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Prof. Böckh of Berlin.

871 had studied it through. The other members were silent listeners; and, since they knew not more of the matter in dispute than what they heard from the mouth of the opponent, were not always much interested. Hermann had the last word. The Society assembled on Fridays, at five, around the same table, as above. The compositions were all critical. Each member, by turns, laid down the fruits of eight or more months' studies before the eyes of his adversary, who labored generally in the same or a neighboring field, and of the president. In the course of the disputation, he soon became convinced of his fallibility, how brilliant soever the general results of his researches might have been. Many discoveries respecting Greek authors, grammar, history, philoso phy, antiquities, etc., were here spoken of for the first time.

Hermann is dead. The society is closed. But the grateful remembrance of the living members and the literary productions of the de ceased ones, will never cease to make known Hermann's amiability and scholarship to the coming generations. To speak further of the extent and importance of Hermann's school seems to be superfluous It will be understood, that the number of all his pupils, who studied philology under him without becoming members of his society, is more than twenty times larger, to say nothing of such as attended his lec tures for one or two terms.

In Berlin, the philological department is represented by illustrious names, and Böckh's "school" is often mentioned not next, but beside and in opposition to Hermann's school. And, indeed, who does not admire the learning of the editor of Pindar, Corpus inscriptionum Gr., Philolaos, 1819, Plat. Min. 1806, of the author of Staatshaushalt. d. Ath., de Trag. Graec. Principibus, 1808, and of the many excellent essays in the "Abhandlungen der Berl. Akademie," etc. His antiquarian learning and historical sagacity, combined with a profound knowledge of the Greek language and literature, make him a worthy successor of the celebrated founder of the "Alterthumswissenschaft" (science of antiquity), F. A. Wolf (prof. first in Halle; then in Berlin, 1824. "Darst, der Alterthumsw. nach Begriff, Umfang, Zweck und Werth" im Mu. seum der Alterthumsw. Berl. 1847. Vorl. über Encyclopädie der A., her. 1881.). And in this respect he is perfectly equal to Hermann, in whom the most thorough acquaintance with all the grammatical, metrical, critical, and aesthetical niceties was combined with a profound knowledge of Greek antiquities. That he has been considered inferior to Hermann as teacher, may lie, therefore, not in the measure of learning or talent, but in the very differences which made them separate leaders. Right understanding and tasteful explanation of the classics is the chief thing, to which all the future professors of philology aspire,

and in the same degree as the systematical book on antiquities may be a treasure for students of all countries and time, the variegated lecture on an author will be the best teacher of an audience eager to learn method and skill not to be acquired out of books. Böckh and Hermann were obliged to make the reading of classics their principal business as professors; and though Böckh certainly is an excellent expounder, plain, clear, and exact, Hermann had the advantage of being in his proper sphere, and thus could not be either surpassed or reached. And as to antiquities of all kinds, though he never attained the systematical accuracy of Böckh, O. Müller, or Wachsmuth, the sporadical flashes of lightning which, here and there, penetrated the darkness of antiquity, sufficed to the hearer who was either acquainted already with the common materials, or could supply at home the deficiencies by reading the respective standard books. What Hermann has been for the classical studies, is Böckh for the studies of antiquity; yet it is natural, that they continually crossed each other's ways, so however, that Hermann used the antiquities, and Böckh the classics merely as instruments. Hence as Hermann's school has been productive of excellent classical teachers and critics, so Böckh's disciples have enriched the historical and antiquarian literature by valua ble books and monographies. But many philologists of the Berlin school are distinguished by peculiar excellences. The following members of the Greek Society at Leipzig, Leopold Ranke, the great historian, W. A. Beckert, Ed. Platner, "der griech. Process," "Stadt Rom."+ C. F. Hermann, P. O. in Göttingen, author of "Staatsalterthümer," Westermann, etc., are well known for their historical or archaeological learning. But it will not be forgotten, that this branch was represented in Leipzig formerly by Ch. D. Beck,† and afterwards by W. Wachsmuth and W.A. Becker, while in Berlin C. Tim. Zumpt, Immanuel Bekker, Lachmann, Trerdelenberg, and Franz, are renowned as grammarians and critics; beside the archaeologists Ed. Gerhard, coeditor of "Beschreibung Rom's," etc., Panofka, "res Samiorum," Curtius and others. Böckh had one great rival, who bade fair to surpass the fame of his friend-O. Müller in Göttingen, who died a few years ago during his travels in Greece. Hermann had none, yet he had the satisfaction to see himself overtaken by the body of his disciples. The chief professors, in short, of the universities are members of his Society in Königsberg, the veteran Lobeck; in Göttingen, C. F. Hermann; in Breslau, Passow,† C. E. Ch. Schneider; in Munich, Thiersch, the author of a Greek grammar with special regard to the Homeric dialect, of many essays in the Acta philolog.Monac.,etc., and the great champion of classical learning in Bavaria, also a zealous member


List of German Editions of the Classics.


of the Philological Associations in Germany; in Jena, Hand; in Marburg, Th. Bergk; in Leipzig, Westermann and Klotz; in Berlin, Franz and Trendelenberg; in gymn. in Berlin, Meineke and Bonitz; in Rostock, Fritzsche; in Bonn, Näke,† Ritschl; in Petersburg, Graefe; in Dorpat, Stephani, etc. Besides, as it will be seen in the list of the members of the Greek Society, the Hermannists are to be found as professors and presidents of the colleges (gymnasia) throughout all Germany. Of course, there have been and are besides Hermann and Hermann's school, many classical scholars of the first order, as Fr. Jacobs in Gotha,† the great Hellenist, Creuzer and Bähr in Heidelberg, Osann in Giessen, Eichstädt† and Göttling in Jena, Doederlein in Erlangen, Bernhardy in Halle, Schömann in Griefswalde, Nitzsch in Kiel, Welcker in Bonn, Walz in Tübingen, Bachmann, Tafel, Schneidewin, Forchhammer, Lehrs, Nägelbach, Spitzner, Kreissig, Alschefski, Weissenborn, Wagner, Ellendt, etc., and more, whose names will be found in the following collection of philological choice books.

We hope that a selection of books will not be unwelcome to such as are not well acquainted with the philological literature. We have enumerated only books of established fame, or useful editions, in order to make it not only practical but also trustworthy as far as our authority is concerned, by excluding nearly all the productions of the last few years. These can be easily supplied out of the philological literature of the day, yet are not likely to make these celebrated works or editions superfluous.

Hoffmann, die Alterthumswissenchaft, 1835. Wachsmuth, hellen. Alterthumskunde, 4 vols. 2 ed. Hermann, C. Fr. hellen. Staatsalterthümer, 2 ed. 1836. Böckh, die Staatshaushaltung der Athener. 2. 1817. Schömann, antiquitates jur. publ. Graec. 1838. Meier and Schömann, der attische Process, 1824. Tittmann, griech. Staatsverfassungen, 1822. Hallmann, Staatsrecht des Alterthums, 1820. Heeren, Ideen, 1793, etc. Heffter, die athen. Gerichtsverfassung, 1822. Platner, der Process und die Klagen bei den Attik. 1824. Schömann, de comitiis Atheniensium, 1819. Hegewisch, die griech. Colonien, 1808. 2. O. Müller, die Dorier; Orchomenos; Aiginetica. Drumann, Verfall der griech. Staaten, 1820. Manso, Sparta, 1800. 3. Höck, Kreta, 1823. 3. Mannert, Geogr. der Gr. und Röm. 1788. sq. 14. (VII. VIII.) Kruse, Hellas, 1825. 3. Hüllmann, Handelsgeschichte der Griechen, 1839. Creuzer, Symbolik u. Mythologie, 1821 sq.-I. H. Voss, Antisymb. 1824. O. Müller, Prolegomena zu einer wissensch. Mythologie, 1825. Lobeck, Aglaophamus s. de theol. myst. Gr. causis, 1829. 2. Buttmann, Mythologus, 2. Winckelmann, Geschichte der Künste des Alt. 1764. 2. O. Müller, Handbuch der Archaeologie, 2 ed. 1836. Becker, Charicles. Meiners, Gesch. der Wissensch. in Gr. u. R. 1781. 2 Bode, Gesch. der hellen. Dichtkunst, 1836. 3. Ritter, H. Geschichte der Philosophie, 1829 sq. Westermann, Gesch. der Beredsamkeit in Gr. 1833. Creuzer, die historische Kunst der Gr. 1803. Voss, de historicis graecis VOL. VII. No. 26. 32

1651. cur. Westermann, 1838. Boeckh, corpus inscriptionum Gr. 1828. 2 fol.Hermann's rec. 1826. F. Cramer, Gesch. der Erziehung im Alt. 1832. A. Cramer, de educ. p. apud Ath. 1833.

Niebuhr, römische Geschichte. Wachsmuth, ältere Gesch. des röm. Staats. 1819. Drumann, Gesch. Roms, 1833 seq. Reiff, G. der röm. Bürgerkriege, 1825. 2. O. Müller, die Etrusker, 1828. 2. Hopfensack, de Roman. munic. et colon. 1825. Hopfensack, Staatsrecht der röm. Unterthanen, 1829. Walter, Gesch. des röm. Rechts, 1834. Rein, das röm. Privatrecht, 1835. Hartung, die Religion der Römer, 1836. 2. Platner, Gerhard etc. Besch. der Stadt Rom, 1829. 3. Becker, B. d. Stadt. Rom. Creuzer, Abriss der röm. Antiquitäten. Becker, Gallus, 2 ed. von Rein. Böttiger, Sabina, 1806. 2. Bähr, Gesch. der röm. Literatur, 1828. 2. Klotz, G. der röm. L. I. 1844. Voss. de historicis latinis, 1627. Krause, vitae et fragm. histor. Rom. 1833.

F. A. Wolf's Vorlesungen, herausg. 1831 sq. G. Hermanni, opuscula, 6. Jacobs' vermischte schriften, akad. Reden. Bentleii opuscula philologica. L. 1781. Ruhnkenii opuscula, ed. Friedemann. 1828. Heynii, opuscula. A. Matthiae, miscellanea philolog. etc. Madvig's opuscula. Creuzer's meletemata Luzac, lectiones Atticae, 1809. Geel's anecdota Hemsterhus., etc. Wolf u. Buttmann's Museum der Alterthumswissenschaft. Welcker u. Naeke's Rheinisches Museum.† Jahnt u. Klotz Philologische Jahrbücher. Stephani thesaurus gr. ed. Hase, Dindorf, etc. Paris. Passow, Pape, Seiler and Jacobitz, Rost, griech. Lexica. Damm, lexicon Homericum ed. Rost. Buttmann, lexilogus. Gesner thesaurus 1. lat. Facciolati and Forcellini thesaurus 1. lat. 4. Freund, Georges, Klotz, lat. Lexica. Buttmann, grosse griech. Grammatik, 2. Formenlehre. Buttmann, Matthiae, Rost, Kühner, griech, Schulgr. Rudimanni grammatica, ed. Stallbaum Schneider, C. L., lat. Formenlehre, 3. Reisig's Vorlesungen über lat. Gramm. von Hase. Zumpt, Billroth, Weissenborn, Madvig, Krüger, lat. Schulgr. Hermann's Vigerus. Klotz's Devarius. Hartung's Partikell. Bos' ellips. graec. ed. Schaefer. Hermann, de partic. v. Hand's Tursellinus s. de partic. lat. Doederlein's Etymol. u. Synonym. 6. Döderlein, Schmalfeld, etc. Syn. Hand's lat. Styl. Heinichen, lat. Stylistik. Krebs' Antibarbarus. Krebs' Guide, etc. Hermanni elementa epitome a. metr. Friedmann, Pfau, Lehrb. Bibliotheca graeca in usum schol. edd. Jacobs et Rost. Anthologia graeca 1794; cum notis Jacobsii 1798 sq. 8. ed. min. in bi. gr. Oratores Attici, rec. I. Bekker, B. 1823 seq. 6. Medici graeci, ed. Kühn. 1821 sq. Poetae minores grae. ci, ed. Gaisford L. 1823. 5. Poetae mel. ed. Schneidewin. Rhetores graeci, ed Walz. 1832. Bekkeri anecdota 1821. 3. Historic. anttq. gr. fragmenta. ed. Creuzer, 1806. Geographi minores, ed. Bernhardy, 1827.

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Aeliani var. hist ill. Perizonius, 1701. Aeschinis Socr. dialogue ill. Fischer, 1786. Aeschinis Socr. dial. rec. Boeckh, 1810. Aeschinis orat. sel. ill. Bremi, 1824. Aeschyli trag. rec. ill. Schütz 1782 seq. 4. Aeschyli rec. Wellauer (lexicon) 1823 sq. 3. Aeschyli Eumenides erl. von O. Müller, 1833; Hermann's rec. in op. VI. Welcker, die Aeschyl. Trilogi, 1824. Nachtrag, 1826. Hermann's dissertat. Aesopi fab. ed. Hudson, Heusinger, Schaefer, 1810. Alcaei fragm. ed. Matthiae, 1827. Alcman. fr. ed. Welcker, 1815. Ammon gramm. ed. Valckenaer, 1739. 2 ed. 1822. Anacreontis relig. ed. Bergk. Andocidis orat. rec. ill. Schiller. 1835. Sluiter lectiones Andocid. 1804, 1834. Apollodori bibl ed. Heyne, 1782, 1803. Appiani hist. ed. Schweighäuser, 1785. 3. Arati phaenom. rec. Bekker, 1828. Archilochi fragm. ed. Liebel, 1812. Aristidis orat. rec. S. Dindorf, 1829. 3. Aristidis declam. Leptin. cum n. Maii al. ed. Grauert, 1827. Aristophanis com. rec. cum notis Brunckii al. Bekker, 1829. 5. Aristophanis ill. Bothe, in us. schol. Aristophanis Plutus


List of German Editions of the Classics.


ill. Hemsterhuys, L. 1811. Aristophanis Nubes ed. Hermann. 1830. Aristophanis Acharnes rec. Elmsley, 1820. Aristophanes Aves ill. Beck, 1782. Commentar in Ar. com. edd. Beck 1809 seq. et Dindorf 1821 seq. (ad edit. Invernitii 1794. 2.) C. Ferd. Ranke, de Aristophanis vita. Rötscher, Aristophanes und seine Zeit. Aristotelis opp. rec. Bekker. 1831. 4. scholia cur Brandis. Aristotelis de Arte poet. ed. Hermann, 1802. Aristotelis polit. ill. J. G. Schneider, 1809. 2. Aristotelis polit. ill. Göttling, 1824. Oeconomic. ed. G. 1830. Aristotelis ethica Nicom. ill. Zell. 1820. Aristotelis epitome logices ed Trendelenberg. 3 ed. 1845. Aristotelis fragmenta ed. Neumann, 1827. Stahr, Aristoteles. Athenaeus, cum n. Casauboni al. ed. Schweighaeuser, comm. VI.-XIV. 1801 ff. Bacchylidis fragm. ed. Neue, 1823. Bion and Moschus, rec. Hermann. Callimachi hymni, ed. cum n. Spanhemii, al. Ruhnk. Ernesti, 1761. 2. Callini, Tyrtaei fragmenta ed. Bach. 1831. Franckii Callinus, 1816. Chariton cum comment. ed. d'Orville, 1750. L. 1783. Choerili fragm. ed. Naeke, 1827. Cratini fragm. ed. Runkel, 1827. Ctesiae fragm. ed. Bähr, 1824. Demosthenis rec. Bekker in Orat. Att. Demosthenis or. sel. ill. Bremi in Bibl. Gr. Demosthenis or. Leptin. ed. Wolf, 1789. cur. Bremi, 1831. Demosthenis or. Midiana ed. Buttmann, 1823. Demosthenis oratt. Philipp. ill. Voemel, 1829.- Rüdiger, 1829. 2 ed. Demosthenis or. Androt. ed. Funkhaenel, 1832. Apparatus crit. et. exeg. ad Dem. ed. Schaefer, 1824 ff. 5. ind. f. Seiler. Winiewski, comment. ad or. pro Corona, 1829. Alb. Becker, Demosthenes, 1816. Dem. Staatsreden übers. von Jacobs, 1833. Dinarchi orat. ed. Schmidt, 1829. Dio Cassius, rec. ill. Reiske Sturz, 1824. 8. Diodorus Siculus, rec. L. Dindorf, 1826. 4. Diogenes Laertius rec. Longolius, 1739. 2. Dionysii Hal. historiographica ed. C. S. Krüger, 1823. Dionysii Hal. de composit. verb. ed. Schaefer, 1808. Dionysii Hal. ars rhet. ed. Schott, 1704. Empedoclis fragm. ed. Sturz, 1805. Ephori fragm. ed. Marx, 1815. Epictet. philos. monum. ed. Schweighauser, 1799. 3. Epicuri fragm. ed. Orelli, 1818. Etymologicum Magnum ed. Sylburg, 1594. 1816.- Et Gud. ed. Sturz, 1818. Eunapii vitas sophistarum ed. Boissonade, 1822. Euphonion. fragm. ed, Meineke, 1823. Euripidis trag.ed Matthiae, 1813 ff. not. VI. VII. VIII. Euripidis trag. ed Pflugk and Klotz, 1829. ff. in Bibl. gr. Euripidis trag. rec. Hermann. Euripidis Phoenissae, ed. Valckenaer, 1755. L. 1824. 2. Euripidis Hippolytus ed. Valckenaer, 1767. L. 1823. Euripidis Hecuba, Orestes, Medea, Phoenissae rec. Porson. 1824. Euripidis Medea Hermanni not. 1823. Bacchae, 1821. Heraclid rec. Elmsley. Euripidis Supplices, 1763. L. 1822. Iphigenia in Aul. et. in T. 1771. 1822 ed. Markland. Euripidis Alcestis ed. Monk, Wüstemann, 1823. Gregorius Cor. de dialectis ed. Koen, Bast, Boisson., Schaefer, 1811. Hecataei Mil. fragm. ed. Clausen, 1831. Hellanici Lesb. fragm. ed. Sturz, 1826. Harpocration, c. not. Valesii, etc. 1683. 1696.1824. Hephaestion ed. Gaisford, 1832. Heraclidis Pont. fr. de reb. pu. ed. Koeler, 1804. Herodoti hist. ed. Wesseling, Valckenaer, Schweighaeuser, 1816. 6. lexicon, 1824. Herodoti hist. rec. Gaisford, 1824. Herodoti hist. ill. Bahr, 1830 ff. 4. Struve, de dialecto Herod. spec. 1-3. 1828. Hesiodi carmina rec. et ill. Goett ling, 1831. in bibl. gr. Mützell, die Theogonie des Hesiod. Hesychii lexicon ed. Alberti 1746-1766. 2 fol. Hipponactis et Ananii fragm. ed. Welcker, 1817. Homeri carmina rec. Wolf 1817. 2. text. Homeri Ilias cum prolegomenis ed. Wolf. I. 1795. Homeri Ilias ed. Heyne, 1802. 8. ind. 1822. — recens von J. H. Voss. Homeri Ilias rec. Spitzner 4. in bibl. gr. Homeri Odyssea, Ilias ill. Bothe. Homeri hymni ed. Hermann, 1806. Homeri hymni ed. Franke, 1828. Nitzsch, erklärende Anmerk. zur Odysse, 1826 ff. Nitzsch, de historia Homeri against Wolf's prol. 1830. Lehrs, Aristarchus. Cammann, Vorschule zu der II. and Od.

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