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useless to have attempted any obliteration of their trail, which would have at once been picked up by the unerring eye of any savage who might have crossed it.

Elisha, however, needed no particular consideration from his father when it came to a point of woodcraft, and although he had spoken but little as they pressed forward, his trained faculties had fully grasped all that had impressed the older man. He was leading the way boldly, in the gathering darkness of the afternoon, when he suddenly stopped short and raised a warning hand. Far off, down the gentle slope of the valley to the right, came the sharp howl of a wolf, and immediately, from some distance to their rear, came a faint echoing howl. A slight nod from Osias to the lad showed their mutual understanding. Clever imitations though they were, those howls came from the throats of no wolves-no four-legged ones, at least they well knew.

Bending quickly to the left, the two travelers made what speed they could, in the now uncertain light, directly toward the river, their only hope of baffling any pursuers; for it was plain that their trail had been noticed in some way, and the direction of their journey could be only too readily surmised.

Night had fallen when they arrived at the river-bank. The stream was found to be running full and too swift to risk crossing in the dark. They moved along with great caution, but it was impossible to avoid some slight noises, and the brushing of a bush or the snapping of a branch made an appallingly loud sound in the dead silence around them.

They had worked along down the river until they had reached the mouth of the narrow valley through which the stream ran for a long distance, and judged that they were still some ten miles from the settlement on the Mahoning, when they stopped for a short breathing-spell. It had been slow and exhausting travel, but the lad would have pressed on, in his excitement, had it not been for the restraining hand of his father. they sat on a boulder by the side of the river, nothing could be heard but the rush of the water before them.

They had rested but a few minutes and had risen to resume their journey, when, with a suddenness that seemed impossible, they were surrounded in a moment by dark forms, and a wild, triumphant, savage yell arose above the roar of the river. They were in the hands of the red men, who had trailed

them so swiftly and so silently that they might have been shadows of the night.

MEANWHILE, all had gone as peacefully as usual at the Bethlehem settlement, and little Prue marked with impatience the slow passage of time until the Christmas eve should arrive. No child in the whole community could sing more heartily the beautiful chorals of the Holy Eve vigils, and this year in addition she joyfully anticipated the treat of being allowed to stay up until the hour when the newly formed trombone choir should send forth for the first time its impressive and touching strains from the little belfry over the settlement. Young as she was, she treasured the mind pictures of that joyous season: the whole community singing together, the childish voices by no means least; the distribution of the lighted beeswax candles during the singing of the last choral, the beautiful significance of which even her youthful mind could appreciate; the careful guarding of the Light all the way home; the transferring of it to the Christmas candle in the window; to say nothing of the little spruce-tree on its stand in the corner of the room, which would show bravely a dozen lights on the holy morThese simple joys of the Christmastide were held very dear in her stanch little heart, and so supreme was her confidence in the Light, that no slightest doubt entered her mind but that her father and Elisha would surely find their way home before it waned.


But no such assurance was in the heart of the mother. Only to-day, the day before Christmas, the friendly Shawano Paxinosa, passing through the settlement, bound toward the north, had given warning that several large parties of Delawares and Shawanos were known to be somewhere in the region above Mahoning Creek, though what their purpose was he was not able to say. Rachel Ware did not dare to dwell upon the possibilities which lay in this information. Toward evening, when no sign of the travelers had yet appeared, she had even gone so far as to hint of savage dangers and to suggest barring fast the windows, but she was somewhat abashed at the instant expression of absolute faith on the part of her little Prudence.

"Wouldst thou bar in the Light, Motherthe guiding Light of the Christmas Eve? And the father looking to my promise?"

"Thou 'rt right, little one. Let it shine," said the mother, with a prayer in her heart



"TRULY, THY CHRISTMAS CANDLE HAS CARRIED THE LIGHT TO THIS HOUSE, LITTLE ONE!'" When daylight broke on that day before Christmas, Osias Ware and Elisha soon saw that escape from their captors was an impossibility. Reinforcements had gathered in the early hours, and as nearly as they could reckon, they were in the hands of a band of at least eighty savages. It had also begun to snow, in that steady fashion which betokens no light fall, and as the first soft flakes touched his face, Osias was obliged to admit to himself that there was almost no chance of successfully breaking away. He was fairly acquainted with the native tongues, and it was not long before he realized that an attack was to be made shortly on one of the Lehigh settlements, though for what reason was not apparent. These communities were well known for their efforts in converting the red man, and for their doctrine of brotherhood and peace. Yet the smith could not help reflecting, with some bitterness, on the rapacity of many of the whites, whose dealings with these simple people had,

in many instances, been such as to instill revengeful feelings in their wild hearts. His own safety, and even that of Elisha, concerned him not so much as the thought of the fate that might possibly await Rachel and little Prue and the other gentle souls of that blameless community, should the present expedition be directed against Bethlehem.

Late in the morning, the band took up its march down the valley, with the captives closely guarded on all sides, and when a wide detour was made around the settlement on the Mahoning, it became evident that the Bethlehem community was the objective point. This was soon confirmed by the extra caution used in travel, and the number of scouts sent forward.

At nightfall the party was still about five miles above Bethlehem, and, after a short halt, proceeded very carefully in the darkness and drifting snow, finally reaching a lurking-place on the foot of Calypso Island, from which the few scattered lights of the

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little village were plainly visible through the trees. Deep silence reigned everywhere, and Osias Ware pictured to himself the innocent homes in which, even now, the Christmas candles had been placed in the window, breathing the spirit of peace and good will and sending forth the Light in confidence and without fear. He had calmly thought on the possibility of giving the alarm by one wild cry, though knowing it would be his last, but he feared that he might only precipitate matters, and he was likewise well aware that no hand would be raised in hostility to the red men. And now there came suddenly to him an inspiration, born of his sad reflections on the simple and beautiful customs of the Holy Eve, and he resolved to make at least one attempt to save his family and his neighbors, by strategy if not by force.

Solemnly addressing the silent band of savages about him in low, but expressive, voice, he said:

"Brethren, why will ye bring down the wrath of the Great Spirit upon yourselves by doing mischief unto them who have ever been at peace with their red brothers and mindful only of their good? Ye will not listen to me? Then the Great Spirit will Himself bid ye go hence and do no harm."

Scarcely had he finished speaking when there floated down over the woodland and river the solemn and impressive tones of a voice new to those savage men of the foresta Christmas choral from the trombone choir in the little belfry on the hill. As the soft notes were borne to them in the darkness, the savages stood silent and in awe, listening intently to the strange voice of the Great Spirit; and when the tones finally died away, a brief conference was held. Then, following their leader, they made the sign of peace to Osias and Elisha and withdrew into the night.

With deep thankfulness in their hearts, the father and son made their way to the ford, and then toward home with all possible speed. As they took their way up the Monocacy, they saw straight ahead through the still falling snowflakes a little twinkling light, as a guiding outpost in the darkness; and joyful was the reunion a few minutes later when Rachel had clasped Elisha to her heart and little Prue was caught up in her father's



"Truly, thy Christmas candle has carried the Light to this house, little one!" cried the father, devoutly, as he once again kissed her on both rosy cheeks.

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Timothy Tubbs: "It is certainly funny

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Whatever folks did when they did n't have money:
To-day on my way to the school-house said I,
"That ball in the window I'm going to buy';
But I hadn't the money to do as I planned;
Lanky Hopkins came in with a coin in his hand
And bought it. Gee!, did n't he think he was grand!
Before they made dollars and quarters and dimes,
They must have had very embarrassing times.
"They must, that's a fact!" agreed Oliver Grimes.
They took down some books from the library shelves;
Said Timothy Tubbs: "We will look for ourselves
we can, what the world was about

And find, if

When there was n't a cent
To be taken or spent."

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Quite right," agreed Oliver; "let us find out."
They delved in the past many centuries back-
So far back, indeed, that statistics we lack;
But they turned page by page
Till they came to the stage

Of hunting,where currency, really begins,
When savages traded with animal skins.
They followed it down to the pastoral stage;
Becoming domestic were beasts of that age;
And instead of the skin alone serving for pelf,
The currency then was the creature itself.
And they read that this practice quite common became
In Ireland. and Iceland; in Rome 'twas the same;
Italian tribes dealt not in money or stocks,

But they valued ten sheep at the price of one
And Zulus and Kaffirs were happy or sad

According to how many


they had.

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Said Timothy Tubbs, "Those were very strange times."
"I should
say that they were!" agreed Oliver Grimes.

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t didn't take long for the lads to discover
That money is this thing and that and the other:
Wampum, or feathers, or stones,if you wish;
Articles measured or weighed in a dish-

From a quill full of salt to a quintal of fish;
In India, cowries the purpose avail;
The Fijian trades with the teeth of a whale;
The native Australian has taken a whim
That greenstone and ochre are money to him;
While in British Columbia, Indians find
Their haiqua- shell currency quite, to their mind,
And prove that a unit of value comes in
By calling each string worth a prime beaver's skin.

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And gold, to be sure; and beyond any doubt,
They've driven their other competitors out.
Said Timothy Tubbs: "I am glad you and I
Have dollars to pay for the things that we buy;
And not being clever at fractions myself,
I'm glad it's so easy to reckon the pelf,
Since wise Thomas Jefferson showed his good sense
By changing our money from shillings and pence
To a decimal system of dollars and cents.
These are certainly quite satisfactory times."
"They are for a fact!"
agreed Oliver Grimes.

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