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1 pound

1 pound

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3 ounces

8 ounces

5 pints sufficient

Carbon tetrachloride Water Melt the soaps together on a water bath, adding to them a little water from time to time, as required. Dissolve the potassium hydroxide in the alcohol; add to this solution 12 pints of carbon tetrachloride, and incorporate the liquid in the soap mass, beating the whole with an egg beater. Transfer the pasty mass to a suitable bottle, add the rest of the carbon tetrachloride and mix the whole by agitation. The compound should at once be transferred to wide-mouthed bottles of the size desired for the market and these immediately corked tightly. Sometimes a portion of the carbon tetrachloride separates from the "cream" on standing, but it can be reincorporated quite easily by shaking before using. Merck's Report.

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Black pepper. Cumin seed




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Mix the first three together, then stir in ordinary commercial casein until it is about the consistency of thick cream.

This is said to be far superior to the animal glue usually sold, as it retains its consistency under almost all conditions, and forms a better and stronger joint.

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Dissolve the asphalt in the benzol and add the coal tar. In using the ink employ an ordinary pen, and if the ink should be too thick thin it with a little oil of turpentine. It is said that this ink does not spread and requires no heating, It does not fade and is not affected by anything.

Ichthyol in Earache.

The treatment described for this painful complaint is said to be both efficacious and simple (Pharm. Journ., No. 2444, page 279). A tampon of wool soaked in a mixture of equal parts of ichthyol and glycerin is introduced into the meatus and passed into the external auditory canal. A plug of dry wool is placed in the ear to prevent the escape of the solution. This dressing is renewed every day, but when the earache is very acute it is better to change It morning and evening. The pain is soon eased and a cure quickly results. After a day's treatment the tampon is often noticed to contain some pus, the ichthyol having promoted the discharge of the boil. This pus can not flow freely into the canaland this is one of the chief advantages of the method -because a layer of ichthyol acts as a preventive, and at the same time protects against any extension of the furunculosis.

"No Wonder Bangs' Customers Win Out"

Recently our representative, about to close a contract for fixtures with a druggist in a city in Pennsylvania, had occasion to go to his hotel for some plans, and upon his return, the druggist told him that in his absence, a salesman for a fixture house who had been trying to obtain the contract said, "I understand you have decided to give your order to the Bangs Fixture Company. Now I claim to sell pretty good fixtures at half the cost. As a favor to me, will you tell me why Bangs gets the order?"

In reply the druggist said substantially this: "Bangs has submitted a plan which I can readily see is highly practical. It unquestionably provides for showing stock most advantageously, and certainly is arranged for handling trade efficiently and economically. The reputation of the Bangs Fixture Company for turning out handsome and substantial work is of the highest; but what makes the strongest appeal to me, and is really the deciding factor, is the immense amount of evidence which Bangs has submitted, clearly proving he has very greatly increased the business of the thousands of druggists whom he has refitted. This has made it quite evident to me that he has also many advertising ideas and suggestions of great value to my business. He has cited instances where he has doubled a druggist's business in eighteen months, and the statement has been backed up by those cited. He has shown that one druggist who had been in the same location for many years, and was formerly doing a business of $50.00 per day, was refitted by him, and that this druggist's business immediately began to increase very rapidly. Today, after the lapse of five or six years, he is doing a business of over $500.00 a day, and it is in a fair way to reach $1,000.00 a day in the course of the next few years. Now, this was the same man, the same location, but with Bangs' equipment. Further, Bangs had an amazing lot of testimonials and facts along these lines, and as he says, 'facts are stubborn things.' They have convinced me. That is why Bangs gets the order."

The salesman's reply was, "Well, no wonder Bangs' customers win out. He goes into a city, picks out a progressive druggist in a good location, and gets him to put in a fine store."

We agree with the salesman, that the right man and the right location, with right fixtures, make the Winning Trinity, a combination hard to beat. It takes considerable knowledge and experience to make the right man, and it takes special knowledge and a wide experience to build the right equipment. The right location may be a matter of chance or of good judgment, or a passable location improved to a good one.

We have devoted twenty-five years exclusively to acquiring the experience to enable us to design and build fixtures which shall have an attractive advertising force, which will bring to the druggist an increased business and greater profit. We have succeeded because we have been able to render superior service.

Recently man has found it easily possible to fly, with little danger, if only he had the know-how and the equipment. When you are tired of the old, hard way, why not fly to success rather than creep? We have the know-how and can furnish the equipment. WHEN.

C. H.



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A strictly pure product, prepared from the fresh lime, and possessing, fully, the flavor of the fresh fruit, in a permanent, convenient and economical form for commercial uses.

Limeade prepared from RES-OLA LIME cannot be distinguished from limeades prepared from the fresh fruits; more profitable to use, and, besides, there will be no loss on account of spoiled limes, and at the same time give assurance of a regular and constant supply of the flavor.

Try it out at our expense if you don't think it altogether satisfactory.

PRICE: $8.00 per pound, express prepaid. One pound makes 4096 limeades.

Parker-Browne Co.


Now is The Time To


Are You Getting Your Share of the Sales?

Our plant is running night and day, but we want more business and want to hear from druggists who sell only the best goods.

Remember the three "candy essentials” QUALITY, PURITY and FRESHNESS. Ours has all three.

Write to day on the attached coupon.

Hughes Bros. Mfg. Co.

Dallas, Texas

Dept. H.


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