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Advanced in Price January 15 from 25 cents to 50 cents a Share. Sure to go to Par--$1.00 Per Share --Soon.


No risk whatever in investing in stock in the Tonopah Central Mining Company. It's bound to double and quadruple in value very soon. 100,000 shares of treasury stock are being sold WHOLLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEVELOPING THE PROPERTY.

The Company owns eight of the best-located claims. The ore is rich in gold and silver. Work is now going rapidly forward. A double compartment shaft is now down 90 feet, fully timbered throughout. The following extract is from the Mining and Engineering Review, and bears out the claims of eminent experts that the Tonopah Central Mining Company's property is more favorably located than any of the other properties in the Tonopah District. "Another rich strike has been made in Tonopah. This time it is in the main shaft of the California Tonopah, which adjoins the Tonopah Central (formerly known as the St. Patrick group.) A ledge of ore has been opened up which goes over $500 per ton and is in direct line with the Tonopah Central Ledge."

The stock of this company is non-assessable, with a par value of $1.00 per share. The location of the company's mine on the slope of Butler Mountain, between the famous Mispah Ledge and the rich strikes of Gold Mountain, indicates that its stock will be a dividend paying investment, and that it will have an early increase in value.

A hoist capable of sinking to a depth of 350 feet has been installed, and it is only a matter of a short time when the ledge will be encountered. The California Tonopah struck their ledge at a depth of 127 feet, and it is 40 feet wide and is continued through the properties of the Tonopah Central Mining Company.

All stockholders participate equally in the profits of the company.

Investors in shares of this company have no taxes, no assessments, fines, interests or liabilities of any kind to pay.

The shareholders' interests are mutual and collective. There is no preferred stock, inasmuch as the original stockholders have placed all their stock in escrow, there to remain until the mine is on an absolutely dividend paying basis.

No safer or more profitable investment can be made than is offered you in the shape of stock in the TONOPAH CENTRAL MINING CO. Address all communications and make remittances to



J. H. N. CLAUSEN, Assistant Secretary.


Paint Your House Cheap

And Have it Guaranteed to Look Better, Wear Longer, and
Cost Less Than the Best White Lead Paints.

Our Pacific Coast Distributors will Send 50 Sample Colors
and Illustrated Book. "How to Paint a House" Free
to All Who Send Name and Address.

There is but one "Carrara." It is made by the Carrara Paint Agency, 1060 Carrara Building, Cincinnati, O., and is the only paint in the world that

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The Roof of the Great Field Museum, Chicago. Covering 7
Acres of Ground 18 Painted with Carrara Paint.

is absolutely guaranteed not to fade, crack, chalk,
peel, blister or scale. It is not affected by acids
or gases, and it covers more surface gallon for gal-
lon than the best white lead and oil, and costs
less than the cheap mixed paints that injure more
than they protect.

Carrara is used by the Pennsylvania R. R.; the Pullman Palace Car Co.; the Chicago Telephone Co.; the Field Museum, Chicago; the Kenwood Club, Chicago; the Cincinnati Southern R. R.; the Chicago & Eastern Illinois R. R.; the Denver and Rio Grande Railway, and thousands of others of the largest and most particular users of paint in the world. The famous Waldorf-Astoria hotel of New York, one of the finest in the world, has used tons of Carrara because it is the best that can be found in the market to-day. For interior or exterior it has no equal. Smooth and clean, it has stood the rigiu test of time and man. If you want to save half your paint bills send your name and address to Johnson-Locke-Mercantile Co., 123 California St., or The O. C. Zohn Paint Co., 231 West First St., Los Angeles, for 50 sample colors and a beautiful illustrated book sent free, showing a large number of fine houses just as they have been painted with Carrara, and keep well in mind that Carrara is the only paint ever backed by a positive guarantee in every case.


In this progressive era it is not necessary FOR ANY CASE OF PILES TO BE CUT Or go to a hospital, take chloroform or lie in bed for weeks under opiates, when nearly 6000 men and women have been cured by this treatment without pain or detention from business. Many cases were from 20 to 40 years standing. It is absolutely certain. Names sent for investigation. It is not nostrum proposition. For further particulars call on or write THOS. J. KISNER, M. D. Room 81 Columbian Bldg. 916 Market St., S. F.



Prepares for bar in any State. Combines theory
and practice. Text books used are same as used in
leading resident schools. Teaches law at your home,
Three Courses-Regular College Course, Post
Graduate and Business Law Courses, Approved by
the bench and bar. Full particulars free.
Chicago Correspondence School of Law,
Reaper Block, Chicago.


AN HONEST, legitimate plan for work-in your own home-can be done by either sex. We give full particulars, instructions and keep you steadily employed and pay you in cash. No one need know what you are doing. You can earn from $4 to $15 weekly without any trouble What you must do? Send us your name and address, with five two-cent stamps (for postage expense) and we will send you full particulars so you can begin work at once and earn a nice income by a little work. Everything is based upon honesty, and our reputation and standing are sufficient guaranty of good faith. Address HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, New York City.

[graphic][subsumed][merged small]

THERE are many white soaps, each represented to be just as good as the Ivory; they are not, but like all imitations, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon getting it. IT FLOATS.




yet costs no more, for while it cleanses thoroughly it also disinfects-purifies-at the same time. As electricity gives light as well as power, so Lifebuoy Soap cleanses as well as destroys the unseen germs of disease. Ordi nary soaps merely cleanse but do not safeguard health by destroying the germs of disease as Lifebuoy does.

Buy a cake from your dealer, use it all up, and if it does
not do all we say, he will refund purchase money promptly.

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