period within which said authority may be exercised having been so extended, on October 30, 1947 the President entered into an exclusive trade agreement with the Government of the Republic of Cuba (T. D. 51819 (Customs)), which exclusive trade agreement includes certain portions of other documents made a part thereof and provides for the customs treatment in respect of ordinary customs duties of products of the Republic of Cuba imported into the United States of America; WHEREAS (4) on December 17, 1947 the Protocol of Provisional Application of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was signed by the Government of the Republic of Cuba, and by an exchange of notes signed December 19 and 22, 1947 the Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of Cuba agreed to make provisionally effective on January 1, 1948 tariff concessions and on that date generally to apply the provisions of said exclusive trade agreement; WHEREAS (5) on January 1, 1948 by Proclamation 2764 the President proclaimed such modifications of existing duties and other import restrictions of the United States of America in respect of products of the Republic of Cuba and such continuance of existing customs and excise treatment of products of the Republic of Cuba imported into the United States of America as were then found to be required or appropriate to carry out said exclusive trade agreement on and after January 1, 1948 (13 F. R. 21); 1 Supra. Tariff Act of 1930, paragraph 202 (a).. 211......... WHEREAS (6) paragraph 3 of article I of said general agreement provides in part as follows: 3 The margin of preference on any product in respect of which a preference is permitted under paragraph 2 of this Article but is not specifically set forth as a maxiınum margin of preference in the appropriate Schedule annexed to this Agreement shall not exceed (a) in respect of duties or charges on any product described in such Schedule, the difference between the most-favoured-nation and preferential rates provided for therein; if no preferential rate is provided for, the preferential rate shall for the purposes of this paragraph be taken to be that in force on April 10, 1947, and, if no most-favoured-nation rate is provided for, the margin shall not exceed the difference between the mostfavoured-nation and preferential rates existing on April 10, 1947; (b) in respect of duties or charges on any product not described in the appropriate Schedule, the difference between the mostfavoured-nation and preferential rates existing on April 10, 1947. (T. D. 51802 (Customs)); WHEREAS (7) I, Harry S. Truman, President of the United States of America, determine that the rates of duty and import tax specified in the column at the right of the respective descriptions of products in the following list are maximum rates which may be applied on and after January 1, 1948 to such products in conformity with said paragraph 3 of article I, and that said maximum-rate limitations are required or appropriate to carry out said trade agreement specified in the 1st recital of this proclamation: Description of products Tiles (except floor and wall tiles), however provided for in paragraph 202 (a), Tariff Act of 1930: Valued at not more than 40 cents per square foot...... Valued at more than 40 cents per square foot. Earthenware and crockery ware, including white granite and semiporcelain earthenware, and cream-colored ware, terra cotta, and stoneware; any of the foregoing which are tableware, kitchenware, or table or kitchen utensils, painted, colored, tinted stained, enameled, gilded, printed, ornamented, or decorated in any manner: Plates, not over 656 inches in diameter and valued at 60 cents or more but less than 75 cents per dozen, or over 658 but not over 818 inches in diameter and valued at 70 cents or more but less than 90 cents per dozen, or over 818 but not over 916 inches in diameter and valued at $1.05 or more but less than $1.30 per dozen, or over 916 inches in diameter and valued at $1.25 or more but less than $1.55 per dozen; cups valued at 80 cents or more but less than $1 per dozen; and saucers valued at 50 cents or more but less than 55 cents per dozen: all the foregoing which are composed of a nonvitrified absorbent body not wholly of clay. Plates of the diameters specified above, cups, and saucers; each of the foregoing which is valued at not less than the minimum value specified above for the like article and is composed of a nonvitrified absorbent body wholly of clay and artificially colored. Rate of duty 70 per sq. ft., but not less than 35% nor more than 49% ad val. 42% ad val. 14é per doz. pieces and 42% ad val. 14€ per doz. pieces and 42% ad val. Tariff Act of 1930, paragraph Description of products Rate of duty 226. 368 (c) (6)...... 501.. 601... 603. 605 718 (a)......... 743.... 746747... 751.. 752... 752. 765... 774. 775... 802. 806 (a) 1406.. Ground and polished plano or coquille glasses (except spectacle and 35% ad val. unground, valued at $10 or more per dozen pairs. Parts provided for in paragraph 368 (c) (6), Tariff Act of 1930, if for 452% ad val. Sugars, tank bottoms, sirups of cane juice, melada, concentrated 0.4709375€ per lb. melada, concrete and concentrated molasses, testing by the And for each additional sugar degree shown by the polariscopic test Filler tobacco (except cigarette leaf tobacco) not specially provided for: If unstemmed. If stemmed. NOTE: The rates of duty specified in this item and in item 603 of Pineapples, not in crates and not in bulk.. Guava (except jelly and marmalade); pineapple; mango; pa- Other (except quince, and except orange marmalade, guava 16% ad val. 20% ad val. 1342% ad val. 24% ad val. Guavas, prepared or preserved, and not specially provided for Vegetables in their natural state: Cucumbers, when entered during the period from December 1, 2/%e per lb. Squash 1/hoc per lb. Pimientos, packed in brine or in oil, or prepared or preserved in 44%e per lb. any manner. Ethyl alcohol for beverage purposes.. Naranjilla (solanum quitoense lam) sirup, not specially provided for, containing less than one-half of 1 per centum of alcohol. Printed in less than eight colors (bronze printing to be counted $2.25 per proof gal. Labels and flaps... Cigar bands. Printed in eight or more colors (bronze printing to be counted as two colors): Labels and flaps.. Cigar bands.... 21é per lb. 31é per lb. 28é per lb. 35é per lb. 1527 (c) (2) Articles provided for in paragraph 1527 (c) (2), Tariff Act of 1930, 1529 (a).. 1544. 1558. valued above $5 per dozen pieces, and parts thereof: Mesh bags; parts of mesh bags if the parts are valued at 20 Rate of duty 141st each and 35% ad val. 91% ad val. Parts of articles provided for in paragraph 1527 (c) (2), Tariff Act 91% ad val. Valued at more than $50 and less than $150 per pound...... Rosaries, chaplets, and similar articles of religious devotion, if Banana flour and plantain flour... 84% ad val. 63% ad val. 42% ad val. 14% ad val. Internal Revenue Code, section 2491 (a).... Rate of import tax Fish oil (except cod oil, eulachon oil, herring oil, menhaden oil, 195é per lb. GENERAL NOTES 1. The provisions of this list shall be construed and given the same effect, and the application of collateral provisions of the customs laws of the United States to the provisions of this list shall be determined, insofar as may be practicable, as if each provision of this list appeared respectively in the statutory provision noted in the column at the left of the respective description of articles. 2. Any additional or separate ordinary customs duty provided for in respect of any article described in this list, whether or not imposed under the statutory provision indicated in the column at the left of the description of the article and whether or not temporarily or conditionally inapplicable, shall continue in force until terminated in accordance with law, subject to any reduction, or consolidation with the primary duty, indicated in this list or hereafter provided for, and subject to any temporary or conditional exemption therefrom now or hereafter provided for by law. 3. Wherever in this list the word "entered" is used in any seasonal-rate provision, or in any provision in which the entry of a specified quantity affects the rate, it shall mean "entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption".; WHEREAS (8) I determine that the application of such of the concessions provided for in part I of schedule XX of said general agreement which were withheld from application in accordance with WHEREAS (10) said tariff quota provided for in said item 709 became effective on the first day of the third month of the specified five-month quota period, and I determine that it would be appropriate in order to carry out said trade agreement specified in the 1st recital of this proclamation to limit the quantity of butter dutiable at the rate of 7 cents per pound which may be entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption during the remainder of said Tariff Act of 1930, paragraph 211.. 226. quota period from January 1 to March 31, 1948, inclusive, to a quantity of not more than 30,000,000 pounds; WHEREAS (11) I determine that the addition of the following items to the list set forth in the 8th recital of said proclamation of January 1, 1948 (13 F. R. 23 and 24) is required or appropriate to carry out said exclusive trade agreement specified in the 3rd recital of this proclamation: Description of products Earthenware and crockery ware, including white granite and Plates, not over 656 inches in diameter and valued at 60 cents Plates of the diameters specified above, cups, and saucers; Rate of duty 12é per doz. pieces and 36% ad val. 12é per doz. pieces and 36% ad val. Ground and polished plano or coquille glasses (except spectacle and 30% ad val. 368 (c) (6) ---- Parts provided for in paragraph 368 (c) (6), Tariff Act of 1930, if for 39% ad val. any of the following articles which are valued at more than $10 1527 (c) (2) Articles provided for in paragraph 1527 (c) (2), Tariff Act of 1930, valued above $5 per dozen pieces, and parts thereof: Mesh bags; parts of mesh bags if the parts are valued at 20 cents se each and 30% ad val. 78% ad val. Parts of articles provided for in paragraph 1527 (c) (2), Tariff Act 78% ad val. WHEREAS (12) I determine that, in view of the determination set forth in the 8th recital of this proclamation, the deletion of the first item 506 and item 752 from the list set forth in the 9th recital of said proclamation of January 1, 1948 is required or appropriate to carry out said exclusive trade agreement specified in the 3rd recital of this proclamation; WHEREAS (13) the figure and word "4/5 of" appearing between the words "than" and "the" in the rate of duty specified in the second item 506 in the 9th recital of said proclamation of January 1, 1948 (13 F. R. 24) were inadvertently included therein, and I determine that the deletion of said figure and word "4/5 of" from the rate of duty specified in said second item 506 is required or appropriate to carry out said exclusive trade agreement specified in the 3rd recital of this proclamation on and after January 1, 1948; WHEREAS (14) item 1527 (a) (2) in said 9th recital of the proclamation of January 1, 1948 (13 F. R. 25) was inadvertently misstated in some respects, and I determine that it is required or appropriate to carry out said exclusive trade agreement specified in the 3rd recital of this proclamation that the number of said item 1527 (a) (2) in the 9th recital be changed to "1527 (c) (2)", that there be inserted in the description of products in said item after the word "except" the words and figure "parts of articles valued above $5 per dozen pieces and other", that a final parenthesis be placed after the last word in said description of products, and that the rate in said item be changed to "88% ad val."; AND WHEREAS (15) I determine that it is required or appropriate to carry out said trade agreement specified in the 1st recital of this proclamation and said exclusive trade agreement specified in the 3rd recital hereof that no modifications of existing duties and other import restrictions, and no continuance of existing customs or excise treatment, proclaimed to carry out said trade agreement specified in the 1st recital shall be construed as providing for the preferential customs treatment, in respect of rates of ordinary customs duty, of products of the Republic of Cuba, which customs treatment of products of the Republic of Cuba is provided for in said proclamation of January 1, 1948, as amended; PART I NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Harry S. Truman, President of the United States of America, acting under the authority of said section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, to the end that said trade agreement specified in the 1st recital of this proclamation may be carried out, do hereby proclaim, effective on and after January 1, 1948 and subject to the provisions of said Protocol of Provisional Application: (a) That the rates of duty and import tax specified in the column at the right of the respective descriptions of products listed in the 7th recital of this proclamation shall be applied, subject to the applicable terms, conditions, and qualifications set forth therein, respectively, to articles of the kinds provided for in said descriptions; (b) That the concessions provided for in part I of said schedule XX which are identified in the list set forth in the 8th recital of this proclamation shall no longer be identified in the 8th recital of said proclamation of December 16, 1947 for purposes of applying subdivision (a) of said proclamation of December 16, 1947, and the rates of duty and import tax representing such concessions identified in said 8th recital of this proclamation shall be applied, subject to the applicable terms, conditions, and qualifications set forth in said schedule XX, and in parts I, II, and III, of said general agreement, to articles of the kinds provided for in the descriptions of products in the column at the left of said rates; (c) That not more than 30,000,000 pounds of butter entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption during the period from January 1 to March 31, 1948, inclusive, shall be dutiable at 7 cents per pound; and (d) That the provisions of the foregoing subdivisions (a), (b), and (c) shall not apply to a particular article by virtue of this proclamation if, when the article is entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption, more favorable customs treatment is prescribed therefor by a statute, proclamation, or Executive order then in effect; PART II I DO further proclaim, acting under the authority of said section 350 to the end that said exclusive trade agreement specified in the 3rd recital of this proclamation may be carried out, effective on and after January 1, 1948, and subject to the provisions of said exclusive trade agreement: (a) That the rates of duty specified in the column at the right of the respective descriptions of products listed in the 11th recital of this proclamation shall be applied subject to the applicable terms, conditions, and qualifications set forth therein and in the 8th recital of said proclamation of January 1, 1948, respectively, to products of the Republic of Cuba of the kinds provided for in said descriptions as if said products had been listed in said 8th recital of the proclamation of January 1, 1948, except that no such rate shall be applied to a particular article by virtue of this proclamation if, when the article is entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption, more favorable customs treatment is prescribed for the article by a statute, proclamation, or Executive order then in effect; (b) That the first item 506 and item 752 shall be deleted from the list set forth in the 9th recital of said proclamation of January 1, 1948; (c) That the figure and word "s of" shall be deleted from the rate of duty specified in the second item 506 in the 9th recital of said proclamation of January 1, 1948; and |