Creation of a System of Federal Home Loan Banks: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Banking and Currency, United States, Senate, Seventy-second Congress, First Session, on S. 2959, a Bill to Create Federal Home Loan Banks, to Provide for the Supervisiion Thereof and for Other Purposes...U.S. Government Printing Office, 1932 - 703 pages |
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Common terms and phrases
50 per cent amortized amount appraised assets asso bankers BODFISH bonds borrow building and loan building associations capital CLARK collateral committee demand deposits DEVINE Doctor GRIES dollars Federal home loan Federal reserve system foreclosed foreclosures FRIEDLANDER funds going Government home building home loan bank home mortgage home owner home ownership houses institutions insurance companies investment KARR land bank legislation lend LIEBER liquid loan associations loan bank bill LOFGREN mortgage bank mortgage companies mortgage loans National O'BRIEN OAKMAN Ohio organization paid payments present President proposed question Real Estate Boards real-estate Reconstruction Finance Corporation rediscount ROBINSON savings banks second mortgage Secretary LAMONT Senator BULKLEY Senator COUZENS Senator MORRISON Senator TOWNSEND Senator WATSON situation statement thing tion to-day trust companies United unpaid principal Washington Willard Hotel
Popular passages
Page 8 - Examination, consisting of seven members, one to serve for one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four years, one for five years, one for six years and one for seven years, and the successors of each for the term of seven years, who shall be physicians in good standing in their profession, representation to be given...
Page 9 - Whoever makes any statement knowing it to be false or whoever willfully overvalues any security for the purpose of obtaining for himself or for any applicant any loan or extension thereof by renewal, deferment of action, or otherwise, or the acceptance, release or substitution of security therefor, or for the purpose of influencing in any way...
Page 9 - Issued or purporting to have been issued by the corporation, or (4) passes, utters or publishes, or attempts to pass, utter or publish, as true any falsely altered or spurious...
Page 9 - The Corporation shall be entitled to the free use of the United States mails in the same manner as the executive departments of the Government.
Page 8 - Any member appointed to fill a vacancy in the board occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which his predecessor was appointed shall be appointed for the remainder of such term.
Page 9 - ... or (2) passes, utters or publishes, or attempts to pass, utter or publish, any false, forged or counterfeited...
Page 7 - Federal land banks, or to joint stock land banks, and farm loan bonds issued under the provisions of this Act, shall be deemed and held to be instrumentalities of the Government of the United States, and as such they and the income derived therefrom shall be exempt from Federal, State, municipal, and local taxation.
Page 9 - ... or any other body politic or corporate, or any individual, or to deceive any officer, auditor, or examiner...
Page 40 - Such drafts or bills may be acquired by Federal reserve banks in such amounts and subject to such regulations, restrictions, and limitations as may be prescribed by the Federal Reserve Board...
Page 10 - The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to direct and use the Secret Service Division of the Treasury Department to detect, arrest, and deliver into custody of the United States marshal having jurisdiction any person committing any of the offenses punishable under this section.