484c Acequia Madre of Santiago, The, Chapters I-IX.. R. B. Townshend. Ascent of Mount Shasta, An.. ... F. C. Freeman... Bannock Campaign, The, (Indian War Papers, III).Gen. O. O. Howard..... Battle of Old Camp Curry, (Indian War Papers, IV) Gen. O. O. Howard Alkahest, The, (Balzac,) 332.-American Electoral System, The, (Charles A. O'Neil,) 557.-Ameri- can Literature, 1607-1885, (Charles F. Richardson,) 334. -American Commonwealths: New York, (Ellis Roberts,) 446. -American Statesmen: Henry Clay, (Schurz,) 211.-Thomas Benton, (Roose- Ballads of the Revolution, 442.-Balzac's The Alkahest, 332; The Two Brothers, 332.-Benton, Captain Glazier and his Lake, 224. Captain of the Janizaries, The, (James M. Ludlow,) 328.- Early Tudors, The, (C. E. Moberly,) 111.-Easter Eve, 441.--Environment, 216. Feud of Oakfield Creek, The, (Josiah Royce,) 102.-Franklin in France, (E. E. Hale and E. E. Hale, Glances at the World, 441.-Guenn, (Blanche Willis Howard,) 217. Haggard's Jess, 104.-Hale's (E. E. and E. E., Jr.,) Franklin in France, 446.-Half-Century in Salem, 224. Hannah Thurston, (Bayard Taylor,) 218.-Harte's (Bret) The Crusade of the Excel- sior, 327.-Heart of the Weed, The, 438.-Henry Clay, Schurz's Life of, 211.-Hints on Writing and Speech-making, (T. W. Higginson,) 111.--Howard's (Miss) Guenn, 217.- I Am That I Am, 441.-In Ole Virginia, (Thomas Nelson Page,) 104.-Ivan Ilyitch and other Jackson's (Helen, "H. H.") Between Whiles, 104.-Jess, (H. Rider Haggard.) 104.-Jesuits Ring, Keep's (Josiah) West Coast Shells, 556. King's (Edward) A Venetian Lover, 548. Kirkland's Nass Nobleman, A, 217.-New York, (Ellis Roberts,) American Commonwealths Series, 446. Dicta, (Augustine Birrell,) 111.-Old Garden, The, and Other Verses, (Margaret Deland,) 544. (Thomas Nelson) In Ole Virginia, 104.-Parleyings with Certain People of Importance, vning,) 550.-Perpetual Fire, The, 439.-Poetry, Recent, 433, 544.-Poems by M. A. Fitz- d, 439.-Post Laureate Idyls and Other Poems, (Oscar Fay Adams,) 434.-Practical Cheiros- 560.-Preston's (Margaret J.) Colonial Ballads, 547. Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit, 109. Fiction, 102, 214, 327. Recent Poetry, 433, 544.-Regimental Legends, (John Strange er,) 330.-Richardson's (Charles F.) American Literature, 334.-Risifi's Daughter, (Anna erine Green,) 547. Romance of the Unexpected, The, 436.-Roosevelt's Life of Thomas erine Green 547. The, (Edith M. Thomas,) 667.-Royce, the Fend of Oakfield Schurz's Life of Henry Clay, 211.-7 to 12, (Anna Katherine Green,) 329. - Sigrid, (John Thordssön Tales before Supper, (Gautier and Mérimée,) 330.--Talks about Law, (Edmund P. Dole,) 336.-Tay- 439. Thirteen Stories of the Far West, (Forbes Heermans,) 330.-Thirty Thousand Thoughts, 448.-Thistle Drift, (John Vance Cheney,) 433. -Thomas Hart Benton, Roosevelt's Life of, 107.-- Thoroddsen's Sigrid, 332.-Told at Tuxedo, 330.-Tolstor's Ivan Ilyitch, and other Stories, 331.- Underwoods, (Robert Louis Stevenson,) 549.-Unseen King, The, and other Poems, (Caroline Leslie Venetian Lover, A, (Edward King,) 548.-Voyage to the Cape, A, (W. Clark Russell,) 224. Yesterdays with Actors, (Catherine Mary Reignolds-Winslow,) 224. Camp Wright, Chronicles of........ ....... A. G. Tassin....... VII). Chata and Chinita, Chapters XXXIII—XLV. (concluded)... Chronicles of Camp Wright.. Clay, Henry, Schurz's Life of Collége Charlemagne . .. "Cracker Jim". 24, 169, 259, 365, 479 Gen. O. O. Howard.. 533 Enrollment of University Students for '86-'87, and Effect of the Law School Matriculation Requirements. --Relative Numbers Selecting Special and General Courses...... Discovery of H. W. Bigler's Diary.-Girls in the Boys' High School-a Needed Reform.....333 The Local and the Provincial. -THE OVERLAND'S Practice.... A Moment of Suspended Interest in the World's Drama. In the Balkans.-In Great Britain. -In National Politics.-Last Movement of the Westward Aryan Migration. The Crocker |