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For the federal share of the costs of construction, reconstruction, or improvement of special parkways as designated in subdivision two of section seventy of the transportation law. This appropriation, or SO much thereof as may be necessary, shall be available upon the issuance of a certificate of approval of availability by the director of the budget for transfer, notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of law, to the "special parkway rehabilitation fund" pursuant to subdivision five of section ninety-two-k of the state finance law. For the purposes of this appropriation, the commissioner of transportation is hereby authorized to enter into a formal agreement with the Federal Highway Administration for the making of surveys and the preparation of designs, plans, specifications and estimates, for construction, and for the acquisition of property.

For the payment, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, of private engineers, architects, and consultants or firms practicing such professions, in accordance with section fourteen of the transportation law.


appropriation shall become available
only for particular projects which have
received the prior and specific approval
of the department of transportation of
the United States of America (17098527) ...

Special Parkway Rehabilitation Fund - 386
Maintenance Undistributed Purpose

For payment, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, of the state
share of the cost of preparation of
designs, plans, specifications, and es-
timates, for the acquisition of real
property, and for the construction,
reconstruction or other improvements of
the special parkways in Westchester


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two-k of the state finance law (17108543)

Toll Collecting Policing And Engineering Purpose

The sum of four million seven hundred
($4,735,000), or so much thereof as may
be necessary, is hereby appropriated to
the department of transportation from
the special parkway rehabilitation fund
for the department's expenses for per-
sonal services, maintenance and opera-
tion, including employee fringe benefits
and travel outside the state, in car-
rying out the special parkway rehabili-
tation program.
The moneys hereby appropriated, when made
available pursuant to a certificate of
approval of availability issued by the
director of the budget, shall be paid
from the special parkway rehabilitation
fund on the audit and warrant of the
state comptroller on vouchers approved
by the commissioner


Capital Projects Fund


Highway Aid Purpose

project schedule






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state aid to municipal corporations for the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, and improvement of mass transportation capital projects notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of law, including the acquisition of real property and liabilities incurred prior to April one, nineteen hundred eightyfive, in accordance with the schedule shown below. The items shown in the project schedule below shall be for projects with a common purpose and may be interchanged without limitation subject to the approval of the director of the budget.

Prior to requesting approval of a certificate of approval of availability for the moneys hereby appropriated, the commissioner shall certify that each omnibus project progressed under the program listed in the schedule below has received federal approval and the federally authorized level of financial assistance (17128529) ..



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payment of up to fifty percent of the non-federal share of the costs of acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improvement or rehabilitation of any railroad capital facility and any capital improvement used in connection therewith, for the acquisition of real property or interests in real property

required or expected to be required therefor, pursuant to the provisions of section fourteen-d of the transportation law, as the commissioner of transportation may elect for the purpose of improving freight service, and including all costs incidental thereto but not limited to Class I rationalizations, branchline improvements, urban restructuring and rail service preservation.




No part
of this appropriation shall be
made available until the commissioner of
transportation has promulgated rules and
regulations for granting assistance from
this appropriation and transmitted
copies of such rules and regulations
the director of the budget, the chairman
of the senate finance committee and the
chairman of the assembly ways and means
committee. Such regulations shall esta-
blish criteria for assistance which
shall include but not be limited to the
number and size of shippers and the im-
pact on such shippers, the number of
trains impacted and the condition of ex-
isting structures.

On or before January first, nineteen hun-
dred eighty-six the department of trans-
portation shall submit an evaluation of
the impact of this program on rail ser-
vices in New York State and recommenda-
tions for future rail programs including
local assistance subsidies and capital
project grants. Such report shall in-
clude a list of projects funded under
this program and requested assistance

denied with the reasons for such
denials. Such report shall be submitted
to the director of the budget, the
chairman of the senate finance committee
and the chairman of the assembly ways
and means committee.

No part of this appropriation shall be
available for the purposes authorized
herein until the commissioner of trans-
portation has certified to the director
of the division of the budget that an
agreement has been executed with the ap-
propriate local entities wherein provi-
sion for the matching local share of
funding is secured (17138541)


Capital Projects Fund Infrastructure Renewal (Bondable)

Rail Service Preservation Purpose

For payment of the state share of the
costs of the acquisition, construction,
reconstruction, improvement or rehabili-
tation of any railroad capital facility
and any capital improvement used in con-
nection therewith, for the acquisition
of real

property or interests in real
required or expected to be

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