No part of the appropriation shall be made available until the commissioner of transportation has promulgated rules and regulations establishing criteria for providing assistance from this appropriation, and transmitted them to the director of the budget, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. Such rules and regulations shall include standards for receiving of assistance including but not limited to the number of jobs created or maintained by the transportation improvement, the maximum amount of each award and the information that must be provided by the entity requesting assistance. Prior to January first, nineteen hundred eightysix the commissioner shall submit a report on the status of the program which shall include each project funded, the amount of funding provided, and the expected impact from the project. Such report shall also include the applicants who did not receive funding, the reason for funding denial and projected future needs for the program. Copies of such report shall be submitted to the director of the budget, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee.
No funds shall be allocated for such purposes until the commissioner enters into an agreement, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, with any entity for the repayment of forty (40) percent of the cost of such an industrial access project within five years of the execution of the agreement. All funds repaid shall be deposited in the State Capital Projects Fund
For the costs pursuant to the provisions of the rebuild New York through trans- portation infrastructure renewal bond act of 1983, of the cost of capital projects to be reimbursed from bond fund proceeds for the improvement of high- ways, parkways, commuter parking facili- ties, and other highway facilities in- cluding bridges, other structures, and appurtenances.
Project costs funded from this appropria- tion may include, but shall not be lim- ited to, preliminary planning and feasi- bility studies; survey and design; ac- quisition of property, construction, reconstruction, reconditioning and pres- ervation; the supervision and inspection of construction; and for the cost of en- gineering services. No expenditures shall be made from this appropriation for personal services and expenses other than consulting services. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the commissioner of transportation is authorized to acquire all necessary land not on the state highway system for the purpose of highway projects at the request of the the locality under whose jurisdiction the project is constructed
For the state share of the cost including the payment of liabilities prior to April one, nineteen hundred eighty-five, for the the acquisition of property, the preparation of designs, plans, specifications, and estimates in accordance with section fourteen of the transportation law, and the construc- tion, reconstruction and improvement of state parkways, including that portion of the "Taconic State Parkway" north of the Westchester-Putnam county line, said parkway being under the jurisdiction of the department of transportation and those parkways under the jurisdiction of the office of parks, recreation and historic preservation. This appropriation is in accordance with the schedule shown below. The items shown in the project schedule below shall be for projects with a common pur-
pose and may be interchanged without limitation subject to the approval of the director of the division of the budget. It is anticipated, that the com- missioner of transportation will make every effort to secure and use any fed- eral funds which are or may become available for the purposes of this appropriation. Any such funds shall be used to reduce the estimated State's shares of the project or projects for which the federal funds are available. No expenditures shall be made from this appropriation for services and expenses other than for the costs of consulting services in accordance with section
For payment of the state share of the cost of the preparation of designs, plans, specifications, and estimates, for the acquisition of real property and for the construction, reconstruction, or other improvements of special parkways as designated in subdivision two of section seventy of the transportation law in ac- cordance with subdivision five of sec- tion ninety-two-k of the state finance law. This appropriation or SO much thereof as may be necessary, shall be available upon the issuance of a certif- icate of approval of availability by the director of the budget for transfer, notwithstanding any inconsistent provi- sions of the law, to the "special park- way rehabilitation fund". For the payment subject to the approval of the director of the budget of private engineers, architects, and consultants or firms practicing such profession in accordance with section fourteen of the transportation law (17078547)
Railroad Crossing Alteration Purpose
For payment of the state share of the cost of the acquisition of property, and the reconstruction or removal of existing highway-railroad grade crossings or grade separation structures, including the payment of liabilities incurred prior to April one, nineteen hundred eighty-five, pursuant to the provisions of section ninety-one of the railroad law, and in accordance with the schedule shown below. Prior to requesting ap- proval of a certificate of approval of availability for the moneys hereby ap- propriated, the commissioner of trans- portation shall certify that he has ap- plied for and made reasonable efforts to secure federal assistance for each pro- ject authorized herein. Any such federal assistance received shall be used to reduce the total project cost prior to the calculation of the state and local shares in accordance with section ninety-one of the railroad law. The items shown in the project schedule below shall be for projects with a com- mon purpose and may be interchanged without limitation or certification sub- ject to the approval of the director of the division of the budget (17088526)
Belle-Isle-Amboy Road Bridge, Town of Camillus, Onondaga County
Blockville-Watts Flats Road Bridge, Town of Harmony, Chautauqua County
Smith-Seneca Viaduct, City of Buffalo, Erie County
Rock Cut Road, Town of Dewitt, Onondaga County For the state share of the reconstruction and removal of highway-railroad grade crossings
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