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ser. 2

Acequia Madre of Santiago, The, Chapters I-IX.. R. B. Townshend.
Africa, Zanzibar and the East Coast of.....J. Studdy Leigh...

Ascent of Mount Shasta, An..

... F. C. Freeman...

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Alkahest, The, (Balzac,) 332.-American Electoral System, The, (Charles A. O'Neil,) 557.-Ameri-

can Literature, 1607-1885, (Charles F. Richardson,) 334. -American Commonwealths: New York,

(Ellis Roberts,) 446. -American Statesmen: Henry Clay, (Schurz,) 211.-Thomas Benton, (Roose-

velt,) 107.-Arteloise, 442.

Ballads of the Revolution, 442.-Balzac's The Alkahest, 332; The Two Brothers, 332.-Benton,
Thomas, Roosevelt's Life of, 107.-Between Whiles, (Helen Jackson, "HН. Н.",) 164.-Blind
Brother, The, 329.-Browning's Parleyings with Certain People, 550.-Buchholz Family, The,
(Julius Stinde,) 331. --Bunner's The Story of a New York House, 216.

Captain Glazier and his Lake, 224. Captain of the Janizaries, The, (James M. Ludlow,) 328.-
Cashel Byron's Profession, 329.--Cheney's (John Vance) Thistle Drift, 433.-Child of the Century,
A. 216. Civitas, 440.-Clay, Henry, Schurz's Life of, 211.-Club of One, A, 111.-Colonial Ballads,
Sonnets, and other Verse, (Margaret J. Preston,) 547.-Columbus, 439.-Coöperative Index to
Periodicals, The, (W. I. Fletcher,) 668.--Continuous Index to Periodicals, The, 668.-Cremation
of the Dead, The, 560.-Crowded Out, 104.-Crusade of the Excelsior, The, (Bret Harte,) 327.
Daffodils, (A. D. T. Whitney,) 546.-Dante, (May Alden Ward,) 558.-Day in Capernaum, A,
(Franz Delitsch,) 560.-Devil's Hat, The, 329.-Digest of the International Law of the United
States, A, (Francis Wharton,) 556.-Dr. Channing's Note Book, 110.-Drones' Honey, (Sophie
May,) 328. Duchess Emilia, The, (Barrett Wendell,) 217.

Early Tudors, The, (C. E. Moberly,) 111.-Easter Eve, 441.--Environment, 216.

Feud of Oakfield Creek, The, (Josiah Royce,) 102.-Franklin in France, (E. E. Hale and E. E. Hale,

Jr.,) 447.

Glances at the World, 441.-Guenn, (Blanche Willis Howard,) 217.

Haggard's Jess, 104.-Hale's (E. E. and E. E., Jr.,) Franklin in France, 446.-Half-Century in

Salem, 224. Hannah Thurston, (Bayard Taylor,) 218.-Harte's (Bret) The Crusade of the Excel-

sior, 327.-Heart of the Weed, The, 438.-Henry Clay, Schurz's Life of, 211.-Hints on Writing

and Speech-making, (T. W. Higginson,) 111.--Howard's (Miss) Guenn, 217.-

I Am That I Am, 441.-In Ole Virginia, (Thomas Nelson Page,) 104.-Ivan Ilyitch and other

Stories, (Tolstoi,) 331.

Jackson's (Helen, "H. H.") Between Whiles, 104.-Jess, (H. Rider Haggard.) 104.-Jesuits Ring,

The, 329.

Keep's (Josiah) West Coast Shells, 556. King's (Edward) A Venetian Lover, 548. Kirkland's
(Joseph) Zury, 215.
Life of Henry Clay, American Statesinen Series, (Carl Schurz,) 211.-Life of Thomas Hart Benton,
American Statesmen Series, (Theodore Roosevelt,) 107.-Lower Merion Lilies, 437.
Man, John, The works of, 448.- Merry Men, The, (Robert Louis Stevenson,) 104.--Monk's Wed-
The, (Conrad Ferdinand Meyer,) 331. Mr. Incoul's Misadventure, (Edgar Saltus,) 327.

Nass Nobleman, A, 217.-New York, (Ellis Roberts,) American Commonwealths Series, 446.

Dicta, (Augustine Birrell,) 111.-Old Garden, The, and Other Verses, (Margaret Deland,) 544.

(Thomas Nelson) In Ole Virginia, 104.-Parleyings with Certain People of Importance,

vning,) 550.-Perpetual Fire, The, 439.-Poetry, Recent, 433, 544.-Poems by M. A. Fitz-

d, 439.-Post Laureate Idyls and Other Poems, (Oscar Fay Adams,) 434.-Practical Cheiros-

560.-Preston's (Margaret J.) Colonial Ballads, 547. Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit, 109.

Fiction, 102, 214, 327. Recent Poetry, 433, 544.-Regimental Legends, (John Strange

er,) 330.-Richardson's (Charles F.) American Literature, 334.-Risifi's Daughter, (Anna

erine Green,) 547. Romance of the Unexpected, The, 436.-Roosevelt's Life of Thomas

erine Green 547. The, (Edith M. Thomas,) 667.-Royce, the Fend of Oakfield

Schurz's Life of Henry Clay, 211.-7 to 12, (Anna Katherine Green,) 329. - Sigrid, (John Thordssön
Thoroddsen,) 332.-Six Weeks in Old France, 224.-Society Verse by American Writers, 442.
-Some Chinese Ghosts, (Lafcadio Hearn,) 104.-Songs and Song Legends, 544.-Sons and
Daughters, 216. Stevenson's (Robert Louis) The Merry Men, 104.-Underwoods, 549.-Stinde's
(Julius) The Buchholz Family, 331. Story of a New York House, The, (H. C. Bunner,) 216.-
Story of Kennett, The, (Bayard Taylor,) 218.--Story of Margaret Kent, The, 217.--Synonyms
Discriminated, (Whately,) 111.

Tales before Supper, (Gautier and Mérimée,) 330.--Talks about Law, (Edmund P. Dole,) 336.-Tay-
lor's (Bayard) Hannah Thurston, 218; The Story of Kennett, 218.-Temple of Alanthur, The,

439. Thirteen Stories of the Far West, (Forbes Heermans,) 330.-Thirty Thousand Thoughts,

448.-Thistle Drift, (John Vance Cheney,) 433. -Thomas Hart Benton, Roosevelt's Life of, 107.--

Thoroddsen's Sigrid, 332.-Told at Tuxedo, 330.-Tolstor's Ivan Ilyitch, and other Stories, 331.-
Treatise on the Law of Divorce, 448.-Two Brothers, The, Balzac, 332.

Underwoods, (Robert Louis Stevenson,) 549.-Unseen King, The, and other Poems, (Caroline Leslie

Field,) 545.

Venetian Lover, A, (Edward King,) 548.-Voyage to the Cape, A, (W. Clark Russell,) 224.
West Coast Shells, (Josiah Keep,) 556. -Wharton's (Francis) A Digest of the International Law of
the United States, 556. Whately's Synonyms Discriminated, 111.-Whitney's (Mrs.) Daffodils,
546.-Works of John Marston, The, 448.

Yesterdays with Actors, (Catherine Mary Reignolds-Winslow,) 224.

Camp Wright, Chronicles of........ ....... A. G. Tassin.......
Captain Miles's Engagement, (Indian War Papers,


Chata and Chinita, Chapters XXXIII—XLV.


Chronicles of Camp Wright..

Clay, Henry, Schurz's Life of

Collége Charlemagne .


"Cracker Jim".

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24, 169, 259, 365, 479

Gen. O. O. Howard..


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