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Administrative Committee of the Federal
Register; recommendation respecting
publication of Code of Federal Regula-
tions. See Federal Register Division.
Aeronautical Board; direction and super-
vision of. See Joint Army and Navy

Agriculture Department:

See also Forest Service.
Designation of officers to act in absence,

etc., of Secretary (EO 9967)
Lands, public; restoration of certain
lands in California to location and
entry under mining laws of United
States (EO 10024)

Lands in Puerto Rico; transfer of jur-
isdiction over, to Secretary from Sec-
retary of Interior, for forest pur-
poses (EO 10018)

Stabilization of national economy; au-
thority of Secretary respecting. See

Trade agreements. See Trade agree-

Trade Agreements Committee, Inter-
departmental; representation on

(EO 10004)

Air Coordinating Committee; represen-
tation of Treasury Department on
(EO 9990)

Air Force Day, 1948 (Proc. 2810)
Air Force Department:

Allowances for personnel; regulations

governing granting of:

Per diem allowances for members of
Air Force on duty outside conti-
nental United States or in Alaska
(EO 9976)

Quarters and subsistence allowances
for enlisted men (EO 9976)

Transportation expenses, allowances
for, in excess of lowest first-class
rate in certain cases (EO 9946)

Air Force Departments-Continued

Armed Forces of United States; prior
order prescribing functions and re-
sponsibilities of Air Force as constit-
uent service revoked (EO 9950)

Eight-hour law suspended as to labor-
ers and mechanics employed by De-
partment on public works (EO 9926,

Equality of treatment and opportunity
in armed services; duties of Secre-
tary of Air Force in connection with
Committee on (EO 9981)

President's Committee on Religious and
Moral Welfare and Character Guid-
ance in Armed Forces; Department
to confer with (EO 10013)

Reserve units of armed forces, organ-
ization of (EO 10007)

Air transportation; emergency board to
investigate labor dispute between Na-
tional Airlines, Inc., and employees.
See National Mediation Board.

Airport leased to City of Redmond, Ore-
gon; termination of control by Army
(War) Department. See Army De-

Airspace reservations, establishment over
facilities of Atomic Energy Commiss-
ion. See Atomic Energy Commission.


Alaska Railroad; suspension of eight-
hour law as to mechanics and labor-
ers employed on public works in
Alaska, and provisions regarding
overtime compensation (EO 9969)
Allowances for personnel on duty in.

See Allowances.

Salaries and compensation of Federal
employees in, regulations governing
payment of. See Civil service.

Selective Service registration in. See
Selective Service System.
Allowances for certain personnel:
Foreign Service personnel. See State

Government employees. See Civil serv-
ice; State Department.

Allowances for certain personnel-Con.
Members of various services. See Air
Force Department; Army Depart-
ment; Coast and Geodetic Survey;
Coast Guard; Navy Department;
Public Health Service.

Veterans' Administration beneficiaries
and claimants. See Veterans' Ad-

Armed forces:

See also National Military Establish-

Induction into. See Selective Service

President's Committee on Equality of
Treatment and Opportunity in
Armed Services; establishment and
functions (EO 9981)

President's Committee on Religious and
Moral Welfare and Character Guid-
ance in Armed Forces; establishment
(EO 10013)

Reserve units, organization of (EO

Veterans of. See Veterans.
Armistice Day, 1948 (Proc. 2820)

Arms, ammunition and implements of
war, enumeration of (upon recommen-
dation of National Munitions Control
Board), for purposes of manufacture,
import, and export (Proc. 2776)

Army Day, 1948 (Proc. 2771).

Army Department:

See also Engineers, Corps of
Airport leased to City of Redmond,
Oregon; prior order authorizing con-
trol by Secretary revoked (EO 9938)
Allowances for personnel; regulations

governing granting of:

Per diem allowances for members of
Army on duty outside continental
United States or in Alaska (EO

Quarters and subsistence allowances
for enlisted men (EO 9976)
Transportation expenses, allowances
for, in excess of lowest first-class
rate in certain cases (EO 9946)
Armed Forces of United States; prior
order, prescribing functions and re-
sponsibilities of Army as constituent
service, revoked (EO 9950)
Army Day, 1948 (Proc. 2771)
Chattanooga Boat Yard, Tennessee;
transfer of certain property to Ten-
nessee Valley Authority (EO 10022)
Courts-Martial, Manual for; 1949 (EO

Displaced Persons Commission, assist-
ance to be furnished to, by Depart-
ment (EO 10003)

Army Department-Continued

Eight-hour law suspended as to labor-
ers and mechanics employed by De-
partment on public works (EO 9926,

Equality of treatment and opportunity
in armed services; duties of Secre-
tary of Army in connection with
Committee on (EO 9981)

Examinations, professional, for per-
manent promotion in Regular Army
of officers of the Medical, Dental and
Veterinary Corps; suspension of
(EO 9928)

Hawaii; certain lands within military
reservations in, restored to juris-
diction of Territory of Hawaii:
Kuwili Park Military Reservation
(EO 9951)

Schofield Barracks Military Reserva-
tion and Wheeler Field Military
Reservation (EO 9995)

Joint Army and Navy boards, certain;
direction and supervision of. See
Joint Army and Navy boards.

Military reservations in Hawaii. See

Military tribunals in United States
Zone of Occupation in Germany for
trial and punishment of major war
criminals; compensation and allow-
ances for expenses of certain desig-
nated members and alternate mem-
ber, and appropriate assistance to
them authorized (EO 9917)

National Guard Day, 1948 (Proc.

President's Committee on Religious
and Moral Welfare and Character
Guidance in Armed Forces; Depart-
ment to confer with (EO 10013)

Railroads; possession, control, and op-
eration of listed railroads (EO

Labor disputes between certain
transportation systems and cer-
tain workers represented by Na-
tional Maritime Union of America;
investigation by emergency board.

See National Mediation Board.

Reserve units of armed forces, organ-
ization of (EO 10007)

Selective Service; regulations, etc.

See Selective Service System.
Trade agreements. See Trade agree-

Army and Navy joint boards; direction
and supervision of certain boards, rev-
ocation of former order respecting
(Military Order of October 18, 1948)

[blocks in formation]

See also Committees, boards, etc.
Labor disputes, boards to investigate.
See Labor disputes.

Bonds; payroll savings plan, for pur-
chase of. See Savings bonds.

Brazil, United States of; trade agree-
ments with. See Trade agreements.
Budget Bureau:

Allowances to Federal personnel for
service in foreign areas; functions
of Director respecting (EO 10011)
Foreign aid program; approval of
transfer of funds for, from State
Department to Economic Coopera-
tion Administration (EO 9960)
Preparation, etc., of Executive orders
and proclamations, functions re-
specting (EO 10006)

Burma; modification of trade agree-
ments upon signing of protocol by
Government of. See Trade agree-


Canada; International Joint Commis-
sion-United States and Canada. See
International organizations.

Canal Zone. See Panama Canal Zone.

Cancer Control Month, 1948 (Proc. 2774)
Caribbean Commission. See Interna-
tional organizations.

Ceylon; modification of trade agreements
upon signing of protocol by Govern-
ment of. See Trade agreements.
Chattanooga Boat Yard, Tennessee;
transfer of property to Tennessee Val-
ley Authority. See Tennessee Valley

Child Health Day, 1948 (Proc. 2778)
Children's Emergency Fund, Interna-
tional. See State Department.

China, Republic of:

Aid to, under Foreign Assistance Act
of 1948. See Economic Cooperation

Modification of trade agreements upon
signing of protocol by Republic. See
Trade agreements.

Christmas holiday. See Civil service.
Civil Aeronautics Administration:

Disposal of certain property located in
Philippine Islands. See Philippine

Civil rights program:

Equality of treatment and opportunity
in armed services. See National Mil-
itary Establishment.

Fair employment practices within Fed-
eral establishment. See Civil Serv-

Civil Service:

Allowances, compensation, etc. See
Salaries and compensation; Travel
and transportation.

Appointment of Mrs. Margaret E. Bat-
ick to competitive position in Navy
Department without compliance
with Civil Service Rules (EO 9985)
Christmas holiday; Federal employees
excused from duty one-half day on
December 24, 1948 (EO 10019)

Civil Service Rules; excepted positions:
Positions excepted from examination
(Schedule A); postmasters of
fourth class when compensation
not in excess of $1,300 (EO 10017)

Separation of persons with competi-
tive status from positions listed in
Schedules A and B or excepted by
statute, provisions of prior order
amended (EO 9973)

Competitive status, acquisition of, and
reemployment of certain Govern-
ment personnel appointed or as-
signed to Foreign Service (EO 9932)
Discrimination because of race, reli-
gion, etc.; policy respecting. See
Fair employment practices.

Civil Service-Continued

Eight-hour law; suspension as to me-
chanics and laborers employed on
public works by certain Govern-
ment agencies, and provision for
overtime compensation:

Alaska Railroad (EO 9969)

Army and Air Force Departments
(EO 9926, 9974)

Excepted positions. See Civil Service

Fair employment practices, regulations
governing (EO 9980)
Foreign aid program, personnel em-
ployed in connection with:
See also Salaries and compensation.
Transfer of personnel from State
Department to Economic Cooper-
ation Administration (EO 9960)
Travel of certain Federal personnel
in foreign aid program, without
regard to law requiring travel on
American vessels; functions of
Economic Cooperation Adminis-

tration respecting (EO 9943)

Foreign service, additional compensa-
tion for. See Salaries and compen-

Hospitals, Government; positions filled
by patients (EO 10012)

International organizations, immuni-
ties with respect to employment of
Federal personnel. See main head-
ing International organizations.

Overtime compensation. See Eight-
hour law; Salaries and compensa-

Reemployment rights for Federal em-

Employees transferred to various
agencies; public or private:
International Telecommunication
Union, International Frequency
Registration Board; right of
Paul D. Miles to reemployment
on expiration of five year term
of service, prior order modified
(EO 9949)

National-defense or war work,
public or private agencies for;
termination of reemployment
rights (EO 9952, 9994)

Persons who left Federal service to
serve in armed forces or merchant
marine (EO 9961)


Exclusion of certain personnel from
operation of Civil Service Retire-
ment Act; authorization order
amended with respect to personnel
serving under emergency-in-

[blocks in formation]

Foreign and territorial post salary
differentials and territorial cost-
of-living allowances (EO 10000)
Salaries and compensation of Fed-
eral employees outside continen-
tal United States or in Alaska;
payment regulations (EO 9962)
Hospitals, Government; positions in,
filled by patients (EO 10012)
Leprosy duty of Public Health Serv-
ice employees, additional compen-
sation for (EO 9993)

Overtime compensation for certain
employees for whom eight-hour
law suspended. See Eight-hour

Savings bonds (peacetime), voluntary
payroll savings plan for purchase of;
establishment of interdepartmental
committee (EO 9953)

Separations from excepted positions.
See Excepted positions.
Territorial service, additional compen-
sation for. See Salaries and com-

Travel of Federal personnel:

In foreign aid program. See Foreign
aid program.

Travel and transportation expenses
of civilian officers and employees
transferred from one official sta-
tion to another for permanent

Increased allowances for trans-
portation of household goods
(EO 9997)

Temporary storage expenses (EO

Civil Service Commission:

Exemption of Harry B. Mitchell, mem-
ber, from retirement for age (EO
9956, 10021)

[blocks in formation]

Allowances for personnel, regulations

governing granting of:

Clothing or cash allowances to en-
listed personnel of Coast Guard
and Coast Guard Reserve; prior
regulations superseded (EO 9984)

Per diem allowances for members on
duty outside continental United
States or in Alaska (EO 9976)
Quarters and subsistence allowances

for enlisted men (EO 9976)
Transportation expenses in excess of
lowest first-class rate in certain
cases (EO 9946)

Coast Guard Day (Proc. 2803)
Coat-of-arms, of Vice President. See
Vice President.

Code of Federal Regulations; publication
of 1949 edition by Federal Register Di-
vision, National Archives (EO 9930)
Columbus Day, 1948 (Proc. 2813)
Commerce Department:

See also Civil Aeronautics Administra-
tion; Coast and Geodetic Survey;
Patent Office; Weather Bureau.
Rubber-producing industry, domestic;
functions respecting allocation, spec-
ification, and inventory control of
rubber, import and export control
of certain rubber products, etc. (EO

Stabilization of national economy; au-
thority of Secretary respecting.
See Stabilization.

Commerce Department-Continued

Trade agrements:

See also Trade agreements.
Trade Agreements Committee, In-
on (EO 10004)

Committees, Boards, etc.:

Administrative Committee of the Fed-
eral Register, recommendation re-
specting publication of Code of Fed-
eral Regulations. See Federal Reg-
ister Division.

Air Coordinating Committee; repre-
sentation of Treasury Department
on (EO 9990)

Boards to investigate labor disputes.
See Labor disputes.

Displaced Persons Commission; desig-
nation as agency to make investiga-
tions regarding persons seeking ad-
mission into United States. See
Displaced Persons Commission.

Equality of Treatment and Opportu-
nity in Armed Services, President's
Committee on; establishment and
functions (EO 9981)

Fair Employment Board; establish-
ment and functions (EO 9980)
International boards, committees, etc.
See International organizations.
Joint Army and Navy boards; direction
and supervision of certain boards,
revocation of former order respect-
ing (Military Order of October 18,

National Selective Service Appeal
Board; establishment, functions, etc.
(EO 9988)

Payroll Savings Plan for Purchase of
U. S. Savings Bonds, Interdepart-
mental Committee for; establish-
ment (EO 9953)

President's Advisory Commission on
Relation of Federal Laws to Puerto
Rico; establishment, duties, etc.
(ΕΟ 10005)

President's Committee on Religious
and Moral Welfare and Character
Guidance in Armed Forces, estab-
lishment (EO 10013)

Reciprocity Information, Committee
for; establishment, duties, etc. (EO


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