Page images

porations, ix, 569; x, 631; xii,
623; oyster-lands, ix, 571; child-
labor, ix, 571; compulsory edu-
cation act, the, xi, 625; election
of Senator Blodgett, xii, 540;
population, xv, 602; abandoned
farms, xvi, 575; State survey,
xvii, 500; judicial decisions, 501;
xviii, 516; the Palisades, xx, 537.
New Jerusalem Church, i, 595; ii,
557; iii, 614; viii, 564; x, 627;
xi, 612; xii, 543; xiii, 599; xv,
605. See also New Church.
New London, Conn., view of, iv,
298; growth of, xvi, 162.
Newman, J. H., sketch and port.,
XV, 605.

New Mexico, ii, 558; viii, 565; ix,
572; x, 632; xi, 628; xii, 545; xix,
523; xx, 538; irrigation, xx,
539; view in, ii, 559; Indians in,
ii, 558; viii, 566; raids of, x, 633;
xi, 630; xii, 545; railroads, tele-
graplis, and newspapers, ii, 559;
viii, 565; xii, 545; disorder in,
iii, 31; land-system, viii, 566;
resources, viii, 565; xi, 630; in-
dustries, ix, 572; x, 633; land-
titles, x, 633; xi, 631; xii, 546;
population, x, 634; cultivation
of alfalfa, or California clover, xi,
631; droughts and floods, xi,
630; Indian relics in, ix, 17, x,
632; xiii, 600; xiv, 594; xv,
xvi, 575; xvii, 503'; xviii, 517.
New Norcia, mission, x, 66.
New Orleans, debt of, v, 480; vii,
483; Exposition, ix, 573; illus-
trations, i, 483; ix, 575, 577;
xiii, 168; massacre in, xvi, 833;
water, xix, 777.
Newport, Ky., growth of, xii, 125.
Newport, R. 1., view of, i, 701;
old mill, ii, 675; xvi, 163.
New processes, xviii, 136.
New race discovered in Egypt,
ill., xx, 28.

Newson, T. M., obit., xviii, 563.
New South Wales, x, 60, 63; xi,

61, 62; xiv, 53; xv, 46; xvi, 61;
xvii, 48; xviii, 57; xix, 55; xx,
66. See under Australia.
Newspapers, xi, 632; improve-
ments in journalism, 633; places
of publication, 633; subsidiary
industries, 634; press associa-
tions, 635; Russian, ix, 708.
New States, xix, 224.

New substances, xii, 670; xviii,
133; xix, 111.
New Testament, revision, vi, 689;
X, 95.
Newton, Henry, obit., ii, 585.
Newton, H. A., observations by,
iii, 36, 37.

Newton, Henry J., ix, 651; obit.,
XX, 584.

Newton, John, obit. and port., xx,


[blocks in formation]

tics, 581; bills on, vetoed, ii,
567; street-cleaning bill, vi, 651;
removal of police commissioners,
vi, 659; consolidation of elevated
railroads, vi, 659; surface rail-
roads, ix, 591; x, 641; trials of al-
dermen for taking bribes, xi, 649;
xii, 555; power of appointment,
X, 640; charges of malfeasance,
ix, 588; x, 641; Statue of Lib-
erty, 642; xi, 649; labor party,
xi, 648; libraries, xi, 649, 651;
illustrations, i, 604; ii, 565, 567.
569; xi, 650; illustrations of the
work on the Croton Aqueduct,
xii, 556, 557, 559, 560; recent
growth of the city, xi, 177; xiii,
610; xiv, 601; xv, 615; xvi, 585
xvii, 517; xviii, 523; xix, 534;
water, xix, 777.

New York Harbor, improvements
in, v, 250.

New York State, in every vol-
ume; equalization of assessments,
i, 597; concerning testimony of
husbands and wives, 597; new
Capitol, 599; iv, 671; vii, 614;
viii, 575; constitutional amend-
ments, 605; ii, 568; iv, 681; v,
576; vii, 601; burning of Brook-
lyn Theatre, i, 605; sketch of
Gov. Robinson, 606; bill for
sale of lateral canals, ii, 567;
apportionment of members of
legislature, iii, 614; iv, 671
codification of laws, iii, 615;
question of maintaining canals,
616; vi, 651; pipe-line com-
panies, iii, 618; married women
may execute a power of attorney,
619; coal and railroad combina-
tion, 619; fish-culture, 620; wom-
an-suffrage convention, 621; con-
stitutionality of civil-damages
act, 625; election of Senator
Conkling, iv, 671; state chari-
ties, 672; v, 572; tramp act, iv,
675; pluralis.n, 675; award of
damages for false imprisonment,
675; common-school system, 677;
railroad freight discrimination,
678; revision of assessinent laws,
v, 569; vi, 650; taxation of stock
of national banks, v, 570; Hud-
son River Tunnel, 580; factions
of the Republican party, vi, 648;
resignation of senators, 644; elec-
tion of successors, 646; sketches
of Lapham and Miller, 648;
charge of bribery, 648; viii, 577;
railroad commission, vi, 651: vii,
599; viii, 569; bill for prevent-
ing telegraph consolidation, vi,
651; emigration commission, vi,
651; anti-monopoly league, 652;
elevated-railroad bills, vii, 600
liability for damages, vii, 616;
five-cent-fare bill, viii, 568; in-
vestigations, vii, 602; election of
Gov. Cleveland, 610; sketch and
portrait, 611; political assess-
ments, 614; viii, 566; decision
on obligations of railroad com-
panies, vii, 614; act regulating
primary elections, viii, 567; civil-
service, commissioners, 567; x,
639; law amended, ix, 687; Adi-
rondack forests, viii, 576; ix,
582; x, 635; telegraph suits, viii,
576; Newburg celebration, 577;
acts affecting municipal admin-

istration, ix, 580; x, 636; street
railroads, ix, 581; prison labor,
582; x, 636; xi, 642; xii, 548;
the Western House of Refuge,
582; David B. Hill, governor,
588; freedom-of-worship bill, x,
634; the census, 634; Niagara
Falls reservation, 635; gas com-
panies, 635; canal convention,
xi, 643; capital punishment, xii,
548; insurance legislation, 552;
population, xv, 611, and xvii,
511; State flower, xvi, 580; for-
ests, 583, and xviii, 523; wealth,
xvii, 505, and xviii, 519; consti-
tutional convention, xix, 581;
strikes, xx, 543.

New Westminster, xvi, 164.
New Zealand, native question in,
vii, 45; see Maoris, the; govern-
ment, etc., 46; land system, 46;
viii, 37; ix, 55, 60; ix, 60, 66; xi,
65; mountains in, ix, 545; xii,
48; volcanic eruptions in, xi, 66;
xiv, 608; xv, 49; xvi, 64; xvii,
46; xviii, 59; xix, 61; xx, 69.
Nez Percés Indians, war with, ii,
39; removal of, ordered, iii, 28.
Ngamiland, xv, 97; xvi, 104.
Niagara Falls, scheme to transmit

power from, vi, 253; xii, 561;
xvii, 252; reservation, x, 635;
electrical power at, xix, 543.
Niagara Falls Park, commissioners
appointed, viii, 570; restoration,
X, 674; steps for a park on the
Canadian side, x, 674; cantilever
bridge, illustration, viii, 314.
Niagara Falls, N. Y., xvii, 116.
Nias, Island of, xi, 482.
Niblo, William, obit., iii, 642.
Nicaragua, xx, 552; trouble with
Germany, iii, 386; Mosquito ter-
ritory, vi, 661; new constitution,
661; canal, 662; vii, 618; viii,
581; ix, 592; x, 642; xi, 654;
xii, 563; xiii, 614; xiv, 610; XV,
623; xvi, 594; xviii, 530;' bill
concerning, xx, 200; British oc-
cupation of Corinto, xx, 553; in-
surrections, vi, 663; volcano of
Ometepe in eruption, vii, 582;
proposed national railroad, ix,
592; lake steamer, xi, 653; erup-
tion of Momotombo, 653; xiii,
613; xiv, 609; xv,623; xvii, 526.
Nicaraguan canal project, xx, 553.
Nice, water-works of, x, 331; ob-

servatory, floating dome of, xi, 58.
Nichol, John, obit., xix, 619.
Nicholas 1, of Montenegro, sketch,
ii, 571; iii, 586.
Nicholas, Grand Duke, sketch, ii,
571; obit., xvi, 680.
Nicholls, Francis T., sketch, i, 493;
government headed by, i, 455;
nominated, xiii, 501.
Nicholls, Rhoda H., xi, 346.
Nichols, E. L., ix, 45.
Nichols, Edward T., obit. xi, 693.
Nichols, J. R., sketch, xiii, 647.
Nichols, Samuel, obit., v, 594.
Nichols, W. R., investigations by,
V, 87; ix, 719; obit., xi, 693.
Nicholson, A., obit., xviii, 589.
Nicholson, James W. A., at Alex-
andria, vii, 248; obit., xii, 601.
Nickel, xx, 470; magnetic proper
ties of, i, 250; in iron-ores, ii,
501; determination of, ii, 502;
ores in United States, vii, 582;

processes with, viii, 522; in Ne-
vada, ix, 476; steel, xii, 485;
mines at Thio, 485; plating, x,
159; xii, 485; xv, 527; xviii, 484;
in Canada, xviii, 267.
Nicol, W. J., theory of, x, 149, 152.
Nicolai, Baron, obit., xvi, 680.
Nicolaides, R., ix, 654.
Nicolar, Joseph, obit., xix, 590.
Nicotera, Baron Giovanni, obit.,
xix, 619.

Niederwald, plot, ix, 358.
Niége, oleomargarine, vii, 661.
Nicritz, K. G., sketch, i, 606.
Niessl, G., observations, viii, 25.
Nieuwenhuis, D., xi, 607; xii, 529.
Nieuwerkerke, Comte de, obit.,
xvii, 601

Niger, the, exploration of, v, 290;
trade on, x, 393.
Nihilism in Russia, iii, 744; Meli-
koff's policy, vi, 795; methods,
vi, 802; beginning, vii, 736; x,

Nihilists, iv, 681; disturbances by,
iv, 776, 777; v, 662, 664; arrests
and trial of, for the murder of the
Czar, vi, 796; two sections of, vi,
797; proclamations of, vi, 798;
attempt to assassinate Gen.
Tcherevin, vi, 799; alleged plot
of, in Switzerland, vi, 829; omit-
ted from amnesty, viii, 706; ar-
rests, viii, 709; ix, 711; in Russia,
X, 718; trials, 719; conspiracies
of, xiv, 753; expelled from Swit-
zerland, 787. See Anarchisın.
Nikacheff, M., xii, 488.
Nikolaieff, Col., x, 781.
Nile, composition of waters, i, 99;
project for reservoirs, xix, 255.
Nile region, expedition to, xvii,


Nilson, S., discovery by, iv, 137;
experiments, v, 87; viii, 117; x,
153; obit., viii, 603.
Nina, Cardinal, obit., x, 713.
Nisero affair, ix, 558.
Nissel, Franz, obit., xviii, 584.
Nitrate deposits in Chili, iii, 95; in

Peru, iii, 688; vi, 276; viii, 124.
Nitrate of soda, x, 164; whether

contraband of war, 164.
Nitric acid as a solvent, i, 98.
Nitric-acid vapor, combustion in,
xiv, 134.

Nitric ferments, vi, 98.
Nitrification, iii, 83; cause of, ix,
128, 157.

Nitrites in water, test for, vii, 91;
estimation of, ix, 123.
Nitrogen, absorbed by plants, i, 92;
quantitative estimation of, ix,
122, 127; x, 156; in the soil, 157;
sources, in vegetation, xii, 111.
Nitro-glycerine, x, 344.
Nitrous oxide, cffects of, xii, 679.
Nitzsch, K. W., obit., v, 601.
Niuchuang, capture of, xx, 135.
Nixon, John T., sketch, xiv, 642.
Noailles, J., Duc de, obit., xx, 614.
Noailles, P., obit., x, 666.
Nobel, A., discovery by, iv, 131;
invention, x, 844, 345.
Noble, B. G., obit., xv, 656.
Noble, John W., sketch and port.,
xiv, 804.
Noble, Matthew, sketch, i, 607.
Noble, Samuel, sketch, xiii, 647.
Noble, W. H., obit., xix, 590.
Noel, Hon. R. B. W., obit., xix, 619.

[blocks in formation]

Nollet and Van Malderen, inven-
tion by, iii, 275.

No Man's Land (Japan), ix, 416;
(Africa), iv, 129; (Asia), x, 4, 6.
Nominations, Presidential. See
United States, vols. i, v, and ix.
Nonconformists, use of title "Rev."
by, i, 25; burial of, in parish
church-yards, iii, 13.
Non-intervention among nations,
the principle of, vii, 618; science
of international law, 618-622; re-
sponsibility of nations, 623; in-
tervention when asked for, 625;
when nationality is involved,
625; union of states, 626; cases
of succession and religion, 627;
the Roman question, 627.
Norbury, R., obit., xi, 724.
Nordenskiöld, explorations of, i,
328; iii, 354; iv, 411; viii, 28;
in Greenland, 384; x, 398.
Nordman, J., obit., xii, 365.
Nordquist, explorations of, iv,
Norfolk, Va., growth of, xi, 178;
illustration, ii, 262.
Norman, Helen, obit., xvi, 644.
Normanby, Marquis, iv, 56; obit.,
XV, 685.


Norodom, King of Cambodia, ix,
339; x, 118.

Norquay, John, x, 568, 569; sketch,
xiv, 667.

Norris, A. W., sketch, xiii, 647.
Norris, experiments by, viii, 633.
Norristown, growth of, xii, 126.
North, farthest point reached in

the, illustration, ix, 31.
North Bay, Ontario, xvi, 164.
North Borneo Company, the, vi,


North Island, eruption on, xi, 66.
Northbrook Island, vii, 334.
Northbrook, Lord, sketches, i,
406; v, 580; x, 60, 310.
North Carolina, in each volume;
election of Góv. Z. B. Vance, i,
607; constitutional amendments,
608; v, 586; xii, 564; new State
University, 609; v, 584; vii,
632; State charities, i, 610;
Senator Ransom elected, 611;
Western North Carolina railroad,
611; iii, 628; v, 580; election
regulations, ií, 572; State debt,
573; iii, 626; iv, 687; v, 583;
vii, 630; sketch of Judge W. N.
H. Smith, ii, 574; iii, 630; peni-
tentiary system, iii, 626; rail-
roads, 627; V, 580; State ar-
chives, iii, 630; conveyance of
real estate, iv, 685; tramp act,
686; school legislation, 688; vi,
664; election of Gov. Vance to the
office of senator, iv, 689; sketch
of Lieut.-Gov. Jarvis, 690; fish-
culture, 690; natural features of
the State, 690, 691; swamp
lands, v, 584; colored industrial
fairs, 585; Swepson embezzle-
ment case, 585; extradition,
585; re-election of Gov. Jarvis,
586; vote on prohibition, vi,
665, 666; colored convention,
667; Indians, 669; population
by counties, 669; railroad bonds,
vii, 632; celebration of Mecklen-

burg declaration of independ-
ence, 684; minerals, viii, 583;
election of Gov. Scales, ix, 594;
phosphates, xi, 656; oyster sur-
vey, 656; population, xv, 624,
and xvi, 595; new seal of, xviii,
534; monuments, xx, 555.
Northcote, Sir Stafford, portrait,
x, 443; sketch, 448, illustration,
suggesting the suspension of
Parnell, vii, 204; ix, 371, 690.
North Dakota, xiv, 612; xix, 558;
XX, 556; population, xv, 626;
prohibition, 628; land titles, xvi,
599; limitation of the Governor's
authority, xviii, 535.

Northeast Passage, search for, iv,
411; Nordenskiöld's conclusions
as to, iv, 415.
Northen, Adolf, obit., i, 639.
Northend, C., obit., xx, 585.
North, M., obit., xv, 685.
North Pond case, xix, 518.
North Sea Canal, x, 417.
Northwest Passage, iii, 354, 355.
Northwest Territories of Canada,
xvii, 432; xviii, 536; xix, 557;
XX, 558.

Norton, Caroline. See Maxwell.
Norton, C. B., obit., xvi, 644.
Norton, G. S., obit., xvi, 645.
Norton, George W., sketch, xiv,


Norton, Julius S., port., xviii, 736.
Norton, W. A., obít., viii, 592.
Norway. See Sweden.
Norwich, xiv, 155.

Nourmahal, the, yacht, x, 793.
Nova Scotia, viii, 584; ix, 594; x,

643; xi, 657; xix, 557; xx, 559;
education, viii, 585; financial de-
pression, ix, 594; secession move-
ment, xi, 657; xii, 565; resolu-
tions regarding the union, 566;
xiii, 619; xiv, 615; xv, 629; xvi,
600; xvii, 530; xviii, 536; view
of a ship harbor, xix, 558.
Novels, recent. See Literature, in
every volume.
Novgorod, illustration, ii, 688.
Noxious insects and plant para-
sites, vi, 669.

Noyes, Amos C., obit., v, 594.
Noyes, E. F., obit., xv, 657.
Noyes, John H., obit., xi, 694.
Nubar Pasha, iv, 829, 880; vi,
237; ix, 285, 286, 292; x, 306;
xiii, 291.
Nubia, insurrection in, ix, 292.
Nuguor Island, x, 139.
Nulty, Bishop, x, 455.
Numismatic discovery, ii, 411.
Nuñez, Rafael, vi, 113; sketch,

viii, 188; obit., xix, 619.
Nuñez, Rafael, obit., xix, 619.
Nurses, trained, vi, 659.
Nussbaum, Isaac, obit., xviii, 564.
Nussbaum, J. N., experiments by,
X, 692; obit., xv, 685.
Nussbaumer, observations, vi, 400.
Nut-pine trec, utility of, iv, 658.
Nutrients, function of, viii, 343;
proportions of, in foods, 348.
Nutrition, xiii, 694; xiv, 707.
Nutritive ingredients and values of
the food we eat, vi, 670; com-
parative cost of, viii, 346.
Nutt, G. W. M., obit., vi, 686.
Nutt, H. C., obit., xvii, 563.
Nuttall, Zelia, xii, 16.
Nutting, N. W., sketch, xiv,



Nyassaland, xv, 264; xvii, 244;
xviii, 274; xix, 249; xx, 240.
Nye, James W., obit., i, 621.
Nyeshel, V. E., xii, 676.
Nyung, Yang, rebellion of, xi, 114.

Oahspe, xvi, 602.

Oakey, Emily S., obit., viii, 593.
Oakland, xii, 126.

Oakley, L. W., sketch, xiii, 647.
Oates, R. H., ix, 479.
Oath, the iron-clad, iv, 24; deci-
sions on, iv, 24.
Oaths and affirmations in British
Parliament, the Bradlaugh case,
vi, 627; vii, 365; viii, 400;
Cong. Union on, viii, 155.
Oaths, test, for jurors, iv, 293;
decisions on, in Florida, 376.
Oatman, Dr. J. S., obit., 1, 622.
Obbareach, King, x, 119.
Obeidullah, surrender and rescue
of, vii, 804; obit., viii, 603.
O'Beirne, R. F., obít., xvi, 645.
Obelisks, ix, 595; illustration of

the New York, 596; list of
monoliths, 597-599; practical
use of, 600; the crabs, 600;
masonic symbols, 595.
Obituaries, American and Foreign,
in every volume.
Obrecht, M., xii, 45.
O'Brien, William, xii, 336; im-
prisonment of, 339.
O'Brien, William S., obit., iii, 642.
Obligations of Contracts, vii, 648;
case of Virginia bonds, 648; of
Louisiana, 682; Supreme Court
decisions, 653.
Obrenovitch, house of, vii, 739.
Observatories, xi, 57; xii, 39; new,
xiii, 48.

Obstruction, resolution in Parlia-

ment on, v, 331. See Clôture,
vii, 203, 208.
O'Callaghan, E. B., obit., v, 594.
Ocarina, ix, 625.
Occultations, x, 53.

Oceanica, French possessions in,
xvii, 295; geographical discovery
in, 809.

Ochre, in Tennessee, ix, 757.
O'Connell, Morgan, challenged by
Disraeli, ii, 252.
O'Connor Don, the, bill of, in
Parliament, iv, 453.
O'Connor, James, obit., xv, 657.
O'Connor, John, expelled from
Ohio Legislature, iii, 666.
O'Connor, William D., sketch and
port., xiv, 643.
O'Conor, Charles, obit. and por-
trait, ix, 626.
O'Conor, J. F. X., ix, 19.
Octroi de mer, ix, 804.
Oculists, drugs used by, ix, 271.
Odoll, W., observations by, v, 36.
Odessa, illustration, ii, 689.
Odger, George, obit., ii, 607.
Odlin, Peter, obit., ii, 585.
O'Donnell, P., crime and trial of,

viii, 416; diplomatic correspond-
ence on, viii, 281.
O'Donovan, E., death of, viii, 301.
O'Dwyer, A. C., obit., ii, 608.
O'Dwyer, Dr. Joseph, x, 743.
Odyssey, altar mentioned in the,
ix, 23.

O'Farrell, M. J., obit., xix, 590.
Offenbach, J., obit., v, 601.
Office, qualifications for, x, 325.

Office-hunting, vi, 846, 847.
Officials, State, case of Missouri
Treasurer, iv, 64; Nebraska
Auditor, v, 549; New Jersey
Treasurer, v, 566; county, pay-
ment of, by fees, vi, 205.
Officials, United States, alleged
abuse of power by, iv, 18.
Ogden, xiii, 169.

Ogden, W. B., sketch, ii, 614.
Ogier, experiments by, vii, 89.
Ogilvie, R. A., obit., iv, 701.
Ogilvie, Mr., xii, 314.
Oglethorpe Celebration, viii, 389.
O'Gorman, R., obit., xx, 585.
Ogowé River, exploration of, iv,
401; vi, 328; vii, 336.
O'Hagan, Baron, obit., x, 666.
Oham, ix, 114.

Ohio, in each volume; views in,
i, 647, 648; ii, 616, 619; repeal
of Geghan law, i, 646; inaugu-
ration of Governor Hayes, 646;
strikes and riots, 649; ii, 621;
v, 605; ix, 630, 631; election of
Governor West, ii, 621; re-dis-
tricting, iii, 666; v, 607; con-
stitutional amendments, iv, 703;
X, 673; election of Governor
Foster, iv, 705; re-election, vi,
702; of Senator Sherman, vi,
700 population by counties,
703; liquor legislation, vii, 657;
viii, 607, 609; ix, 630; xi, 631;
xii, 643; election of Governor
Hoadley, 609; floods, ix, 630;
Cincinnati riot, 630; election of
Governor Foraker, x, 673; re-
election, xii, 643; contested
seats in the State legislature, x,
673; xiii, 731; population, xv,
693; decennial appraisement,
xvi, 690; lynching in, xx, 623;
woman suffrage in, xx, 623.
Ohio River, flood in the, ix, 630.
Oil, a new, viii, 111; drying of,
ix, 124; in West Virginia, xix, 782.
Oil, calming waves with, experi-
ments, vii, 660.
Oil-burner, improved, xii, 652.
Oil-cloths, floor, viii, 97.
Oil-fuel, xii, 651.
Oil-stoves, x, 886.

Oils, spectruin analysis of, x, 155;
test for, x, 158.
Okechobee Lake, drainage of, viii,
309; xii, 287.
O'Keefe, Eugene, obit., v, 594.
O'Keefe, Mr., x, 189, 140.
Okefenokee Swamp, xvii, 306.
Oklahoma, xiv, 675; xv, 696; xvi,
693; xvii, 60s; xviii, 591; xix,
627; xx, 625; the boomers in, x,

Oklahoma City, xviii, 167.
Oklobjio, I. D., sketch, ii, 621.
Okubo, assassination of, iii, 462.
Old Catholics, i, 649; ii, 621; iii,
669; iv, 704; v, 609; xix, 630;
Archbishop of Canterbury on
resolutions of, i, 22; abolition
of priestly celibacy, iii, 669;
communion in both kinds, iii,
670; recognition asked of Angli-
cans, iv, 32; relations with the
Papacy, v, 609; history and doe-
trines of, and relations with the
Church of England, xii, 644.
Olden, C. S., obit., i, 622.
Oldham, Thomas, obit., iii, 659.
Old Ironsides, history, vi, 620.

Olean, N. Y., XV, 139.
Oleomargarine, xx, 627; its manu-
facture, vii, 661; illustrations,
662, 663; ix, 2; New York law
on, 664; xi, 232, 473; foreign
demand for, ii, 112; tests for,
vii, 89; new method of detec-
tion, x, 154.

Olin, Milo, sketch, xiv, 643.
Oliphant, L., sketch, xiii, 666.
Oliphant, Mrs. L., obit., xi, 724.
Oliver, Dr. Charles A., xii, 672.
Oliver, J. E., obit., xx, 585.
Oliviera-Martins, J. P., obit., xix,

Ollier, Edmund, obit., xi, 724.
Olmstead, J. W., obit., xvi, 645.
Olney, Edward, obit., xii, 602.
Olney, Richard, sketch and port.,
xviii, 735.

O'Loghlen, Sir B., vii, 43.
O'Loghlen, Sir C., obit., ii, 608.
Olphert, Wybrants, obit., xvii, 501.
Olympian games, revival of, xx,

O'Neill, H., x, 394.
O'Neill, J. A., obit., xvii, 564.
O'Neill, John, obit., xx, 614.
Oneonta, N. Y., xv, 139.
Ontario, province of, viii, 609; ix,
264, 632; x, 673; xi, 782; xii,
644; xiii, 671; xiv, 677; XV,
698; xvi, 695; xvii, 610; xviii,
593; xix, 630; xx, 627; map of,
XV, 698.
Opal, xviii, 644.
Opal-mines, in Mexico, xi, 556.
Opdyke, George, obit., v, 594.
Opel, Julius, obit., xx, 614.
Operas. See Music.
Opium, attempts to suppress the
use of, ii, 131, 132; iii, 100; vi,
109; culture in China, iii, 100;
in Persia, v, 623; ix, 647; Amer-
icans prohibited from traffic in,v,
704; monopoly in India, vii, 416;
reduced trade in China, viii,
126; convention between China
and England, x, 174; importa-
tion of, into the United States,
xii, 200; legislation of, xv, 116;
xvii, 349; smuggling, xviii, 598;
traffic in India and China, vi,
703; vii, 666; x, 105; commis-
sion, xx, 360.
Oppenheimer, S., xi, 50.
Oppolzer, Dr., ix, 53.
Options, decision on, xix, 555.
Opzoomer, Prof., obit., xvii, 601.
Oraksai, Gen., xiii, 6.
Orange Free State, ix, 115; xiv,

108; xv, 93; xviii, 127; xx, 113.
Orange incorporation, xv, 263.
Orange, the last prince of, ix, 614.
Orange, N. J., xviii, 167.
Orangemen, in Newfoundland, x,

Orchardson, W. Q., x, 359, 364; Orton, William, obit., iii, 642.

xi, 345; xii, 277.
Orchestrion, x, 612.
Orchestrone, x, 619.
Orchilla weed, ix, 493.

Ord, E. O. C., sketch, viii, 611;
service on the Rio Grande, ii,
513, 668; x, 429.
Ordega, M., ix, 339.
Order of Christ, the, x, 712.
Order of Corporate Reunion, ii, 21.
Order of Pius IX, the, x, 712.
Order of Double Dragon, vii, 102.
Orders, religious, xviii, 660.
Orders, Redemptorist, xviii, 674.
Ordnance, improvements in, ii,
622; experiments with, v, 29;
of various countries, vii, 576;
small arms. See Rifles.
Ordish, Rowland Marsh, obit., xi,


Ordway, Nehemiah G., vi, 202.
Oregon, in each volume; State Uni-
versity, 651; ii, 627; xii, 646;
disputed election of 1876, 1, 652,
653; ii, 627; Columbia River
canal, ii, 627; x, 676; discover-
ies of fossil remains, ii, 628;
salmon fisheries, iii, 671; vii,
671; viii, 612; ix, 636; xii, 646;
Indían outbreaks, iii, 673; elec-
tion of Gov. Thayer, 675; of
Senator Slater, 676; sketch, 676;
property of married women, 676;
Chinese immigration, 676; iv,
712; growth in trade and values,
iv, 707, 708; woman suffrage, iv,
712; v, 611; vi, 704: defeated,
ix, 635; projected railroad, 613;
vi, 706; new channel in the
Columbía, vi, 614; population
of towns and cities, vi, 706; of
counties, 707; election of Gov.
Moody, vii, 668, 672; State lands,
670; constitutional amendments,
xi, 734; xii, 647; Gov. Pen-
noyer, xii, 645; population, xv,
698; judicial decisions, xvi, 698,
and xvii, 612; industries, xvii,
611; mortgage indebtedness,
xviii, 596; capitol, 597; indus-
trial exhibition, xx, 632.
Orense, Marquis, obit., v, 602.
Ores, origin of, xi, 538.
Organ, C. P., nominated, xiii, 849.
Organic and inorganic bodies, ix,


Organ worked by sunlight, x, 614.
Organista, x, 618.

Organs, pipe, reed, etc., x, 614.
Orguinette, x, 617.

O'Reilly, Henry, obit., xi, 694.
O'Reilly, J. B., obit., xv, 657.
O'Reilly, P. T., obit. xvii, 564.
Oriental churches, xvii, 615.
Orientalists, congress of, i, 711.
Oriental powder, x, 345.
Original Package Law, xv, 237,
470, 700.

Orinoco River, sounding rocks be-
side the, x, 607.
Orleans, Duke of, imprisoned, xv,


Orleans princes, expulsion of the,
from France, xi, 355.
Orloff, Prince, obít., x, 666.
Ormsby, John, obit, xx, 614.
Orpen, Sir R., obit., i, 639.
Orr, Charles A., obít., i, 639.
Orton, James, sketch, ii, 628; ex-
plorations, ii, 336.


Osborn, A. M,, obit., xi, 694.
Osborn, H. S., obit., xix, 590.
Osborne, Bernal, obit., vii, 647.
Osborne, E. B., obit., xviii, 564,
Oscar II of Sweden, iii, 775; dis-
satisfaction with, x, 745.
Osgood, C., obit., xv, 657.
Osgood, J. R., obit., xvii, 564.
Osgood, Samuel, sketch, v, 614.
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, xix, 141.
Osiris, víi, 260.

Osman Digman, ix, 292, 293, 295;
x, 315, 318; xi, 312; xii, 244.
Osman Pasha, sketch, ii, 628.
Osman Reski Pasha, vi, 236.
Osmate of Potassium, xi, 291.
Osortasen, King, ix, 19.
Österbygd, colony of, x, 398.
Ostrich - farming in the United
States, vii, 672.

O'Sullivan, J. L., obit., xx, 585.
O'Sullivan, W. H., obit., xii, 635.
Oswego, recent growth of, xi, 179.
Otero, M. S., nominated, xiii, 601.
Otis, Charles G., obit., xviii, 564.
Otis, John L., obit., xix, 590.
Ottawa, Ill., xviii, 169.
Ottawa, view of, xv, 260.
Otter, Admiral H. C., obit., i, 639.
Otter, Col., x, 126 et seq..
Otto, King of Bavaria, xi, 392.
Otto, Paul, obit., xviii, 584.
Ottumwa, Iowa, xv, 139.
Otuiti, giant images at, ix, 276.
Oude, Wadjid Ali Shah, óbit., xii,


Oudin, Eugene E., obit., xix, 590.
Ouray, Chief, sketch, v, 615.
Ouray, Col., xv, 140.
Ouse, Roman bridge over, ix, 22.
Ouseley, F. A. G., sketch, xiv, 667.
Outerbridge, A. E., xii, 486.
Overbrook, Pa., Simpson house at,

illustration, xii, 369.
Overheiser, J. C., obit., xvii, 564.
Owen, R., obit., xv, 657.
Owen, Sir R., obit., xvii, 601.
Owens, John G., obit., xviii, 564.
Owensborough, Ky., xvii, 117.
Oxender, Ashtor, obit., xvii, 601.
Oxford, Miss., xviii, 169.
Oxygen in the sun, xv, 39.
Oyster survey, xiii, 618; industry,
xiv, 532; xvi, 495; xix, 523.

Pacific Islanders, armed, xiii, 64.
Packer, Harriet L., obit., xvii, 564.
Packer, J. B., obit., xvi, 645.
Paddock, B. H., obít., xvi, 645.
Paddock, John A., obit., xix, 591.
Paducah, Ky., xvii, 117.
Page, G. S., obit., xvii, 564.
Pahang, xvii, 326.

Pail, attachment for a, xvi, 707.
Paine, Ira, sketch, xiv, 643.
Paine, T. O., obit., xx, 586.
Paine, W. H., obit., xv, 657.
Painting. See Fine Arts.
Palatka, Fla., xviii, 170.
Palestine Exploration, xiii, 31.
Paley, F. A., sketch, xiii, 667.
Palgrave, W. G., sketch, xiii, 667.
Palisades, the, xx, 537.
Palizzi, Joseph, sketch, xiii, 667.
Pallen, M. A., obit., xv, 658..
Palloti, L., obit., xv, 686.
Palmer, C., obit., xiii, 648.
Palmer, Edwin, obit., xx, 614.
Palmer, H. S., obit., xviii, 584.
Palmer, P. S., obit., xv, 658.

Palmer, Sir R., obit., xx, 615.
Palouse City, Wash., xvi, 165.
Pamirs, the, xviii, 3; xix, 3; agree-
ment, xx, 3.

Panama Canal, the, xiii, 177, 354;
xiv, 165, 221; xv, 151; xvi, 176;
xvii, 122; xviii, 173; xix, 145;
scandal, xviii, 319.

Pancera, invention by, x, 346.
Panclastites, x, 153, 346.
Panda, King of the Zulus, iv, 853;

cession to the British by, x, 137.
Panebianco, Cardinal, obit., x, 666,


Pango-Pango, 731.

Panitza conspiracy, xv, 82.
Panics, financial, xviii, 599.
Panjkora, valley of the, ill., xx, 6.
Panofka, Heinrich, obit., xii,635.
Panopolis, ix, 22

Panslavists, sentence of a leader of,
iii, 426; agitations of, viii, 705.
See Slavs.
Pantanius, x, 121.
Pantelophone, the, vi, 258.
Pantopolite, x, 345.
Pantrizelle, Gen., xi, 45.
Pao-Tchao, Gen., x, 26.
Papacy, the, relations to Germany,
i, 260, 680; ii, 659, 682; iii, 381;
v, 639; vi, 346, 775, 792; vií, 357,
358, note, 724; viii, 395, 693;
with Italy, i, 422, 703; ii, 408,
410, 677; iii, 736; vi, 450, 792;
vii, 437, 724; viii, 692; with Aus-
tria, viii, 694; with Belgium, iii,
56; v, 54, 56; viii, 56, 693; with
Russia, vii, 726; viii, 694; with
Switzerland, ii, 682; viii, 694;
with South American govern-
ments, i, 707; with France, iii,
343, 348; vi, 793; vii, 726; viii,
370; in United States, vi, 798;
viii, 694; establishment of the
hierarchy in Scotland, iii, 732;
instructions to bishops in United
States, iii, 737; the papal guaran-
tees, ii, 408; viii, 454; see also
the allocution, ii, 677, and Ro-
man Question, vií, 627; negotia-
tions, xi, 390. See also Roman
Catholic Church.
Papal Legation in 1894, xix, 699.
Papal question, the, xiv, 469.
Papal rescript, the, xiii, 394.
Paparrigopulos, C., obit., xvi, 680.
Pape, M., invention of, x, 616.
Paper blasting-powder, x, 346.
Paper, carbon, ix, 638.

Paper envelopes, etc., xi, 734.
Paper Exposition, iii, 724.
Paper-hangings and wall-paper,
viii, 615; ix, 247.
Paper-making in India, ix, 407.
Paper-pulp, new process, viii, 115.
Paphos, temple at, xiii, 27.
Papua, ix, 638; x, 678; map, 679;
houses, 680; labor recruiting in,
ix, 638; annexation of, ix, 639,
640; x, 400, 679; xii, 647.
Papuans, canoes of, illustration, ix,
116; houses, x, 680.
Parabuxinidine, x, 299.
Parachute, xvi, 76.
Paraguay, i, 654; iii, 677; vi, 724;
vii, 673; viii, 617; ix, 640; x,
681; xi, 738; xii, 648; xix, 636;
XX, 633; colonization, xx, 633;
French and German colonization
in, xii, 648, 649; German treaty,
648; xiii, 673; xiv, 680; xvii,


615; exploration in, xiv, 362; xv, Parsons, Dr., murder of

701; xvi, 699; xviii, 606.

Paraldehyde, x, 299.
Parallax, solar, xi, 48.
Parallax, stellar, xiv, 49.
Pardee, Ario, obit., xvii, 564.
Pardee, Dwight Whitfield, obit.,
xviii, 564.

Pardo, Don Manuel, assassination
of, iii, 687.

Pardons, Board of, in Connecticut,
viii, 253.

Parian Wares, viii, 640.
Parion, Louis Esquiron de, obit.,
xviii, 584.

Paris, Auguste, ii, 319.
Paris, Comte de, xii, 291; marriage
of, xi, 355; obit., xix, 620.
Paris Exposition, xiv, 680.
Paris, first meeting of the Chambers
in, since 1870, iv, 892; map of,
and environs, ii, 306; illustra-
tions; bridges of, ii, 308; opera-
house, 312; arc de triomphe de
L'étoile, 317; church of Notre
Dame, 316; labor disturbances
in, xi, 359; right of, to legislative
autonomy, xil, 297; Metric Con-
gress, xx, 807; Miner's Congress,
Xx, 307; prison congress, xx, 307.
Paris, F. E., obit., xviii, 584.
Paris Salon, x, 358; xii, 274.
Parisel Dr. F., obit., ii, 608.
Parish churches bill, xi, 21.
Park reservation, xvii, 126.
Parks, military, bills concerning,
XX, 198.

Park, Richard H., statue by, x, 367.
Parke, T. H., obit., xviii, 585.
Parker, A. J., obit., xv, 658.
Parker, E. S., obit., xx, 586.
Parker, H. G., obit., xvii, 565.
Parker, Joel, sketch, xiii, 648.
Parker, Peter, sketch, xiii, 648.
Parker, R., experiments iii, 722.
Parker, W. K., obit., xv, 686.
Parker, W.,ix, 726, 727; sketch, 641.
Parkersburg, W. Va., xvi, 165.
Parkes, Sir H., x, 174; obit., x, 666.
Parkhurst, Dr. Charles II., xix, 538.
Parkman, F., sketch, xviii, 606.
Parkyns, Mansfield, obit., xix, 620.
Parlatore, F., obit., ii, 608.
Parliament flouse explosions, ix,
378; x, 234.
Parliament of Religions, the
World's, xviii, 607.
Parliament, the German, organiza-
tion of, vii, 209; absenteeism,
200; rules, 210; groups in, 211;
general aspect, 211.
Parliamentary system of England,
the, vii, 199; rules, ibid., 206;
penal power, 202; expulsions,
202; the clôture, 203.
Parmentier, observations, viii, 22.
Parnell, C. S., sketch, v, 615;
arrest, vi, 368; proposed suspen-
sion, vii, 204; Treaty of Kil-
mainham," vii, 367; controversy
with Mr. Foster, viii, 412; ix,
371, 872; x, 454, 455; in Parlia-
ment, illustration, vii, 205; obit.
and port., xvi, 681; commission,
xiv, 895; xv, 397.
Paropamisus range, x, 4; valleys, 7.
Parra Aquileo, i, 115.
Parrish, J., obit., xvi, 645.
Parrott, R. P., obit., ii, 586; in-
vention by, iii, 754, 762.
Parsivans, the, x, 8.

Parsons, Edward Y., obit., i, 622.
Parsons, G. F, obit., xviii, 564.
Parsons, H. B., experiments by, vi,
95; obit., x, 653.

Parsons, L. E., obit., xx, 586.
Parsons, P. M., invention, i, 523.
Parsons, T., sketch, vii, 673.
Parthenine, x, 300.
Particularists movements, xvii, 51.
Parton, Arthur, xi, 346.
Parton, J., obit. and port., xvi, 646.
Pasadena, xii, 126.

Pasaglia, Carlo, obit., xii, 635.
Paschall, G. W., obit., iii, 643.
Pasi, Count, obit., xv, 686.
Pasolini, Count, obit., i, 640.
Passaic, N. J., xvii, 118.
Passamante, Giovanni, iv, 528.
Passamaquoddy Indians, xvii, 430.
Passavant, W. A., obit., xix, 591.
Passerini, L., obit., ii, 608.
Pasteur, Louis, germ theory of, iii,
387; experiments by, iv, 443:
vi, 347; x, 157, 484; sketch and
port., xx, 633.

Patagonia, partition of, i, 34; iv,
38; x, 41; disputed claims, x,
41; explorations in, xii, 315;
discovery of gold in, xi, 39.
Patella, fracture of the, ix, 749.
Patenôtre, M., X, 28, 29.
Patent Office, centennial celebra-
tion, xvi, 703.

Patents, viii, 618; and inventions,
XX, 686; grounds and methods of
obtaining, laws on, etc., viii, 618-
623; change in English law, 623;
international conferences, 624;
bill in Germany, ii, 351; office
organized, 352; Congress, iii,
314; to two or more, 809; Bur-
dett-Estey suit, iv, 842; drive-
well suit, v, 418; British law,
viii, 410; ix, 642; x, 682; in-
ternational union, ix, 339; xii,
649; decisions in courts, xi, 738;
xii, 650; statistics and descrip-
tions of some inventions for
every-day use, xii, 649-656; il-
lustrations, 651-656; amend-
ment of law, 204; case of exten-
sion of, 650; xiii, 674; xvi, 699;
xvii, 616, 746.

Pater, W. H., obit., xix, 620.
Paterson, N. J., xviii, 170; water,
xix, 778.

Patin, H. J. H., sketch, i, 654.
Patriarchate, ecumenical, xii, 7738.
Patrick, M. R., sketch, xiii, 648.
Patriotic League, xv, 702.
Patriotic Order, xv, 703.
Patriotic societies in the United
States, xix, 637.
Patrizi, C., obit., i, 640.
Patrons of Husbandry, xiii, 242.
Patterson, Capt., iv, 408.
Patterson, J. W., obit., xviii, 564.
Patterson, Robert, sketch, vi, 725.
Patterson, R. W., obit., xix, 591.
Patterson, T. H., sketch, xiv, 643.
Patterson, W. C., obit., viii, 593.
Patti, Carlotta, sketch, xiv, 667.
Pattison, Mark, obit., ix, 620.
Pattison, R. E., sketch, vii, 678.
Pattison, Thomas, obit., xvi, 646.
Patton, A. H., obít., xvii, 565.
Patton, Alfred S., sketch, xiii, 648.
Patton, W, W., sketch, xiv, 644.
Paul, J. H., nominated, xiii, 559.
Paul, Gabriel R., obit., xi, 695.

Paul, M., observations of, viii, 21.
Paulding, Hiram, obit., iii, 643.
Paulet, Lord W., obit., xviii, 585.
Pauli, Richard, obit., xvii, 565.
Pauncefote, Sir Julian, x, 420.
Pauper immigration, xiii, 424.
Pauperism and crime, xvi, 842.
Pavement, for cities, ii, 277.
Pavy, F. W., experiments, ix, 658.
Pavy, Octave, ix, 33-35.
Pawtucket, R. I., growth of, xii,
126; xx, 685.

Payer, Richard, explorations by,
ix, 350; xi, 381; xii, 314.
Payne, Joseph, sketch, i, 654.
Payne-Smith, Robert, obit., XX,

Paynter, James A., obit., i, 640.
Paynter, J. H., obit., xv, 658.
Peabody, A. P., obit., xviii, 564.
Peabody, Elizabeth P., xiii, 11;
obit., xix, 591.

Peabody Museum, the, xi, 22.
Peace Congress, xvi, 389; xvii,

Peace Societies, xx, 640.
Peach, Benjamin N., ix, 636, 637.
Peacock, Mother, obit., iv, 774.
Peacock, Sir B., obit., xv, 686.
Peanut oil, xiv, 133.
Peanuts, vii, 829; xii, 758.
Pear-blight, theory of, ix, 94.
Pearce, C. S., xi, 347; xii, 279.
Pearce, Richard, x, 578.
Pearl, the, canoe, ill., ix, 109.
Pearls, xviii, 644.
Pearson, Charles H., obit., xix, 621.
Pearson, Clement, obit., xi, 695.
Pearson, E. M., obit., xviii, 585.
Pearson, John J., sketch, xiii, 648.
Pearson, R. M., obit., iii, 643.
Peary, Capt. Robert E., port., xix,

Peary, Mrs. R. E., port., xix, 299.
Peasant insurrection, xiii, 721.
Peasant proprietors, x, 526.
Pease, Alfred H., obit., vii, 641.
Pease, Joseph L., obit., iii, 643.
Peat, use of, in Mexico, ix, 493.
Peatfield, James, sketch, xiv, 644.
Pecci, Cardinal, sketch, ii, 629.
See Leo XIII.
Pecci, G., obit., xv, 686.
Pechüle, Dr., discovery by, vi, 38.
Pechili, Gulf, blockaded, x, 27, 28.
Peck, Asahel, obit., iv, 694.
Peck, Ebenezer, obit., vi, 687.
Peck, G., D. D., obit., i, 622.
Peck, Jesse T., obit., viii, 593.
Peck, John J., obit., iii, 648.
Peck, W. G., obit., xvii, 565.
Peckham, F. A., obit., i, 622.
Peckham, R. W., sketch and port.,

Peckham, S. F., observations by,
iv, 53.

Pecos river bridge, xvii, 249.
Peculiar people, xiii, 676.
Pedasso, Homeric city of, ix, 25.
Pedersen, Knud, obit., i, 640.
Pedra Pedrao, discovery, xii, 306.
Pedro II of Brazil, sketch, ii, 629;
portrait, 74; sketch and port.,
xiv, 684; obit., xvi, 682.
Peel, Arthur W., sketch, ix, 643.
Peel, Paul, obit., xvii, 601.
Peel, Sir R., obit., xx, 615.
Peeples, Judge C., obit., ii, 586.
Peet, Stephen D., xi, 23.
Peirce, Benjamin, obit., v, 595.
Peixoto, Floriano, obit., xx, 615.

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