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1829. Isaei or. rec. ill. Schömann, 1831. Isocratis or. ill. Bremi, 1831. Isocratis areopagit. ill. Bergmann, 1819. Isocratis panegyricus ed. (Morus) Spohn. 2 ed. cur Baiter, 1831. Isocratis de pace 1826.- Euagoras, 1828. Pfund, de Isocratis vita, 1833. Longinus, ed. Weiske, 1809. Long. ed. Schaefer, 1803. Luciani op. ed. Hemsterhuys et Reitz, 1743. 4. Bip. 1789. 9. Luciani rec. Jacobitz. Luciani de histor. scrib. ed. C. F. Hermann, 1828. Luciani Timon;- Luc. Tax. ill. Jacobitz., Luciani Alex. Demon. etc. rec. F. V. Fritzsche. Praec. quaestiones Luc. 1826 Lycurgi or. ed. A. G. Becker, 1821. Lysiae or. rec. Förtsch, 1829. Nissen, de Lycurgi or. vita 1833. Blume, 1834. Meleagri relig. rec. Graefe. 1811. Menandri et Philem. relig. ed. Meineke, 1823. Meineke, quaestiones scenicae, 1826 sq. Mimnermi fragm. ed. Bach. 1825. Moeris Atticista, ed. Piersonus, 1759. L. 1831. Musaeus ed. Schrader 2 ed. cur. Schaefer, 1825. Nonnus rec. ill. Graefe, 1819. 2. Orphica ed. Hermann, 1805. Pausanias ed. Siebelis, 1822. 5. Phalaridis epist. ed. Lennep, et Valckenaer, 1777. L. 1823. Pherecradis et Eupol. fragm. ed. Runkel, 1829. Pherecydis fragm. ed. Sturz, 1826. Philetae et Phanoclis fragm. ed. Bach. 1829. Philochori fragm. ed. Siebelis, 1811. Phanodemi Istri fo. ed. Sieb. 1812. Philolaos Pythag. Leben nebst den Bruchstücken, etc. von Böckh, 1819. Philostrati heroica ed. Boissonade, 1806. Philostratorum imagines ed. Jacobs, 1825. Photii bibliotheca rec. Bekker, 1824. 2. Photii lexicon ed. Porson. 1823. Phrynichus ed. Lobeck, 1820. Pindari carmina ed. Boeckh, 1813 ff. 4. Pindari carmina ill. Dissen 1830, in bibl. gr. Platonis opp. rec. Sauppe, Winckelmann, etc. (text). Platonis dialogi sell. ill. Stallbaum, in bibl. gr. Platonis dialogi sell. ill. Heindorf, 2 ed. cur. Buttmann, 4. Platonis civitas rec. C. E. Ch. Schneider, 3. Platonis Symposium herausg. von F. A. Wolf, 1782. 1828. Platonis Philebus, ed. Stallbaum, 1820. Platonis Parmenides ed. Stallbaum (cum prolegomenis). Platonis Phaedon ill. Wyttenbach, L. 1825. Platonis leges ed. Ast. 1814. 2. Plato's Werke, übers von Schleiermacher. Bekker, comm. critic. in Plat. opp. (varietes lect.) 1823. 2. Boeckh, comm. in (Pl.) Minoem et 1. pri. de leg. 1806. Ast, Plato's Leben. Ast, lexicon Platonicum. Plotinus, ed. (Wyttenb.) Creuzer, 1814. Plutarchi vitae parall. rec. Sintenis. Pl. Alcibiades ill. Bahr, 1822. Philop. Flamin. Pyrrh. ill. B. 1826. Themistocles ill. Sintenis, 1832. Pericles; Aristides, Catc, rec. s. 1830. Solon, ed. Westermann, Agis, Cleomenes ill. Schömann. Phocion ill. Kraner. Lycurgus, Theseus, Romulus, Numa P. ed. Leopold, 1789. Marius, etc. 1795. moralia ed. Wyttenbach (1795 ff. 5.) animadv. VI. VII. VIII. 1810 ff. de sera num. vind. ed. Wyttenbach, 1772. Heeren, de fontibus vit. par. Plut. 1820. Pollucis onomast. cur. G. Dindorf, 1824. 5. Polybii hist. ed. (Casaubonus) Schweighäuser, 1789. ff. 4. comment. 4. Quintus Smyrn. Conject. in Q. Sm. ed. Köchly. Sappho fragm. ed. Neue, 1827. Solonis reliq. ed. Bach. 1825. Sophoclis trag. ed. Brunck, Musgrave, Erfurt, 1802. 6. VII. O. C. ed. Doëderlein. Sophoclis trag. rec. (Erfurdt, ed. min.) Hermann. f. Sophoclis trag. ill. Wunder f. in bibl. gr. Sophoclis Ajax rec. ill. Lobeck, 2 ed. Wunder's recens. Sophoclis Oedipus tyr. ed. Elmsley, L. 1821. Solon, 1824, Sophoclis Antigone rec. ill. Wex, 1829. 2. Sophoclis Philoctetes ed. Buttmann, 1822. Reisig, comm. crit. de O. Col. 1822. Enarratio exegetica, 1823. Ellendt, lexicon Sophocleum. Stesichori fragm. ed. Kleine, 1828. Stobaei eclog. ed. Heeren, 1792. 4. Stobaei sermones ed. Gaisford, 1823. 4. Strabonis op. ed. Siebenkees, etc. 1796-1819. 7. Strabonis ed. cum n. Casauboni al. Almeloveen, 1709. fol. Suidas ed Bernhardy. Theocriti id. Bi. Mo. cum. comm. Valcken. Brunck. Toup. 1810. 2. Theocriti ill. Wüstemann, 1830. in bi. gr. Naeke de Theocrito, 1828. Theognidis relig. ed. Welcker, 1826. Theophrasti


List of German Editions of the Classics.


opp. rec. J. G. Schneider, 1818. 5. Theophrasti charact. ill. Casaubon, Fischer, 1763. Theopompi fragm. ed. Eysson, Wiggers, 1829. Thomas Magister ed. Ja cobitz, 1833. Thucydides hist. ed. Poppo, 1821 sq. 10. Thucydides hist. ill. Goeller 2 ed. Thucydides hist. ill. Krüger. Do. Krüger, Leben des Thucyd. 1832. Timaei lexicon voc. Plat. ed. Rhunken, 1754; cur. Koch, 1832. Tryphisdori carm. ill. Wernicke, 1819. Tretris Antehomerica, Hom. ed. Jacobs, 1793. Xenophanis relig. ed. Karsten, 1830. Xenophontis opp. rec. ill. J. G. Schneider, 1829. 6. Bornemann. Xenophontis opp. ill. Bornemann, 1828 se. in bibl. gr. Xenophontis anabasis rec. ill. Krüger, 1836. — ed. min. with German n. red. Xenophontis memorabilia cum. n. Valcken. Rhunk. Ernesti ed. Schneider. Xenophontis de republ. Lac. ill. Haase, 1833. Sturz, lexicon Xenophonteum, 1801. 4.

Poetae latini minores ed Wernsdorf, 1780-1794. 6. Scriptores rei rusticae ed. Gesner, Schneider, 1794. 4. Corpus grammatic. lat. ed. Lindemann, 1832 sq. Apuleii metamorph. ed. Oudendorp. Praef. Ruhnken, 1786-1823. 3. Caesaris opp. rec. ill. C. E. Ch. Schneider. Caesaris opp. cum. not. var. Davis, Clark. ed. Oudendorp. 1837. 1822. Caesaris opp. erl. von Herzog, 2 ed. 2. Catonis disticha ed. Tschuke, 1790. Catulli carm. ill. Doering, 1788. Catulli carm. rec. Lachmann, 1829. (text.) Censorinus, de die nat. c. not. Lindenb. Scaligeri, Salmas. ed. Havercamp. 1743. Ciceronis opp. rec. Orelli, with onomastic., etc. g. Ciceronis opp. ed. Nobbe, (text) Tauchnitz. Ciceronis rhetorica ed. Schütz, 1804. 3. Ciceronis rhet. ad. Herenn. et de invent, ed. Lambin. Burrmann I., Lindemann, 1828. Ciceronis Brutus rec. ill. Ellendt, 1825. Ciceronis Orator ill. Ellendt. Schulausg. von Peter und Weller. Ciceronis de oratore ill. Ellendt. 2. Ciceronis orationes omnes rec. mit. Vorreden und Anm. von Klotz. 3. Ciceronis or. omn. ed. cum. comm. Asconii, Lambini, etc. Graevius. 1699. 6. Ciceronis orat. ed. Halm. Ciceronis orat. sel. ill. in usum schol. Matthiae. Ciceronis or. Verren. rec. ill. Zumpt, 1831. Ciceronis or. pro Marcello rec. F. A. Wolf, 1802. Ciceronis or. pro Plancio c. not. Garatonii ed. Wunder, 1830. 42. Ciceronis or. Philippicae c. not. Garatonii, etc. ed. G. G. Wernsdorf, 1821. Ciceronis epistolae omnes, erl. von Billerbeck, 4. Ciceronis Briefe übers. und erl. von Wieland, 1808. 7. Ciceronis epist. ad famil. ed. Korte, 1749. Ciceronis disp. Tuscul. erl. von Klotz. Ciceronis disp. Tuscul. ill. Kühner. 2 ed. Ciceronis de officiis rec. ill J. M. Heusinger et C. H. 1783. Ciceronis de offic. ed. Heusinger, Zumpt. edit. min. Ciceronis de finibus rec. ill. Madvig. Ciceronis Laelius rec. Klotz;- Cato rec. K. Ciceronis Laelius ill. Gernhard, 1825; - Cato ill. G. 1819. Ciceronis Laelius mit comm. von Seyffert. Ciceronis de natura deorum ed. Creuzer, Davis, Moser, 1818. Ciceronis de divinatione ed. Giesse. Ciceronis de legibus ed. Goerenz, 1809. Moser, 1824. Ciceronis de republica ed. Ang. Maio. Rom. 1822. Stu. 1822. Eclogae Ciceron. von Hottinger, 3 ed. von Ochsner. Manutii comm. in Cic. epistol. 2. Abeken, Cicero in seinen Briefen. Nirolius, or Schütz, lexicon Ciceronianum. Ernesti, clavis Ciceroniana. Cornelii Nep. vitae, c. not. var. ed. Staveren, 1734. 1820. 2. Cornelii Nep. mit Anmerk. von Bremi. -rec. Daehne. Curtius Rufus, ed. Zumpt. Flori hist. c. not. var. ed. Dukerus, 1722. 1832. Gellii noct. Att. rec. J. Fr. Gronov. Horatii carm. cum comm. Lambini, 1561. new edd. Horatii carm. rec. Bentley, 1711. L. 1764. 2. Horatii carm. ill. Döring 2. 4 ed. — ed. min. Horatii carm. rec. ill. Orelli 2. 2 ed. Horatii Satiren erl. von Heindorf, 1815. 2 ed. von Wüstemann. Horatii Briefe erl. von Obbarius. Horatii Sat. und Br. üb. und erl. von Wieland 2. Justini histor. c. not. var. ed. Frotscher, 1827. Juvenalis Sat. ed. E. G. Weber, 1825. Livii hist. ed. Drakenborch, 1735. 7. Stu. 1820. 15. Livii hist. rec. Alschefski, 1841 sq. Livii hist. ed. Bekker, 1829. 3.

(text.) Livii lib. 21. 22. erl. von Fabri.-23. ill. Fabri. Lachmann, de fontibus hist. T. Livii, 1822. Weissenborn's recension. and dissert. Lucani pharsal. ed. H. Grot., Bentl., C. F. Weber, 1821. 3. Lucretii carm. ed. Forbiger, 1828. Martialis carm. ed. Schneidewin. Ovidii carm. rec. Jahn, 1828. Ovidii metamorph. ill. Sierig. 3 ed. cur. Jahn, 1821. 2. Ovidii metam ill. Baumgarten Crusius. — m. erl. von Bach. 2. Ovidii heroides ed. Heinsius, Lennep, Loers. 1830. 2. Persii Sat. ed. O. Jahn. Petronii satyricon ed. Burmann, 1743. Phaedri fab. ill. Schwabe, 1806. 2. Phaedri fab. rec. Orelli, 1832. Plauti com. ill. Weise, 1837. 2. G. A. Becker, de comic. Rom. fabulis quaestiones. Ritschl. Plinii histor. nat. rec. Sillig. Plinii epistol. cum not. Gesneri, Heusingeri ed. Schaefer, 1805. Pomponius Mela rec. ill. Tschucke, 1807. 7.—ed. min. cur. Weichert. Prisciani opp. rec. Krèhl, 1819. 2. Propertii carm. rec. Lachmann, 1829. (text.) Quintiliani opp. rec. ill. Spalding, 1798 sq. 4. 5th vol. Zumpt, 1829. Quintiliani lib. X. ill. Frotscher, 1826. Rutilius Lupus, ed. Ruhnken, 1768; cur. Frotscher, 1831. Salustii opp. rec. ill. Kritz, 1828 sq. 2. Salustii opp. erl. von Fabri. Salustii opp. rec. Orelli (text). Senecae phil. opp. c. not. Lipsii, Gronovii al. 1672. 3. Statii silvas ill. Markland, 1728. 1827. J. Fr. Gronovii diatribae in Statium etc. ed. Hand. 1812. 2. Suetonii vitae, ed. F. A. Wolf, 1802. 4. Suetonii vitae, ed. Baumgarten Crusius, 1816. 3.-ed. min. Taciti opp. rec. cum n. Lipsii, Gronovii al. Bekker, 1831. 2. Taciti opp. ill. Walther, 1821 sq. 4. Taciti Agricola üb. und erl. von Walch, 1827. Bötticher, lexicon Taciteum. Terentii com. rec. Bentley. 1726. L. 1761. Terentii com. ed. Westerhov, 1727; cur. Stallbaum, 1830. Terentii com. rec. Klotz, cum comm. Donati, Eugr. 2. Ruhnkenii dictata in Ter. cur. Schopen. 1825. Terent. Varro, de ling. lat. ed. O. Müller, 1833. Tibulli eleg. rec. ill. Heyne, 1798. 1817. cur. Wunderlich. Tibulli eleg. ed. Bach, 1819. Spohn, de Tibulli vita, 1819. Valerii Flacci Argonaut. rec. ill J. A. Wagner, 1805. Valerii Maximi dict. mem. ed Kappius, 1781. Vellcii Paterculi hist. ed. Ruhnken, 1779. cur. Frotscher, 1830. 2. Virgilii opp. rec. ill. Heyne; 4 ed. cur. Ed. Wagner, 1830 sq. 4. Virgilii opp. ill. in usum schol. Ed. Wagner, 1845. Virgilii opp. ed. Forbiger. Virgilii Georgica, Eclogae üb. und erl. von. J. H. Voss. Vitruvius, ed. J. G. Schneider, 1807. 3.

In looking back on the whole educational system in Germany, we find in many respects quite the reverse of what prevails in this country. Which is the better? How preferable soever to the American his system may appear, one want seems to be evident, namely, that of an institution for future professors of ancient literature. Physicians, lawyers and ministers are expected to have gone through a professional course, but the professor of Latin or Greek has little opportunity, out of his study, to prepare himself for his difficult task, unless he goes to Germany, and goes there so well prepared that he is enabled to understand the German and Latin lectures. In the latter case, Germany affords so many and so great advantages, that it will be for a long time the resort for all friends of antiquity, but a philological seminary in this country would not only prepare the student who intends going there for making the studies in that country in the shortest time most available, but afford to him after his return the opportunity of continuing


Commentaries on the Scriptures.


his studies in a philological community. And the chief point is, that such as could not avail themselves of a long residence in a transatlantic country, would find here a place where they could, by means of theoretical and practical exercises, improve the classical learning acquired in the colleges. Study and the recitation room alone may raise to excellence the one who is sincerely and cordially attached to classical studies, and this has been the case here, though it must be allowed that such remarkable men are at any place or time only exceptions. On the other hand, it is obvious, that a circle of students preeminently devoted to philology, and of professors bound to promote the learning as such, and not to teach it as an instrument of liberal school education, would soon become the hearth, from which the flame of classical studies, once kindled and continually fed, would be likely to light and to warm the whole country.



It is our principal object, in the following Article, to communicate some information in regard to a few of the more important and recent commentaries on the Scriptures. It will not be necessary to refer to expositions by English and American authors, e. g. Henderson and Alexander on Isaiah, Henderson on the Minor Prophets, Stuart on Romans, Hebrews, and the Apocalypse, etc., which are well known and highly esteemed. We shall confine ourselves, for the most part, to commentaries written in Germany, and in the Latin and German languages. Of these in respect to size, there are three classes, 1. The commentaries which are compressed into a narrow compass, by rejecting all superfluous words, by using many abbreviations, and by giving only the substance of the thought, an example of which is De Wette's work on the New Testament; 2d. The exhaustive commentaries, in which all important topics and sometimes those which are not, are handled at length, and with all fulness of learning, of which Tholuck upon the Sermon on the Mount, Hengstenberg on the Psalms, Baur on Amos, and Delitzsch on Habakkuk, are instances; 3d. Commentaries of an intermediate size, where no special effort is made to compress the materials on the one hand, or to exhaust every topic on the other. Meyer's Commentary on the New

Test. hits perhaps this happy medium. The first and second classes are the most useful to the experienced critic and scholar, the last to the general reader.


Extended Commentaries.

1. The Compend of E. F. C. Rosenmüller. The full title is, Scholia in Vetus Testamentum in Compendium redacta, Vol. I.—VI. 8, Lipsiae, 1828-36, published by Barth. Vol. I. contains the Pentateuch, II. Isaiah, III. the Psalms, IV. Job, V. Ezekiel, VI. the twelve Minor Prophets. The author was born Dec. 10, 1768, and died in Leipsic, Sept. 17, 1835. He was professor in the university of Leipsic from 1795 till his death. He was the author of numerous writings in relation to the Old Testament and the eastern world generally. His larger Scholia, from which the Compend was made, consist of eleven parts or twenty-three volumes, 1788-1835. The portions not embraced in the Compend are Jeremiah, the writings of Solomon, Daniel, Joshua and Judges. It is presumed that there will be no further effort to abridge the larger work. The retail price of the six volumes of the Compend in Germany is about $16. A deduction, however, of twenty-five per cent is made from this sum. It can sometimes be found at the antiquarian bookshops at a still cheaper rate. We procured a copy of the volume on Job, well bound, at eighty cents. The characteristics of this author are so well known that it is hardly necessary to refer to them. The commentary may be regarded as a valuable compilation from the earlier interpreters, both ancient and modern, made in general with sound judgment. How much he is indebted to other authors does not appear from his pages. It has been stated that a considerable part of his comments on the Minor Prophets are a translation from Jerome. His extensive knowledge of eastern antiquities enabled him greatly to enrich his works from this source. These illustrations well expressed and pertinent, constitute one of its most valuable features. In power of combination and happy arrangement, he has been excelled by few. The principal defects of the work are these. Since 1836, when the last volume was published, an immense amount of light has been thrown upon scriptural topography, antiquities, etc., and any commentary printed before 1836, especially on the Old Testament, must be quite deficient. The work is also wanting in thorough analysis of the contents of the books, in the comprehension of them as a whole, in the exhibition of the mutual relations of the parts. The author exhibits no profound insight into the great questions which are constantly occurring,

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