Federal anti-drug abuse act of 1988 implementation, allocations for .... Charitable organizations' purchases through OGS, extend to agricultural Comptroller, loan monies to jobs for the new, New York bond fund Economic development department: World university games fund receipts to Greater Buffalo athletic cor- Education department: Berkshire Farm union free school district name change authorized School health services, pre-school and school age children, Chap 167 Clay, Onondaga county, land exchange re. wildlife management area Bellerose Housing Development Fund Company, Inc., land conveyance, Islip, town, land conveyance, U.S. as eligible transferee, Chap Schoharie county, lease lands, reforestation area communications 572 1-5 Syracuse, city, barge canal terminal property conveyance 652 1-5 Chapter amendment re. prevailing wage rates and bidding of con- Women for Human Rights and Dignity Development Corporation, Inc., Greece central school district, school house repair or erection 181 1 Green Island, village, park land conveyance 359 1,2 Greene county, solid waste treatment and disposal, adoption of local laws ... Locke, town, refuse and garbage district funds to town general fund ....... Madison county, convey land to Madison Hall Associates 425 1-3 Emotionally disturbed children, needs assessment project 150 385 1 .... Inpatient and outpatient services through a public benefit corpora- 736 Millbrook school district transportation contracts 566 Mount Vernon, city, lease Hutchinson Field 329 1-3 Nassau county, bond issuance, liquidate deficits; county recording tax; East Brooklyn Congregations, park land conveyance for subsidized Roman Catholic Church of St. Raymond, Bronx, land conveyance Shell Bank Basin, conveyance of certain waterfront property Transit authority, construct rapid transit railroad line in Queens Patterson, town, garbage district number one, revenue by special benefit assessment 358 Poughkeepsie, town, park lands, certain, discontinue and sell Seneca Nation of Indians, water distribution agreements with certain Seward, town, improvement to sewer district facilities, excess costs State university at New Paltz, funds paid students, PCB contamination Solid waste treatment and disposal, adoption of local laws Thruway authority, capital construction projects as part of canal system Verplank volunteer firemen's benevolent association, inc., incorporated. 332 1-7 568 1.2 Wallkill, town: Bond issuance, liquidate deficits in general and highway funds Westfield, town, tax stabilization reserve fund monies to town general Credit agreements or transactions, permissible terms, interest rates, Credit unions: General regulations; member standards, investment company, bad debt Investments in lands and buildings, leasing activities, $453 Bank records, confidentiality re. federal and other state or foreign 106 Fingerprints, re. applicants for charters and licenses, $22 321 178 List of securities a savings bank may invest in, $35 183 Financial frauds prevention act, Art II-B Foreign banking corporation, representative: 321 License required before establishing representative office, $$221-a 1001 .... Joint deposits and shares; unauthorized withdrawals; withdrawals from decedents' accounts: Molisani, David, police officer reinstatement in 25 year retirement plan Brookhaven, Town: .... Dowling college, land conveyance re. aviation and transportation center, 855 Bonds and notes sale, underwriting of, extends time to issue 665 263 347 Land conveyance, state to county 287 .... Prince of Peace Church, convey state lands to 742 Rail freight improvements, Erie and Niagara terminals, South Buffalo line 55 ......... ...... Retirement final average salary computation re. working vacations 818 743 .... School district apportionment re. excellence in teaching reduced, Chap 794 Sewer authority employee, retroactive retirement status 518 Traffic/parking enforcement officers, assaults upon, license suspension . World University Games, distinctive license plate - Chapter amendment re. World university games fund 124 634 616 660 763 Charitable organizations' purchases through OGS, extend to agricultural exhibition held by county extension service association, Chap 741/85 .... ..... Northern Ireland, compliance with fair employment principles by certain Private activity bond allocation act of 1992 60 1-3 Puerto Rican/Latino business development center Stockholders rights plans re. hostile takeovers, transferable rights to Stockholders rights plans re. hostile takeovers, transferable rights Thruway authority given jurisdiction to develop canal system, amended Carlton, Town: Waterfront regulation 373 1 Cattaraugus County: King Brook Development Corporation, land conveyance, technical correc- Seymour public library district created in towns of Fleming, Owasco, Sen- 615 1-9 Chautauqua County: Seneca Nation of Indians, water distribution agreements with certain |