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No. 32 Congress Street, Boston.


In Board of Aldermen, Monday, July 29, 1861.

THE Committee on Paving, on the petition of the Suffolk Railroad Company, for leave to enter upon and use the Metropolitan Railroad, &c., and the orders of notice thereon, would report that they have thoroughly considered the various propositions of said Company which have been brought before them, and would report the accompanying order as embracing all that the public wants require.

For the Committee,




In Board of Aldermen, Monday, July 29, 1861.

ORDERED: In addition to the rights heretofore granted to 2 the Suffolk Railroad Company to lay down tracks in the 3 streets of the city of Boston, the said Company shall have 4 the further right to connect their track now down at the 5 corner of Washington and Boylston Streets with the track 6 of the Metropolitan Railroad in said Boylston Street, with 7 the right to enter upon and use the tracks of said Metro8 politan Railroad in Cornhill, Washington, Boylston, and 9 Tremont Streets, and the open space lying southerly of 10 Scollay's Building, agreeably to the provisions of the second 11 section of the 191st Chapter of the Acts of the General 12 Court of Massachusetts, passed April 10, 1861, concerning 13 the Suffolk Railroad Company.

Also the further right to construct and maintain a curve 2 track, commencing at or near the corner of Hanover and 3 Fleet Streets to connect with their present track in Hanover 4 Street, thence with a single track in the centre of Fleet 5 Street to a point where the same will connect with their 6 track in said Fleet Street, nearly opposite Moon Street.

Also the further right to construct turnout tracks in 2 Hanover Street, as follows: One turnout at or near the 3 head of Salem Street; one turnout easterly of Cross Street,

4 nearly opposite the Police Station-house; one turnout 5 easterly of Richmond Street, nearly opposite the Meth6 odist Church. The length and manner of constructing the 7 foregoing turnouts to be determined by the Committee on 8 Paving and Superintendent of Streets.

The right to run the cars over the tracks of the Metro2 politan Railroad in Cornhill, Washington, Boylston, and 3 Tremont Streets, and the open space in front of Scollay's 4 Building, and to lay down tracks in Fleet Street, and con5 struct turnouts in Hanover Street, as before mentioned, is 6 granted under the express proviso and condition that the said 7 Suffolk Railroad Company shall run no cars or allow any 8 cars to be run from without the limits of the city over the 9 tracks of the Metropolitan Railroad, and the number of cars 10 that shall be allowed to be run over the tracks of said 11 Metropolitan Railroad shall be determined from time to 12 time by the Board of Aldermen for the time being.

Also under the further express proviso and condition that 2 the said Suffolk Railroad Company shall make a correct 3 return to the Board of Aldermen of the number of cars 4 used and run upon any of the tracks of the said Suffolk 5 Railroad, from without the city of Boston; also of all cars. 6 run in connection with cars from without the city for the 7 purpose of receiving passengers from or conveying passen8 gers to cars from without the city of Boston, and shall pay 9 into the City treasury for each successive six months, ending 10 with the months of December and June in each year, the 11 sum of fifteen dollars for each car as before mentioned 12 run over the tracks of the said Suffolk Railroad, within ten 13 days from the day said return was due; provided that said 14 sum may be at any time increased or decreased by the Board 15 of Aldermen, whenever it shall see fit; and provided, further, 16 that said Company shall acquire no right not otherwise 17 granted to it by the payment of said sum.

Also under the further express proviso and condition that 2 said Suffolk Railroad Company shall at all times after the 3 rails are laid down keep in good order and complete repair 4 the whole of the roadway or cartway of the streets in which 5 the tracks are located by this order, at their own expense, 6 and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets; 7 and whenever the Board of Aldermen shall, from time to 8 time, determine and order that any of the said streets 9 through and in which the tracks are located, by the terms 10 and under the authority of this order, shall be repaved with 11 what they shall deem to be the best of stone material, the 12 whole expense of such paving shall be paid by the said 13 Suffolk Railroad Company, the work to be done by the 14 Superintendent of Streets, under the authority of the Board 15 of Aldermen.

Also under the further express proviso and condition, that 2 in the construction of the said tracks and turnouts, granite 3 blocks, of such dimensions as the Superintendent of Streets 4 shall direct, shall be laid down inside and outside of each 5 rail.

Also under the further express proviso and condition, that 2 the whole work of laying down the track granted by this 3 order, shall be done under the direction and to the satis4 faction of the Committee on Paving and the Superintend5 ent of Streets. Also that the form of rail to be used shall 6 be satisfactory to the Committee on Paving and Superin7 tendent of Streets, and shall be approved by them.

Also under the further express proviso and condition, that 2 the compensation to be paid by the Suffolk Railroad Com3 pany to the Metropolitan Railroad Company, for running 4 their cars over the track of the said Metropolitan Railroad, 5 shall be such as the Board of Aldermen for the time being 6 shall prescribe, if the two corporations do not mutually 7 agree upon the terms.

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