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acts which he is by this ordinance authorized to do and perform, by transfer of lands to the contracting parties, in lieu of money, when the same can be done with advantage to the city.

SECT. 9. The said Superintendent shall at all times perform such services as may be required of him by the Mayor and Aldermen, in the laying out, alteration or widening of streets, and in the trial or settlement of any and all claims for damages, in consequence of such laying out, alteration or widening, and shall act as Secretary to the Board of Land Commissioners.

SECT. 10. All contracts, deeds, conveyances and leases, made by virtue of this ordinance, shall be signed and executed by the Mayor, in the same manner as if the same were made by order of the City Council, and shall be countersigned by the said Superintendent.

SECT. 11. The said Superintendent shall, at least once in three months, and as often as required, make a true and correct report of his proceedings under this ordinance, and exhibit proper schedules and accounts of all lands sold, moneys received and securities taken, to the Board of Aldermen, which shall be by them sent to the Common Council.

SECT. 12. The said Superintendent shall keep an accurate record or account of all the vacant lands belonging to the city; and whenever any such lands shall be purchased by the city for any purpose, it shall be the duty of the person or persons so purchasing the same to make report thereof forthwith to the said Superintendent.

SECT. 13. All money paid by any purchaser or lessee of the public lands, and all notes, bonds, mortgages and

securities for moneys, arising or accruing from, or in virtue of, any contract made by said Superintendent under this ordinance, shall be paid to and deposited with the Treasurer.

SECT. 14. No conveyance of any estate, in fee or for life, in any lands belonging to the City, shall be delivered until the purchase money is paid; but the Mayor may, from time to time, release to any purchaser or his assigns, any one lot of land, when several lots were included in one contract or bond, on payment of an equivalent portion of the purchase money.

SECT. 15. No expenditure of money, or contract requiring the expenditure of money, shall be made, under or by virtue of this ordinance, without the sanction of the City Council, by an appropriation first made to meet such expenditure.

SECT. 16. No member of the Board of Land Commissioners shall be interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract, bargain, sale or agreement in relation to the public lands, or any matter or thing connected therewith, wherein the city is interested, without an express vote of the City Council; and any and all contracts, bargains, sales or agreements made in violation of this section, shall be at all times voidable by the city.

SECT. 17. The Board of Land Commissioners shall annually, in the month of January, choose one of their number to be Chairman of the Board; and said Board shall be competent to do or perform any act authorized by this ordinance, or which may hereafter be authorized, at any meeting duly notified, when a majority of the members of the Committee on Public Lands, or a majority of the whole Board are present, but not otherwise.

SECT. 18. An Ordinance in relation to Public Lands, passed July 22d, 1850, repealed April 14, 1853, and revived, March 13, 1855, as printed on page 405, of the Revised Ordinances of 1856, is hereby repealed; but such repeal shall not be construed to revive any ordinance whatever. [Passed Dec. 26, 1856.]

An ORDINANCE in addition to An Ordinance in relation to the weighing and marking of Lighters and other vessels, employed in the transportation of certain articles.

Be it ordained by the Aldermen and Common Council of the City of Boston, in City Council assembled, as follows :

SECTION 1. All stones, gravel, sand, or other ballast brought to the City of Boston by water, and sold by weight, to be delivered at any place in the said City of Boston, or into any vessel in the Harbor of said City, shall be inspected by the Inspectors appointed by the City of Boston. Provided, that this section shall not apply to sand sold for building purposes, unless the purchaser thereof shall request an inspection.

SECT. 2. In any case of the sale by weight of stones, gravel, sand, or other ballast to be delivered at any place in the City of Boston, or into any vessel in the harbor of said city, it shall be the duty of one of said inspectors to go on board of the lighter, or other vessel containing the same, and inspect the marks of such lighter or other vessel, before and after the delivery of such stones, gravel, sand, or other ballast; and the persons having charge of such lighter or other vessel shall,

before such delivery, trim the same so as to make said lighter or other vessel swim at equal marks at stem and stern, if so required by the inspector, and shall pump all the water out; and in case any person shall willfully hinder any inspector acting under this ordinance from going on board such lighter or other vessel, or shall begin to deliver therefrom the stones, gravel, sand, or other ballast, sold by weight, before such lighter or other vessel shall be trimmed to swim at equal marks, when so required by the inspector, and the water pumped out, he shall forfeit a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars for every such offence.

SECT. 3. Every person who shall deliver stones, gravel, sand, or other ballast sold by weight, when an inspection of the same is required by this ordinance, or the ordinance to which this is an addition, from any lighter or other vessel, which shall not have been weighed, marked, and inspected, as is provided in this ordinance and the ordinance to which this is an addition, or which shall not have been weighed and marked under previous laws or ordinances, or shall alter or counterfeit the marks or certificate of any lighter, or other vessel, as aforesaid, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding three hundred dollars for every offence.

SECT. 4. The fees for inspecting the weight of stones, sand, gravel, or other ballast, shall be three cents for every ton inspected and delivered, which shall in all cases be paid by the vendor of the same, and shall be repaid to him by the vendee.

SECT. 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately on its passage.

SECT. 6. The third, eighth, and ninth sections of the ordinance to which this is an addition, being the ordinance printed on the fiftieth, fifty-first, and succeeding pages of the "Laws and Ordinances," published by order of the City Council in 1856, are hereby repealed. [Passed Feb. 16, 1857.]

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