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cite genial discussion. The mechanical execution of the volume is worthy of special praise; it is the most comfortably bound book, if we may use such a phrase, that has appeared this season.

KINGSLEY. (Ticknor & Co., Boston.)

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reform or the truth it is proposed to assist, is bates which are reported in this volume, were
likely to suffer from a surfeit of philanthropic lately held in Centreville, Ohio, and comprise
or ecclesiastical novels. "Our World," how- fifty-eight speeches of thirty minutes each, on
ever, it is but justice to say, contains more of the subjects of the Trinity, Church Constitutions
interest as a story, and more of good limning as and Disciplines, and Human Depravity. The
a picture of life, than this much-treated-of sub-reports were taken by B. Pitman, and corrected
ject would lead us to expect. There are some by the parties to the discussion. The fourth
truly dramatic scenes, much good dialogue, and edition has just been issued.
many graphically described incidents in these
pages. The work is illustrated throughout.

Watson's Body of Divinity. (Robert Carter & Brothers, N. Y.) The reprint of so many valuable Theological works by this enterprising firm, proves decisively that there is an increasing demand for standard literature of this class. The clumsy folios in which such works were issued in the olden time, have now given place to the more convenient and compact octavos in the course of their re-production, and ministers will be much more ready to furnish their theological libraries with "Bodies of Divinity," which do not have so much external solidity. The principal work embraced in this volume, comprises one hundred and seventy-six sermons on the Assembly's Catechism, which were not published till after the author's decease, which occurred in the latter part of the seventeenth century. They form a very excellent illustrative commentary on the Westminster Shorter Catechism, thus giving a systematic outline of doctrinal instruction which accords, in the main, with the standards of the Presbyterian Church. Various select sermons and religious treatises accompany these Lectures, all of which are stamped as the original productions of a superior intellect and an earnest heart. An index furnishes the general headings of the subjects embraced in this valuable work.

We can scarcely imagine a greater contrast in the same department of literature than that which exists between this and the previous writings of the author. From the trials and spasmodic efforts at self-emancipation of the modern THE WHOLE FRENCH LANGUAGE. By T. Robertson. (Roe Lockwood & Son, New York.) English artizan he plunges into the stately days of Queen Bess. Instead of a mechanic-poet, Easy guides to the study of Foreign Lanchaunting in the fetid air of a cotton-mill or guages have become so common, that one is apt tailor's shop, we have a "fine old English gentle- to look with suspicion on any new attempt to man;" for the clank of a steam-engine, the slow-instruct the million, fearful that artificial memoving galleon of the armada, and for the vivid thods may be introduced in teaching. This rhetoric of a chartist the dignified speech of an work, however, although its title might seem ancient knight. Kingsley always has a definite pretentious, has the great merit of combining moral purpose in his novels, and we imagine the a practical with a theoretical course of study. aim of the present was to revive the royal, While it does not profess to teach "French brave English spirit of the palmy days of Eliza- without a master," it furnishes a very full beth. The great merit of the story is its veri- Alphabetical Table of the peculiarities of that similitude as a transcript and re-production of which it is most difficult to acquire without the the past. The times wherein the scene is laid aid of a teacher, viz:: the Pronunciation; and have been carefully studied; the descriptions the facilities which it offers in other respects bear evidence of careful research and accurate are of a superior kind. One may pursue a observation. Indeed, as a romance, it is singu- very convenient, though superficial course of larly elaborate; not only the history, costume study for the general purposes of conversation and manners of the epoch are exhibited, but and reading, by following the outlines of the even the forms of speech, the peculiar words practical course which embraces a continuous and structure of sentences then prevalent, are story; and, in addition, a more comprehensive consistently adopted. In this respect Sir Amyas and thorough system of study for the advanced Leigh resembles Henry Esmond, that master- scholar, is found in the Analytical and Propiece of historical romance-writing in which gressive exercises attached to the lessons, and Rich and Poor; and other Tracts for the Times Thackeray has so completely resuscitated the in the Index at the close of the volume, where By Rev. J. C. Ryle, B. A. (Robert Carter age of Queen Anne, the wars of Marlborough, the Grammatical and Syntactical features, and & Brothers, New York.) The author of this and the clubs of Addison. The staple of Kings- the numerous idioms of the text, are amply il-work inculcates religious truth with great libeley's book is adventure-such adventure by land lustrated. Some of the general features of "The rality of sentiment and generosity of Christian and sea, especially the latter, as characterized Robertsonian system" have already been intro- feeling towards all sections of the Church. The the era he describes. His hero is practical and duced with favor to the American public, though last chapter is entitled "What is the Church?' self-devoted a type of the ancestral John Bull-in a partial and incomplete form; but the and, together with the other portions of the and a fine exemplar of insular patriotism. To present work, which is edited by Louis Ernst, book, seem to be directed against the Oxford many readers, in this fast age, the tone of the and issued in an elegant volume, will not only Tracts for the Times." Much descriptive power book will lack intensity; but this is the effect of prove popular, but will doubtless be accepted is evinced in the discussion of these topics. the author's plan-not of his genius. When as one of the very best Guides which has yet The Family at Heatherdale, by Mrs. Mackay. once fairly at home in the deliberate and quaint been produced. A "Key to the Exercises " (R. Carter and Brothers, New York) This little narrative, it will be found full of sense and sen- in this work is also furnished in a separate story is designed to illustrate the influence of timent, true in characterization, and delightfully volume. Christian Principles in the formation of characmellow in coloring. Popular Lectures on Science and Art, by Dio-ter, and the power of Faith in the developments nysius Lardner, LL.D., 2 vols. (A. R. Phippen, of practical life. New York.) These Lectures, originally delivered Philip Colville. By Grace Kennedy. (R. Carin the chief cities of the United States, have ter & Brothers, New York.) A Covenanter's become well and favorably known to the Amer- story is here pictured forth in a few brief, ican public in the course of their frequent touching sketches of adventure in the olden re-publication, as an excellent compend of know-time, and the characters and lives of these old ledge in respect to the natural sciences. In heroes are vindicated from the charges brought dealing with scientific subjects, the author pro- against them. ceeds by ingenious and novel methods to interpret some of the most striking phenomena of nature. A considerable portion of the work is also devoted to a description of the Steam Engine, and a discussion of its powers and applications.

OUR WORLD; or, The Slaveholder's Daughter. (Miller, Orton & Mulligan, New York. 1855.) We looked upon this thick duodecimo with some impatience at first, because Slavery and Anti-Slavery have been of late used as the bases of fiction to a wearisome extent; and we have been inclined to think that no new feature of Southern life remained to be illustrated; or, if so, to little purpose. This opinion was formed with no prejudice, one way or the other, in regard to the subject itself, and with no disrespect to the aim and talents of the writer, but simply in reference to the claims of literary art, and in opposition to the decided tendency which exists to make capital out of vexed questions of church and state for popular reading, until even the

Discussions on the Trinity, &c., between Rev. N. Summerbell and Rev. J. M. Flood. (Applegate & Co., Cincinnati.) The public de-I

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Howard Grey. (Parry & McMillan, Phila.) This is a tale for boys, which aims to show what is the force of study, perseverance and resolution in the pursuit of right, and is written by a Lady of Philadelphia.

The Young Communicant's Catechism. By the Rev. John Willison. This little manual is reprinted from the forty-seventh Glasgow edition.

Poems. By Erastus W. Ellsworth. (F. A.

Brown, Hartford.) A volume of poor rhymes, without reason, having neither fancy nor imagination.

Transactions of the State Agricultural Society, of Michigan, with Reports of County Societies. 5 vols. 8vo., 1849-1853. Mr. J. C. Holmes, Secretary of this Society at Detroit, has forwarded a set of the Transactions which were published by order of the Michigan Legislature. This-association was organized in 1849, and has been greatly prospered in its operations. The last volume embraces an important digest of the Census and Statistics of Michigan, taken in 1854,

Periodical Literature.

The Theological and Literary Quarterly Journal, scendants of Governor Bradstreet," and also traces for April, has a leading article continuing the dis-back the family of Daniel Webster, being the recussion of the merits of "Dr. Hickok's Rational sults of recent investigations in England, which Psychology," and aiming to refute his system. prove that he was descended from Thomas WebOther articles of interest are entitled, "The Laws ster, of Ormsby, in Norfolk, England, who died tion;" "The Parables of the New Testament," conof Symbolization and their Results in Interpreta- there in 1634. Putnam's Monthly, for May, will be read with intinued; "The Ethical System of the Bible;" and terest as the first fruits of the new editorial manage"Dr. Cotton Mather on Christ's Second Coming." ment. It is somewhat of an improvement on the late A highly commendatory Review of "Conybear and numbers. It embraces a general resumé of established Howson's Life and Epistles of St. Paul," is also fur-facts in geology, and a view of the proper objects nished. and influence of the "National Academy of Design" in this city. "America for the Americans," is aimed at the doctrines inculcated by the "Know Nothings." The editorial notes express much gratification at the fact that the "Monthly has been the means of introducing six authors to the literary world, who are now acquiring a profitable reputation in the publication of their productions.

The Southern Presbyterian Review, for April, contains: I. "The Divinity of Christ." II. A very honest article favoring an "International Copyright Law." III. "The Early Conversion of Children. IV. "Bledsoe's Theodicy," strongly condemnatory of its philosophy. V. "Elohim," giving its use in the Hebrew language. VI. "The The Bibliotheca Sacra, for April, has a long open- Trinity of Paganism," an article full of curious reing article on "The True Doctrine of Divine Inspi-search, showing that this Triad were regarded, ration," by Rev. Dr. Fitch, of New Haven, being physically, as the Fire, Light, and Air, and uretra substantially the same as a "Concio ad Clerum" pre- metaphysically, as Will, Intellect, and Affections. viously delivered by the author. "The Site of Ca- VII." Ambition Rebuked." pernaum" is fixed at Knan Minyeh, after much The Methodist Quarterly Review, for April, emclose investigation, by the Rev. Dr. Robinson. Prof. braces the following articles:-1. "Malachi," a new Tyler discourses of "Genius," which he defines as translation and exposition. 2. "Curtis' History of the comprehending or expressing the fullest devel- the Constitution." 3. "Mr. Maurice and his Writopment of all the faculties, or the largest endow-ings." 4. "William Jay." 5. "Liberal and Evanment of all the powers, proper to the intellectual gelical Christianity," in an appreciative review of nature of man. "German Education," is the title "Mercein's Natural Goodness." 6. "The Dogma of an article which attempts to show why German of the Immaculate Conception." instructors succeed so much better than American The Methodist Quarterey Review (South), has a teachers in imbuing their pupils with a love for sci-portrait of Rev. Lovick Pierre, M. D., of Georgia. ence and professional zeal. The writer attributes This interesting number contains:-1. "Biograph the result to the sociality of the people, the Govern- cal Sketch of Bishop Capers." "Fitzhugh's Somental material aid which is furnished, the kind ciology for the South," is reviewed, and his argubearing of the Professors, the fact that a Universityment is considered impregnable. 3. "Haggai," a education is the only introduction to office or honor, new translation. 4. "The Herodian Family." 5. the general respect for literary and scientific attain"Italian Literature." 6. "The Beatitudes," ments, the mode of training, &c., &c. "The Con- translation from Stier. 7. "The Rhomish New servative Use of the Eyes," contains some very im- Testament." 8. "Rosser on Baptism." portant hints to students, by Dr. Geo. A. Bethune. The remaining articles in this number are more theologic in their tone.

The National Magazine, for May, has its usual ex-, cellent variety of material. In the Editorial Gleanings, it is mentioned that the MSS. sent in for the prize of $300, which was offered for the best essay on Systematic Benevolence, by the Methodist Tract Society, have none of them been accepted.



[A valued correspondent has sent us the following communication as to the respective merits of the two great

American Dictionaries, which we publish not for the sake of adding to controversy, but that the candid and impartial statements of one who has long used both works may serve to make more apparent the great service which has been done to the cause of literature and learning in the publica

tion of the works of these respective authors.]

a I have been an observer, from time to time, of the controversy which has become so notorious respecting our two great American Dictionaries. I The Universalist Quarterly, for April, under the have seen what has been written and sent forth by caption of "The Great Moral Conflict," revives the the friends of "Webster," and, also, by those of. discussion of the questions embodied in Dr. Ed-"Worcester," while I have used the two worksward Beecher's "Conflict of Ages." "Elements of Character." "Tertullian ;" and "What is Will," are the titles of the remaining articles.

Brownson's Quarterly Review, for April, contains: 1. A vindication of "Romanism in America," from the attacks of Rev. R. W. Clark. 2. "Liberalism and Socialism," indicating what a Roman Catholic may accept as true and good in these tendencies of the public mind. 3. “Hecker's Questions of the Soul," which is commended to the young men of America as a model book. 4. "What Human Reason can do," in a review of Father Chartel's late work.

The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review, for April, contains, I. "An Ethnographic View of Western Africa," displaying the results of considerable research; II. A general view of "Schools and Systems of Interpretation;" III. "Congregationalism," a review of Sawyer's Organic Christianity; IV. "Faber on the Locality of Heaven;" V. "Christianity in India," giving an interesting sketch of the results of Missionary labors in that country; VI. "Jewish Expositions of Malachi ;" VII. "Mrs. Sherwood and Henry Martyn," comprising, principally, extracts from Mr. Sherwood's Journal in India; VIII. "Bishop McIlvaine on the Church." The Christian Review, for April, comprises the following articles: I. "The Book of Acts," shewing its peculiar relations to the great moral and religious movements of our own day, and noticing, with commendation, Prof. Hackett's recent commentary. II. "Bancroft on the Progress of Society," with co-sociated labor, united with the religion of the imapious extracts from his late Historical discourse, the main principles of which are defended and further elaborated. III. "Habitability of Worlds," against which the writer takes strong ground, stating that the idea of other inhabited worlds seems as inconsistent with Christianity, as it is unsupported by philosophy. IV. "Hume's Philosophy," in its general features. V. "Constantinople and the Eastern Question," which foretels the expulsion of the Moslem Turk from Europe. VI. "Basil the Great, presenting a general view of his life and orthodoxy. VII. "The Baptismal Formula."

In the New Englander, Rev. Dr. Sturtevant, of Illinois, reviews "Alton Locke,” as primarily designed to cast the most intense odium upon the principle of competition as applied in adjusting the wages of labor, and to exhibit the principle of as

and I think with much more than ordinary frequency and diligence-from their first appearance. I well remember the interest, hope and enthusiasm with which, in my senior collegiate year, I first took in my hands Webster's two noble quartos; and, with little abatement of the same feelings, I have purchased and examined each successive edition. I have also been familiar with the work of Dr. Worcester from its first publication in the large octavo form. These things I mention as introductory to the few words I have to say, while I wish further to state, that I have no pecuniary interest in the matter, and no motive in writing, but to serve the cause of truth and justice, and advance the interests of true and correct scholarship in regard to our rich and noble mother tongue.

The two dictionaries then-what shall we say of them? They are both works of great value, for which the respective authors should and will be gination, under the forms of the Church of England, held in long and grateful remembrance by every as the great remedy for existing social evils. A true scholar and student of the English language. valuable article in the present number, is entitled Dr. Webster, as all who knew him testify, was a "The Moral of Statistics," and relates to the moral most estimable man, and the large results of his laand social condition of the inhabitants of the United bors show that he was an earnest, enthusiastic, States, &c., being compiled from De Bow's census courageous, and successful student, particularly in returns. "Olimpia Morata" is a sketch of an ac- the department to which he gave by far the best complished Italian writer of the sixteenth century. portion of his long life. He toiled hard, and not There are other articles of general interest in this in vain, and he has left, in the work under considnumber. eration, a monument more durable than brass. The New-England Historical and Genealogical And Dr. Worcester, who is still among the living, Register, for April, furnishes a list of the "De-has the high esteem of all who know him, while


his long-continued and hard literary labor has wrought out for him a name which posterity will not willingly let die." The intelligent in the community respect these honored names, and why should the land be filled with controversy, and missives charged with the spirit of strife be sent into every student's study and office, to make him, if possible, a partizan in this ignoble dictionary warfare?

Of Webster's Dictionary it must be admitted that, as it is much the larger book, so it is generally much more extended in its definitions of words. It is said not to contain so many words as Worcester's, but a larger space is given to the description of their meaning and to citations from standard authors. And this is the great, distinctive merit of the work. As a mere defining "word-book" for the English language, it certainly had no equal at the time of its publication. Since, however, the English language does not stand still, there was a necessity that this great work should, sooner or later, be surpassed even in the department in which it chiefly excels; and this, we may say, has already been done, though not to the extent which might have been anticipated, by the large "Imperial Dictionary," in two royal octavo volumes, published at Glasgow, by Blackie & Son, in 1854.

who aspire to propriety and elegance in this re-entitled "Memorias para la Historia del Antigua spect; and where there is a difference or deviation, regno de Guatemala." In answer to this, have it is not usually a matter of accident, but the delib- the following reply to make to this anonymous corerate preference of one's own taste or judgment. respondent: It is true that the existence of this To be careless or indifferent in this particular is manuscript was known to few educated men in the ever to be unscholar-like, if not vulgar. Capital of Guatemala; but it was lying there, in Now, in the article specially under consideration, one of the libraries of the old monasteries, unused it seems to me that Dr. Worcester's Dictionary has and almost forgotten, amongst heaps of dust. Garno compeer in the English language. In the first cia Pelaez, the present Archbishop of Guatemala, place, he has himself given much attention to this perused the first two volumes a few years ago, and subject, and, after a careful consultation, both of took some extracts for his "Memorias;" but he general usage and the most eminent written au- almost entirely passed over the most interesting thorities, indicated his own judgment and prefer- part of this historical treasure, which contains the ence in regard to each particular word in his exten- legends and customs of the Indians, and their consive vocabulary. In the next place, he gives us the version by the Dominican monks. Pelaez wrote judgment or preference of all, or nearly all, the these Memorias when he was yet but a simple eminent orthopists for the last century upon words priest. His poor health, and his ecclesiastical duof diverse or disputed pronunciation. This is done ties afterwards, prevented the aged prelate from under each such word, and is a most valuable fea- completing and revising his writings. Thus they ture of his work. In the third place, we have were published in a form which were not able to many short and well-timed remarks from Walker satisfy even the most favorable critic. The veneraand other eminent authorities, which assist the care-ble author himself asserts that these Memorias ful student in fixing his own preference and usage. As examples of such remarks, the reader is referred to the words prayer, acceptable, wound, route, &c. And this, it seems to me, every scholar must regard as a very important addition to a dictionary, and a In respect to orthography and pronunciation, the valuable as well as interesting peculiarity of the principal names in the great community of letters work under review. In the department of definibeing judges, Webster is not authority, and should tion, though Webster has the advantage in being not be followed as a guide. And these two depart- more extensive, yet Worcester is singularly excelments of orthography and orthopy are very im-lent for the space which his pages allow. In some portant in a lexicon which is to be used in our cases, where it is most needed, he is even more full schools, our printing offices, and in the private and satisfactory than Webster, as under the words studies of our professional men and public speak-dictionary, progress as a verb, wayward, &c., and ers. It is not, and never should be, for definitions in all cases, so far as I have examined, he is realone that we go to the dictionary, but quite as markable for accuracy and discrimination. Indeed often, and in the case of young persons, usually the brevity, point, and clearness with which he demuch oftener, to determine the manner in which difficult words are to be spelled and pronounced. The art of correct spelling, and a correct and elegant pronunciation, is truly a great art, and no one can claim to be an accomplished scholar who fails in these things. And here the palm must certainly be awarded to Worcester. His orthography is that of nearly all modern writers of eminence, who use the English language, and has the sanction of well nigh universal usage for the last hundred years. In this respect Webster's is an innovater, not always without reason and analogical consistency on his side, but still an innovater, while Worcester keeps company with the multitude of distinguished writers both in England and America.

And now we come to the matter of pronunciation, which, as has been said, is one of much importance in a dictionary. In a cultivated state of society it is not enough to know the meaning of words, but we must know how to utter them, what articular sounds to give to the letters and syllables, and where to place the principal accent. And few things in the study of our language are worthy of more care than this. A good pronunciation is not only an accomplishment, but it adds very much to one's power both in public speaking and in conversation. A correct and elegant method of uttering and accenting words is, in fact, one of the principal charms which a speaker possesses to move and interest our feelings. Of this our best public speakers, and those who excel in conversation, are well aware, and hence they take pains to satisfy themselves what is usage and authority in this respect. They are thoughtful and careful as to the sound they give to letters, and as to accentuation. Though there is an observable diversity among distinguished orators in the manner of sounding syllables and letters, and laying the accent, there is, nevertheless, a very general agreement among all

are but fragments, and does not like to speak of them. Even his most intimate friends and admirers in Guatemala-I could mention amongst them Don Luis Batres, one of the most important and most intelligent men in the whole Republic-agree that the work of the Archbishop is a most imperfect one, written without any scientific method and criticism. The manuscript of Padre Ximenes, the most important content of which Dr. Scherzer has carefully copied, remains, indeed, still a but littleknown treasure. Even the learned French Abbie, Mr. Brasseur de Bourgbourg, whose history of the ancient Tudran Reign has, in France, received the highest acknowledgments, and who spent seven years in Mexico, occupied with historical researches, did not know the manuscript of Ximenes but by name, and was not aware whether and where it still existed. The anonymous writer of the "Literary Gazette" has surely himself neither seen nor read the manuscript in question, else he would surely not have made the superficial or rather unwarranted assertion, of its having been “largely used” by Mr. Garcia Pelacz.

Truly yours,


fines even difficult words, is often surprising. In
this respect I think his work deserves commenda-
tion which it has seldom, if ever, received.
Now, it seems to me, that for a standard in our
schools, for family use, and for the frequent consul-
tation of the scholar and the professional man, and
especially the public speaker, Worcester's Octavo
Dictionary is a sort of indispensable possession.
In the public library, the school room, and the well
furnished study or office of the literary or profes-
sional man, it should not stand alone, but be flanked
by the more ponderous volume of Webster, as re-
vised by Prof. Goodrich, and where means are not
wanting, also, by Johnson, Richardson, and Dr. Primitive des Nations civilisûs de l' Amerique Septentrivu-
Ogilvie's Imperial Dictionary. Still, for all common ale," (Mexico, 1850,) he writes to the Duke of Valmy: "Le
purposes of orthography, pronunciation, and defi-pire Francisco Ximenes composa une histoire ancienne de
nition, let Worcester have his proper place, which Guatemala et Chiapes, DEMEUIRE MANUSCRIPT ET ENTIERE-
is the highest on the roll of good judgment, cor-
rect taste, and practical excellence.
April 16, 1855.



* Historia de la Provincia de San Vincente de Chiapas y Goatemala, compuesta por el R. P. Provincial General Fray Francisco Ximenes, de la orden de Predicadores.

+ In his "Lettres pour Servir d' Introduction & l' Histoire



BOSTON, April 25, 1855.

MY DEAR EDITOR: The Literary Gazette which you send out into the world so regularly, twice a ISLAND OF CUBA, March 8, 1855. month, is received here with much eagerness, not To the Editor of Norton's Literary Gazette: only by publishers and booksellers, but also by DEAR SIR: It was sometime during the Summer those literary and professional men whom you numof last year that I communicated to the "Augs- ber among your subscribers. And why should it burger Allgemeinen Zeitung" that Dr. CARL SCHER- not be so? Your sheet fills a place and satisfies a ZER had found, in one of the old libraries in Guat- want which no other paper in our country professes emala, the historical manuscript of Padre Francisco to fill or satisfy. As a nation, we have too long been Ximenes.* In reply to this, an anonymous gentle-destitute of a literary medium in the form of a man comes forward in the last number (VI) of your newspaper. It is true that many of our daily and Gazette, stating that this manuscript, so important weekly papers devote a portion of their columns to for the history and the condition of the Indians of the notice of new publications and matters of popCentral America, has been, long since, universally | ular literary or scientific interest. This they are known, and been "largely used" by the Archbishop obliged to do in this age of many books, and when Garcia Pelaez, in his work, published in 1852, and literature is so popular a theme for conversation.


Still, there has long been needed a periodical, and gratitude of the society for this liberal legacy, and one not in the stately pamphlet form, which pub-recommending that a memoir of the generous donor lishers, booksellers, and literary and professional be published in the Society's collections. Rev. Dr. men could unite in sustaining, and in which each Lothrop is to prepare the memoir. Hon. R. C. should find a portion of appropriate and interest- Winthrop presented to the society, in behalf of the ing matter. And such, in a good degree, is "Nor- widow of the late Isaac P. Davis, Esq., a curious ton's Literary Gazette." Beautiful and significant antique chair, formerly the property of the reis the emblem on the first page-the pen weighing nowned Dean Berkeley, and made for him in down the sword; beautiful, that mind is acknowl- Rome, after the manner of the curule of the ancient edged to be mightier than brute force; and signifi- Roman Magistrates. Said chair is believed to be cant that, at this day, such an idea is itself a con- real solid matter, and not merely an idea or appeartrolling element in the life and activity of civilized ance. Another interesting incident at the meeting was the announcement that the Manuscript History of the Plymouth Colony, written by Gov. Bradford, is in possession of the Lord Bishop of London, who has granted to the Massachusetts Historical Society full permission to copy it for publication in the next volume of the Society's collections. The manuscript was in the hands of Rev. Thomas Prince when he prepared his New England Chronology, and of Hutchinson when he wrote the History of Massachusetts, but was suddenly lost sight of, and, as it was supposed, irrecoverably. But they were recently discovered to be in the Fulham Library, through the reading of certain notes in an Historical work, by Rev. John S. Barry, who is preparing a History of Massachusetts.

which I gave in a former letter. It is a well printed volume, of 664 pages, and gives not only the early religious history of this part of the country, but also the general history so far as this is necessary to illustrate its religious and ecclesiastical history. It has been prepared with the greatest care, and with the aid of the best materials for the elucidation of the subject, and, in all matters of fact, will be found to be in the highest degree reliable. The volume will be much sought for by the sons of New England, wherever they may reside, and will soon be in every well selected library. The indefatigable author has spent long years upon it.

The recent work of Dr. Wm. B. Sprague, entitled, "Visits to European Celebrities," from the press of Messrs. Gould & Lincoln, is having a good sale. It is indeed a most interesting and charming book. The fac-similes of the autographs of the different characters, impart no small interest to this handsome volume. The carefully prepared memoir of Miss Whiting, late Principal of the Charlestown Female Seminary, is an admirable production; it is entitled, "The Teacher's Last Lesson," and is full of important instruction, especially in regard to religious experience and the development of a strong Christian character.

The new work, from the press of J. P. Jewett & Co., entitled, "The Augustan Age of France," is INTEREST IN NEW ENGLAND HISTORY-GOV. WINTHROP's an interesting and valuable volume. It was trans


In speaking thus of the Gazette, my design is not to flatter, but to remind you of what I have thought you might be liable to overlook-the greatness and importance of a work like that which you have undertaken. At this day, a semi-monthly paper devoted to literature and the arts, may exert a great and beneficial influence on the community, and, if it furnishes the needful variety of matter, may, as it seems to me, have a good number of subscribers. I know not the extent of your present list, but I know that many in different sections of the country, and of the world, are your constant readers, and look to your sheet for information which they cannot elsewhere easily obtain. Says a recent let ter from the South-west, which I have seen, "Norton is much consulted hereabouts;" and another, from London, "I take Norton's Literary Gazette;" and a gentleman, recently from abroad, "I took up I am, at this point, reminded of what your readNorton's Gazette in Leipsic." Thus, my dear sir, ers must have observed to be the fact, viz: the you may see, and the thought may properly en-great and increasing interest which there is in New courage you in your editorial labors, that you are England, and, indeed, through the country, in the reaching a large circle of minds and furnishing them history of the Northern Colonies. Of this we have with thoughts, suggestions, and intelligence such had, and are still having, evidence in the numerous as they receive through no other medium. And publications, great and small, touching this subject. this brings to my mind a suggestion which you will Formerly our original and principal works in this allow me here to interpose, and that is, whether department were scarce, but they are now being reyou would not do well to have a less exclusive re-produced, with explanations and additions, which gard to the "Trade" and more regard to the wants give them peculiar value. As an instance of this, I of literary and professional men? It has seemed may mention Little & Brown's recent and elegant to me that the Gazette might be the best medium in edition of Gov. Winthrop's History of New Engthe country not only for advertisements and notices land, in two large octavo volumes, adorned with a of new books, and for merely recent intelligence, fine engraving of the admirable old Puritan. Gov. but also for descriptions of rare old books and lit- Winthrop, it seems, kept an exact account of ocerary curiosities in ages gone by, with criticisms currences and transactions in the Colony down to upon them, and upon any works or topics of litera- 1648, which was of great service to Hubbard, ry interest, recent or remote. In every community Mather, and Prince. This was published in 1790, of scholars a kind of "retrospective review" is in an octavo volume. This volume must, as I supneeded which shall furnish a knowledge of the lit-pose, have embraced two volumes of the Governerary past, and such you might easily, to a limited or's manuscripts. In 1816 the manuscript of the extent, make the Gazette, and, as I have thought, third volume was found in the tower of the Old to the advantage of your present subscription list. South Church, in this city. This was carefully deA word to the wise is sufficient. I merely give you ciphered and transcribed by Mr. James Savage, the my impressions. late President of the Historical Society, and, in 1825, published in two volumes. And it is this, Gov. Winthrop's Complete History of New EngThis excellent association held its annual meet-land, carefully revised by the same competent and ing on the 12th instant. Hon. James Savage, well faithful editor, which we have in the unsurpassed known for his historical labors, who has filled the style of Messrs. Little & Brown's publication. The office of President for fourteen years, declined a re-work is a great treasure, and should be in every election, and Hon. Robert C. Winthrop was chosen public and every considerable private library in the in his place. The predecessor of Mr. Savage in the office was Ilon. Thomas L. Winthrop, the father of his successor. Rev. Joseph B. Felt, who had been some eighteen years the faithful librarian of the society, also declined a reelection, as he is now the librarian of the Congregational Library Association. Dr. S. K. Lothrop succeeds Mr. Felt as librarian to the Historical Society. The trustees, under the will of the late Samuel Appleton, of this city, have transferred to the Society stocks to the value of ten thousand dollars, to constitute a fund, the income of which is to be devoted to procuring, preserving and publishing Historical papers. George Livermore, Esq., presented a special report, expressing the


land. The volumes equal in interest any thing
which can be found in the line of romance or fic-
tion. They contain veritable history, but the histo-
ry of times and men which excite the wonder of the
present generation. Life is now tame compared
with that which the early settlers of New England


Of works just issued in this city, the most important by far is the "Ecclesiastical History of New England," by Rev. Joseph B. Felt, whose name I mentioned above. This is the first issue of the Congregational Library Association, an account of

lated from the French, by Rev. E. N. Kirk, who also furnishes an introduction of 28 pages. It is a good book, and will sell. The same house has issued two volumes more from that unfailing fountain of common, but ever wholesome thoughts, Dr. Cumming. These are Biblical Readings on Leviticus and St. Luke. In waiting for the last of the Dr.'s works, one is reminded of the youth in Horace, who thought he would wait for the river to run out, before he passed over; but, the overflowing water of his Scotch-English Divinity, is pure and good, and so we will not find fault that it never fails.

Mrs. H. B. Stowe's new book, "The Mayflower and Miscellaneous Pieces," is received with much favor, to all appearance, and will have a large sale.

The Poems of Alice Carey, from the press of Ticknor & Fields, I think you have already noticed. I have been reading this book, and some portions of it with much pleasure. The new work by Kingsley, author of "Hypatia," is receiving much praise. The work is entitled, "Westward, Ho! The Voyages and Adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh,” and is a veritable history, as is supposed, in the usual novel style of the distinguished author.

The small "Treatise on English Punctuation," by John Wilson, you have already favorably noticed, but it deserves to be mentioned again. Mr. Wilson is a printer, and from his long and intelligent practice of his profession, has been able to prepare a volume on the somewhat difficult art of pointing composition, which has probably no equal, in its peculiar department, in the English language.

WORKS NEARLY READY, OR IN PRESS. Messrs. Little & Brown will soon issue several more volumes of their Standard British Poets. The

next to appear are Shelley, in 8 volumes, and good old George Herbert in one. They have in press, and will soon publish, the "Correspondence of Daniel Webster," edited by his Son, in two volumes, uniform with his works, which are in six volumes. I have also seen a specimen of their promised edition of "Plutarch's Lives," translated by several hands, and edited by A. H. Clough. It is a splendid piece of typography. The set, in five volumes, when completed, will be a rare luxury to the scholar. A large number of copies is already engaged for the London market.

Messrs. Hickling, Swan & Brown, announced, College.' This essay is an elaborate view of Dr. was but 10,000; while now it is 600,000, and this week, several very important works as in press, Whewell's work, and of Sir David Brewster's re- 67,000 of native-born citizens of Maine are resiamong these are a new American Dictionary of the ply, both of which are named at the head of the ar- dents of other States. Prof. Packard read an English Language, by Dr. J. C. Worcester, in one ticle in the usual style of the Quarterly Reviews. interesting article on "Parson Eaton," an eccenlarge royal quarto; The Early History of Rome, by In the course of his essay Mr. Smith uses this lan-tric and noted clergyman of former times. Mr. Henry G. Liddell, editor of the well-known Greek guage: It is gratifying to be able to extend the Mr. J. C. Abbott, writer of the "Napoleon PaLexicons. A new Latin-English Dictionary, By same praise to the more voluminous works of the Wm. Smith, LL. D.; a smaller English-Latin Dic-author of Indications of a Creator, with whom the pers," gave some account of the late semi-cententionary, by the same author, and a Diary in Greek Essayist appears not unwilling to be identified.' nial gathering of the N. Y. Historical Society; and Turkish Waters, by the Earl of Carlisle. The author of 'Indications,' &c., as every body and after a very agreeable meeting the Society knows, is Dr. Whewell. From this statement it adjourned. would seem clear, 1st. That Mr. H. J. S. Smith has


(other initials are given in other papers). 2d. That
Mr. Smith is not the author of the original work on
the 'Plurality of Worlds,' since he would not review
his own book. 8d. That in Mr. Smith's estimation
Dr. Whewell is the author."


A very respectable proportion of this large collec-been converted by rumor into Mr. T. S. Smith tion of rare and valuable books, came to this city. The thing seemed to take with the Burnhams, and a few days after the sale, their shelves were loaded down with more than 8,000 of these curious and peculiarly bound volumes. The older member of this house has a strange faculty of knowing the wants of his customers. It is a mystery to outsiders, where all his books come from, but he is sure always to have something on hand to tempt the lover of books to part with his money. It is hard to enter his large establishment, and not leave with the pockets materially lightened. Such a store is exceedingly useful to the great reading community, and literary and professional men owe no small debt of gratitude to one who keeps such a miscellaneous collection of books and all manner of literary findings.



By reference to the letter of our Boston correspondent, our readers will find an account of the late Annual Meeting of the MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY, which, as the earliest of these organizations, may be called the Parent Society. Of works published in other cities, we easily keep The recent discovery of the lost MSS. of Gov. Wm. the run here. Our principal publishers keep up an Bradford's History of Plymouth Colony, from active exchange, and readily furnish any thing we 1602 to the end of 1646, is also alluded to. It need. I have recently noticed on their shelves the will probably make an octavo volume of over valuable and sightly volume, "Orators and States- 300 pages. This, although it has been extenmen," by D. A. Harsha, from the press of Charles sively used by Rev. T. Prince in his New England Scribner. This is indeed a work of much merit; both the design and the execution of which Chronology, will prove a valuable discovery, as it will doubtless furnish additional illustrations betokening that the author is a thorough master of the subject on which he treats. There of some of the more obscure parts of Massawas a necessity that the author should limit his se-chusetts history. lections, but he has done every thing which could In addition to the particulars furnished in our have been expected in the space he has given to his last article concerning the Maine Historical Sociwork. It is to be hoped that he will give us another ety, we give the following items respecting its opvolume, as he intimates he may do, devoted to cele-erations. The Society has now a fund of about brated Pulpit Orators. He is certainly the man for $6,000 bestowed by the State, and the collection for such a task. His present work will have many of MSS. and printed works is quite valuable.

readers among our aspiring young men.

Uhlman's Syriac Grammar, translated from the German, is one of the greatest recent treasures from the New York press. The work has long been needed, and, I trust, will sell well for such a book. It certainly has no equal, nor, so far as I know, any rival. I should be glad to speak of it more at length, and urge the study of this important language upon all young clergymen and theological students, did my limits permit. In the publication of such a work, the Appletons have done good service to the clergy and the lover of ancient languages, and they will doubtless receive a suitable reward. Next to laborious thinkers and authors, good publishers will have the scholar's gratitude.

[blocks in formation]

We also add some statements respecting the condition of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. The library of this Society now contains

three thousand five hundred volumes, besides

about two thousand unbound pamphlets, and a large number of valuable manuscripts. The books are entirely of an historical character, and many of them are of great rarity and value.With the exception of a few volumes, the entire collection is the result of various and constant donations by the members of the Society and others.

In the hall of the Society are about forty portraits, bust and half-length, of persons distinguished in the annals of Pennsylvania; but few are originals, all, however, are creditable works of art. Among the originals are portraits of William Penn and Benjamin Franklin. Among the landscapes are views of Fort Necessity at the Great Meadows, of Braddock's battle-field on the Monongahela, Braddock's grave by the roadside, and Penn's grave at Baconsfield. There are numerous objects of curiosity and interesting

relics in the cabinet.

A considerable increase has occurred in the last two years in the number of members of the Society. Younger men are taking position, and during the past year have displayed a zeal as fervent and exhibited abilities of as high an order as have any who have gone before them. Some of the best literary productions of the city have in that time been read at the meetings of the Society; while Hon. Winthrop Sargent's History of General Braddock's Expedition, just published, reflects high credit upon the Society who have shown such just appreciation of the

Another volume of Collections, of about 400
pages, will be published soon. Besides the an-
nual meeting, held at Brunswick in September,
there are also special meetings convened at Port-author's abilities.
land and Augusta. The last was held at Augusta, The system of publication by a fund, has
Feb. 2, at which several interesting communi- already been alluded to. The money is invested
cations were read. One of these was a very and held by Trustees, and only its interest can
amusing paper prepared by H. C. Robbins, in- be used. The Society and individuals aid the
troductory to an autograph letter from Wash-fund in its present weak state-its principal, but
ington to Gen. Knox, in 1789, acknowledging five thousand dollars, being insufficient to pro-
the receipt of a piece of cloth manufactured at duce works of elegance with much rapidity. The
Hartford, where the first cotton-mill in the Uni- last work issued by the Society is a History
ted States was established. At the evening ses- of Mason and Dixon's Line, by J. H. B. Latrobe,
sion, the opening address was delivered by the Esq., of Baltimore. It may almost be said to
Hon. Wm. Willis, Recording Secretary, who re- supply a gap in our literary history-so widely
viewed the history of the Society, with inciden- known in the existence of that line, and so little
tal notices of other kindred associations, and of is known of it. A committee of this Society was
the distinguished early members of this Society, recently appointed to inquire into the expediency
many of whom are no longer surviving. He of celebrating the adoption of the Constitution of
then instituted a comparative view of the con- the United States as a great Historical Epoch, and
dition of the State at the time of its admission to fix the day on which it should be observed.
to the Union in 1820, and at the present time, Mr. J. R. Tyson, as Chairman, reported in favor
recurring also to the prominent parts of the early of its observance on the Anniversary of its adop-
history of the State. Among the valuable station by the Convention, which occurred on the
tistics of this address we find that just one hun- 17th day of September, 1787. This event will
dred years ago the whole population of the State be celebrated on the 17th of September, 1856,

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