WILLIAM W. TURNER, PRESIDENT ROBERT E. LAMB, HORACE B. FORMAN, JR., SEC. AND TREAS. Turner-Forman Concrete Steel Co. COMMONWEALTH BUILDING 12th and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia Engineers and Contractors FOR ALL CLASSES OF CONCRETE BUILDINGS Schools, Hospitals and Institutional Buildings, Factories and Warehouses SOME ADVANTAGES OF REINFORCED 1. Offers greatest resistance to fire with most economical cost. II. Secures lowest insurance rates issued. III. Cost of maintenance and repairs a mere trifle. IV. Rapid construction possible on account of absence of delays due to milled materials. V. Plans may be changed during progress of construction VI. work, without involving delays. Maximum window areas obtained. VII. Floors permanent and sanitary. With this material of construction available, all buildings should be fireproof. Our system of construction and supervision secures best possible results. • Sales agents for reinforcing steel and mauufacturers of reinforcing frames. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Write for Catalogue "C". The Advent of the Underwood Standard Type- Write for particulars. Underwood Typewriter Co. Branches the MANUFACTURERS NEW BUILDING OF OUR LADY OF MERCY ACADEMY. PITTSBURGH Erected by Thomas Reilly, Contractor and Builder, of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh This illustration of the new building of the Academy is made from a drawing direct. The building was planned by Edward Stotz of Pittsburgh, under the direct supervision of Sister Sebastian, Mother Superior of the Pittsburgh diocese, and built by Thomas Reilly has erected numerous large structures throughout the country. He is fully equipped with St. Paul's Cathedral, St. Francis' Hospital, Third Presbyterian Church, and the Willis McCook residence, Pittsburg, Brooklyn College, New York, Church of the Sacred Heart, Baltimore, Md., and St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia, Pa., are buildings erected by Mr. Reilly, that have given him much prestige in this line |