Capital Projects Fund All Funds CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH FACILITIES (CCP) New Facilities Purpose State aid for the construction and reha- operated shall be cations of state capital grants; and the State aid to municipalities and other pu- CAPITAL PROJECTS sions of section 41. 27 of such law and August 1, 1985, on methods to ensure repayment of state equity upon disposition of any property acquired, constructed, rehabilitated, maintained, or financed by the state through capital assistance and rental assistance; such report shall also examine alternative mechanisms to acquire, construct or rehabilitate article 31 facilities which might prove more cost effective to the state. The appropriation represents the total estimated state share of capital costs (50028507) .... State aid for the acquisition, construction and rehabilitation of community mental health facilities. The moneys hereby appropriated represent the balance of previously appropriated grants and shall be available for the payment of state aid to municipalities including the payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 1985. No expenditure shall be made until the facility program for a proposed project and certificate of approval of availability have both been approved by the director of the budget and copies of such certificate filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. The appropriation is based upon the total estimated 15,000,000 For OFFICE OF MENTAL HEALTH (APPROPRIATED TO THE FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION) the comprehensive construction programs, purposes and projects as herein specified in accordance with the MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT OF EXISTING FACILITIES (CCP) ....86,327,000 Health and Safety Purpose For payment of the cost of construction, reconstruction and improvements, including the preparation of designs, plans, specifications and estimates, for health and safety improvements to existing facilities and programs, according to the following schedule (3/88) (50058501) ....20,892,000 |