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Contributors To Volume XVIII.

Babcock, Robert H.

Baldauf, Leon K.

Bass, C. C.

Boggess, W. F.

Browning, A. G.

Bryant, Joseph D.

Carstens, J. H.

Cook, H. E.

Dabney, S. G.

Demaree, O. B.

Estill, R. Julian
Frank, Louis

Flexner, J. A.

Grant, H. H.

Hanes, Granville S.

Hays, John Edwin
Hummel, E. M.
Kavanaugh, C. W.
Lucas, Charles G.
McCreary, James B.
Meyers, Sidney

Moren, Jno. J.

Pfingst, A. O.
Powell, Robert
Ray, J. Morrison
Roberts, W. O.
Schachner, August
Skinner, C.
Thompson, Cuthbert
Trawick, John D.

Vance, Ap Morgan

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Williams, Tom A.

Wilson, J. C.

Original Articles.

"Acute Abdomen," Medical Aspect

of ....

Arsenic in Malaria..




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Observations on the Colon, Sigmoid Blair: Blair's Pocket Therapeutics;

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Wood & Co......
Bradford and Lovett: Orthopedic
Surgery; Wm. Wood & Co.....287
Brown: The Surgery of Oral Dis-
eases and Malformations-Their
Diagnosis and Treatment; Lea &
Browning: Recent Methods in the
Diagnosis and Treatment of Syph-
ilis (The Wassermann Serum Re-
action and Ehrlich's Salvarsan);
Lea & Febiger....
Bryant and Buck: American Practice
of Surgery; Wm. Wood & Co...128
Campbell: A Text-book of Surgical
Anatomy; W. B. Saunders Co...160
Cheyne: A Manual of Surgical Treat-
ment; Lea & Febiger.....
Cornell: Health and Medical Inspec-
tion of School Children; F. A.
Davis Co... . .
Dannreuther: Minor and Emergency
Surgery; W. B. Saunders Co....352
Davis: Operative Obstetrics Includ-
ing the Surgery of the Newborn;
W. B. Saunders Co..............
Delafield: A Text-book of Patholo-




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Saunders Co...

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McCombs: Diseases of Children for
Nurses; W. B. Saunders Co..... 31
Mallory and Wright: Pathological
Technique. Including Directions
for the Performance of Autopsies
and for Clinical Diagnosis by Lab-
oratory Methods; W. B. Saunders
Marrow Diagnostic and Therapeutic
Technic, A Manual of Procedure
Employed in Diagnosis and Treat-
ment; W. B. Saunders Co.......256
Marrow: Diagnostic and Therapeutic
Technic; W. B. Saunders Co....160
Medical Record Visiting List; Wm.
Wood & Co......
Montgomery: Practical Gynecology;


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