564 The future state is unalterable. SECT. tion, declared our desire of being for ever devoted to him? O let xxvi. us ever remember the sacred engagement. Let holiness to the Ver. Lord be written on our hearts, as well as on our foreheads. Let 3 all our affections, and all our faculties, all our possessions, and all our pursuits, be consecrated to God. To bear this name and inscription, will now, even in this dark and benighted world, shed a glory around us. It will be as a sacred guide to our ways, it will chear and animate our hearts, it will bring down to us many a delightful foretaste of that world, where, in his light, we shall see light, and where we shall reign with him for ever and ever. Amen. SECT. xxvii. SECT. XXVII. Our Lord Jesus Christ admonishes the Apostle, to discover to the churches what had been revealed to him; and solemnly declares his speedy approach, to fix the eternal state of men according to their characters and works. Rev. XXII. 10-15. REVELATION ΧΧΙΙ. 10. AND he, that is, our Lord Jesus Christ, REV. XXII. 10. And he saith unto me, Seal not the say from whom I received this revelation, said ings of the prophecy of Rev. unto me, Seal not up the words of the prophecy of this book: for the XXII. this book, so that they should not be immediately time is at hand. 10 perused; for the time is near, in which the 11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he that is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is rigbte a And he, that is, the Lord Jesus Christ.) Many following words, and especially ver. 12, prove that our Lord is bere meant, put it is a remarkable instance of the re ference of a relative to a remoter antecedent, a figure of speech, which I have taken notice of upon many former occasions. Heb. vii. 2, note a. b Whe Reflections on the unalterable nature of the future state. reward me, 565 xxvii. - 12 And behold, I lustre. And, to confirm this, Behold I come SECT. come quickly and my quickly; 1 shall be manifest ere it be long; and give every man accord- my reward both of grace and vengeance, [is] Rev. ing as his works shall with me; and I will recompense to every man ac- XVII. be. cording as his works shall be, whether it shall ap-12 13 I am Alpha and pear, on an impartial examination, to have been Omega, the Begin- good or evil. And, to confirm it further, 113 ning and the End, the repeat it again, I am the Alpha, and the Omega, First and the Last. 14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may the Beginning and the End, the First and the who do his commandments, and so prepare for to the city. and whoremongers, who merit no and murderers, and i- eth a lie. nicators, and murderers, and idolaters, who may allowed contradiction to the great eternal rule of truth and rectitude. IMPROVEMENT. LET us be very thankful, that the words of this prophecy are not Ver. scaled from us; but that truths, in which we have so important a 10 concern, are so plainly published and proclaimed. The time is near, when a seal will be set on the characters of men: blessed be God, b Who do his commandments, &c.]This promise to all that do his commandments, that they shall enter into the gate of the city, here described, evidently proves it to refer to that state of future happiness which all good men shall finally enjoy. Compare ver. 18, 19, • Every one who loveth and maketh a lie.] Though idols are called lies, yet as idolaters had been mentioned before as ex cluded out of this New Jerusalem, I think it most natural to understand this clause in the sense given in the paraphrase. 566 Reflections on the unalterable nature of the future state. XXVB. SECT. God, he who is now unrighteous and polluted, may be purified and reformed, justified and saved. Adored be that grace, that waits so 11 long upon sinners! But the Divine long-suffering towards them 12 will have its period: yet a little while, and Jesus comes, to render to every man according to his works. May we then be fixed in a world of immutable holiness and happiness. 13 The Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, has discovered to us many evangelical truths in this mysterious book. He hath directed our eyes to the Lamb that was slain to redeem us to God by his blood; and hath shewed us the saints in glory, laying down their crowns in his presence and ascribing the praise of all the salvation to him; but he hath shewn us nothing that is inconsistent 14 with the necessity of real and universal holiness. Yea, he himself proclaims them alone to be entitled to enter the gates of the New Jerusalem, and to eat of the fruit of the tree of life, who do God's commandments. Let us not, therefore, deceive ourselves with vain words, nor attend to any who would sophisticate the word of God, and fixing their view only on some detached passages of it, entervate by their unguarded interpretations, its general scope and mean. ing. Let us, in reviewing scripture, observe what God commands and requires, and compare it with what he forbids, that we may thereby impartially judge and try ourselves. And how free soever we may be from any of the grosser crimes here enumerated, such as fornication, murder and idolatry, let us not allow ourselves in the love and practice of any thing inconsistent with the immutable rule 15 of righteousness and truth; as well knowing every allowed and continued indulgence of that kind, to be utterly irreconcileable with a well-grounded hope of inheriting eternal life. May it please thee, O Lord to inscribe all these laws upon our hearts; that our joy, in the hope and prospect of the promised blessedness, may rise in proportion to our acquaintance with thy unerring word, and the impartiality and diligence with which we trace the actions of our lives, and the affections of our hearts, in comparison with it, and reduce them to a holy conformity to its precepts. SECT. xxviii. Rev. XXII. 16 SECT. XXVIII. Our Lord Jesus Christ repeats his august titles, and gracious invitation; warns us of the dreadful doom of him who shall add to, or take from his words; and declares his purpose of coming quickly; to which St. John adds his hearty assent, and concludes with his apostolical benediction. Rev. XXII. 16, to the end. REVELATION XXII. 16. REV. XVII. 16. AND now to conclude the whole; be it I lineagent known to every one, who reads these words, to testify If any one add to this prophecy, God will severely punish him. 567 the Root and the Off fy unto you these things words, and let it be seriously considered by him, SECT. in the churches. I am that I Jesus the Son of God, the Alpha and xxviii. spring of David, and Omega, the First and the Last, have sent my Rev. the bright and morn- beloved disciple and apostle John, as my messen-XXII.16 ing Star. Come. And let him say, ger, to testify these things to you, in the several 17 And the Spirit day. And the great substance and design of the and the bride say, message is, to awaken in the minds of all to 17 that heareth, whom it comes, an earnest desire of those blesCome, And let him sings which from this throne of my glory I am to that is athirst, come. dispense. And accordingly I do now anew pubAnd whosoever will, lish the invitation: the Spirit with which I in him take the water of life freely. 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the pro phecy of this book, if any man shall add un spire my servants, and the bride, the church to This important testimony I commission my to these things God shall add unto him the a Whosoever will, let him receive, &c.] Such a declaration of free grace seems to have been wisely inserted just in the close of the sacred canon, to encourage the hope of every humble soul, that is truly desirous of the blessings of the gospel; and to guard against those suspicions of Divine goodness which some have so unhappily abetted. The word λαμβανεζω, which we render take does often signify receive; and the word δωρεαν, is as much as gratis, which implies the freedom of the gift; and I think it may probably refer to that celebrated invitation, Isa. Iv. 1. Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy and eat, buy wine and mulk without money, and without price. b If any man add to, &c.] It is true this particularly refers to the book of the Revelation; but the parity of reason extending to other books, I doubt not the terror of the threatening does so too. God forbid we should imagine every honestly mistaken 18 568 xxviii. And in like manner, if any one take away from it. SECT. he will, by any designed addition to them, or plagues that are writcorruption of them, make himself highly crimi- ten in this book: 19 And if any man Rev. nal, and eternally miserable. And if any one shall take away from XXII.19 take away from the words of the book of this pro- the words of the book 20 phecy, with a design thereby to diminish in any away his of this pro of this prophecy, God part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are writ ten in this book. 20 He which testi. He who testifies these important things, says, and leaves it as his parting warning with all that fieth these things, read them, Surely I come quickly. My soul, while saith Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even I write it, replies, and let every reader reply so, come Lord Jesus. with me from his heart, Amen, even so, come Lord Jesus; come surely, and quickly, as thou hast said; for all our highest and sublimest hopes depend upon the blessed and glorious day of thy 21 appearance. In the mean time, let the churches to whom 21 The grace of our these messages are especially directed and in- Lord Jesus Christ be scribed, receive my most affectionate wishes, my with you all. Amen. most solemn benediction, which I express in this one ardent prayer: May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, even all the invaluable effects of his favour, and above all, the abundant communications of his Spirit, [be] with you all, and with all Christians, to whom these words may come, unto the end of the world. Amen. taken criticism, where there is a question But IMPROVE accurate attention, I have failed either way, I commit myself to the mercy of that Redeemer, whose word it is, and whose interest I have faithfully endeavoured to serve. I think such a passage should make men very cautious, that they may not rashly incur any censure on this account; though undoubtedly the terror of the threatning is planted against any designed erasement or addition. I shall conclude this note with declaring, that I have endeavoured to carry on my commentary on the sacred books with this thought in my view, and that I have neither designedly attempted to establish any thing, which did not appear to me to be a doctrine of scripture, nor drop any thing which did appear so. And whereinsoever, through human infirmity, and the want of a closer and more c God will take away his part, &c.] Since God threatens the plagues written in this book, and the loss of a part in the holy city, as what might be the portion of those who should presume to corrupt it, and such corruption might happen in any age of the church; I think it very evident, that the holy city, spoken of in the preceding chapter is a representation of the heavenly state to be enjoyed by all good men, how applicable soever it may seem to any glorious scene preceding the final judgment; and that Rev. xx. 11, &c. refers to the universal judgment. |