Maritime Industry of the United States") between employers (or associations by which such employers are represented in collective 43 CFR, 1945 Supp. • Supra. bargaining conferences) who are (1) steamship companies or who are engaged as operators or agents for ships engaged in service from or to North Atlantic ports from Hampton Roads, Virginia, to Portland, Maine, or from or to other ports of the United States or its Territories or possessions, (2) contracting stevedores, (3) contracting marine carpenters, or (4) other employers engaged in related or associated pier activities, and certain of their employees represented by the International Longshoremen's Association (A. F. L.); and WHEREAS in my opinion such disputes threaten to result in strikes or lockouts affecting a substantial part of the maritime industry, an industry engaged in trade, commerce, transportation, transmission or communication among the several States and with foreign nations, which strikes or lockouts, if permitted to occur, will imperil the national health and safety: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by section 206 of the Labor-Management Relations Act, 1947 (Public Law 101, 80th Congress), I hereby create a Board of Inquiry, consisting of such members as I shall appoint, to inquire into the issues involved in such disputes. The Board shall have powers and duties as set forth in Title II of the said Act. The Board shall report to the President in accordance with the provisions of section 206 of the said Act on or before August 20, 1948. Upon the submission of its report, the Board shall continue in existence to perform such other functions as may be required under the said Act, until the Board is terminated by the President. THE WHITE HOUSE, HARRY S. TRUMAN August 17, 1948. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9988 PRESCRIBING PORTIONS OF THE SELECTIVE SERVICE REGULATIONS 1 By virtue of the authority vested in me by Title I of the Selective Service Act of 1948, approved June 24, 1948, it is ordered as follows: 1. I hereby prescribe the following portions of the regulations governing the administration of Title I of the said Act, which shall constitute portions of Parts 621 to 627, inclusive, of Title 32, chapter 1 See also E. O. 9979, supra, E. O. 9992, 10001, 10008, infra, and 32 CFR, Ch. VI. § 621.1 Special mailing of Classification Questionnaire (SSS Form No. 100) to local single, non-father, non-veteran registrants. The local board may from day to day as the Registration Cards (SSS Form No. 1) are received from the registrars or the State Director of Selective Service, and shall, in any event, not later than September 7, 1948, begin the mailing of Classification Questionnaires (SSS Form No. 100) to all local single, non-father, non-veteran registrants in the sequence of their dates of birth commencing with the oldest. Before mailing to a registrant his Classification Questionnaire (SSS Form No. 100) the local board shall (a) prepare for the registrant a Cover Sheet (SSS Form No. 101) and enter thereon the date of the mailing of the questionnaire, and (b) fill in all blanks on page one of the questionnaire except that no selective service number shall be entered thereon. On September 30, 1948, the local board, unless it has completed such action prior thereto, shall cease the mailing of the Classification Questionnaire (SSS Form No. 100) to registrants under the provisions of this section. Thereafter Classification Questionnaires (SSS Form No. 100) shall be mailed as provided in § 621.9. § 621.9 Μailing Classification Questionnaire (SSS Form No.100). (a) Prior to September 30, 1948, Classification Questionnaires (SSS Form No. 100) shall be mailed to registrants in accordance with the special procedure prescribed in § 621.1. Thereafter, except as provided in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this sec |