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I have now the honor to submit to the City Council my Annual Report of the financial affairs of that year, being the Forty-ninth of the series of similar Reports.

The Receipts into the Treasury, per Treasurer's Accounts, from all sources, have been $4,857,736 35 The Balance on hand at the commencement of the year was

The Payments per his account have been

Leaving a balance in the Treasury at
the close of the year of

Of the Expenditures, the amount re-
quired for COUNTY PURPOSES was
The Income from that source being only

583,032 59 $5,440,768 94

Leaves a balance against the County of

4,607,802 33

$832,966 61

$174,850 24

84,007 74 $90,842 50

The Balance in the Treasury at the close of the year is chargeable with the following payments, being in most cases the excess of Loans obtained for certain works over the payments thus far made for those purposes, viz:

Completing the new Phillips School

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Amount brought forward

Widening North Street

Raising the grade of Dover Street
Raising the grade of Tremont Street
Building South City Stables

Completing Survey of Boston Inner Har


Completing the Poplar Street Primary

School House

Amount due the Public Library, being
the unexpended balance of interest on
their trust funds

Amount due the Trustees of Mount Hope
Cemetery for proceeds of sale of lots
and other sources of Revenue, which
is reserved for their use.
Amount paid into the Treasury by cer-
tain Horse Railroads, as stated in last
year's report

Amount of Water Scrip due this year

$229,981 13

25,531 04

14,553 37

4,190 65

9,100 00

6,414 90

1,820 10

762 88

1,761 34

14,000 00

and charged off by the Auditor, but

not yet called for at the Treasury, the interest on which is stopped Amount of City Debt similarly situated

26,000 00

3,000 00 $337,115 41

And there is to be added thereto the sum of $50,173 71, being amounts advanced by the Treasurer on Loans which have been authorized, but not yet obtained.

The final balance in the treasury applicable to the sinking fund for the reduction of the City Debt will be $546,018 91.

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CITY DEBTS.-There has been paid off this year, the City Debt proper, the sum of $198,800 00, and of the Water Debt the sum of $391,000.00, making a total payment on the consolidated debt of $589,800 00. Of this amount only $220,000 was raised by taxation, the balance having been supplied from the amount in the Treasury last year to the credit of the Committee on the Reduction of the City Debt, or the Sinking Fund, as shown in last year's report, page 225. The loans negotiated in this financial year have amounted to $992,700, of which $271,500 were authorized in the year 1859-60. These loans were for the following objects, viz:

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The doings of the year, result in a net increase of the Consolidated Debt of the City to the amount of $402,900, which, it will be perceived, is but little more than the amount of the Water Debt, which we have

paid off. To meet this debt there is a balance of cash in the Treasury of $546,018 91-besides $442,897 70 in Bonds and Mortgages. The nominal Water Debt on the 1st of May last, was $3,455,211 11. This debt is being paid off as fast as it becomes due. On the first of April next, $409,500 will be due, but only $70,000 between that time and 1st April, 1871. The last payments become due in the year 1877-78. As to this Water Debt, it should be observed that the real Water Debt is in fact the actual cost of the Water Works up to the 30th April last, viz: $6,145,304 67; as all the receipts thus far have been insufficient to meet the interest on the cost and the expenses of extension and carrying on the works, so that all the payments thus far made in reduction of that debt have been necessarily made from City funds; or in other words were mere transfers from the Water Debt to the City Debt. On this view of the case our consolidated Debt on the 30th April last, would stand as follows:

Water Debt, due to the City
To other parties

$2,690,093 56

City Debt proper

3,455,211 11

6,145,304 67

2,749,195 10

$8,894,499 77

SCHOOLS. The whole Expenditure during the year for Schools, School Houses, and furniture has been 628,549 28, the details of which will be found under the head of Schools, in the account of Expenditures. This is a much larger amount than has ever been expended before in one year.

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The current expenses of the year, exclusive of the cost of houses, has been $ 398,282 24 against

$373,668 61 last year. This increase is due mainly to the increase of the number of pupils to be instructed, no change having been made in the salaries of teachers or school officers. The expenditure for School Houses and sites has been $230,267 04 against $144,202 67 last year. Of this amount, about $100,000 have been paid for lots and the erection and improvement of buildings for Primary Schools, viz: for the building on Suffolk Street, exclusive of land, $26,070 14; for the building and lot on High Street Place, $27,568 04; for the building and lot on Poplar Street, $31,179 90; for the alteration of the Old Dwight Grammar School House on Concord Street, to adapt it to the use of Primary Schools, $17,046 99. These buildings contain ample accommodations for thirty-two schools, with nearly two thousand pupils. The Everett Grammar School House on Northampton Street, commenced last year, has been completed the cost of the house and furniture being $53,198 86, exclusive of the lot which was owned by the City, the value of which is estimated at $27,000, making the total cost $80,200. A lot on the corner of Southac and West Centre Streets, containing 9,700 feet, has been purchased at the cost of $29,100, on which a house is building for the Phillips Grammar School. A lot has been purchased on South Street, costing $45,100, on which a house will be completed the present season, for the accommodation of the surplus pupils of the Boylston and Winthrop Grammar Schools. After the improvements in school build

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