Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia: risville author bonds; to Rate of inter poses proceeds 1. That the corporation of the town of Harrisville Town of Harbe allowed to issue bonds to the amount of ten thousand ized to issue dollars, said bonds running not less than one nor more what amount. than twenty years, and bearing interest at four per cent. per annum; and that said corporation be allowed to bor- est. row money by using said bonds as collateral security, or to raise money by selling said bonds; and that said corporation be allowed, in either event, to invest the For what purmoney raised as aforesaid in leasing lands for oil and of bonds to be gas purposes; or in the purchase of an oil or gas well; or for the purpose of drilling a well for oil and gas; and that said corporation have the power to lease lands or buy a well or drill a well for the purposes aforesaid; said gas, if any, derived from well drilled or purchased, to be utilized by the corporation of Harrisville and the money derived from the sale to be applied to the payment of said bonds. used. debtedness. 2. Including existing indebtedness, the indebtedness Extent of inof the said town of Harrisville incurred under this act, shall not exceed five per centum of the taxable property of the said town of Harrisville, to be ascertained by the last assessment made for state and county taxes next before the incurring of this indebtedness. pay principal and levied to pay principal interest. Interest to be 3. The council of said town of Harrisville shall pro- Direct tax to be vide for the collection of a direct tax sufficient to the interest on such indebtedness and the thereof within and not exceeding twenty years. interest on such bonds shall be paid semi-annually; the said council shall provide for the payment of bonds within the said twenty years, and may establish a sinking fund for the purpose. nually. The paid semi-anand Payment of said principal. Sinking fund. oil well. Profits of; how applied. 4. The said town of Harrisville is further em- Authorized to powered to operate any gas or oil well coming into its operate gas or ownership by virtue of this act. Before levying any tax to pay off the said bonds, or to pay the interest on the same, it shall apply all the profits from any gas or oil well operated by it to the payment of the same. The said council shall by by-laws and regulations manage Council to and control the said gas or oil wells, and shall have power gas wells opto contract for the sale of gas or oil, either to the inhab-erated by them. itants of said town or to any person or corporation. All profits arising from the sale of gas or oil, either to Purposes to which profits the inhabitants of said town or to any person or corpora- of such operation, shall belong to said town of Harrisville; and after the paying off of all indebtedness, shall be used for pub manage oil and tion to be used. Council empowered to pipe gas through the town: for what purposes; how cost of paid. Question of bonds hereunder to be submitted to the voters of said t wn. election. lic improvement, or such other purposes as may be of general benefit to said town. 5. The said council is further empowered to pipe gas through the said town of Harrisville for the use of all persons residing in the said town; and may invest such part of the said sum of ten thousand dollars herein provided for as it deems proper in the drilling of a gas well, purchase of machinery, pipes, regulators, separators, etc., as it may deem proper. 6. Before the council of the said corporation of Harrisville shall have power to act by virtue of this chapter, it shall submit the question of the issuing of said bonds to the qualified voters of the said town. At least four weeks before the election to take the sense of Notice of such the voters as to the proposed issue of bonds, the the mayor of the town of Harrisville shall issue his proclamation to the voters of said town, notifying them of the time and places of holding the same, and the object and purpose thereof, and such proclamation shall be inserted once for four weeks next previous to the day designated for said election in the different newspapers published in the said town, and posted for a like period at the front door of the court house and at three or more other public places in the town of Harrisville. Ballots therefor 7. The election shall be by ballot; and those voting in favor of the issuing of the said bonds, shall have printed or written on their ballots the words "For bonds," and those voting against the issuing thereof shall have printed or written on their ballots the words "Against bonds." The said election shall be superintended, conducted and the result thereof ascertained and declared by the officers who were appointed to conduct, ascertain and declare the result of the last general election in Union district of Ritchie county, West Virginia, in which is located said town of Harrisville. All General elec- the provisions of the election laws of this state, so far tion law to ap- as they are applicable, shall be in force and govern such How election to be conducted, etc. ply, how far. election. If a majority of the votes cast at said election be for the issuing of said bonds, then the council of Harrisville shall have power to issue said bonds and proceed under and by virtue of this act. WILLIAM SEYMOUR EDWARDS, Speaker of the House of Delegates. WM. G. WORLEY, President of the Senate. STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, I certify that the foregoing act, having been presented to the governor for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the house of the legislature in which it originated within the time prescribed by the constitution of this state, has become a law without his approval. W. E. CHILTON, [NOTE BY THE CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES.The foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.] (House Bill No. 302.) CHAPTER 67. AN ACT to amend and re-enact section three of chapter forty-eight of the acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-one. [Passed February 22, 1895.] Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia: Town of New officers. 3. The officers of said town shall be a mayor, two Cumberland; councilmen from each ward who shall be and continue residents of said ward, a sergeant, a clerk, a street commissioner, and assessor. The mayor shall be elected by the qualified voters of the town, and the councilmen by the qualified voters of the respective wards, and together they shall constitute the council of said town. How chosen. The other officers in this section named shall be ap- Appointive pointed by the council. The offices of sergeant and officers. street commissioner, and of clerk and assessor, shall not be deemed incompatible. No person shall be eligible to any office unless he be a tax payer of the town, and a qualified voter, and unless he has resided therein for at least six months before his election or appointment. (Approved February 22, 1895.) [NOTE BY THE CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES.The foregoing act takes effect from its passage, twothirds of the members elected to each house, by a vote taken by yeas and nays, having so directed.] Who may hold office. Mingo county established out of Logan county. Boundary ines. (Senate Bill No. 56.) CHAPTER 68. AN ACT establishing the county of Mingo. [Passed January 23, 1895.] Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia: 1. So much of the county of Logan as is included within the following boundary lines, to wit: Beginning on the Tug fork of Sandy river where the county line of said county of Logan and county of Wayne of said state of West Virginia intersect the state line between the states of West Virginia and Kentucky, and thence in a northerly direction, with the county line of said counties of Logan and Wayne, to where the line of the county of Lincoln of said state of West Virginia intersects said. line; and thence, still in a northerly direction, with the county lines of said counties of Logan and Lincoln, to where said line crosses the ridge between the waters of the left fork of Twelve l'ole creek and the waters of the Guyandotte river; and thence, in an easterly direction with said divding ridge, around the heads of the left fork and right fork of Twelve Pole creek; continuing with said ridge and connecting with the ridge that divides the waters of Twelve Pole creek and the waters of Island creek; and continuing with said ridge in a southerly direction to where it unites with the ridge between the waters of Island creek and the waters of Pigeon creek; and continuing with the ridge between the waters of Island creek and the waters of Pigeon creek to heads of said creeks, where said dividing ridge unites with the ridge between the waters of Main Island creek and the waters of the Horse Pen fork of Gilbert's creek; thence, in a northerly direction with the ridge between the waters of the Horse Pen fork of Gilbert's creek on the one side and the waters of Island creek, Rich creek and Rockhouse creek on the other side, to the head or upper end of the ridge between the waters of Rockhouse creek and Sand Lick branch and the waters of Silvery branch; thence, down the ridge, to the head of the ridge between Deep ford branch and Laurel branch; thence, down said ridge, to Guayandotte river; thence, crossing said river where the lower point of the ridge on the lower side of Spice creek comes to the river; thence, leaving the river and up said ridge on the lower side of Spice creek, to where it intersects the ridge between Spice creek and Leatherwood creek, and thence, up and along said dividing ridge, to the county line between the counties of Logan and Wyoming; and thence, with said county line in a southerly direction, to where said county line intersects the county line between the counties of Logan and McDowell; and thence, with said. county line of Logan and McDowell, to the state line. between the states of West Virginia and Virginia; the same being the Tug fork of Sandy river; thence, down the Tug fork of Sandy river, the same being the county line of Logan county, to the beginning, shall form one district and new county, which shall be called and known by the name of Mingo county. Third con 2. The said new county shall be attached to and con- Made part of stitute a part of the Third congressional district, the gressional disEighth judicial circuit, and the Seventh senatorial district. Eighth trict of this state, until otherwise provided by law. judicial circuit, and Seventh senatorial district. county to re 3. All district officers within the bounds of said new All district officounty at the date of the passage of this act, shall re- cers in new main in office for the term for which they were severally main in office. elected, and until their successors are elected and qualified according to law. court of Mingo 4. J. K. Anderson, J. L. Deskins and Alex. Staf- Who to comford be and they are hereby appointed as commission- pose county ers for said new county, and shall constitute the county county: term court thereof, until the first day of January, one thous- of their office. and eight hundred and ninety-seven, and until their successors are elected and qualified, as hereinafter provided, and shall have all the powers and perform all the duties vested in and imposed by law upon other county courts. At the general election held in the year one County comthousand eight hundred and ninety-six, their successors be elected in shall be elected, one for two years, one for four years, t and one for six years. missioners to 1896; terms of cers to be ap 5. As soon after the passage of this act as practica- County offble, the county officers of said county shall be appointed pointed; when, in the manner provided by law for the filling of vacancies in such offices. pro County seat to 6. The county seat of said new county shall be be at town of located at the town of Williamson, until otherwise Williamson. vided by law; and the county court of said county shall proceed to provide a suitable court house and other pub-Co lic buildings for said new county. County build To elect a delegate alternate 7. Said new county and the said county of Logan ly with Logan shall together alternately elect one delegate to the house county, until, etc. |