Petit, Isaac T.-Danish subject, born in 1858; appointed Consular Agent at Monte Christi May 27, 1895. Phebus, Raymond Archie.-Born in Frederick, Md., June 3. 1895: graduate of McDonough School of Maryland; clerk in Fidelity & Deposit Co., Baltimore, 1912-1917; appointed a clerk, temporarily, in the Department of State, July 3, 1917; permanently at $300, under Civil Service rules, November 1, 1917. Phelan, Raymond.-Born in Brussels, Belgium, of American parents. October 3. 1893; graduated from St. Michel College, Brussels, 1911; French instructor at Mecenas Institute, Port of Spain, Trinidad, 1914-1916; appointed clerk in the American consulate at Trinidad February, 1916; Vice-Consul at Trinidad December 29, 1916. Phelps, Livingston.-Born in Pau, France, of American parents. May 15. 1885; home, New York City; received his education in Austria, France, and England, and is a graduate of Ecole Libre des Sciences Politiques, Paris, 1905, and Harvard University (A. B.). 1907; served as private secretary to the Ambassador at Rome August, 1914, to December, 1915; appointed, after examination (April 10, 1916), Secretary of Embassy or Legation of class four October 2, 1916; assigned to Petrograd October 26, 1916; appointed Secretary of class three July 13, 1917. Philip, Hoffman.-Born in Washington, D. C.. July 13, 1873; educated at the Lawrenceville School, by private tutors, at Magdalen College. Cambridge, and Columbian University law school, Washington; engaged in investigation work for the United States Fish Commission, 1897: member of Troop A, First Volunteer Cavalry, in Spanish-American War. 1898; appointed Deputy Consul-General at Tangier November 6, 1901; Vice and Deputy Consul-General November 18, 1902; Consul-General March 8, 1905; Secretary of Legation and Consul-General January 11, 1906; member of the Mixed Claims Commission at Casa Blanca, 1908; Minister Resident and Consul-General to Abyssinia July 20, 1908; Secretary of the Embassy at Rio de Janeiro December 21, 1999; Secretary of the Embassy at Constantinople June 24, 1910, Chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs. Department of State, February 10, 1912; reappointed Secretary of the Embassy at Constantinople August 22, 1912; Secretary of Embassy or Legation of class one by act approved February 5. 1915; designated and assigned as Counselor of the Embassy at Constantinople July 17, 1916; appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Colombia August 8, 1917. Phillips, William.-Born in Massachusetts May 30, 1878; home, Boston; attended private schools in Boston and Milton Academy and graduated from Harvard University (B. A.), 1900; attended Harvard law school, 1900-1902; served as private secretary to the Ambassador to Great Britain, 1903-1905; appointed Second Secretary of the Legation at Peking March 10, 1905; transferred from the Diplomatic Service to the Department of State as assistant to the Third Assistant Secretary on Far Eastern Affairs. June 1, 1907; designated Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs March 25, 1908; appointed Third Assistant Secretary of State January 11, 1909; Secretary of the Embassy at London September 25, 1909; delegate to the International Congress of Chambers of Commerce and Commercial and Industrial Associations, London, 1910; retired and left London November 16, 1912; appointed Third Assistant Secretary of State March 13, 1914; designated chairman of the National Exposition Commission to represent the Government of the United States at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, August 1, 1914; delegate to the Second Pan-American Scientific Congress, Washington, December, 1915-January. 1916; appointed Assistant Secretary of State January 24, 1917. Philpot, Jeremiah.-British subject, born in Port Hawkesbury February 8, 1854; followed the sea twenty-eight years; retired shipmaster since 1912; appointed Consular Agent at Port Hawkesbury November 2, 1916. Platt, Frederick Paul.-Born in North Bend, Ohio, March 20, 1869; educated in the United States and Ireland; appointed Vice and Deputy Consul at Edinburgh July 5, 1894; ViceConsul at Edinburgh by act approved February 5, 1915. Pickerell, George Henry.-Born in Columbus, Ohio, in 1858; public-school education; engaged in railroading, iron manufacturing, and as a commercial traveler; was secretary of the Crystal Ice & Storage Co. of Youngstown, Ohio; appointed. after examination (September 15, 1898), Consul at St. Michael's September 16, 1898; Consul at Para May 29, 1906; Consul of class five by act approved February 5, 1915; appointed Consul of class four September 14, 1917. Pierce, Maurice Campbell.-Born in Brodhead, Wis., De cember 30, 1887; home, Madison, Wis.; graduate University of Wisconsin (A. B.) 1913; salesman in Chicago and Madison. three years; served as Vice-Consul at Barmen 1914 and clerk in consulate at Zurich 1915; clerk, temporarily, in the Depart ment of State June-September, 1917; appointed, after exami nation (June 18, 1917). Consul of class eight September 14 1917; assigned to Helsingborg November 30, 1917. Pierce, William Arthur.-Born in New Market, Tenn., July 30, 1876; home, Lexington, Miss.; graduate of Vanderbilt University (A. B.), 1899; taught school at Lexington in 1900 and in the Philippines 1901-1904; cashier of a telephone company at Meridian, Miss., 1905; practiced law at Lexington, 1906-1915, was president of the Holmes County Abstract and Title Co: member of the Mississippi Senate, 1910-1912; appointed, after examination (January.25, 1915), Consul of class nine October 18, 1915; assigned to Charlottetown November 22, 1915; ap pointed Consul of class eight September 14, 1917. *Pierrepont, Seth Low.-Retired as Assistant Chief of Dr vision of Latin-American Affairs, Department of State, June, 1913. Register of 1913. Pike, Paul William.-Born in Vernon County, Missouri, July 16, 1896; educated in public schools and in a business college; employed as a stenographer in Chelsea, Okla., in 1916; appointed clerk in the Department of State at Spoo, under Civil Service rules, October 16, 1916; at $1,000 July 28, to be effective August 1, 1917. Pike, William J.-Born in Scranton, Pa., in 1864; home, Hallstead, Pa.; educated in the Oneonta (N. Y.) high school and the Delaware Literary Institute and studied law two years; employed for four years as clerk in the law division of the Eleventh Census; was clerk of the Committee on Education House of Representatives, for nine years; newspaper editor four years; appointed, after examination (April 1, 1903), Consul at Zittau April 29, 1903; detailed as Vice-Consul at Reichenberg July 4, 1906; in charge July 4 to December 1, 1906; appointed Consul at Kehl March 30, 1907; Consul at Reichenberg June 24, 1910; Consul-General at Coburg April 24, 1914: ConsulGeneral of class five by act approved February 5, 1915; appointed Consul of class four July 12, 1916, and assigned to St. Gall. Pinkerton, Lowell Call.-Born in Medora, Ill, October 24 1894; home, Louisiana, Mo.; graduate of William Jewell College (B. A.) 1915; principal, Salisbury High School and superintendent of schools at Clarksville two years; appointed, after examination (June 18, 1917), Consular Assistant September 4, 1917. Pinkett, Archibald S.-Born in Luray, Va., October 8, 18-8; educated at the Howard University (Washington, D. C.) com mercial department (1902) and law department (1906); appointed clerk in the Department of State at $900, under Execu tive order, April 16, 1909; class one January 3, 1910; class two June 22, to be effective July 1, 1916. Pisar, Charles J.-Born in Sheboygan, Wis., June 8, 1890: attended public schools and business college at Sheboygan; engaged in newspaper business in Sheboygan four years; secretary to the auditor of the Deering Works, International Harvester Co., Chicago, three years; private secretary to the president of Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., one year: with R. G. Dun & Co. in Buenos Aires, Argentina, two years; clerk in the American Consulate-General at Buenos Aires 1915 15: appointed Vice-Consul at Buenos Aires December 4, 1915; retired March 31, 1917; appointed Vice-Consul at Cape Town September 14, 1917. *Pitcairn, Hugh.-Retired as Consul-General at Hamburg November, 1908. Died in Hamburg July 19, 1911. Register of 1913. Platt, Roger B.-Born in Bath, N. Y., April 10, 1884; gradu. ated from Haverling high school, roor; attended the Elmira School of Commerce; graduated from Cornell University, 1908; employed as clerk in bank at Hammondsport, N. Y., 1905-6: stenographer; appointed clerk in the Department of State at $900, under Civil Service Rules, January 5, 1910; at $1,000 April 1, 1911; class one August 22, 1912; class two June 22, to be effective July 1, 1916. Pleadwell, Frank L.-Born in Taunton, Mass., August o 1872; appointed assistant surgeon from Mas achusetts October 24, 18,6; passed assistant surgeon October 24, 1899; surgern March 3, 103; medical inspector August 29, 1916; as igneel to duty as Assistant to the Naval Attaché at London May 18, 1916. *Plumacher, Eugene H.-Retired as Consul at Maracaibo April, 1910. Died in Washington, DC., September 25, 1910. Register of 1913. Poillon, Arthur.-Born in New York December 10, 1876; appointed second lieutenant in the Two hundred and first New York Volunteer Infantry July 22, 1898; first lieutenant November 13, 1898; honorably mustered out April 3, 1899; appointed first lieutenant in the Forty-second United States Volunteer Infantry August 17, 1899, and accepted August 23, 1899; honorably discharged June 30, 1901; appointed second lieutenant in the Third Cavalry, United States Army, February 2, 1901; first lieutenant Fourteenth Cavalry April 3, 1901, and accepted June 11, 1901; graduate Mounted Service School, 1910; appointed captain, First Cavalry, September 11, 1911; temporary major of Cavalry August 5, 1917; temporary lieutenant colonel November 23, 1917; assigned to duty as Military Attaché at The Hague April 21, 1915. Polk, Frank Lyon.-Born in New York City September 13, 1871; graduate of Yale University (A. B.), 1894, and Columbia University (LL. B.), 1897; served in the Spanish-American War as a private and captain; practiced law in New York City from 1897 to 1914; member of the municipal civil service commission, 1907-8, and was appointed president thereof January 1, 1908; member of the board of education, 1906-7, and again in 1910; corporation counsel of New York, 1914-15; appointed Counselor for the Department of State August 30, 1915. Polk, Robert.-Born August 15, 1887; appointed an assistant messenger in the Department of State May 8, 1916. Pollock, John R.-Born in Presidio Barracks, Cal., May 22, 1865; educated in public schools and Pacific University two years; in mining business, 1896-1898; in wholesale business since 1899; appointed Consular Agent at Fernie March 26, 1901; Vice-Consul at Fernie August 5, 1908. Ponte, Joseph E.-Born in Caracas, Venezuela, April 5, 1883; educated in the public schools of New York; employed in various capacities by a firm of importers and exporters in New York eleven years; appointed clerk in the American Legation at La Paz June 1, 1909. Pontius, Albert William.-Born in St. Paul, Minn., Augus. 29, 1878; home, St. Paul; business-college and high-school education; was employed as drug clerk; appointed, after examination (February 12, 1903), Student Interpreter in China March 9, 1903; also Vice and Deputy Consul-General at Tientsin November 14, 1905; appointed Vice and Deputy Consul-General at Newchwang December 29, 1906; also Interpreter May 1, 1907; appointed Vice and Deputy Consul-General and also Interpreter at Hankow February 21, 1908; transferred to the Department of State as assistant to the Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs October 16, 1908; appointed Consul at Swatow January 22, 1909; Consul at Chunking January 10, 1910; detailed as Vice-Consul in Charge at Nanking January 1 to May 26, 1910; detailed for special duty at Hankow May 31, 1910; appointed Consul at Dalny August 19, 1911; Consul at Nanking November 24, 1913; Consul at Newchwang May 5, 1914; Consul at Foochow December 19, 1914; Consul of class four by act approved February 5, 1915. Poole, jr., De Witt Clinton.-Born in Vancouver Barracks, Wash., October 28, 1885; graduate of the University of Wisconsin (A. B.), 1906, and George Washington University (M. Dip.), 1910; engaged in newspaper work 1906-1910; appointed, after examination (June 27, 1910), Consular Assistant December 20, 1910; Deputy Consul-General at Berlin October 7, 1911; Vice and Deputy Consul-General March 11, 1912; Vice and Deputy Consul General at Paris February 26, 1914: Vice Consul at Paris February 6, 1915; detailed in the Department of State September 30, 1915; appointed Consul of class eight July 12, 1916, detailed for duty in the Consulate General at Moscow July 17, 1917. *Pooley, Robert Preston.-Retired as Consul at St. Helena June, 1908. Register of 1913. Portugal, José Guilherme Hibbard.-Citizen of Portugal, born in Lisbon June 22, 1883; employed in a clerical capacity in the office of the Beira Alta Railroad Co., 1904-1916; appointed clerk in the American Legation at Lisbon, April 1, 1916. Post, Chandler R.-Born in Detroit, Mich., December 14, 1881; appointed captain of Infantry, National Army, August 5. 1917; assigned to duty as assistant to the Military Attaché at Rome, October 24, 1917. Postlethwaite, Basil Bertram.-Born in Otwell, Ind., August 22, 1882; attended the public and high schools of Otwell and the Indiana State Normal School, Terre Haute, three years; taught 27325-18 -9 in the public schools of Pike County Ind., 1903-1905 and 19071909; clerk in the Census Bureau, Department of Commerce and Labor, 1910-1912; appointed clerk in the Department of State at $900, under Civil Service rules, August 27, 1912; at $1,000 April 8, 1914; class two, June 22 to be effective July 1, 1916; class three July 28, to be eflective August 1, 1917. *Potter, Julian.-Retired as Consul at Nassau January, 1913. Register of 1913. Pottle, Edward Roland.-Born in Warrenton, Ga., July 26, 1893; attended the University of Georgia, 1909-1911; Emory College, Oxford, Ga., 1911-1913 (A. B.); contract clerk for telephone and telegraph company at Atlanta, Ga., two years; appointed clerk in the American Consulate at Bristol July 29, 1916; Vice-Consul at Bristol October 19, 1916; Vice-Consul at Dundee August 9, 1917. Powell, Benjamin N.-British subject, born in England, 1858; manager of an American manufacturing concern; appointed Consular Agent at Scrabaya October 29, 1897. Powell, Henry Lincoln.-Born in Washington, D. C., December 10, 1896; attended the public schools of Washington; employed by firms in Washington 1915-1917; appointed, temporarily, at $480 in the Department of State, June 21, to be effective July 2, 1917; at $600 October 1, 1917. Power, James Reginald.-Born in London, England, July 5, 1885; naturalized in Newark, N. J.; received his early education in England, and pursued architectural studies in Italy, 1905; graduated from Drake Business College, Newark, N. J., 1909; employed with architects and contractors in London 1901-1906; with various firms in Boston, 1906-7; with the Canal Commission on the Canal Zone, 1907-8; with concerns in Newark, N. J., 1909-1915; and in the Department of Agriculture July to October, 1915; appointed clerk in the Department of State at $900, under Civil Service rules, October 2, 1915; class two June 22, to be effective July 1, 1916. *Prees, Griffith W.-Retired as Consul at Swansea June, 1907. Register of 1913. Pressly, Charles Payson.-Born in Abbeville County, S. C., July 14, 1860; attended the public schools of South Carolina and graduated from Erskine College, Due West, S. C. (A. B.), 1880; taught school one year; studied law and was admitted to the bar of South Carolina, 1882; prácticed law at Augusta, Ga., twenty years; appointed Vice-Consul at Grenoble April 4, 1894: Vice and Deputy Consul at Marseille November 27, 1894; Deputy Consul at Bordeaux February 9, 1899, but did not go to post; appointed Vice and Deputy Consul-General at Paris September 19, 1913; Vice-Consul at Paris February 6, 1915. Price, Ernest Batson.-Born in Henzada, Burma, of American parents, October 13, 1890; home, Rochester, N. Y.; took a full course at Wayland Academy, Wisconsin, and graduated from the University of Rochester (A. B.), 1913; spent vacations in farm work in Wisconsin, 1904-1908, and as guide in Algonquin National Park, Canada, 1909-1913; taught school in North Dakota, 1908-9, and was a census enumerator, 1910; appointed, after examination (January 19, 1914), Student Interpreter in China April 4, 1914; Interpreter at Tientsin July 20, 1916; also Vice-Consul at Tientsin August 7, 1916. *Price, Milton Murat.-Died in Paris October 25, 1906, while Consul at Jerez de la Frontera. Register of 1913. Price, William Jennings.-Born in Lancaster, Ky., December 15, 1873; home, Danville, Ky.; graduate of Centre College, A. B. (1892), A. M. (1895), LL. B. (1895); member of the bar, United States Supreme Court; prosecuting attorney of Boyle County, Ky., 1901-1909; member of law faculty of Central University for seven years; appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Panama August 20, 1913. *Prickitt, William A.-Retired as Consul-General at Auckland February, 1914. Register of 1913. Prince Jr., Ulysses S. G.-Born in Leesburg, Va., November 22, 1899; attended the public schools of Washington, D. C., and spent one year in high school; employed as elevator conductor, 1915-1917; appointed, temporarily, at $600 in the Department of State, October 1, 1917. Pugh, Bruce Thomas.-Born in Vanceburg, Ky., October 27, 1852; graduate of Central University (A. B.) 1902; practiced law and was city attorney of Vanceburg 1905-1908; in real scate business in Washington, D. C., 1909-1916; appointed clerk in the American Legation at Bogotá April 22, 1916. Puig, Emilio J.-Born in Brownsville, Tex., September 17, 1873; educated at St. Mary's University, Galveston, Tex., and St. Edward's College, Austin, Tex.; employed by railroad company several years; engaged in various enterprises in Mexico; appointed Vice and Deputy Consul at Matamoros April 29, 1912; Vice-Consul at Matamoros by act approved February 5, 1915. Putnam, John Risley.-Born in Long Branch, N. J., August 16, 1876; home, Hood River, Oreg.; educated at home and in New York schools; assistant in the Chinese maritime customs service, 1896-1908; road builder in New York, 1909-10; farmer in Oregon, 1910-1915; county commissioner of Hood River County, 1912-1915; appointed, after examination (January 19, 1914), Consul of class eight March 2, 1915; detailed as ViceConsul at Barcelona and entered on duty May 13, 1915; assigned to Valencia October 18, 1915. Putney, Albert H.-Born in Boston, Mass., September 28, 1872; graduated from Yale University (A. B.), 1893; Boston University (LL. B), 1895; admitted to the bar of Massachusetts and practiced law in Boston, 1895-1898; admitted to the bar of Illinois and practiced law in Chicago, 1899-1913; admitted to the bar and employed one year in the law department of the Philippine Islands; professor of constitutional and international law at the Illinois College of Law, 1900-1903; dean of the Illinois College of Law, 1904-1912; dean of the Webster College of Law, Chicago, 1912-13; author of various law works, magazine articles, etc.; professor in the National University Law School, 1914-1917; appointed Chief of the Division of Near Pastern Affairs in the Department of State September 12, to take effect xptember 20, 1913. Quann, William Patrick.-Born in Ireland March 17, 1867; naturalized in Chicago, 1897; educated in Ireland; law clerk two years, clerk department of public works, St. Paul, three years, appointed Consular Agent at Aberdeen August 18, 194, Consular Agent at Leicester December 12, 1913; but did w go to post, remained at Aberdeen; resigned July 1, 1915: @poxanted Consular Agent at Kenora September 21, 1916; Consulat Agant at Nanaimo March 16, 1917. Quarton, Harold Barlow. Born in Algona, Iowa, February 2, 1727 wome, Algona graduated from Grinnell (Iowa) College o W, 9%, took three months' graduate work in the University of Colorado; graduated from George Washington Univeraty (M. Dip), 1912, employed in mail department of a natumal bank in Des Moines, Iowa, 1908; principal of the high hod at Victor, Iowa, 1999; principal of the high school at Aspen, tuwa, 1919 11; appointed, after examination (January $697). Concular Acostant March 12, 1912; Deputy ConsulLaaral at Berlin May 27, 1912, Vice and Deputy ConsulGeneral at Berlin July 27, 1914, Vice-Consul at Berlin FebruBy 6, 1914. Vic Consul at Rotterdam February 24, 1917. *uay, Jerome A. Died at his post (Florence) September 94, 1915 Jogaster of 1913 ན་་་་ Quigley, Stephen H. Born in Rockville, Md., September 19, #7 winded private and public schools; graduated from the Baltimore City College in 1997, studied under private tutors, in Baltimore and Washington; emplayed a clerk in 1898, with surveying party on WashingtonWwwville Farmpak in 1799; stenographer in the Montgomery County Court Cixth Maryland judicial district) at various * cmployed in stenographic bureau; appointed in the cancer department of the District of Columbia municitalment in 19d served in the surface division, surveyo's office, and other of the permit clerk, appointed assistant permit clerk in October, 1964, but declined, clerk in the Dejaciment of Juls at yes, under Civil Service rules, October *, ***, ut de July 1, 1905, class two June 15, 1994; class thin May 4. Pye, to take clicct July 1, 1995, acting Chief of the Aturan of Appointments from August 27 to December 2, 1908; debalotto**pre ent the Department of State on the Committee in the focutive Departments Novem *** By padded clock clas: Jour November 2, 1968; class two jum* **. you to take effect July 1, 1909, cla's three Decem Quinlan, Joseph Hernard Born in Burmpton, Iowa, Feb * cducated in private and public schools, salesman, hewlek, teacher, demographier and bookkeeper in variMenu In the United States and Morco; worked in Coast and Garatele Tanvey Dreamy Department, Pot Olhee DeWar Department Grological Survey, and the United Jal Comm*** don on Industrial Relations, appointed #chek, tompowanly, ie the The partinent of State, January 21, 1975. permanently a clerk of class one, under Executive order, June sa, to be effective July 1, 1916 *Ragsdale, James W.-Retired as Consul-General at Hal fax July, 1913. Register of 1913. Rairden, Bradstreet S.-Born in New Orleans, La., Novem ber 7, 1858; educated at the Bath (Me.) public schools and it England; connected with the New York Life Insurance Co as resident secretary at Batavia, Java; appointed Consul at Batavia August 18, 1892; retired September 1, 1897; appointed Vice and Deputy Consul October 5, 1898; reappointed Coas October 10, 1900; Consul of class seven by act approved Fer ruary 5, 1915; assigned to Riviere du Loup July 8, 1916. * Rairden, Frank Bradstreet.-Retired as Student Interpre ter in Turkey, also Vice-Consul at Cairo, April, 1915. Register of 1914. Ralston, Julian Craven.-Born in Lebanon, Ind.. April 15. 1895; graduated from the Indiana University (A. B.), 191 employed in the governor's office, Indianapolis, summers of 1914-1916; in a lawyer's office in Indianapolis, June-September 1917; appointed a clerk, temporarily, at $1,500 in the Depart ment of State, September 10, 1917. Ramsey, Besse L.-Born in Oklahoma; graduate of Business High School Washington; stenographer for a year with a Mem ber of Congress and the National Geographic Society; appointed a clerk, temporarily, in the Department of State, January 6, 1916; permanently at $1,000, under Executive order, June 22, to be effective July 1, 1916. Ramsey, Esther Cushing.-Born in Washington, D. C. educated in the public schools; clerk in a business concern March-July, 1914; appointed a clerk, temporarily, in the De partment of State, August 22, 1914; permanently at $1,000, under Executive order, June 22, to be effective July 1, 1915 class one, temporarily, December 1, 1917. Randolph, John.--Born in Warsaw, N. Y. June 5, 1k. attended the public schools of Warsaw and Niagara Falls, NY, and Niagara Falls High School four years; graduated from Cer nell University (B. A.) 1903; spent one and one-half years t Europe studying French and German; conducted the ma order department of a manufacturing concern in Adams, NY. 1903-1907; clerk in the American Legation at Madrid 191910; while in Spain was for two years correspondent of the Associated Press; sales manager for a nursery company Newark, N. Y.; conducted a mail order department for a lumber company in North Tonawanda, N. Y.; assistant to the assistant Secretary of the Second Pan-American Scientific Congress, held in Washington, D. C., December, 1915-January, 1916: appointed clerk in the American Consulate-General at Moscow September 2, 1916; Vice-Consul at Moscow, March 29, 1917. Ransom, Seymour Herbert Huntt.--Born in Wilmington, N. C., November 28, 1870; attended Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., 1885-1888; Amherst College 1888-18923 (A. B.), 1892. (A. M.), 1893; engaged in teaching 1892-1898; and in newspaper work in the United States and Mexico, stock salesmanship, law-book publishing and real estate business 1900-1917; appointed Vice-Consul at Buenos Aires September 13, 1917. Rasmusen, Bertil Mathias.-Born in Roland, Iowa, November 20, 1862; educated in public schools and the Eastern Iowa Normal School; banker; employed in the Railway Mail Service, 1889-1899; military postal service in Cuba in 1899; Philippine postal service in 1900; appointed Consular Agent at Stavanger August 24, 1903; Consul June 22, 1905; Consul at Bergen January 12, 1910; Consul of class eight by act approved February 5, 1915; appointed Consul of class seven October 18, 1915, and assigned to Goteborg; assigned to Fernie March 20, 1917. Rauber, Margaret E. Born in Wellsville, N. Y.; high school graduate and took a commercial course; clerk and stenographer in business offices in Wellsville 1914-1917; copyist in the Gen eral Land Office, Department of the Interior, February-June, 1917; appointed a clerk, temporarily, at $900 in the Department of State July 2, 1917; at $1,000 October 1, 1917. Ravndal, Gabriel Bie.--Born in Norway June 27, 1865; naturalized; home, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; graduate (B. A. and M. A.) of the Royal University of Norway; studied at the University of Minnesota; engaged in newspaper work; member of House of Representatives of South Dakota; appointed, after examination (January 15, 1998), Consul at Beirut January 22, 1898; Consul at Dawson City June 5, 1905; Consul-General at Beirut June 22, 1906; Consul-General at Constantinople December 19, 1910; delegate on the part of the United States to the Fifth International Congress of Chambers of Commerce, Boston, September 24 to 28, 1912; Consul-General of class three by act approved February 5, 1915; appointed Consul-General of class two March 2, 1915; on detail at Paris, May-November, 1917; assigned to St. Nazaire November 5, 1917. Rawlings, James Edgar.-Born in Prince Georges County. Md., February 26, 1891; educated in the public schools of Maryland and at Strayer's Business College; messenger in a railroad office and a telegraph office 1906-7; telegrapher for the Postal Telegraph Co. 1909-1912; for the Western Union Telegraph Co. 1907-1909, and 1913-1917; appointed a clerk, temporarily, at $1,400 in the Department of State December 13. 1917. Ray, John Arthur.-Born in Orangeville, Tex., July 14, 1879: graduate of Baylor University, A. B. (1898); Yale University, B. A. (1899), M. A. (1903); Docteur de l'Université de Paris, 1906; corporal, First Texas Cavalry, in 1898; instructor in Baylor University, 1901-1903; in Williams College, 1905-6; in the United States Naval Academy, 1906-1909; appointed, after examination (July 7, 1908), Consul at Maskat May 31, 1909; Consul at Maracaibo August 19, 1911; Consul at Sheffield November 24, 1913; Consul at Odessa July 25, 1914; Consul of class six by act approved February 5, 1915. Reat, Samuel C.-Born in Tuscola, Ill., June 14, 1868; home, Tuscola; attended the University of Illinois; graduate of Northwestern University (LL. B.) and of Columbian University (B. S.); employed in the 1900 census; became city attorney of Tuscola, Ill., in 1893; reelected in 1895; owner and business manager of the Tuscola Journal; State examiner of corporations in Illinois, 1908; appointed, after examination (April 7, 1908), Consul at Port Louis June 22, 1908; Consul at Tansui May 31, 1909; Consul at Calgary September 18, 1913; Consul of class seven by act approved February 5, 1915; Consul of class six September 17, 1915, and assigned to Rangoon; assigned to Guatemala July 14, 1916; unassigned. Redles, William Liming.-Born in New Jersey November 1, 1873; appointed second lieutenant in the Marine Corps September 11, 1900; first lieutenant March 3, 1903; captain May 13, 1908; major August 29, 1916; assigned to duty as Attaché at Tokyo January 6, 1915. Reed, Daniel L.-Born February 8, 1877; appointed laborer n the Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department, at $660 per annum April 25, 1906; transferred and appointed assistant messenger in the Department of State August 11, 1909. Reed, Edward.-Born in Garrote, Cal., June 6, 1857; graduate of University of California, 1879; planter; appointed Consular Agent at Livingston April 6, 1901. Reed, Eugene C. A.-Born in Mansfield, Ohio, November 23, 1885; home, Daytona, Fla.; attended the public and high schools of Mansfield, Ohio; Oberlin College two years; University of Pennsylvania two years; Spanish School of Washington; department buyer and advertising manager in a dry goods house in Mansfield, Ohio, 1903-4; employed in factory and as salesman with the Niagara Lithograph Co., Buffalo, 1905-1907; assistant manager and secretary National Rolling Mills, Mansfield, 1910; sales manager granite and marble company, Buffalo, 1911-12; engaged in independent real estate business, 1913-14; appointed Vice-Consul at Halifax July 14, 1915: Vice-Consul at Paris October 10, 1916; appointed, after examination (January 25, 1915). Consul of class eight September 14, 1917, and detailed to Paris. Reed, Leslie Edgar.-Born in St. Paul, Minn., June 12, 1890; home, St. Paul; attended the public schools of St. Paul and graduated from the University of Minnesota (A. B.), 1913; during vacations worked for a motor supply company; appointed, after examination (January 19, 1914), Consular Assistant April 4, 1914; assigned to London August 19, 1914; appointed Vice-Consul at London May 13, 1915; on detail in the Department of State April-July, 1917. Reineck, Walter S.-Born in Gibsonburg, Ohio, December 11, 1887; attended Gibsonburg High School; St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind., 1909-1912 (A. B.); University of Innsbruck, Austria, 1912-1914; employed in banks in Gibsonburg and Fremont, Ohio, 1903-1908; employed during vacations 1910-11 gathering records for an oil company in Gibsonburg; employed in the American Embassy at Vienna since 1914; appointed clerk in the Embassy July 1, 1916. Reinsch, Paul Samuel.-Born in Milwaukee, Wis., June 10, 1869; home, Madison, Wis.; graduate, University of Wisconsin, A. B. (1892), LL. B. (1894), Ph. D. (1898); studied at University of Berlin and at Rome and Paris; assistant professor political science, 1899-1901, and professor, 1901-1913, University of Wisconsin; Roosevelt professor universities of Berlin and Leipzig, 1911-12; delegate of United States, Third Pan-American Conference, Rio de Janeiro, 1906, and Fourth Conference, Buenos Aires, 1910; delegate First Pan-American Scientific Congress, Santiago, 1909; member Pan-American Commission of United States; author of World Politics at the End of the Nineteenth Century as Influenced by the Oriental Situation, Intellectual Currents in the Far East, and many other books, and a contributor to reviews and historical and economic journals; appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to China August 15, 1913. Reitenbach, René Camille.-Born in Somerville, Mass., February 10, 1886; educated in Germany and France; graduate of the École de Commerce, Boulogne-sur-mer; in charge of the manufacturing department of an oil company at Franklin, Pa., and Rouen, France, seven years; appointed Vice and Deputy Consul at Rouen November 29, 1911; Vice-Consul at Rouen by act approved February 5, 1915. Remillard, Horace.-Born in Roxbury, Mass.. August 5, 1885; graduate of Harvard University (A. B.), 1909; edited high-school paper two years; Harvard University guide in summer vacations; translated for publication "Le Nouveau Cynée"; appointed, after examination (May 5, 1909), Student Interpreter in China June 2, 1909; Deputy Consul-General at Hankow January 10, 1912; also Interpreter October 15, 1912; Vice and Deputy Consul-General at Hankow July 21, 1913; Vice and Deputy Consul-General and Interpreter at Tientsin March 17, 1914; Vice and Deputy Consul and Interpreter at Tsingtau April 8, 1914: Vice and Deputy Consul-General and Interpreter at Hankow July 31, 1914; Vice-Consul at Hankow February 6, 1915; Vice Consul and Interpreter at Foochow July 19, 1916; ViceConsul and Interpreter at Swatow September 6, 1916; Consul of class nine April 16, 1917; assigned to Saigon April 21, 1917; appointed Consul of class eight September 14, 1917. Richards, Ernest A.-Born in St. Vincent in 1846; merchant; appointed Consular Agent at St. Vincent February 26, 1897. *Richardson, Charles Francis Phelps.-Retired as Secretary of the Legation at Copenhagen June, 1909. Register of 1913. Richardson, Elliott Verne.-Born in Newburyport, Mass.; March 4, 1868; graduate of Princeton University (A. B.), 1888; took post-graduate courses at Princeton and Johns Hopkins Universities; served on the U. S. S. Badger, April 27-October 27, 1898; salesman, 1888-1894; private secretary, 1896-97; newspaper correspondent and journalist; clerk in Consulate at Sydney, New South Wales, June 1, 1909; appointed Vice and Deputy Consul-General March 25. 1910; Vice-Consul February 6, 1915; appointed, after examination (April 1, 1912), Consul of class nine March 2, 1915; on detail as Vice-Consul at Sydney, Australia 1915-16; on detail in the Department of State March 15-July 10, 1916; assigned to Moncton July 8, 1916; appointed Consul of class eight September 14, 1917. *Richardson, Harry Bentley.-Retired as Consular Assistant also Vice and Deputy Consul at Belgrade May, 1913. Register of 1913. *Richardson, John B.-Retired as Consul at Jalapa August, 1907. Register of 1913. Richardson, Norval.-Born in Vicksburg, Miss., October 8, 1877; educated by private tutors, at Lawrenceville Preparatory School, and one year in Southwestern Presbyterian University; member of the firm of Richardson & Co., of Vicksburg, 1898-1909; author of book and magazine stories; appointed, after examination (May 17, 190)), Second Secretary of the Legation at Habana August 4, 190; Secretary of the Legation at Copenhagen June 29, 1911; retired April 23, 1913; appointed Second Secretary of the Embassy at Rome November 20, 1913; Secretary of Embassy or Legation of class three by act approved February 5, 1915; appointed Secretary of Embassy or Legation of class two August 3, 1916. Ricketts, Charles Magruder.-Born in Washington, D. C., July 19, 1881; attended public and high schools in Washington and Georgetown Law School two years; employed in various capacities by private firms and in Government departments in Washington 1898-1916; appointed a clerk, temporarily, at $900 in the Department of State August 1, 1916; at $1,000 July 1, 1917. Ricketts, Ralph Albert.-Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., April 4, 1894; attended the public schools, a business college, and a law school; clerk in a theater, a printing office, and a newspaper office, 1910-1915; appointed a clerk, temporarily, in the Department of State April 13, 1915; permanently, at $1,000, under Executive order, June 22, to be effective July 1, 1916; appointed clerk class one June 16, 1917. *Riddle, John Wallace.-Retired as Ambassador to Russia September, 1909. Register of 1913. *Ridgely, Benjamin H.-Died in Monterey, October 10, 1908, while Consul-General at Mexico City. Register of 1913. Riggs, Roland Rogers.-Born in Greenwich, Conn., September 16, 1884; appointed a naval cadet from New Jersey, September 29, 1900; ensign, February 2, 1906; lieutenant, February 2, 1909, transferred to the retired list of officers of the Navy, with the rank of lieutenant commander June 30, 1911; assigned to duty as assistant to the Naval Attaché at Rome, October 23, 1917. Ringe, Henry Ralph.-Born in Philadelphia, Pa., August 11, 1886; graduated from the University of Pennsylvania (B. S.) 1906, and attended the law school 1907-8; graduate of Yale University (LL. B) 1909; member of the bar of Pennsylvania; spent five years in Mexico studying law and Spanish; group secretary, Pan-American Financial Conference, 1915; assistant secretary of the United States delegation to the Pan-American Scientific Congress 1915-16, and the American-Mexican Joint Commission, 1916-17; appointed clerk in the American Embassy at Mexico City, February 1, 1917. Rinker, Ella Ruth.-Born in Mount Jackson, Va.; attended the public schools of Virginia, Woodstock High School, Harrisonburg State Female Normal School and took course at Steward's Business College, Washington; taught in the public schools of Virginia; stenographer in the Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C.; appointed a clerk, temporarily, at $900 in the Department of State December 11, 1917. Ripley, Ruth Marie.-Born in Washington, D. C.; educated in public and high schcols; clerk for a telephone company, Washington, D. C., 1912-1917; appointed a clerk, temporarily, at $840 in the Department of State, October 6, 1917; at Sypo October 15, 1917. Ritchie, Lloyd Irving.-Born in Harrisonburg, Va., February 7, 1890; educated in public schools and spent one year in a business college; employed as a stenographer in Virginia, 1910-1915; in the Government service in Washington and Panama 1915-1917; appointed clerk in the American Legation at Panama April 24, 1917. Rivers, Joseph.-Born in New York City May 21, 1867; educated in the public schools of Illinois; employed on farms until 1898; cashier at Rama and Bluefields, Nicaragua, 1898-1900; engaged in export business 1900-1905; general agent of steamship company at Puerto Cortes, Honduras, 1906; manager of properties at Tela, Honduras, 1907-1914; appointed Consular Agent at Tela October 30, 1914. Rives, Eleanor Mullins.-Born in Floyd, Va.; educated in private schools and colleges and at a business school; appointed a clerk, temporarily, in the Department of State, August 7, 1914; permanently at $900, under Executive order, June 22, to be effective July 1, 1916; at $1,000 July 28, to be effective August 1, 1917; reappointed October 22, 1917. *Rives, George Barclay.-Retired as Special Assistant in the American Embassy at Berlin, 1917. Register of 1916. Rix, John Joseph Helsdon.-British subject, born in England October 2, 1857; teacher of English language and literature; appointed clerk in the American Legation at The Hague July 1. 1890. Robbins, Warren Delano.-Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., September 3, 1885; home, Fair Haven, Mass.; attended Groton School and graduated from Harvard University (B. A.), 1908; served as private secretary to the Ministers to Portugal and Argentina 1909-10; appointed, after examination (January 16, 1911). Third Secretary of the Embassy at Paris March 2, 1911, Second Secretary of the Embassy at Mexico City April 24, 1914, but did not go there; appointed Secretary of the Legation at Guatemala May 22, 1914; Secretary of Embassy or Legation of class three by act approved February 5, 1915; assigned to duty in the Division of Latin American Affairs, Department of State, January 26, 1916; to Buenos Aires July 13, 1917; Secretary of class two August 23, 1917. *Robert, Albert W.-Retired as Consul at Algiers December, 1911; died in Troy, N. Y., February 20, 1913. Register of 1913. Roberts, Quincy Franklin.-Born in Cass County, Tex., De cember 6, 1893; home, Wichita Falls, Tex.; graduated from Lawton (Okla.) High School, and attended the United States Naval Academy one year; employed by a wholesale produce firm in Wichita Falls, Tex.; appointed, after examinatica (January 25, 1915), Consular Assistant March 24, 1915; ViceConsulat Venice May 27, 1915: Vice-Consulat Genoa November 5. 1915. Robertson, Frederick Clay.-Born in Wilmington. N. C. February 22, 1895; attended the Wilmington (N. C.) Hi School two years; Baylor University School, Chattanooga Tenn., one year; Charlotte (N. C.) High School one year. Furman University, Greenville, S. C., one year; employe in a clerical capacity by firms in Greenville, S. C., several years; appointed Vice-Consul at Singapore July 5, 1917. Robertson, Frederick Joseph.-British subject, born in St. George's, Bermuda, March 26, 1885; manager for a firm s druggists in St. George's; has acted as American Consular Agent on various occasions; appointed Consular Agent a St. George's August 17, 1917. Robertson, Randolph.-Born in Houston, Tex., June 1, 19. educated in the public schools of Texas; employed in various clerical positions in Corpus Christi and Laredo, Tex., 1909-1915. deputy clerk of the United States District Court at Laredo, Tex., seven years; appointed Vice-Consul at Monterey DecEDber 18, 1915; on detail in the Division of Mexican Affairs, De partment of State August 17 to December 1, 1916. Robertson, Treadwell Ayres.-Born in St. Louis, Mo., Janary 10, 1876; educated in public and private schools, St. Louis Military Academy, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute manager and secretary of various companies; appointed Deputy Consul-General at Monterey August 4, 1903; Vice and Deputy Consul-General November 25, 1903; retired Septem ber, 1904; appointed Vice and Deputy Consul-General at Monterey February 8, 1905; Vice-Consul at Monterey Febru ary 6, 1915. Robertson, William Henry.-Born in Botetourt County, Va. June 26, 1863; home, Richmond, Va.; education obtained by private tuition, at private schools, and at the University of Virginia; engaged in business in Washington, D. C., 1884-85 entered financial business in New York and Washington in 1901; appointed Commercial Agent at Moncton October is 1885; Commercial Agent at Yarmouth February 15, 1886; Commercial Agent at Port Hope January 31, 1888; Consul at st Gall January 12, 1889; retired May 5, 1891; appointed Consul at Hamburg June 8, 1893: retired 1897: appointed Consular Agent at Arnprior December 5, 1900; retired March, 191 appointed, after examination (July 9, 1907), Consul at Goteborg August 15, 1907; Consul-General at Tangier January 13, 1909 Consul-General at Callao May 2, 1910; Consul at Manchester June 5, 1913; Consul of class two by act approved February 5. 1915; appointed Consul-General of class two February 22, 1915, and assigned to Buenos Aires. Robinson, Ben Hudson. Born in Fort McKavett, Tex. July 23, 1885; public school graduate; engaged in mercantile, mining, and shipping business in the United States, Central America, China, and Mexico; secretary to expeditionary quartermaster in Mexico March, 1916, to February, 1917; secretary to the United States military attaché in Mexico February August, 1917; appointed clerk in the American Embassy at Mexico City August 16, 1917. Robinson, Minnie Jane.-Born in Montreal, Canada; attended public schools in Winnipeg, Canada, high school in St. Paul, Minn., and studied under private tutor; employed as stenographer and clerk in various offices 1900-1900 and 19101917; appointed a clerk, temporarily, at $900 in the Department of State June 9, 1917; at $1,000 October 1, 1917. Roby, Albert Sidney.-Born in New Orleans, La., July 1. 1887; educated in the grammar and high schools of New Orleans; employed by the Illinois Central Railroad at New Orleans, 1903-1907; with banking and trust companies in New Orleans, 1907-1912; employed in Bluefields, Nicaragua, 1912-1914; with sugar and distilling company at Ceiba, Honduras, 1914-15: manager of a branch bank in Puerto Cortes; appointed ViceConsul at Puerto Cortes January 10, 1916. |