· in accordance with the Capital Projects Fund Infrastructure Renewal (Bondable) Special Parkway Rehabilitation Fund Federal Capital Projects Fund ... 281,720,000 For the state and federal shares of the cost of capital projects for the improvement of state highways, parkways, and other highway facilities for which the responsibility is vested with the state department of transportation, and for the improvement with federal and local aid of municipal streets, highways and parkways; including bridges, other structures, and appurtenances. Project costs funded from these appropriations may include, but shall not be limited to, preliminary planning and feasibility studies; survey and design; acquisition of property; construction, reconstruction, reconditioning and preservation; materials testing; and engineering services provided by private firms; and the payment of liabilities incurred prior to April one, nineteen hundred eighty-five. CAPITAL PROJECTS Funds from the federal capital projects fund appropriation shall be made available only for the particular projects which have received the prior and specific approval of the department of transportation of the United States of America. The state share may be provided pursuant to the provisions of the infrastructure renewal bond act of 1983 up to a maximum of sixty-six million dollars as appropriated herein. For the cost of highway planning design and/or other emergency projects undertaken in cooperation with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, including payment for personal services and expenses of the authority. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other general or special law, the state and local shares of municipal street and highway projects shall be fixed at nineteen and six percent respectively of the total project cost when the federal share is seventy-five percent of such total project cost, and shall be fixed at fifteen and five percent respectively of the total project cost when the federal share is eighty percent of such total project cost. For municipal street and highway projects for which the federal share is fixed at other than seventy-five or eighty percent of the total project cost, the state and local shares shall be eighty and twenty percent respectively of the non-federal share of such total project cost. Notwithstanding the provisions of this appropriation, however, a municipality may be exempted from participation in the cost of any project phase for which the municipal share does not exceed one thousand dollars. Municipalities shall Municipalities shall be authorized to enter into specific project agreements with the commissioner of transportation to advance any phase or phases a project with their resources. Such unreimbursed municipal costs may be credited as all or a portion of the municipal share of the total project project cost of such project up to the local share limit as specified herein. The items shown in the project schedule set below shall be for projects with a common purpose and may be interchanged without limitation subject to the approval of the director of the division of the budget. Except as otherwise provided above, funds from these appropriations shall not be made available for personal services other than for the costs of private firms retained pursuant to section fourteen of the transportation law. FEDERAL AID HIGHWAYS STATE (CCP) Capital Projects Fund Federal Aid Highways Purpose For the state share of highway projects CAPITAL PROJECTS FEDERAL AID HIGHWAYS BONDABLE PURPOSE (CCP) Capital Projects Fund Infrastructure Renewal (Bondable) Federal Aid Highways Purpose For the state share of highway projects to be reimbursed from the infrastructure renewal bond fund and pursuant to the provisions of that bond act (17028520) ....66,000,000 FEDERAL AID HIGHWAYS FEDERAL PURPOSE (CCP) Federal Capital Projects Fund 291 Federal Aid Highways Purpose For the Federal share of highway projects including the state thruway (17038520) ...596,800,000 Interstate-Construction-Reconstruction |