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The compilation of the Code of Ordinances presented herewith includes, for the first time, in one comprehensive volume the entire body of municipal law, or laws, of the City of New York. Before the consolidation of Greater New York ordinances were passed by the Board of Aldermen for the old City of New York, and also separate laws were passed by some of the different departments, such as the Sanitary Code and Park Regulations. As many of these laws were not readily accessible, and were frequently amended, it was difficult to know just what was in force. With the consolidation of Greater New York, however, many local ordinances of the different towns and villages became part of the New York City ordinances as special ordinances and the consequent confusion was even greater than before.

The Revision of 1906 did much to clear the situation by consolidating all the ordinances, both general and special, into one code, and by adding chapters covering the Sanitary Code, Building Code and Park Regulations. This volume contains the Code of 1906 together with all amendments to January 1, 1911, inserted in their proper place, and a new chapter has been added giving the Regulations of the Municipal Explosives Committee.

The ordinances cited under sections 532 to 570 are numbered by the author for greater convenience although not numbered officially. All ordinances as to Volunteer Fire Department have been omitted as being obsolete.

As all amendments to the code, whether made by the Board of Aldermen or one of the local administrative bodies, must be recorded with the City Clerk (see Laws 1904, chapter 628), it is now easy to learn quickly just what ordinances are in force. This tendency to concentrate and make more effective the local laws, it is hoped will be further extended by a scientific revision of the ordinances, and the repeal of all obsolete and void ordinances. ARTHUR F. COSBY.

Dated New York, 1911.

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